**P Wlp laily^ * Sptfrfs &> J ‘. Va *1 -VOl. 58. No. 97:r r _ Wmm M«p|men Mullen^Foht ClinchWki For Lions ByMATT’:J»*A.THEWS ■ . "naok God fwjtSeagpe climb ers,” si£hed a'.tense- crowd wit - nesring' whatjooiikl. tsree' been one of Oe biggest lion grmnasticsj»nnals-ye s-ter d a y afternoon. WiththePantbersonly two -film pointy; the" intennisskm nttrlc,' 2S*%;j»d the Uoiiathktesbreuihgimnearly every - routine; 2 theV. crowd had, plenty of reason an up-' •set • *- J . Buttiwropadunbais beaded ■9J SH9! BUBf JMW-; OuOljrOOOif Phil Muumrccme through as ■ *ilwiwri^tfli»-|lModij^Mb, IJ-t .tU Rd CoKh' Gone :,WtttsJeoSV: charges fay * com- ■ iortsblt J&-36 lead, buLstill not fompktehf oct of reach of the determined Panther* CaptainMJobl'oht .applied the dindterimsthe-neact; event—the parallel pressure was reallyjon Foht with the your boys ,were.: breaking,? commented Pitt coach>Warreh Neiger. “And I had . heard.: that,-he has broken under pressure. before. But he didn’t,” Neiger -sighed. It the; experi-- enced senior.came through in the dutch, .Pitt’s-Dbn Shima hadpre ceded - hint ‘iyery. smooth and picked «P a 255 - score. although rushing through-Jiis'dbuble Cross lour pomts iftbove xiomerup Shi- sophomore sr§£4? * “^fe^Une^fora 228, high in; ISg^ftw^S^; page, four) . ‘f - sr> &. «"* f‘ £•*—'..-v-i':': ~. : ** r*W - nf . , = —D»ilr €ollt»Un photo bj Bob Thompnon : © m meet pictured above belongs to-flying ring champ/ Tom Darling ofßitt ;. ■'./¥ -'■■■■' f- : ■ -- ■■•' ■ ' .'■■ ■■-•■. • '.■ .■A j AtZ;- . Win, 5 $-38;Pitt Edges Cagers, 61-59 K ★ ★ CAPTAIN 808 FOHT vin the clutch Pitt Comes From On Hookshot At By VINCE CAROCCI - . Sports Editor • i • • PITTSBURGH, Mar<;h 1 |A; hook shot by Dave Sawyer at the buzzer sent the Pitt Panthers; to a nafrow 61t59 victory over =a die-hard Penn State, live last night;' here at the Pitt Field House before a [crowd of 3528 fans, i | i SawYer'sshotgav«lhe Pan thersth* leadforfhe first tune in the ball .sum. and never did they seed a lead so badly. The [ buzzer went off before, the Lions could get the balliback in ' j.--play*--.• •?- And so, the Panthers enter the ‘second consecutive NCAA' Tour FOR A BETTER PI STATE COIIEGE. PA.; SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 2. 1958 Upset Pitt, ney with:' their best record in 23 years— the-1934-35 Pitt mark. <>'- , If - noihing else. the game proved otte thing: as goes Don ■: Hennon. so go the Panthers. ■' Holding . the dead-eye . wixzard . to bnly/cighi poinisin the first half, ut Lioitt. held as much as a IS-poinl lead twice in the ; period. 1- ; .v: ; But „in the second half, Hennon [came back-—h±s.'shooting eye bet ter- than • everyth score 16 points to break BobLazor’s! year-old record' for total points in a career (1175) by . one point . - Down 40-31 at the end of the half, the: Panthers bounced back like Wounded, beasts of the jungle to cut the Lion lead to one-point* •p-j r-rti *V"**-V* ' v f* f. ‘ M ’ "* *•" HAY •POTTIOS ... Leads Mat Upset k ~ , i STATE "' '. >#<■? ■/ s ' \i : i ■ ,, ■•■ ■ By LOU PRATO You can stop crucifying. Lion heavyweight Ray Pottios for his lack of desire. The oft- ' jeered .Nittany grappler* si lenced all his critics last night with a 4-2 decision oyer Pitt's Tony Vuccolo. that gave Penn JState its second- straight: upset j victory over the highly-rated Pan thers. 14-11. '. ' . ' | Maybe pottios wasn't the-only ; ■ hero - ( of the;, evening.