THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1956 University to Expand Psychology Program Aided by more than $lOO,OOO in outside subsidies, the University is expanding its clinical psychology training pro gram to help meet the ever-growing national demand for trained workers in the field. At present, grants totaling J ships for the five-year gradi Presidei To Add Conven President Eric A. address the fall me Atlantic A: Middle Colleges of Business tion at 6:30 tonight al Lion Inn. Dr. Walker will sp tomatipn in Today’s Ossiari R. Mac Ker the College of Busin tration and special the president will sei ing chairman for th'< 43 Colleges Rep: Deans and. department heads of'about 40 business administra tion colleges are expected to be present for the three-day meet ing. The conference is being held at the University this year so that the deans may observe the Uni versity’s closed circuit television prograrp. The ‘ program for Saturday morning will be devoted to the subject of teaching by closed cir cuit television. Faculty Panel Discussion Faculty members participating in. a panel discussion on “Back ground and General Information About Teaching by Closed Circuit Television” will be Dr. George L. Leffler, professor of finance and director of planning and re search and Dr. Clarence R. Car penter, professor of psychology and director .of Instructional Re search Program. Also Leslie P. Greenhill, asso ciate director of the instructional research program: Dr. Monroe ■Newman, assistant professor, of economics; Sheldon C. Tanner, professor of business law; Dr. Ar thur H. Reede. professor of eco nomics; and Dr. Samuel B. Wool sey, associate professor of ac counting. The group will then observe accounting clases being taught by Dr. Woolsey by closed circuit tel - evision. 33 New Members Chosen to Join Women's Debate Thirty-three new debaters have been named to the Women’s De bate team. Upperclass women are Marion Camins, Mary Ann Sherod, Bar bara Marcus, Bertha Scubon, Dor is Castranova, Susan Whittington, •Bonnie Jones, Judith Dombro, Claudette Mitchell, Arlene Dono frio," Elinor Claire, Lorraine Jab lonski. Freshmen, are Erika Mares, Ail leeri Feldman, Martha Green, Lee Olivier, Carole Renner, Janice Kea ; rnin, Gail Schultz, Sue Bar tholow, Caroi Reed, Barbara Charnitski, Carol Allison, Jean Nigh, Loring Olson, Barbara Jac ques; Barbara Beamer, Carol Frank, Helen Skade, Sheila Stohl, Harlene Lit, Ardyth Phillips, Gail Bentley, Darlene Andersen, Joyce Bash. Returning Members are Mary Anri" Gemmill, manager;’Jo Ann Vetrosky, Vicki O’Donnell. Sheila Stahl, Ellen Donovan, Camelta Blount; Adelaide Winnick, Mari lyn Cohen, Sandra Grotsky, Ann Smith, Phoebe Felk. thought of SPUDNUTS 30 DIFFERENT VARIETIES Breakfast* . Coffee Break* *55 1 Dessert* Snack* jf Any .Party* ;m>; 8-6134 aEnOr fh«M 1 theM >90,000 are providing 40 trainee iate program in clinical psy chology operated by the Univer sity. Additional subsidies, .otaling $58,000 have been: earmarked to provide 21 or more, traineeships in the near future. More Personnel Needed t ' ess State and national governments are endeavoring to alleviate the severe shortage of trained person nel in the mental health field through financial aid to univer sities, according to Dr. William U. Snyder, chairman of the clini cal psychology section of the de partment of psychology and act ing director of its Psychology Clinic. ion Walker will :ting of the sociation of Administra the Nittany The largest number of trainee ships is provided by the U.S. Vet eran’s Administration. Financial aid has also been received from the U.S. Public Health Service, the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, and the Devereaux schools for retarded and emotionally dis turbed children. eak on “Au- World.” ■ zie, dean of i jss AYJminis asslstant to :rve as* meet i’e session to- iresented Currently', the'University’s de partment of psychology is train ing _75 graduate students in its clinical psychology section. Begin at $2003 Traineeship stipends start at $2OOO and increase during the five-year span to about $3OOO. The training program includes, in ad dition to course work, from 18 to 24 months internship in a men tal hospital or school for retarded or emotionally disturbed children. Members of the 10-man staff of the clinical psychology section visit the institutions monthly to check on the work of the student interne. The University’s Psychology Clinic is in its 20th year. Started under the direction of Dr. Robert C. Bernreuter, professor of psy chology, the Clinic’s main pur pose was the training of clinical psychologists. Possible Chief Source However, it soon- became the chief source of vocational guid ance and personal adjustment counseling for the campus and the community. About 30 per cent of the clinic’s cases are in the child guidance field. Emotionally disturbed chil dren and those with psychological and academic difficulties are re ferred to the University clinic by school systems within a 30-mile radius of the .campus. Non-University adults account for about 15 per cent of the clients, and University students comprise the remainder. Young GOP's to .Meet, Attend Election Address The Young Republicans Club Will meet at 7 tonight in 217 Willard. . After the meeting, the club members will hear speeches by James Van Zandt, the district Congressman, and Robert B. Bre on Jr., the Republican candidate for General Assembly, at the State College High School. Top off your pretty new formal with a hair-do styled to suit; the occasion. ;> 4(ice & 2)on 129 S. Frazier St. