THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1 Ike Plan For Buck WASHINGTON, : hower said today he people, in one, or mi New Warn Issued for C In Mail Service WASHINGTON, May 8 (JP) — Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfield told Congress today he will again order cuts in postal service, effective July 1, unless the lawmakers vote him an extra 70 to 80 million dollars for fiscal 1958. Summerfield sounded this warn ing to a Senate Appropriations Committee, which then went into closed session and voted to re store 32 million dollars of the 58 mililon cut bv the House from the Post Office Department’s 1958 budget. Requests Still More Money The postmaster general had said the full 58 million would have to be restored, and that still another 70 to 90 million-would be needed. He said the extra money would be requested in a supplemental apDropriation bill. Summerfield said a nal” increase in mail volume has made it necessary to seek more money to maintain full service in the coming fiscal year. Service May Be Cut If the money isn’t forthcoming, he said, postal service cuts will be ordered into effect on July 1, 1957, the- first day of fiscal 1958. This was reminiscent of Sum merfield’s threat—which he car ried out—to curtail service lasts month unless Congress voted him 1 an extra 47 million dollars for fiscal 1957. i • Birds, flying from 500 to 2000! miles non-stop in their migrations over land and the sea, exist on 1 body fat. They don’t need food. Grad Students Grad Faculty YOU ARE INVITED TO A SEMI-FORMAL DANCE SUBSCRIPTION BLANK MAIL TO: THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Box 261 UNIVERSITY PARK, PA. $3.60 a semester—ss.o6 a year Name Street City Staffi ► Public Appeal et Acceptance day 8 (JP) —President Dwight D. Eisen-! plans to take directly to the American, re likely two, radio-TV addresses, his' case for adopting his $71,800,000 budget pretty much as it stands, j Eisenhower told a news confer ence there is no hope for a real! slash in government spending un-j less a very great easing of world; tensions makes it possible to cut! the present “stupendous” expen-, ditures for defense. i ngs ut Ike Predicts Slump The President at the same time' voiced 100 per cent agreement with Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey, who said last January that unless the “terrifici tax take" is reduced this country! will have “a depression that will! curl your hair.” Eisenhower said he and Hum iphrey “jointly prepared a letter”: on which the Treasury head’s de-| pression views were based. He added, in answer to a question, that Humphrey wants to leave the Ca b i n ejE and must do so “sooner or later”—though not, he implied, because of any disagree ment with the President. Claims Monetary Policy “Feeling fine,” as he put it, af ter a good deal of exposure to the sun. in recent weeks, the chief executive put sharp emphasis oh this statement: “The monetary policy of this government is mine, and no one underneath me is go ing to change mjr policy” He was referring here to a question whe ther Humphrey’s successor might ease the administration’s “tight money” policy. On Capitol Hill, where strong moves have developed to cut the 1957-58 budget, Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas told reporters later he ex pects “more controversy and more pruning.” Johnson said dif fering statements by Eisenhower, and some of his aides about: spending remind him of “the old shell game.” “Now you see it, now you don’t,” Johnson said. AND DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Beck Foils jßojas Elected ' To Disclose ■■ | • —President Gustavo Rojas Pinilla 1 rYnOttn If R I |*PC ’ vas re-elected tonight for a four-, 1 »*>• lIVII year term, to begin in 1958. WASHINGTON. Mav 8 f.-P) I A hand-picked Constituent As-, Dave Beck todav refused a chal- sembly voted 76-1 to keep him in lenge to "blow the lid right off, office despite violent anti-Rojas the Senate,” if he could, by re- demonstrations that had kept the vealing how his Teamster Union country* in an uproar since last funds were spent. Friday. Instead the chunky Teamsters: Several members of a Conser boss again took the Fifth Amend-! native faction opposing Rojas’ re ment before the Senate Rackets'election boycotted the session. Committee. He even declined to The Assembly was scheduled say whether he knows his own, to' meet early' this afternoon but son, Dave Beck Jr. jdid_ not go into session until Beck Leaves Hearing ■ A:45 p.m. Eventually, pleading that he The one vote cast against Rojas wasn’t feeling too well, the mil-, w ent to Navarro Ospina, a politi lionaire labor leader left the tele-; cal leader. vised hearing- for the privacy of: Pro-Rojas supporters took to his hotel room. ;the streets today before the ses- | The committee proceeded to.sion and demanded the reopening draw from Stewart Ormsby Krieg-jof banks and industries shut down ier, a Teamsters accountant, the! in protest against Rojas’ re-elec i testimony that he got 515.375 in.tion. and expense money from There were reports from Cali, ; the union over 18 months in which 185 miles southwest of here, that ihe worked almost exclusively for; from 15 to 50 persons were killed i the Beck family’s beer business,, and more than 100 injured in anti | Teamsters Boss Silent Rojas riots yesterday. Just before the hearings began,! /Beck told newsmen: ’Til be one! ■of the most silent witnesses you ever were in contact with.” He’. | kept this promise pretty well, j I In renewing the Senate inquiry; .into Beck’s affairs, Sen. John L.i i McClellan (D-Ark) said his cotn-i mittee intends to produce new : ievidence to support allegations' Beck made "improper use”! '.of union funds and abused his' • i power as president of the biggest! | union in the country. i Northern Woods Affame ! ' Sections of New York, New | Hampshire and Vermont—parch- 1 ] ed by a month-long drought—j lay in blackened ruins Wednes-! iday as the flaming menace of' • forest fires was stirred anew by; : brisk winds. I SPECIAL CARDS will most truly express your sentiments 0. C. MURPHY The Complete Variety Store ORDER YOUR 1957-58 COLLEGIAN SUBSCRIPTION EARLY SO YOU CAN KEEP UP ON ALL THE PENN STATE NEWS .NEXT YEAR RATES: s3.oB—a semester Ss.oo—a year FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS *&r: CAMVAS VT* SHOES For real foot comfort and long wear, you can’t beat “P-F” Can vas Shoes. VULCANIZED for Longer Wear . . Safer Washing 114 E. Beaver Ave. 2 doors from Post Office ATTENTION!! ALL COLLEGIAN SUBSCRIBERS AND GRADUATING SENIORS •Hetty Green, one of the wealth iest women in the United States at the turn of the century, in herited seven-amt-one half mil lion dollars at the age of 21. Sere ice and SufyifieS •Batteries •Car Radios •Portable Radios V/ • Phonographs State College TV 232 S. Allen Si. Philadelphia Mental Health Clinic annoonm TRAINING IN PSYCHOANALYSIS Applications are acceptable at any time during the year. Persona may apply to: Executive Secretary Psychoanalytic fttndie* Institute !112 Pine Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ♦POSTUftt FOUNDATION 1. The important ’ P-F’* RIG ID WEDGE helps keep body weight on outside of normc* foot - de creasing foot and leg strain increasing com fort and endurance. 2. Sponge rubber cushion. ACT NOW: Mail the order blank today or sign in the Collegian office PAGE THREE
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