PAGE TV/O Tennis Court Landscaping ITrafficCount Will Begin Next Week Taken, Preliminary' work will begin next week for the eight | Q|* 1 fQCTICG i new tennis courts in the Nittanv-Pollock areas. . ~ „ , , , Students working on the campus, Walter W. Trainer, head of the division of landscape,traffic survey will make practice construction and maintenance, said preliminary landscaping counts this week in pre . . * “tparation for the actual counts will begin as soon as the equipment is available. .next Monday and Friday. The department’s landscaping equipment now is being!. These practice counts will be ' j . .. . .. °;taken at any Pme convenient to (used to finish grading at the newjthe student. They win serve as ■ A |- J- Home Management Buildings and a “dry run” to prevent errors I A rnriUTl/ the University HospitaL Bamng'during the survev: i LA IULUIiy weather the grading I Almost Enough Students / j will be finished this week, Train-: Calvin G. Reen, professor of saia ‘ „ , -civil engineering and director of 1 Q MI ICC Topsoil Removed :the survey, said last night at a Last week workmen removed meeting of volunteers from the g Mg several piles of topsoil which: Sophomore Class Advisory Board I t .were being stored in the area of .that he has almost enough stu- U J 1 the proposed courts. idents to fill the survey. I Trainer said the University! said very few employes of Three reports, concerning the workmen will sub-grade the Department of Physical plant College of the Liberal Arts' cur*.and then install a storm \vater have to be utilized, rent general education in art, the drainage system. The rest of the; Students to Be Paid h .inanities and the social sciences, job, including surfacing, will be l Students working on the sur will he given at s meeting of the-contracted. The surfacing con- !v ey_ will receive 51.50 an hour Liberal Arts faculty at 4:10 pm. tract has not yet been awarded, both for the practice counts and todav in 121 Sparks. Trainer also said several grass the survey itself. Dr. Winston R. Weisman. assis- seeding projects are Underway, addition to toe student: tanl professor of historv of art and The area ammd the Home Man- counts, automatic traffic counters i architecture- Dr Henri' A Finch, ;agement Buildings is now being lent by the Department of High-; ?h>lolX; and n £r -eded and should be green by ways throughout the: Howard A. Cutler, professor of beginning of nest month, jweek at 14 stations. | economics, will present toe re- "To Finish Grading | This Week ■ ports. Trainer also said workmen this To 3xscusb New Courses week finished grading and seed-! 1 ? ee ~* according to Heen. Kew courses to be added m toe ing toe area around toe new water| at g riTLfte Workmen have alio finished approximately; will be presented con-; beside Recreation Hall. The walk^J^ e^ OI e^f! ceming toe new scholarship reg-!is built over a dirt path students; ,®* th l e of j illations for students in the C ol-: Previously used as a _ Lrimjc - | lege including the All-University “short cut” between Waring Hall; . . ] average which will make a per- Rec HaU. AnofniC Snriofl/ i son liable for ejcpulsion. Most of the area between the /rICIUIO JOClCiy ] The facultv will elect a repre- sidewalk and curb to the front . 11 • sentative to the Universitv Senate and south of Rec_ Hall has also OflirOFC to replace Dr. Kent Forster, pro- been macadamized. i-ICtlO j fessor of European history, who 1 Glenn Bush, graduate student is on leave. Dl- r I, D~JJ« r|,,L in metallurgy from Bellwood. has Matson Sleeted DIOCKf DIIUI6 wlwD been elected chairman of the Uni- Dean Ben Euwema said Dr. • .». versity chapter of the American Forster had been expected to re- EI&CfS / WiIICGI'S Society for Metals. j turn by the fall semester 1957 ... . , Other officers are Gerald Arey, and Dr. Frederick R. 'Matson, pro-' • Junior in agricul- a 1950 graduate, emploved by Ti fessar of archaeoloav.-was elected * ura * education from Sugargrove, taj, jjetal Co., Bellefcmte vice to fill the post until then. R^nr'V^onrf^dlp^'lnh 0 ’' 11 ° l Richard Heacox’ jun- However. Dr. Forster will not Block and Br;dle Club. ;10r in metallurgy from retum in tlie fall, so the post Other officers are Tony cording secretary Dr Amos J 1 must again be filled by an elected Dobroskv, rice president: Patricia shaler, head of "the Department representative. Euwema said. Broderick, secretary; Raymond: 0 f Metallurgy, advisor- and James- As a result of the faculty’s re- Patterson treasurer: Kermit Benford, junior in metallurgv 1 cent decision to allow reporters fearick. marshall; Marilyn Paint- from Leechburg, student member! from The Daily Collegian to cov- et and Glen Klippenstein, repre- on the McFarland Award com er the meetings, a-reporter wiU;^ en l a byes to the Agriculture Stu-!mittee. - be present today for the first dent Council. ! The chapter serves students in •time. |_ Joel Colvin, animal-metallurgy and metallurgical in- .husbandry from Schellsburg, re- dustries "of Central Pennsylvania. _ , reived the club’s merit trophy *- A M Station-- i ? outstanding senior 2 Profs Write Paper " fB ;in animal husbandry. He will Tep- ! - - , M • from page one) 'resent the club in competition for!