-but the jytfar-old matman su r e gme ' j through-- in -thef clutih. lie l ;ally stole the hgarts of the 5000 partisans who had gone to Reet'e |ation Hall-".expecting to see an- - ; .other. Penn Siate.k>ss to a heavily [fhvored Steel City aggregation. I It*was quite a surprising'! flight jtq most of the Niitany : supporters; perhaps even, shocking, for they - ; had never expected a close score :let alone a -Penrt State-victory. : But Pottios and. company-proved ‘ [otherwise. ■.- ' -V ■ : L": The victory, was almost identi- j ! ca.l to .the"orte [the Lions' gained . .'i over the Panthers last season at - the Pitt Fiefd House. There again, - an underdog Penn State mat team . sent a. powerful Pitt team down .to defeat by.a 14-lt count. v ' 0 H-. A Ij- The . score was tied at 11-alt . -- MM : :. when ■ Potlio* -[readied- for what .' ["was to result Tin his supremo : performance; Most fansfelf lilco ' heading lor the exits but hardly . anyone, made a move. The con-' . ‘ ~ iensus was that: Ihe-best Pottioe dh ■<' { PPptd do would. be draw—Bad *°rne fell.even that wssalmosl : j out of the ‘question.- — — ' I. Pottios giave ja brief signiof life i jin ; the-' first' peried - when he l [reached -Vuccolo for a takedown. F.BUt the Pitt ijaatmari.>quibjdy re- : versed Pottios and then hfegan & [stretch of riding time which car jried halfway into the second stan *za. Pottios .escaped" then, but the r real actioih' was to come in the. final period. Itlwas here "that Pot i ios. look ed l ike a . heavy weight of , State tradition, f ; \ He completely overwhelmed - Vuccolo,. riding the'Pitt man out i :— holding him on the : mat -V and i counterihgevery possible escape ■; jriove. .Tt. was ■ a? fitting tribute >i when. Pottios’ teammates lifted him bn their shoulders following the 1 final buzzer. /V-V'.-V. But even th« modest Pottios . will admit that be wasn't-fully responsible - jfor the Victory. Credit is due to the other Lion i. w inn «t;r s—CapiainJ o h nn y Johnston. Dan Johnston, and v. Sam Minor—and also to- soph ... oinore Guy. Gu ccioae, who . Ronßamey :, ■ jaulled off the biggest' i • . leading scorer with 18 ual surpriseoflheeveningby r .r - - v i-o * '-V ' tying Piit'sexperiencednation— -56-05, at the , b :48 mark. . . ;i- al contender Vic DeFelice/ 2-2. -1 And thera^-or : near .And you'can't forget Gordon , where the lead stayed the rest oft Danks. Dan Gray and. Georgy ‘ the way. Bub the story of the ..Gray—wbo; even in defeat game was told in. the final miny heloed 'make the 'win possible. utes:- : ‘Although ; the. Pottios -Vuccolo Having three, or four o^porturf-fencounter,was- the decisive match l i ties to tie the score, the pesky ° f the night,. Dan Johnston's 7-4 j Sawyer finally did the. joh with; win- over Sherrn Moyer was per.- i a rewound of a Hennon' shot,i' ha PS. the most crucial. A win by ; 59-59,, with 2:22 remaining. . (Moyer would have:; undoubtedly Alter 'the Lions missed. thejf! em 9 ra *,', zec *'.*£ le outfit and Panthers controlled the'ball, the Pottios. victory— folloiing Coach Bob Timmons’ strategy, went .into a freeze n i™ e>€ p- 1 the last shot - | But Johnston, -who has been c , ... , • , r .. . „ ithe most surprising wrestler this Substitute \uard Lloyd Samp-{season most observers (but not son. took the jhot witlv his teammates), came through l (Continued pn ptrgtriaroj (Continued on pope three) ★ if ★ 3*r Sports Special 14-11 ' I- PottiosWins Last Match By4-2Score • Mi- ■; ;.i ti FIVE CENTS .
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