PAGF TWO Behind the ROTC Question ~ . , .. . \Frosh to Hold Tea Sunday Initial Application tor ROTC ITo Honor Upperclasswomen . I I , .. - - _ _ The theme, “Snowflakes and Pine,” will supply freshman \A/ AinnUlCAl 1 !/ j women with a wintery atmosphere to honor the upperclass ■ 11W lUU GU ? T V/1 U w 111 |y U I I y j women at the annual Freshman Tea, to be held from 2:30 to By PAT EVANS * " :4:30p.m. Sunday in Atherton' ’ “Compulsory,” the controversial word in the University's contract with the show, headed by merit of Defense, was inserted in the first application for a Penn State ROTC unit at the lElaine 261 ler . will feature the ap «*«« of lire Secretary of War. iSKfiI'SS/ “ 6 When President Edwin E. Sparks applied in 1917 for the College’s first ROTC pro-‘ Marilyn Siefert and Leah Ma gnus he omitted the word “compulsory” from his application. Records do not show m this omission was intentional or : n Co-chairman of the committee accidental. , are: The application was returned, M ,_l_ / _ f „ J. Jean Oberholtzfer and Leila tjy the War Department’s Adju I J(]l /[) / H I | Pfl/ |\ ff C Biancucci, invitations; Kip Tay tant General with the request' f I w vi-L I \ lor and Patricia Kessler, publicity; < r 7*»f “O m", r,fvs «* -sjr'Kyssns N .„ s , A compulsory course lor the Re- lent performance. Stuart Frosts settings and Rus- Gilliland, refreshments; Lucile serve Officers’ Traimng Corp*.- | T cx* much cannot be said for fJ'n?* 10 ?! aip a ? d enter- President Sparks’ revised ap-the orchestra—without a good one 1 ,:.,. una^lfl a ‘ and Henrietta Harris plication included the following an opera would certainlv flop, and Susan First, clean-up. statement: ;,t wks an unusualiv good Schwab K Slates T 7 ,. ... .. , t r ., jeyer-blase audience, were some mg was sensitive and masterful. ' |of the finest to be seen in Schwab, j Only such directing could have l p "* ,den » °* thr , e f hmgs covered with V.’haley’s shepherd costumes iverejblended the intense drama of the the United Stases), the authori- .jewels, gold and silks, lent a note startling in their wonderful colorlmother with the light drama and **** fhis college agree to es- -of fantasy to the show. They were>and variety. \humor of Amahl to produce such tabbsh and maintain a 2-year ‘riotous in their thanks for thej Robert D. Reifsneider’s direct- ! a filling performance. compulsory course of military I shephards* gift when they sang — training . . jin unison after each gift, ‘Thank This form was accepted, andivou. thank you. thank you kindly; the University lias had a eom-jthank you, thank you kindly.”' puisory ROTC program ever ! But to read it is not to hear or since. jsee it. However, the federal govern-; Tlie kings were played by Ail ment's policy on requiring com-iliam Reeves, Melchoir. Theodore puisory ROTC for land-grant in-jPauloski. Kasper; and Rodney re stitutions does not seem to have ilix. Balthazar, been consistant. J Amahl, played by Kenneth Under a provision of the Na-JWareham, is. like many small tional Defense Act of Congress,'boys, an habitual fib-teller. This approved June 3. 1916. the Presi-jis the source of much delightful dent of the United States was! burner. Upon answering the door, authorized to establish and main-jAmahl tells his ever-doubting tain a ROTC in civil cducationalimother that a king is without, institutions, “the authorities of ("Nonsense.” she sings to him. which agree to establish a 2-year|“You’re right, mother,” he tells elective or compulsory course of;her after going to the door again military training . . .” ;—not one king . . . but two. To The compulsory condition jthe door again. “There are not was nullified in Wisconsin in [two kings mother —l wasn’t tell -1923 when the slate legislature iing the truth." But before she provided by statute that the j study of military training at the jalso says the institution’s program stale university should be op- (shall be carried out “in such man fional. jner as the legislatures of the state The University is required un-;mav respectively prescribe . .V dor the terms of te Morrill Act, This throws the problems of, to offer military training. But the j implementing policy into the lap act. approved by Congress in,of the individual state. Pennsyl -1862; does not mention compul-jvania’s legislature has not deter sory training. I rained any ROTC policy. The mat- It includes a provision which!ter is not mentioned in any state says that states claiming the ben-,laws. Therefore, the Board of of its of tlie act must endow. sup-i Trustees has the implied author port and maintain at‘least one-ity to fix the University’s ROTC college which contains military!policy, with the approval of the in its curriculum. The act;Department of Defense. IN PERSON PITTSBURGH'S OWN 'The Dynamics" (Cindy Recording Stars) See and Hear Them Do Their Big Hit "Gone is ray Love " Tomorrow - Dec. 7 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. THE MUSIC ROOM CATHAIIM ■' %r “ 7 j K-G-V Pram * S3i C S:cG£J. ftMaCKw <t COLE ’LES GIRLS GENE KELLY MITZIGAYM KAY KENDALITAINA El , CMtlmi* JACQUES BERGERAC / Now Showing Feaiuretime— -1:15-3:18-5:21 7:24 - 8:30 Pia f GHs) B r t budt ty laughter* 'll THE DAIIY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA JI,JL Amahl and the Night Visitors i * • « ■ !• • • • •»» • i • • *x <■>& by Jean Giraudoux by Gian-Carlo Menotti Today and Tomorrow Tickets Now j BLUE BOOK NOTICE! When. Santa Claus has trouble finding answers in his Blue Book to questions such as what to get for Aunt Minnie or Brother 'Bob— He comes to the TREASURE HOUSE. The result—He always gets the highest grade and every one is happy. -JJonSc 136 East College Ave. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1957 Mil Ball— (Continued from page one) these students on a first-come first-served basis. Pershing Rifles, Company B-S, will hold its annual pre- Military Ball banquet tonight at the Hotel State College to honor fifty new brothers who were initialed Wednesday night. The Pershing Rifles queen will be crowned, A pre-ball reception will ba held at 7:30 tonight at Alpha Tau Omega fraternity for members of Scabbard and Blade, Arnold Air Society and Quarterdeck Society. DID YOU HEAR? %\Jlial: 20°° Store-wide Sale WJlen: Now Until Xmas 3le,ns: TOYS BASKETBALLS HAND WARMERS ICE SKATES WLrt: Western Auto W. College Aye. ..’S: *.*.*.*. State College TV 232 S. ALLEN STATE Eg Feat. 1:30, 3:32, 5:34, 7:36, 9:41 * HITTANY ■® NOW SHOWING • Today - Doors Open. 6:45 p.m. Saturday - Doors Open 1:15 MILLIONS & MURDER! “TRIPLE DECEPTION” —from England’s suspense master, J. Arthur Rank WMAJ Programs 11:05 Swap Shop 11:20 Music for Listening 11:30 News 11:35 12:00 Music at Noon. Centre Coontj- New* What'a Goins On Music Area Sports . Strike Up the Band World News . Afternoon of Musio - ■ Bob and Ray News _» Music for Listening and Market Report Music for Listening --- Sports Special Mosia T.w«i 'News — Fulton «Lewis, Jr. . New* Music for Listening Headlines in Chemistry 7:45 ... Music for Listening 8:00 Hubzapoppin (WDFM) 8:-0 Campus News Roundup fWDFM) 9 rOO . News :45 _ :50 •00 __ :15 _ :o.> C :00 6:15 6:30 6:45 6:55 SISTOR RADIO t him or her for ristmas >34.95 up FRIDAY Sign On Morning Sbotr Mormnsr Devotions Morning Show News Classical Interiudo laeen for a D: Mnsic of the Masters ----- News Groovolosrr si . New* and Sports - sin Off
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