PAGE TWO THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3T. 1957 _ . , --- nv -- , ----- - -- "',--:.' . ----_- --7. - .4 , --„ , - -- ---..?,• ,•:•-• 7.) • ! •-,,,e- . .... ''• - •••,•. ; ~. ; i - --- - ' -- - . - Party Planks-- . -:„...,.._, .....„ ....,:. ~,,,,..„,, 4 ,.., „ S c h wa b s ea t I ns t a ll a t ion !,,, . ~. AL •, _,.. . :, -,-, _t-,-:„,,,.: ~.• •,;„ ~ '..,:., , F , : i•-' , is. ,;.: " 4 . 4 (Continued from page one). „ ~ , .... ~.... .6.' . - - f amounts, and therefore recom - : !mend that a commission be estab- Pianned for Christmas , I _ ... .. . . _... „..„ ... ... 4 .. -1141 :2 i lished to set up a University __ ~,.. c , ..,, ...., ,. -- . „ . ,,,. , . , , ic. . • i check-cashing service. Insurance • .... _ .. • ' ; ,...- - ;:, - •fli:' , program— We propose that the . Audt4q:ce, i: J . Schwab Auditor:tart should be much more - . , . , • - -ta. ''' 4 . s tudent government recommend .. . ... , corltfo: table after the Chri;tinas-:•‘'e..•.- Year's s..acation. ..,..-. . . ~..- 3 . c. 7 4 .„,, , ;: ev. ito the University that a Univers , ..- .•.. .-...• 1, *. - x- , I ity-sponsored student insurance "'••• • •-••'. ~,- ---• ;plan be initiated to provide ad- The modern uphoistered seats to be installed throughout t - - - .1...;•i ..„,-:., . , :-. ....-...-...... l l, , . . -• • • -' • 1 •.::-;'''":•Ifw , " 2 - . .. !ditional accident and illness -, the auditorium will have to be done during the Christmas- ' cover {;:f age for students. , •• • .• - . New Year's vacation or another similar period when there ;> ., ,-;,.. t.'..,-.3!, i *Toward promotion of educa - are no classes, ascot ding to Walter H. Wiegand, director of the :-• .....,...., ,:: „. : . ~.... , - .- • •- • ' ~- ; - : :1 - '4 1 •, • •tional freedom: Reserve officers' - .. •,. -. • -..• " •••-. •: ' ' •'''' . .' ---, . I training program- We feel that ---- physical plant. , , I ; *-7 ,„-. -- !while a program of military • Wiegand said the new seats will: . .. .., ~ . . . .. ... . . - • • ...i:. ---• ..1' 'training has undeniable merits, Tennis Area e modern auditorium style, both: ..." .. ~, •,. ~....- , , ta....1 ..i. . 4. . . ' mandatory participation definitely ~-..,1r. . ..; . ,,. ;involves a curtailment of educa . .-, the back and seat upholstered; ir ! .....14:7g,,,.., ' tional freedom. Therefore,milini k a • a nylon fabric. The uphol-1 , * . f.-"'l.,n• , tarl courses should be elective in N' ton ~tering, will be green and the . trim, it ''• - ' ' '''' '• ' . —.-... i ..:'''..-'' ; 'accordance with the interpreta ' ition of the Morrill Act by the l endL metal part of the seat will be 41.... • ,•C -', -•:. I 'United States Attorney General, • ~.,t, i yellow. Dr. Albert Christ-Janer,l - - - - - ', ,which states that while military- Open Today i . chr s e is ctor of thethe Schr or l of the e Arts se: l i - -.......- -e n - - ;training must be offered to the ted the ;students of a land-grant institu -Dally Collegian photo by Marty Scherr be mandatory. 1 Ition, it need not 1 Eight new tennis courts, latest • i lection. BUSINESS IS SLOW—Peter Fishburn, All-University Elections :••• • • • ••• •• ••••• •• •• ••• • additton to the Nittany-Pollocki The American Seating Corn-i Committee chairman, registers Robert Beatty, junior in the division 1 wmA i IMI area recreation facilities, will be has been awarded the con-, r rograrVlS opened for action today. tract for the project. Plans foil of counseling from Jamestown, N.Y., to vote in college student : I Pau! W. Pierson, assistant toles new seating were laid during! council elections held yesterday. _ 6 :30 THURSDAY the heac. of the division of land - ' the summer and the contract was! 1 6..). __------____ Sign On ..' 1 8:31) scape construction and mainten- awarded earlier this month. i FOR GOOD RESULIS _______ ilorn m in o f ni O n e g yo n tio o n: ante, said the courts are ready ' C l ' At iITHAUM '!lBiir Wiegand said sufficient funds for play, although several minor. 