PAGE TEN Lion Pitchers—Well-Balanced With De • th Nittany Pitching Drapcho Heads This is the first in a series of ',Articles covering the positions cm the Penn State baseball team. Today: the pitchers. Pitching. usually a major problem for most baseball coaches, is not expected to give Lion baseball mentor Joa Bedenk any serious headaches this coming season. In fact, Bedenk thinks that this year's staff has more depth than the 1956 contingent which hurled the Lions to a creditable 16-3 reg ular season record and a berth in the NCAA District Two playoffs. N.Y.U. walloped the Lions, 15-9, in the playoffs. A look at the present roster will uphold his conviction. The mainstay of the Lion staff will of course be southpaw Ed Drap cho—probably the number one collegiate pitcher in the East. Drapcho topped the Lion hurl ers last year in both the won-loss and earned-run-average columns with a 7-1 record and a remark able 0.91 ERA. He also was the strikeout leader with 83 and led th• squad in innings-pitched with ; 30%. Whr' iat can :e en say about his , star hurler without repeating him-1 self? He knows the wiry south paw will be the top man on thei eit:ll and lets it go at that. Sophomore Cal Emery, another Alpha Sig, Dark Horses Top IM Play John Carpenter led the Dark Horses to a 1 Alpha Sigma Phi sparked an all-fraternity' 4-0 intramural independent bowling League I schedule in Monday night's intramural vol victory over the Timmy's with a 226 single leyball competition. Ten teams scored vic-' game and 566 three game total Monday night. tories. I In other B bowling, Pollock 12 shutout the , The Alpha Sig netmen racked up a pair of Oddballs, 4-0, behind Hembold's 221-557 ser- I lopsided decisions, 15-1, 15-2, over Phi Gam ies. The Nittany 36'ers and the, ima Delta. Nittany Glassers battled to a 2-2' NcAA , i Tau Phi Delta also won handily, stalemate. Carl Cook of the; Mot ... !trouncing Triangle, 15-3, 15-7. Glassers was high man with a 217-543 total. i 1 Alpha Tau Omega outplayed 'Phi Kappa Sigma b the same Nitlany 23 posted a 3-1 vic- : (Continued from page nine) margin. y tory over the RAR's and were !Hokes of Michigan State, 5-3, in Delta Sigma Phi copped a 15-11, led by Sallies 181-500 series. :his first match. 15-3 victory over the Sigma Chi The Newman Club, led by Jerry i All four of the Lion stars will m ad.. Finn and Mary Cable, tallied a :compete in the same weight divis- s Alpha Zeta topped Theta Kappa 3-1 win over McKee V. .ions that they did in the Eastern Phi in two tilts, 15-4, 15-9. In the sixth League B match,'show. The rest of the Penn State the Gutter Bailers topped the entries will probably find Earl" Phi Sigma Kappa registered a Atherton Men, 3-1. The Gutter Poust at 157. George Gray at ,167, decision over Delta Theta Sigma Bailers' Klein was single game Les Walters at 177 and Sam Mar- with 1 5- 1 2 and 15-5 victories. maa with a 179 score while Mc- kie at heavyweight. Chi Phi chalked up 15-9 and Intosh of the Atherton Men cap-" Poust and Walters were the biglls-6 triumphs to down Zeta Beta Lured the three-game title with surprises at the recent Eastern i Tau. 484 pins. j tournament. The "C inder e 11 a . Sigma Phi Alpha grabbed a pair' League A play saw the Bowl-!Twins" upset the dope sheetiof 15-8 wins in defeating Lambda! 3-I,lwhich had placed them amongl Chi Alpha. avers defeat the Sleepers, , when Smith captured the three-I the also-rans in pre-tourney calcu-I Phi Kappa Tau beat Sigma Pi ilations and emerged close to the by 15-8 and 15-11 counts. game lead with 510 pins for the Bowlovers. Findley paced the i 'inners' circle. Faust was third! P 1 Kappa Phi nosed out Beta Sleepers with a 189 single-game at 157 and Walters second at 177 .1Sigrna Rho, 16-14, in the first score. 1 Their upset victories throughout game and then took an easy 15-6 Pollock 9, sparked by H ow i e 1 the tournament was one of the'win the second. • Peak's 205 individual game total! chief reasons behind the Lion A pair of forfeits marred the and Mel Royer's 539 series score, team victory over Pitt. evening's schedule. Sigma Phi defeated the C. E.'s, 4-0. 1 Gray did not compete in the Epsilon got the nod over Phi Kap- The Splits. led by Jack Nei_ tEastern tourney but will prob- pa Psi, and Phi Sigma Delta won iert's 221 one-game mark and !ably get the nod at 167 in place from Delta Tau Delta. !of Bruce Gilmore, who switched Pete Erickson's 550 series tally, downed Jordan 2. 3-I.his practice site to Beaver Field where the 1957 Lion football team Don Costanzo led the Aces to a! is in spring drills. Gray, a soph -4-0 victory over the Holy-Rollerslomore with a 207-532 series. The Aces:this y , had a 2-3 dual meet record ear. also captured the single team) 1 Markle has had a disappointing honors with 837 pins. ; season this year, but he hopes to Posting a shutout win were the Termites over U.F.O.'s. Cheeka with a 203 total, and Pellnitz's 517 three-game score paced the Termites. Last Week Fri.