PAGf two Campus Party Grows to 670; University Members Total 535 Campus parly brought its membership . The 360 students u-ho registered Sunday, total to more than 670 Sunday night and re-, night as University party members brought corded the preliminary’ nominations of John : the membership total up to about 535. About Bott and Eugene Curry for the party’s All-; 5u attended the party meeting held after reg- Untversilv president and secretary-treasurer | mration. candidacies respectively. • About 320 new members signed up at the party's second mass' .. ■ _ «i » meeting of the semester. P4BW POP POLIOCk Final nominations and election _ * . of party candidates will be taken Hn< First hnWPr up next Sunday-and then a 1 ru:>L JlLlJvyc ' week’s wait until the spring cam- q. Edward Pollock, assistant to paign gets tinder way. ' ‘the dean of men. has claimed a Charles Blunt received a pre- World’s first—that of being the liminary nomination for the ! first man to be singly honored party's Junior class president jat a baby shower in a fraternity candidacy. i house. While addressing the party on; Pollock was guest of honor the matter 'of committees. Chair-iyesterday at Chi Phi in a sur ma n Bernard Magdovitr told theorise shower held by fraternity members that 43 of 50 committee housemothers. applications had been “taken”: He is the proud father of a baby from the Hctzcl Union desk. He boy, bom last week ... to Mrs. said. "If the other party wants to Pollock. do this, that’s fine by me—but we’re not going to" He made the f, • further implication that the f >a r- SPfVIfP V3 , I*OUD ties must “take the ’gentleman's * 1 F"^ code’ seriously.” The "gentleman’s code" re fers to the Ali-University Elec- tions Committee's policy of not ■ . £ • • j punishing minor infractions of |TO wOCI6TV the Elections code. f ! Class clique officers elected at Forty-five women have been the meeting were (unopposed initiated into Gamma Sigma Sig cand-dates denoted by*): |ma. national service sorontv. j • Senior class clique Chair- They are: j man, Edward Franklin*: vice. Janet Auck. Marie Basalyga, chairman, Thomas Kinsey*; ex-\ Joyce Beard, Shirley Berry. Jan ccutive secretary. Evelyn Bunt-'Smith, Patricia Niedbala, Alice ing over Sally Jervis; recording!Sipple, Janet Thompson, Lois secretary, Julie Hoar*; and treas-j Shaffer, Dorothy Querry, Car urer, Nancy Hubbell over Josephimella LaSpada. LaVeme Kray- Fenkel. ‘nek, Virginia Hengst, Doris Or- •Junior .class clique Chair-jlowek. man. Wells Hunt*: vice chairman.! Alyce George, Louis Lansberrv, Ronald Griffith*, executive secre-’Judith Von Leuenberger. Suzanne tary, Gail Schultz over Marcia!Pattison, Barbara Kirk, Betty Griffen and Nancy Foebal; re-j McAllister, Lucinda Hart, Mary cording secretary. Carol FegleyiCampbell, Marilou Malloy. June over Maureen Erb; and treasurer, iG u rke, Judith Seifert, Judith James Elliot*. iStultz. • Two vacated sophomore class; Joan Freeman, Marie Marzzac offices were filled Chairman, co, Rae Ellen Cooper, Sandra La- Robcrt Wayne over Barbara Slu-'mont, Joanne Laskaris, Carol Mi bin, and treasurer, Virginia Dun- chael, Mary Masters. Doris Cas kerton over Jan Calloway, Julie;tranova, Gretel Soltys, Loretta Loyd, Gay Chuba and Jacqueline iMink. Jean Pennick.’ Sally Sei- Long. ifarth. Barbara Prestipino, Bale 'Lang, Barbara Mac Knight, Car ole Berrier and Patricia Ofcus. Marines Schedule ~ s t ins Student Interviews A 3-day corned beginning to-! T „ , ... „ dav will be conducted to find ai ti-apt. Hunter, Marine Pro sldean for Spring Week. jcurement Officer, will interview The slogan should tie in with'™ ale students interested m the the television theme of Spring* * arin c Corps officer programs to- Week. (day and tomorrow. A five dollar gift certificate for' Details of the various programs * long-playing record will be obtained