MCE SX Ohio State Boasts Powerful Backfield Ohio State Coach Woody Hayes, who emphasizes a rock 'em, sock ’em type of foot ball, lias probably one of the most solid backfields since he took over the coaching reins in 2951. Although he lost probably the greatest runner in Buckeye history, Hopalong Cassady, Hayes still boasts an abundance of break-a-way runners plus an exceptional quarterback in Frank Ellwood, whose play-calling, running, and leadership has been superb this year. In his backfield Hayes has Don I * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Sutherin, who has been battling j Don Clark for the starting posi tion since the first game, at left halfback. Sutherin is considered the most talented back on the dub. He is the best passer, hard est-hitting back, and the team's best punter. Clark Highly Rated Clark, only a sophomore, is onc <it the fastest backs on the team and is considered by Hayes as an outstanding prospect. He won the starting berth with his fine pre-season practice showings. He and Sutherin alternate at the left half spot during most of the game. Eliwood started all nine Buck eye games last season completing nine of 23 passes in OSU’s "pass less offense” in 1955. He also av eraged 3.1 yards in 84 tries. Roseboro Best Back Apparently Hayes’ best back is senior Jim Roseboro. vho aver aged C. 3 yards last season, tops among the regulars. This year he is the team’s leading ground gain er and is also one of the top de fensive backs on the squad. Back ing him up are sophomore Dick Leßeau. a converted quarterback, and Ken Thompson, who has good speed and runs hard. Don Vicic and Galen Cisco are the two leading men for the full back spot in Saturday’s game. Vicic has been getting the start ing berth in most of this season's games, although Cisco has seen plenty of action. ! Vicic is the Buckeye’s bread and butter runner. He is an excel lent four-yard back, a jarring Lion Harrier Outlook Doubtful By VINCE CAROCCI The loss of Captain Don Woodrow and sophomore Bob Thompson for Saturday's meet with Navy has changed the Lion cross-country picture from one of hopefulness to one of doubt. Woodrow will be away on a geological field trip while Thomp son has been put on the shelf from 10 to 14 days with an attack of virus pneumonia. Woodrow will be available for the Michigan State meet, however. Although neither figured too highly individually in Coach Chick Werner's plans, they both played an integral part in his team-balance effort. The Lion coach was looking for sophomores Ed Moran, Fred Kerr, and Clem Sehoenebeck to finish among the first five with Wood row, Thompson, and Kirby fight ing it out for sixth and seventh place. To add to Werner's woes. Kirby is troubled by a bad back. He is expected to run against the Mid dies Saturday, but what effect his back will have on him is still in doubt and probably will re main so until the meet is over. ICE SKATES 15% Off f* Students WE TRADE OLD SKATES Have yours Icid aside now while all sixes are available WESTERN AUTO W. College Ave. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA By FRAN FANUCCX blocker, and a top linebacker. He the split-T attack and use only a is also a deceptive runner. Cisco small number of plays, is the top blocker among the I Hayes explained why he does backs and is a fine defensive] this: “When you get fancy you 'player. Understudying these two'get beat.” is Joe Tfivisonno, who is the Buckeyes Won Three team’s fastest fullback, but lacks So far this year the Buckeyes experience. have swept by three opponents No Need to Pass I— Nebraska, 34-6; Stanford, 33-20; With this backfield, Hayes has and Illinois, 26-6. They are rated 'had almost no need to pass. In fifth in the country on the Asso jfaci the Buckeyes have only ciated Poll, although a number tossed 14 passes in their three of other polls list them even games. Jhigher. Instead Hayes stresses simpli-) The time for Saturday’s game city and the basic fundamentals •is 2 p.m. (EST). which is 3 p.m. of football. His teams run from State College time. Don Woodrow To miss meet The loss throws a monkey wrench into 'Werner's plans for the Middies. Navy had been fi gured as the breather on the Lion schedule, but in view of the circumstances, the Wemer* men will have to go all out to score a victory. j Moran, Sehoenebeck, and Kerr j will have to come up with more outstanding performances if the : Nittanies are to remain unbeaten. But, the problem does not lie 1 with the aforementioned trio— Werner knows what they can do. | His biggest problem is finding . the men to replace Woodrow and \ Thompson. At the moment, Kirby !and junior Alan Jones are next 'in line. Senior Ron Lewis is an other possibility', but he was not very impressive at Cornell. Soph omore Charley King may get a 1 cal!. Werner sent his team through speed workouts in hopes of al leviating the situation some what. Right now. he does not know the answer to the prob lem—he probably will not come up with any solution until later this week after he gives the club a thorough looking oyer. WMAJ PROGRAM SCHEDULE Thursday. October 18 1:31 Sirn 0. 