THURSDAY. 0 OBER 31. 1957 ical Meddling Said nted by Red Army Poll Res Political MI WAS (.OP) A lo Army DI there has b l resentment military by politician! ters. -ddling FZ GTON, Oct. 30 g-classified U.S. cument reports -en considerable among Soviet n over meddling • in military mat- It said t glory, some army men w I at after wartime of the top Red -re shabbily treat The doeu ,old. It appa sified from i about two quietly. A second, nored Army ent is four years !ently was declas secrecy ranking months ago, but and generally ig publication, "The • Cabfor la Dem v eteran Labor Leader Increase of Flu 'Governors Ask Sees K owland I 1 . i In State Predicted identifies Gunman , HARRISBURG, Oct :.'0 , ?' l _ Use of Bases ; More and more Pennsylvanians, AsGOP Favorite, _ will catch Asian flu before the' WASHINGTON, Oct 30 01— WASHINGTON, Oct. 30 (EP)—Rep. John F. Shelley (D.- year is out, Health Secretary Eer- A request by Govs. Averell Har 1- LOS ANGEL S, Oct 30 (T)— Cal.), a veteran labor leader, identified a burly witness before wyn F. Mattison said today. !man of New York and George M. California Atty Gen. Edmund G., "The increase will be in areas Leader of Penns hania to permit Brown today s• id he would seek the Senate - Rackets Committee today as the man who pulled , that so far have not been hard the use of inactive military bases the Democrati nomination for a gun on him in 1946. :hit," he said. governor and predicted his Re- as sites for summer camps for This is based on past behavior publican opponent will be Sen.! Michael Katz, the witness, had just got through .swearingt ~. of and teen-age boys_met with initial William _Knowland, not inculn-health' pat.erns flu came to, that he never threatened Shelley or anyone else. Katz used officials as no surprise.-;favor from federal officials today. bent Gov. Goodwin J. Knight.l In making the long-expected he to be a labor organizer but , 1 The Virus Diagnostic Labora-I But the two governors were announcement of his candidacy informed the committee that, 'months of "arranging" before he, tort'in Philadelphia's Children's !told at a Pentagon conference Brown, the Democrats' best vote- t right now he is "at liberty" f rom igot rid of Katz and disbanned the Hospital reported 136 confirmed i with Defense Secretary Neil H. getter and only statewide office-lw kof anykind. Or :special committee. leases of Asian flu today. Two McElroy and others that nurner weeks ago, the figure was 84 .;0i1s legal details must be worked holder, gave further credence toil Katz listened to Shelley's storv,,lo• : ut if Sampson Air Base, Geneva, persistent rumors that Knight! Shelley told the committee the lin stony silence, an unlighted cig- Percentages are more revealing NY , is to be used as a pioneer would yield to Knowland. incident occurred when he re-I 1 ar clamped in his teeth. 1 Until two weeks ago about 10 ;experimental site for the summer 'sumed his post as head of thel "The power elite of the Repub- The committee is making a per cent of the cases tested by the camp project. lican party in California is doingtSan Francisco C entr a 1 Labor broadinvestigation of alleged laboratory were confirmed as! The program as proposed by everything it can to dry - up the ; Council after an unsuccess u unfair practices in the labor-man-l Asian flu. tHarriman and Leader would be sources of Goy. Knight's financiallcamPa'gnelection as lieuten for agement field. It is currently con-t •In the last half of October, con- I wined at averting possible juve support and make it impossiblelant governor of California. Icentratmg on the activities of Na-!firmed cases have been running•rule delinquency by giY,ng. needy for him to run," said Brown. "II :than Shefferman, a Chicago labor:close to 80 per cent. boys a free vacation and training have been told by 'a Republican; relations consultant. Robert F 1 Among the unconfirmed cases in good citizenship leader that a deal has already 'Kennedy, the committee's coun-'doctors found some common col , dst Sampson is the only base that been set.' sel, has described Shefferman as and other types of influenza, all Brown did not identify the Re publican leader or give details of the alleged deal. But even as he was making the remark Rep. Pat rick J. Rißings (R-Cal), who has been busily shuttling back and forth between the rival GOP camps in recent weeks, announced in Sacramento that the Knight- Knowland fight would be settled "in the immediate future." Army Scientists Vie for Shutt EDGEWOOD, Md., Oct. 30 (IP)— Like college football coaches try ing to lure a star high school halfback, Army scientists set out today to corral the services of Pvt. Ernest Shult. It's the same little Pvt. Shult of Chicago, 111., whose college professor last week described