from Hunter swarded to the person submit-; ~ a rar J o . ^•a rn' a t the Het tinc the winning entrv. zel Union Building game room. Entries may be placed in boxes! Hunter also will provide infor in Simmons. McElwain. Atherton. Ijpation concerning the Marine and Waring halls and the Het7.eli Cor P s women officer programs. U The slogans will be judged by Pr ° f to V ' S '\ Chapters the Spring Week Publicity Com-!Or Engineering Society mittee. __ * Elmer R. Queer, professor of ti #». • ' | I engineering research and director No Muaent TlCK©lSj of the Engineering Experiment _ . f 1 Department, will visit chapters of Remain tor Juno ■ lhe American Society of Heating land Air-Conditioning Engineers i;„ A n, Ude " lu 'H et ?, for Ul , e 5 ub ‘ ; this week in Savannah, Ga., and >b,^, ers . T production of Sean Jacksonville. Fla., and the next 0-Caseys Juno and the Pay-, we ek in Atlanta, Ga. .'*’s! re K:ven out by 5 p.m.j As national president of the 50.... .... . ;ciety, he will discuss proposed n!!n' tlck , e l s t 0 n ° n 'tPlans for a merger of the Society Jh 9 to u^ h the American Society of Re- TWdav d 11110 th rough,frigerating Engineers Any remaining tickets will be!f made available to students begin ning at 9 a-m. Friday. The appearance of the Dublin Players, scheduled for 8 p.m. Saturday in Schwab Auditorium, is tbe 12th program in the pres ent Artists' Series. RADIO anJ Suppke* •Car Radios £SI • Portable Radios •Phonographs •Batteries iW State College TV 111 8. Allen SI THE DAIIY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Initiates Coeds OPEIHK6 TONIGHT Department of Theatre Arts presents Ring Round The Moon By Jean Anouilh Mar. 4,5, 6 8 p.m. Little Theatre FREE TICKETS Green Room ! Three freshman party offices were filled. Two of them were | unopposed. Patricia Woodhull, j :recreation education major from! Coatesville. was elected executive secretary. Marilyn West, educa tion major from Ashley, was elected corresponding secretary. Marjorie Harnett, physical : education major from Stale j i College, defeated Michael Con j takes, education major from i Bethlehem, for treasurer. | At the party’s executive com- Imittee meeting Sunday afternoon, Chairman John D’Angelo said, (“This may be a mud-slinging jeampaign. but we can duck the ! mud instead of slinging it back.” ! The committee discussed the pos sible political results of the con troversy over All-University Pres ident Robert Steele’s trip to New York to present student contri butions to Larry Sharp. “We have a definite political weapon here,” said Michael i Schofield, senior class party chair |man. But he questioned the eth ics of using the controversial trip :as a political weapon, j Steele was elected last ..tiring |to the presidency on the Campus i party ticket j D’Angelo inferred at the com ; committee meeting that the Steele issue is being considered for use in the University party platform. A committee member said. "Lei's stand pat now until the facts are brought out." The committee decided on the following system of assessments I for candidates and partv workers: js2s, All-University offices and •senior and junior class presiden cies: $2O. other junior and senior class offices: $4. voting members lof the executive committee: $2, ! non-voting members; $l, mem ibers of other party committees. Area Consistory Hears Blue Band The Concert Blue Band, directed j by James W. Dunlop, professor of music education, presented a concert program before the Wil liamsport Consistory Thursday. Included on the program were numbers raneing in style from the march. “Jubilee” bv George Kenny to Don Gillis’ “Tulsa,” a i musical story of Oklahoma, its I land, and people. Newmanites to See Film The Newman Club will present the film “Exploring New' Hori zons” at 7 tonight in 217 Willard. Admission is free. —Photo by Bill