PAGE SIX Middie Matmen Seek {Tracksters To Even Series Record I J° £ e "d 4 To Relays Xavy will be out to even its all-time wrestling record \ with the Lion matmen tomorrow afternoon w T hen the once-i beaten Penn State grapplers travel to Annapolis. In 42 meets between the two schools—a series datingißon Lewis and Ed Moran will' back to 1910—the Middies have emerged with 20 wins, 2 comprise Chick Werner’s two-: Josses, and one tie. _ . . mile relay team in Saturday’s Last year, Navy dropped a 23-7 decision on their home‘„ n „ „ ~ . ~ ~ J mats. Only three men who ra-.vj jMilrose Games at Madison action in that meet have returned C » [Square Garden. I 165 I 60TUT6 ! Junior Jim Norton will make, The Middies show a record of ~ , . , XT ~ , ~ ‘I 2-1 thus far in lha campaign. D I the Pto NeW Y ° rk 8S an alter '‘ They opened the season with a |\OUnC* nate ' 27-3 loot over Pennsylvania, I ■ Sophomore Ed Moran, who reg- ; lost a 16-14 decision to Syra- I /Q/ D-| XA/ |l r|rf iistered a 1:55.8 half mile on the! «**' WM,k fenced IFI D DOWIInQ Recreation Hall boards last Sat-' vofumma, **-*• Second half action - n thg frat _ urday, will anchor the relay. Thiee of the rVd\y ers ern j ty jg bowling league opened > Among the Lions* opponents ,he n M ld die'cS?Bo n b' Wed " efda >' -ghf -hfn, will be Georgetown. Fordham, Dauehenhoueh and Joe first time during the season.-two, Manhattan. St. Johns, Syracuse Sncwn Md*Art matches ended m 2 ' 2 deadlocks.: and Yale. Georgetown's Dave SLnbou/h wSs at 147 : Phi E P si!on Pi and Ka PP a Sig- Proctor. Norm Williams, John and iJtngion at 137 Wright 1113 tled at 2-2 while Triangle and: Nelson and Bob Carney cap m « KftChi p«lei M scor®. the two-mile relay in weight. Each man owns two de . In °ther action Alpha Sigma P» 7:42J at the Boston Athletic As cisions and a fall over their op-'defeated I? el ‘ a Thetai Sigma, 4-0; sociation Game, last Saturday, nonents i Sigma Chi shut-out Phi Mu Del- In other carnival events two [, t i ' _ t >ta, <-0: Alpha Chi Sigma tripped [Olympic Champions from Villa- TJelta Chi, 3-1; and Phi Kappa nova have a chance to retire two Pepe 6 1 and Wr^hWafflooredj^' 1 Alpha Epsilon Pi, 3-1. ; of the most cherished Milrose by the now departed Bill Oberly.l. T™ s individual one game scor-j cu P s - _ t The other Navy veteran is ; m K leader was Milt Countryman K°n Delaney, a 21-year-oldi 137-pound Bob Green. Green of Triangle with 200 pins while Irishman and youngest of the four] is 1-1 for the season, winning Ra V Euler, Alpha Sigma Pi, was minute milers. will attempt to against Columbia but losing the leader in the three game to-[duplicate his 1956 victory in the ■gainst Syracuse. Last year tals with 518 pins. Triangle posted Wanamaker Mile by defeating aj Green was pinned by Johnny -the top score among the individ- six-man field, including Hungar- Johnslon. .ual teams with 871 points. jian refugee Lazio Tabori and Two other Middie matmen are! Sam Githens and Matt Podbe- l * E^'E "^“' s B °kby Seaman. 2-1 for the season. JinfZerberlein.isek led Kappa Sigma in its 2-21 Charlie Jenkins, Olympic 400- 157, possesses victories over ; tie with Phi Ep, who was paced! mater champion, will aim for Columbia and Syracuse opponents, by Bob Alperin. Triangle's Coun-j bis second Milrose champion and Bob Friedman—who com-jtryman and Howard Reich were *bip in lha Mel Sheppard 600. petes at either 107 or I<7—own,the top scorers in the match with . Should Jenkins lose in the 600, wins against Penn and Columbia. Theta Chi. (Mai Whitfield will receive the At 123 Navy can call on either) Scoring 4-0 wins were Alpha'cup by snail" if this year’s winner Bob Lustfield or Ulihorn. Lust-.sig and Sigma Chi. Bob Johnsonifails to better his 1:10.8, the fast field won at Penn but lost to Syra-! and R ay Euler paced the Alpha est time in the Sheppard 600. r\!i ll mhYJji horn WaS pmned si S attack while the high man for Tom Courtnev, who tied Whit- J Sam is another [Sigma Chi was Dennis Halter-field!