**® r rrencn Magazine «FrP<;hman m'\ he 2mnrnvJ the national Block and Brid!e : Dr. Shiou-Chuan Sun t associate issrSfcSk teiuTss.:”* “»*>■ “ hi°S»?rt' he p “'' "'° rdinS , rJI- 7l I : WotSsor of Physics! Si “gHH? '•MSW-* OW,eers E/ecfed By Gamma Sigma SiSS: Orienta-* Ph >' llis Croo P- sophomore fion w»k rhairman- Francis I a business administration from Ed- Paper is Mm tion Week chairman. Trancis La has been elected nresi- era * Flotation with Ultrasomcally Presto, chairman of the Book s ‘ on =’ i 135 neen eiecxea presi :E m ulsified Collecting Aeentc” Exchange: Ronald Kolb. Used dent . of Gamma Sigma. women’s; t - mulslllea collecting Agents. Book Agency manager; Gail Har- se^ e sororit >'- Senior Advisory Board ner. personnel manager; Rita Cof- ,Other officers are Dianne Her-, Application blanks for the Sen sky, secretary: David Tressler, old. junior m home economics. j or class Advisory Board must purchasing agent; Donald Yoffee. from Bradford, vice president: be returned by a'p.m. today at public, relations director; and Norma Frankenfield, junior in, the Hetzel Union desk. Gerald Carlson, store manager, education from Easton, secretary-; Elaine Mohney, sophomore in’ t ;arts and letters from Stoneboro.' insurance UUO TO near treasurer; Maureen Pickering.; National Leader Today sophomore in home economics* or the American College of Life mus j c education from Philadel- Underwrrters. will address the annual spring dinner 1 meeting of ? ' i tbs insurance_Club at 5:30 p.m.ij today at the Eulaw House. Pot- ters Mills. Gregg is a graduate of the Uni versity of Texas and received advanced degrees lrom the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. DUFFY'S TAVERN MOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR MOTHER'S DAY note Serving hours SUNDAY 12 Moon la Span. SATURDAY ~ Iptn. to 9:30 p.m. For Reservations HO 6-6241 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Young American Art ... CLOSER THAN YOU THINK On Mother's Day, a student art exhibition will be held at ALPHA RHO CHI FRATER NITY, 220 East Foster Arc. The show will indude oil drawings, and pastel sketches, all done by students in Archi tecture and Fine Arts. Open to public from 2 to 5 on Sunday Afternoon. Don't miss this en lightening show of student art work. cHoveiy. cJlculieS, —J(ind PLAYERS PLEASED TO BRING YOU iJhe the duguit Woon ” during honorable MOTHER'S DAY WEEKEND Schwab 8:00 P.M. May 9,10,11 TICKETS AT HUB DESK -60 c Thurs.; $1.25 Fri., Sat. 50 Students to Dairy Exposition Fifty students will participate in the 32d annual Dairy Exposition Saturday, winding up two weeks of judging contests. The exposition will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Livestock Pavilion. The five major dairy breeds will be shown by students competing for grooming and showmanship awards. The con testants have been training the animals, which are owned by the University, for seven weeks. John Smith, agriculture exten sion agent for York county, and Lee Yost, manager of Wyno Farms in Titusville, will judge the ex position. [ Rodgers to be Crowned I • Beverly Rodgers, who was elect- j ied Dairy Queen by members of j ithe Dairy Science Club at their! ilast meeting, will be crowned at] |1:45 pjn. to open the afternoon j events of the exposition. ! i A milking contest for agricul-i ture professors will provide extra 1 entertainment. The professors will l be judged by the amount of milk: |in their pails at the end of a set] I period of time. 1 j This year’s exposition is dedi-l !cated to Bruce Baldwin, president' of the Milk Industry Foundation! !and vice president of Abbotts; i Dairy in Philadelphia. ! i Schue to Manage ; Norman Schue, senior in dairy; iscience from Hanover, is the man-; ! ager of the exposition and Gordon ‘Miller, junior in dairy science jfrom Clarks Summit, is the as sistant manager. Miller will auto jmatically become manager of the ishow next year. Climaxing the day’s events, will be a banquet at 6 p.m. at the ■ Lutheran Student Center. Tro iphies will be presented at the ! banquet to the winners of the cattle judging contest, the dairy I manufacturing contest and the ] exposition. Miss Rodgers will re ceive an engraved trophy, j The Varsity Quartette will pro ,vide entertainment. Gordon Mil der, assistant manager of the ex !, 1 M ylj: y\ 5 Tomorrow and w Saturday Night M. A Players Production Every Fri. and Sai. S April 5 thru May 18 H CENTER STAGE ? 8:00 P.M. A Tickets Available N at HUB Desk—Sl THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1957 Enter position, will serve as master ot ceremonies. Contestants may obtain tickets for the banquet in 106 Dairy or at one of the agriculture fraterni ties. The price is $1.75. WMAJ 1450 VVJVIMJ Qn Your Dial Thursday Sign On Morning Show Morning Devotions Morn ins Show Bobert Burleigh Cecil Brown Classical Interlude New* 6:32 8:30 8:45 9:00 10:00 10:15 11:00 Music for Listening A Woman's Decision Queen for a Da? Musio At Noon Centre County New* Whatfs Goins On U:3O 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:35 12:45 12:50 1:00 Music Area Bportc Centre County As. Ext _ World New* _ Swap Shop Afternoon of Music Bob ft Bay: New* 5:45 . Music for Listening 6:00 _ World News: market sommar? 6:15 Music for Listening Fulton Lewis Jr 7:15 Thursday Night .. Music for Listening _ Headlines in Chem _ Music for Listening Hubzapoppin _ The Queen's Men Campus New* Music of the Masters Groovolocy Sign Off ★ STARLITE * DRIVE-IN Paramount present* #*MMID «W*# tfeoiwoß-sorm- KEMQfI Smt *CATHAUM Now - 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, 7:25, 9;30 “DESIGNING WOMAN” NOW SHOWING Carriers in Action!! GARY COOPER in “TASK FORCE” Sports Speeiai Local New* World New*
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