PohU CROWNED SWEETHEART of the Forestry Ball Saturday was Sybil Kersh, junior in educa tion from Short Hills, N.J. Thesis Play Tickets Remain ' Tickets for “Ring Around the Moon” remain at the Green Room in Schwab Auditorium. “Ring Around the Moon” will be presented at 5 p.m. today, to morrow and Thursday in the Lit tle Theatre in connection with International Theatre Month. Thei play is a production of the De partment of Theatre Arts, not the] Five O’clock Theatre as was er-' roneously reported in Saturday’s Collegian. Since 1950, International Thea tre Month, sponsored through UNESCO for betier international understanding, has been cele brated annually by theatre peo ple throughout the world. This year Gov. George M. Leader has proclaimed March as the Inter national Theatre Month for Penn sylvania. Brandow Will Address Econ Seminar Today Dr. George E. Brandow, pro-1 fessor of agricultural economics, will speak on “The Joint Eco nomic Committee and the Role of the Economist in the Determi nation of Public Policy” at an economics seminar at noon today in dining room “B” of the Hetzel Union Building. Outing Club Will Meet The Outing Club Cabin and Trail Division will meet at 7 to night in 317 Willard to plan the April Shenandoah hiking week end. VUESDAY. MARCH 4, 1958 <Glenn Worried Warm Weather iMay Cause Flu The warmer weather so far ha 3 i brought no increase over the nor ! mal number of cases of colds, in fluenza and grippe among stu ; dents, but Dr. Herbert R. Glenn, ! director of the health service, j yesterday said, “I’m scared of this kind of weather.” j “If we’re going to have any thing, it will be now,” he said, •No serious cases of flu are now i being treated at the infirmary. Glenn said. Students are still ; showing up at the infirmary with j German measles seven case 3 I were reported last week. Glenn said the measles last for about three days. The current crop of cases is not unusual, he said. German measles have oc curred like this among students for the past several years. Roger Seremula, junior in arts and letters from Northampton, was reported “doing all right now” in the Centre County Hos pital after an appendectomy Feb. 21. He was taken to the hospital bv the University ambulance on Feb. 12. Vesper Service Today To Be Led by Williams The vesper service from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. today will center around the theme “Love and Suf fering.” Preston N. Williams, assistant University chaplain, will guide the service, and the Tuesday Vesper Choir, directed by Willa Taylpr, will offer “Incline Thine Ear, O Lord” as the anthem. Feat. 1:24, 4:03, 6:42. 9:24 wra o HEMINGWAY'S [Fteml rwreilffl CinsuAScoPEaml tTmOAtCInC SOUKS COMING SOONI ‘The Brothers Karamazo" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQoooooooo *CATHAUM Now - 1:15. 3:18. 5:21, 7:24. 9:30 Tyrone Power Marlene Dietrich Charles Laughton "Witness for the Prosecution" OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOQOOO * NITTANY NOW - Doors Open 6:45 p.m. Hilarious Fun! “THE GEHTLE TOUCH” BEGINS WEDNESDAY Luscious Diana Dors “AN ALLIGATOR NAMED DAISY” •••••••••••••••••••••••a WMA'J Programs TUESDAY Horning Show Horning Devotion* Morning Show, - . News Classical (nterlud* News Swap Shop Muslo for Listening? ' News Queen for a Day Music at Noon Centre County News _ What's Going On Mosio Area Sports Strike Up the Band World News Afternoon of Musis News _ Afternoon of Musts News and Market Report ~— Music for Listening Sports Special Musis - - Load News -- ■ Fulton Lewis. Jr* . News , Music for Listening United World Federalists Billel Hour - - . News Treasury Agent ■— - ■ - News -— Scarlet Pimpernel Campus News 4WDFM) As You Believe (WDFMJ . All-University Cabinet News Groovology 64 News and Sports Sign Off
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