-Sal-29 & 30 for One's A Crowd THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA not centered on the southpaw side of the mound. Junior Ron Smith and senior Lynn Harbold both give the Lions fairly strong righihanded balance. Bedenk expects Smith, who; posted a 3-0 record last year, to be t stronger this season than he was; last year. He will probably be, used in spot starting assignments.; Harbold: who was ineligible last; season, pitched mostly in relief; during his sophomore year. Lack-' ing a good curve, he pitches to spots and has good control, ac cording to Bedenk's assistant, Chuck Medlar. He too will prob ably be used in spot starting roles. Senior Stan Syzmanski could turn into a regular Lion starter if he gains his badly-needed con trol. According to Medlar, the left handed_ Syzmanski is fast and has a good curve, but he is wild. He needs control to start Medlar said. Southpaw sophomores Dave Simmers and Mel Stover and righthanded sophomore Ro n Reise will probably complete Bedenk's hurling staff. Bedenk said that he will probably use them u he sees fit. farzt lefthander, is expected to fill] Bedenk summed it up when he the number two role for the Lions!said: "Our pitching and catching this year. "He's a good hard are sound." Medlar added that thrower with a good curve," Be-I"they aren't all world beaters,- but denk said. "I wouldn't be sur-' average college pitchers." You can prised if he'd be the number two; be certain of this: neither Lion pitcher on the team." chieftain is losing much sleep over But, all of Bedenk's talent is 'pitching deficiencies. • t 6 0 , I- k ,- Ed Drapcho Top Lion Hurler "THE PRIOR CLAIM" A Moody Science film presented by the Penn State Bible Fellowship. (1.U.C.F.) Friday, March 29, 8 p.m. at 119 Osmond. Free Admission to the Public CAMP POCONO International Boys s Comp located . on Lake Wallenpaupack. Pa. Will interview for a variety of counselor positions on Saturday, March 30 Sign up in advance for interviews at . . . Student Employment Service, 112 Old Main Strong; Staff finish with -a strong showing in the Nationals. The senior heavy weight didn't go too far .in the 1957 Easterns. He was eliminated by the eventual champion, Ron Schirf of Pittsburgh, in his first encounter. IM Champions John Krall Independent Winner Jacks, Krall Win IM Handball Titles Al Jacks, Beta Theta Pi, and independent John Krall won the 1957 IM handball championships last night at Recreation Hall. Jacks lived up to the favorite's role by outplaying Tau Kappa Epsilon's Don Harnett, last year's indie runner-up. The Lion gridder copped both games, 21-16, 21-15, after elim inating Don Snyder of Alpha Zeta, 13-21, 21-13, 21-5, in Mon , day's semifinals Harnett gained the finals by ousting Sigma Chi's Jim Keith, 21-10, 19-21,. 21-14, in • the semi's. The TKE handballer displayed a variety of effective shots, but failed to score with Jacks' au thority. In the first game Jacks got off to an 8-3 lead, only to have Harnett boynce back to knot the count at 8-8. From there Jacks, slamming well off the sides, went on to win without further trouble. The Beta ace looked very good off the back wall in the second tilt. Again Harnett came from be hind, turning a 12-7 deficit into a 14-12 advantage. Throughout the match's re mainder Tacks utilized his killing ability to win going away. Krall relied on speed and effec tive slamming to top Vinkovich for the Indie crown. Vinkovich, who reached the_ semifinals last year, played back wall caroms Lambda Chi Co (Continued from page eight) Pi's Buddy Hollander and Chi Phi's James Knipe wasted little time. with Edward Shaw, Alpha Sigma Phi, to score a fall in 1:36 c - the first period. Delta Upsilon's John Rusnak ended a fast and "furious 175- pound encounter by pinning T. S. Mignatti, Beta Theta Pi, with a strong cradle at the 3:02 mark. In the two heavyweight match es, Jack Calderone, Lambda Chi Alpha, rallied for a predicament and near fall in the final pdhod WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27: 1957 11=1=1M1 Al Jacks Fraternity Champ 'S' Club Elects Officers Tonight The varsity "S" Club will meet at 10 p.m. tOnight in Sigma Pi to elect officers for the coming term. The nominations were drawn in the last meeting of the athletic organization. Present officers are Paul Ro berts, president; Dutch Walz, treasurer and Herb Hollowell, secretary. . . Plans for an alumni association is also on the agenda for tonight's meeting. The club's annual banquet will be held April 3 in the State Col lege Hotel: smoothly, but could not keep up with Krall's fast pace. Trailing, 6-2, in the first game. Krell rebounded to even the score. Then pulled away to win _ easily. s 3 Bouts-- to eliminate Bill Frame, Theta Chi. 7-5. Joseph Boharf, Phi Della Theta, scored the fastest fall of the evening when 'he threw Harry Sloat, Alpha Tau Omega, .in 1:31 of the first period. Registering forfeit victories were Herman Tselepis, Theta Delta Chi, over Ralph Cissone, Beta Theta Pi; John Bittinger, Chi Phi, over George Huggler, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; and Joe Bellwoar,- Pi Kappa Phi, over Albert Balky, Alpha Sigma Phi. Foi your future dress-up occasions and there will be many, you can't afford to be with out your own tuxedo. Stop in today and let us show you this one of the many formal outfits by ... Afier SiA, by RUDOFKER Ettr's 11: nt's *flop 42.50
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