17SE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS Classical Interlude are not available for complete re-; 411:00 jobs , are yet to be completed. dec , ration of the- auditorium or: i Now 1:46, 3:43, 5:40. 7:37, 9-34 ,11 :05 Pierson said steps have to be the purchase of new drapes. Gen-' • 111:24 _ mo w ___ Music for Listening Installed between the court ,eral funds will be used for pur- I P ... f* , . • ;11 :30 ----- ______- News levels. The courts are arrangedi c hase .Of the seats. * STARLITE *1 c.,... jua Al E i t YSul . DAVID /11YEN /1371-:!°35(5), Music at Noon in pairs-along Entrance Road. Wiegand said University work- 1 ...c.„,r,,,-........,...;„„ ~, 1; ;10 blues Several trees and some slirub-I DRIVE—IN ,nien will remove the old seats and berg will be slanted between thei aiso in I ci' -' - • l ' i. --i L....... A iii I - 3 1g MINIIIMENNINII - ii spurn' any of the "mushroom" • I- *; 0., • -,•'• - ,12:5() County Air. Ext. courts and Entrance Road. The Midway between Bellefonte i -':' ••••.`,.: -:' ' -1, V l ' ' 4 ra 1 •oo ventilators on the floor. This work World News trees and shrubs will serve as is not included in the general and Slate College . Things" :. ;.i :15 _ __ Afternoon of .Mu sks ..MTMAN.GODFREY • i. . 00 ------------ tend News buffers for noise coming from the, courts. contract for the seat installation . l_• - ••• 1 6 :00 Local News 5:05 Afterno - on of Music Moto & RAY) Work on the tennis courts wast • FRI., SAT. and SUN. • I ..... .-- - .-- • . ,--- -- -- •• - ' •., 630 1 .- --- ,- ~-, New* begun in May. They originally', • ' '- • - i Two First-Run Features Caged I 5 :35 were scheduled to be opened, by, 1 . E TATIE• NOW ! -Boy Hungry Wildcats Going i i * NITTII 6:00 News and Market Repprt 6:1 the beginning of the semester. Mad , 6:30 ------ Sports Special .. . .. . . . . . , The new courts are similar to 4 • ' A.:45 i NOW - DOORS OPEN 6 P.M. I 6 :35 those located at Beaver Field. Feat. 1:37, 3:36. 5:35, 7 : 34. 9:33 : "Reform School Girl" ' __Load News They will also be used for phy-; , 7.15 111.......„ News. sical education classes. A special; RUM FIM - JAN =WC: , • Gloria Costello and Ross Ford 1 10-foot wall has been built as a; BAN taw= Al MS :.. -.t... , also I "Paris Does Strange 1 7:10 ___---- — Social Security .1 I • . Wild, Pulse Pounding backstop for the two north courts • 0 .... e" -- , .1 , !.....S -i ' i FRIDAY & SATURDAY 1 7:45 3 :00 News •I 4qM , • :•—: . . 714./. ,I 1 Rock 'n Roll from Overseas I I The wall also will be used for; :-. - - - •e - CIL--•s•-‘-' , 8 :05 special instruction. - - et' t .• . -- . ,-.3,7 1 s 3 s t,o o . ' .... r ,-. --' , Rock Around the World I . ..•• • „ . .. . . , 5:30 :._. :,. NI -G-NI a.G R EAT,OUTbiIOR.THR! LLEO; ''; 1 8 :35 _ News I . • - u'OrrEs . .l . i ., \ I '.:...,lSP ENCE ll . l.l lAClAtetfltlaikig ' :. -. ::- - I 9:00 --__ Theatre Royal E'amibus News (WDFM) Young Dems Club to Meet 1 . 0 -- td .Wt ' " '''- - '- •" 1 Tommy Steele and • . 1 1, .. . , 9:15 The Young Democrats Club. - ,- - ....::_•.. ..- ( i i, 1 Nancy Whiskey I ' 'ORTHWESUP ... ~ , Ace. ~ r i r ;to no ~tool ioe, i 10:05 Groovoloay 54 will meet at. 'I tonight in 2.0W1 •""""'" OUR MUTSU- MAKES NAM . PLUS CARTOON ~,„,,,I ,Eceimrom...:: - .-- „ ,- , .:7 : -...••••,.;•- ; :• • il2 :55 Ife*.el Union. i - - --L- -- '• - ' 1:00 ____ ___________ Slim Off- FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA :_filklC•Yi7l4'4..i.Z . : PARTY "4- j ". • • • 1- t".. COLLEGE AVE. and ATHERTON STREET '',4 . ,','''!2 e . - . ,: ' ,, :"- Late Permissions for Freshmen is sponsoring a for OLD and NEW MEMBERS and ALL OTHERS INTERESTED TONIT the LSA Center 7:00 P. M. COSTUME NOT NECESSARY ..• • • - • • . : -, .1'i:V.,..T . : ~-:,..
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