* indoor world’s record of «OHe S»SSd . tel ™ n " Dean Pr |?l' Alpha Chi Sig’s 1:09.5 in the 600 last Saturday at *feif victory eaainsrthe Quaker* top , m j Il ', and M Gruss. Phi Kap- Boston, has moved up to the 880 * 7 ”t gjdfl t^ e _ ir ,- t ! am . t 0 ViCtorieS - 10 Challenge Pitt ’ S Arnie Hwt.. and Baker, 167. could also ~ break into the starting array. Breinerd won a decision from a Penn and Stremic was victorious against Columbia. Baker was beat- en in his only start against Syra- WRA Offers Gym f Shooting, Bowling The Women Recreation Associ-. ation’s Rifle Club practices willi, continue this semester from 4 to!, 8 p.m. Monday through Friday,! and from 7:30 to 8 p.m. Monday! through Thursday on the rifle; range. New members are invited. The White Hall gymnasium and Bowling alleys will be open to; coeds from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday! through Friday until Feb. 25. Facilities and instructors will be available without charge. State College TV it Joining in STATE COLLEGE APPRECIATION DAYS by Radvcmg Everything in the Star*! Kin u» km «f th* valuM yeu*U iit4 during llu tela, today and temarraw: ILiMS vactaUa TV for SIMM IMS3 portable TV for 129.53 12349 yertabfo TV lor 9943 Hit radio tor IS.SS 73JE radio for 19.93 IU9 radio for 1d93 4*49 radio for *743 4243 radio toe 3343 13148 radio for 3343 radio for . 2343 4443 radfo-phoao- for 3943 1443 phcßcgr»pii attach moot fo» 443 1441 dry Iran for *43 9.31 dry Iron for *49 Also during lfeo aalo a 312.93 awivol bodaklo lamp will ba CTVm AWAY STATI COLLEGE TV 232 3. Alloa Si. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Book Sale | ■ Fiction ( Hundreds of Titles 60c each The Pennsylvania Booh Shop. f 129 West Beaver Avenue Fred Kerr, Don Woodrow, Make FEB. 11 the Beginning of Your Career Th&i ia th* dele os which ourrepreaentative will be on yeureampus. Ba w® discus* with student* m all couraes of rognuaai who will graduate ia 'B6 the advantage* and opportunities offered by a TRAMtNO PNOONAM WITH ONH OP TMK NATION'S MOST PRMMSSIVt PUBLIC UTH.iTIK«. Philadelphia Eteetric Company wrvet the fabuteu* Mmm Valley, U. S. and his. budgeted $312 million* for new efotric, gat mid steam fheditk* from ISSS to 1999. You wiR here Snd an worthy of all the initiative, vision, itnTtVnffrix ynn finnrai —worthy cfyewytnel study and training; a cam* that ia per miiinf, mttefy mg, Inited asiy by youradf. Sm your Placement Officer, read our bteratw* In hi* fie*—than sign up for an interview. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Lion Pitchers, Catchers Varsity baseball coach Joe Be denk issued a call for candidates for the pitching and catching staffs yesterday. Those interested in trying out should report to Bedenk Monday at 5 p.m. in 241 Recreation Hall. Bob Leisher, of Chambersburg, ■Pa., Penn State basketball cap tain, is the father of two children. VICTORY DINER Italian Foods Our Specialty —oven fresh pizza daily— Sandwiches, Steaks, Seafood and your choice of beverages Dance to "The Paul Serrins Quartet" Friday Evening 9-12 p.m. Route 322 {N. Atherton) - State College For an interesting summer job be a CAMP COUNSELOR Group Leader Swimming Instructor Crafts Instructor Campcraft Leader Consult Your Placement Office «r Write To CAMP WISE 2049 East 105 St. Cleveland 6, Ohio APPRECIATION DAYS Thursday, Friday and Saturday We are participating in State College's Appreciation Days Campaign , . . three com plete days of outstanding reductions on all merchandise. This is your last, chance to aug : ment your fall and winter wardrobe at greatly reduced prices. SUITS TOPCOATS TROUSERS SPORTCOATS * MW Mil IIMn, TMtTATM WUHT MMWI MM W MUST MMN FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1957 IM Handball Entries Due at 4:30 Wednesday Entries for the 1957 handball singles tournament are due Feb. 13 at 4:30 p.m. in 202 Recreation Hall. An organization may enter four men in the tournament, while in dependent students may enter as unattached individuals.
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