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COIIEGE PENNSYLVANIA jJJa irJreiierS AD 7-2201 Employment Interviews The following firms will con duct interviews for February graduates and advance degree candidates who expect to receive degrees during the current school year in the Placement Service of fice in 112 Old Main; Octi 31: Vertol Aircraft 8.5., M.S., candidates in ME, AeroE, CE, EE, ChE, Met. ..Nov. 1; Carter Oil—B.S. degree candidates in ChemE, ME. Pnge, Geo Phys, M.S., PhD candidates in ChE. ME, Pnge, Geo Phys. Chem, Math, Phys, Geol. A. O. Smith—B.S. candidates in Bus Ad. U.S. Rubber-PhD candidates in Chem, and ChE. FMA Poll Tabulation Nears End Tabulation of a poll of frater nities’ opinions on the Fraternity Marketing Association will be completed this week, Howard F. Thompson, Interfraternity Coun cil vice president, said. At the poll, taken last week, each fraternity was asked its opinion of the worth of FMA and whether the house would be will ing to join it to bring about TOO per cent fraternity participation in the organization next semester. Thompson said the IFC com mittee appointed to study FMA is also investigating food plans used at other colleges. Workshop Topics Robert Nuroclt. IFC Workshops chairman, sadi topics for the nine workshops will be mailed to each fraternity by the end of the week. He urged proper representation to the workshops, which will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, and the workshop banquet, which will be held next Thursday. Thompson; John Valentine, IFC secretary-treasurer; Edward O. Pollock,- assistant to the dean of men; arid Richard Shillinger, IFC Board of Control chairman, were appointed representatives to the National Interfraternity Confer ence, to be held Nov. 30 to Dec. 1. Land Is Official Delegate IFC president Daniel Land will be the official delegate to the conference. Shillinger told the council Mon day night that most fraternities are doing a “fine job” of enforcing the recently-enacted IFC ban on drinking at house functions by freshman minors. Alum to Lead Confab Edward G. Fox, president of the Reading Anthracite Co. and who earlier this year was desig nated a distinguished alumnus of the University, will preside at one of the sessions of the Anthra cite Conference to be held at the University today and tomorrow. SPECIAL STOCKING- OFFER! DENiSE HOSIERY BOX 227, READING. PA. Little Man on Campus WONDER all ih' girls are so anxious to date foreign students. Sigma Alpha Mu has pledged Arnold Machles, Stewart Ettinger. Morton Opal, David Faust, David Stellman, Robert Ginns, Allan Rose, ana Forest Mintz. New initiates of Phi Epsilon Pi are Joseph Borish, Jay Feldstein, Stephen Friedler, Burton Hollan der, Lawrence Kramer, Alan Lip ner, Marvin Resnick, and Samuel Wurtzel. New pledges to Phi Epsilon Pi are Robert Bowytz. Kurt Erman. Stephen Friedman, Howard Greef, Emanuel Greenburg. Mar shall Jacobson, Lewis Johnson, Paul Kapleau, Louis Lasday, Ger ald Robinson, Robert Sablowsky, and Carl Witconsky. New initiates of Della Sigma Phi are Harold Wright and Hugh McClinton. New pledges of Delia Sigma Phi are Robert Gemmill, George Hunter, Eugene Schlegel, Don ald McEwen, Ralph Moore, John Tullar, Hubert Kester, Norman Himmelein. Harry Minich, David Shoming, James Meeder, and Rob ert Goslin. New Alpha Epsilon Pi pledges are James Apple, Richard Blank, David Fine, Martin Freedman, Gerry Gordon, Jerry Gomer, Mark Kurtz, Morton Linder, Mi chael Lipshultz, Martin Day, David Pressman. Kenneth Slot nick, Ronald Weitz. Newly initiated into Della Zela are Diane Barnhart, Carol Ber trand,' Marcia Cassler, Barbara Drum, Nancy Feller, Ethelyn Lowe, Mary Ann Reid, and Sally Spencer. ***** Sth C^o-^ditd New pledges of Sigma Pi are Richard Lowrey. John Lado. John Kerr, Douglas Epp, Harold Baker, Raymond Albed, Charles Cap pell, Dennis Clark, Robert Fen ning, Lawrence Miller, Ga r y Stultz, Donald McLaughlin. Rob ert Ignatin, Charles Smyers, and Jerry Cornell. New initiates of Alpha Epsilon Phi are Marlene Gold, Rena Corn, Sandra Green, Carol Leventon, Iris Ress, Milly Rosenthal, Phyllis Stein, Myrna Stern, Grace Weiss, and Loreen Zavos. New initiates of Delta Delta Delta are Meta Baily, Mary Ann First, Barbara Hunter, Sue Ittel, Sue James, Myla Johnson, Elea nor Judy, Marilyn King, Joan Schaffer, and Joan Schmidt. Phi Mu has initiated Sondra Heckman, Lois Coltellaro, Theo dora Losasso, Denise Low,. Mar tha Nash. Bernice McAtee, An nette Bair, Mary Neel, Elizabeth Crouse, Linda Paynter, and Janet Garrett. New initiates of Alpha Chi Rho are Robert Kennedy. Fred Ryalls, Donald Abraham, and Evan Max well. MADEMOISELLE NEW LOOK There is a rumor around that one of the casual group has reached that older age. Happy Birthday Norm. If all you coeds want to date these mature men, you had better be sure you have a good lookir.g wardrobe this in cludes Madamoiselle’s new so phisticated line of dressy black suede sling-back shoes. • Featured is the "Siren Sling" • Low cut vamp • Slim high heel • Open toe • Flatters any foot • Handbags to match! 109 S. Allen Et. PAGE FIVE □nr
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