him as a mathematical genius. The professor also accused the Army of letting this talent "wither on the vine" by assigning Shult to a clerk-typist's job at Ft. Lee, Va. - Reassigned to the Army chemi cal center at_Edgewood, Shult to day began a series of interviews with scientists eager to have him work in their departments. "The 'minute division heads heard he was co ing here, they all ' asked for a chance to talk with him and se: if they couldn't Sell their progrA: to him," an Edgewood spok,..r.: an said. • _ •FR . H --- VOTE TODAY Ire . You COUNCIL ELECTIONS You may vote either in The 11113 sardroom or in the following places listed below: LIBERAI ARTS SPARKS LOBBY BUSINESS ADMINtSTRATION....SOUCKE LOBBY . EDUCATION SCHWAB AUDITORIUM CHEMISTRY-PHYSICS OSMOND - LOBBY HOME ECONOMICS... HOME ECONOMICS LOBBY D.O.C. tIUB CARDROOM M 9 A.M. UNTIL SP.M. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Information Digest," indicates the Army recently completed a reappraisal of the Soviet armed forces—and that U.S. su periority is doubtful. The discussion of differences between soldiers and politi cians gains particular interest now because of the -removal of Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov as the Soviet defense minister by. the political wing in Russia. Zhttkov, a top military hero during World War H. was rele gated to an obscure post by Stalin. Subsequently, and dur ing the struggle - within the Kremlin for power, Zhukov re portedly swung the army's power to the Communist party leader. Nikita Khrushchev. in the wake of that event Khrushchev is believed by He said he learned that in his absence the council had set up a "special organ izing committee" which he said Katz, a labor or ganizer, and others were using to threaten both employers and un ion members. _ When he walked into the spe cial committee's office in the La bor Temple to demand an ex planation, Shelley related, Katz hauled a .38 caliber revolver out of a desk drawer and told him. "Don't get tough with us." Katz put the gun back in the drawer however, he testified. He went on to say that he would have fired Katz on the spot if he had had the authority. As it was, he ,said, it required a couple of 2 Wallet Photos $1 .00 (includes copy negative) Centre Co. Film Lob. 122 W. Beaver Ave. some to have been engaged in a struggle to gain control of the military and thus make himself sole boss of Russia. This school of thought says Zhukov apparently resisted lest history repeat itself. The document observes: - When the fate of the re gime rested squarely on mili tary success during World War 11, the party formed a close relationship with the army. With victory, national patriot ism yielded first place to com munism as the mural force which was said to have won the war. The army was shorn of its glory and prestige. "Consequently all Soviet pro fessional soldiers feel con strained to maintain a close re lationship with the party. a union buster Char& Pieienti .. . Miss Judy Van Dine, freshman in elementary education from Wheeling, West Virginia. Judy's smart leather jacket is lined with fluffy white wool, hood attached. - 14.... ;:: , 724 5. ALLEN STREET France Tries Again, New Gov't Expected PARIS, Oct. 30 Ri--Felix Gaillard tonight accepted an invitation to try to form a new government. He said he would go to work iminediately to put together his Cabinet. The 37-year-old outgoing fi nance minister, sixth man to besify as he starts drawing up his called in the political crisis now program. in its 30th day, stopped by the Gaillard wants to piece together Elysee Palace and gave 4s an-a government to include all par swer to President Rene Coty. ties from the Socialists to the The Radical Socialist met with right-wing Independents but ex a small group of party leaders cepting the Communists and the from the National Assembly and Pouiadists. He plans to go before was given tentative promises of the National Assembly Nov. 5, his support. All of the promises. how- 38th birthday. ever, were macre contingent on Most observers felt it would be the program Gaillard draws up. nearly impossible for him to pro- As of tonight; Gaillard's chances pose any vigorous plan satisfying of success seemed to be a little both Socialists and Independents. better than 50-50. He advocates But he may be able to fix some austerity to pull France from its limited objectives, especially to financial morass. get the nation out of its present His troubles are likely to inten-iinancial hole. rather mild forms .., . and Allentown was mentioned so thin... so beautiful...AND WATERPROOF TOO *as long as crystal is *tan, arme asoperied B. P. MOYER Jeweler 2111 - E COLLEGE AVE STATE COLLEGE, PA. PAGE THREE
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