4:32 M*rninf Show Maniac Devotions Robert Hurleieb 3:15 Msrninc ]I:M li:J5 __ Clmwtl loterlide Ilr3i ; World K«wi ll:tS Story Tim* Jl:3# Q«(n For A Day Mule at 12:00 Center County 12:15 12:30 Mosic for Ustminx 12:45 Sport* Headline* 12*50 Centre County Ac. Eat. I ;#0 World New* 1:20 Centre County New* ( rebroadcaat) 1:45 _ Afternoon of Muic 2:00 Boh and Ray: news 5:45 . . Made for Listening World' New*; surfcet summary Music for Listening 4:30 Sport* Special 4:45 Muk 4:55 Local Newa 2:00 ____________ Fulton Lewi* Jr. Plano Interlude Music for Listening 7:45 Social Security Program 7:50 Mutic 1:04 , A* Von Beiieve (WDKM) 4:15 This Is Cttll Defense 4:30 It’s A Crime. Mr. Collina 3:00 World New* 9:05 _________ Mnk of tW Masters 10:00 -j. CrosNolory Lacrosse Club Will Hold Second Meeting Tonight The Penn State Lacrosse Cl tion on campus, will hold its s at Kappa Sigma fraternity, 30C ing is open to the public. The club, which held its hopes to develop a closer relation-! ship between students and ath-i letes, and to promote the sport of! lacrosse. ’ I It is based on the idea that the student who comes to know an athlete through the meetings will develoD a knowledge of lacrosse and become enthusiastic followers of the game. Rutgers Has Club Rutgers University has a la crosse club of this type. It has been so successful that Rutgers officials claim that the club has “won games for us” by generating a desire-to-win spirit among the student members that has rubbed off on the athletes themselves. Varsity lacrosse coach, Ernie Baer, said that the club will be like a fraternal group that will have one major goal—promotion of lacrosse—but many minor as sets. ! Hopes to Promote Interest Among these Baer includes re interest in the game by alumni, aid to promote scholarship among lacrossemen by financial awards, publication of a lacrope maga zine, and outside activities to raise money for the club. Baer hopes to get the alumni Moraine Show Cecil Brown Swap Shop World Newa Sports Time Campus Newa BIG BLANKET MAN makes date with Jockey brand underwear "Whether I’m on a Fall picnic, or a Spring teat of the college golf course, I like to feel comfortable,” says Roamer A. Kinsey. "That’s why I’ve been going steady with , •Jockey briefe for years.” Roamer has already found out what every young man should know about Underwear—them’s nothing' like the comfort, and casual, at-ease appearance that comes from wearing Jockey briefa! Better drop into your dealer’s soon ... buy a supply of Jockey briefs and T-shirts... and fed as good as you look! it’s in style to be comfortable in ifOCket/ 4 1 undent . made only by THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18.1956 iub. the newest sport organiza- ;econd meeting at 7:30 tonight ) E. Beaver avenue. The meet- first meeting two weeks ago, interested by publication of a bi monthly lacrosse newsletter. | Although the newsletter-would be directed at students and alum ni, it would also be sent at Penn State opponents. Contains Roster The Rutgers publication con tains its complete roster, plays used by Rutgers, similar details on their opponents, and other infor mation valuable to both the spec tator and opponent. In this way. opponents give each other scout ing material on themselves and aid the fans in watching the ac tion. At the meeting tonight, Glenn Fiscus will present a committee report on a constitution for the dub and Lou Girard, program chairman, will report on activities [for the club in its initial year. ' jIM. Deadline Entries for the intramural bas ketball and swimming tourneys are due today in the IM office at Recreation Hall. Complete details Ifor the tournaments will be fur- Inished by the IM department. «nc. Kenosha, Wisconsin
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