WEDNESDAY. APRIL 27, 1955 Matrix Award Winners Patricia Ellis Quill Girl Ellis, Receive Theta Sig Cites Gross At Banquet By JANE CASSELBERRY Patricia Ellis, president of Wom en's Student Government Asso ciation, was named 1955 Quill Girl at the annual Matrix Table last night at the Nittany Lion Inn. Aurelia Arre, sebretary, of Mortar Board, was named Cap Girl, and Faith Gallagher, secre tary-treasurer of the senior class, was Matrix Girl. Rebecca F. Gross, editor of the Lock Haven Express, was present ed with an award by Theta Sig ma Phi, national women's profes sional journalism fraternity, spon sors of the dinner. Scroll Presented • The scroll was inscribed: "Presented to Rebecca F. Gross, Editor of the Lock Haven Express, in recognition of her' meritorious service in newspaper work on the occasion of the Theta Sigma Phi Matrix Dinner at the Nittany Lion Inn, University Park, April 26, 1955." Mary Lee Lauffer, pres ident of Theta Sigma Phi, pre sented the scroll, which was con ferred by the awards committee of the University chapter. Kathleen McLaughlin, United Nations correspondent for th e New York Times, and guest speak er for the dinner, spoke of her ex periences during the Roosevelt ad ministration in Washington as a correspondent for the New York Times, and as a 'war correspondent in Europe for the same paper. "You may look forward to a life devoid of monotony, full of hard work—work which has its own rewards as well as misunder standings and dilemmas," she told the audience. Elected by Coeds Migs Ellis was elected Quill Girl by women students during the Women's Student Government As sociation elections. She was chos en from among the presidents of Mortar Board, WSGA, Women's Recreation Association, Panhel lenic Counci 1, Leonides, and Scrolls. In addition to being president of WSGA, Miss Ellis has been a member of Cwens, sophomore women's hat society, junior sena tor to WSGA, editor of theWSGA handbook, a member of All-Uni versity Cabinet,, and the Cabinet Constitution committee. She is a member of Delta Gamma sorority. Cap Girl Award Miss Arre, who received the Cap Girl award for the most var ied activities, was chosen by the members of Theta Sigma Phi. An eighth semester liberal arts ma or, Miss Arre has been a member 7 of Cwens, WSGA House of Rep resentatives, chairman of t h e WSGA nominations committee, Arre, Gallagher Matrix Awards —Photo by Walker REBECCA F. GROSS, Editor of the Lock Haven Express, receives a scroll for meritorious service in the field of journalism from Mary Lee• Lauffer, piesident of Theta Sigma Phi. The award was made at the annual Matrix Table in the Nittany Lion Inn last night. Miss Gross is an associate member of the University chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, and an outstanding woman in the field of journalism, both in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. president of Judicial, and a fresh man resident counselor. Miss Arre was also president of Phi Mu sorority. Matrix Girl Award Miss Gallagher, chosen by mem bers of Theta Sigma Phi as Ma trix Girl, is an eighth semester sociology major. Matrix Girl is an award given for outstanding serv ice to the University without rec ognition by hat society member ship. Miss Gallagher has been a mem ber of the sophomore executive board, a CPA account executive; member of Thespians, Junior Prom queen, and Junior May Day attendant. This year, in addition to being secretary-treasurer of the senior class, she will reign as May Queen at the ceremonies next week. She is a member a" Delta Gamma sorority. Lampoons Campus Groups Members of Theta Sigma Phi presented a parody skit of campus organizations and personalities af ter the dinner. The skit was a glimpse of the coed's life in the year 2000, and lampooned cam pus organizations, including Lion's Paw, Angel Flight, All- University Cabinet, Women's Stu dent Government Association, and Panhellenic Council. The dinner, which was attend ed by •188 outstanding women stu dents, faculty and administration wives, dormitory hostesses, frater nity housemothers, and members of Theta Sigma Phi, was the 18th Matrix Table held at the Univer sity. Coronation Committee Spring Week Coronation corn mittee will meet at 6:30 p.m. to morrow in Grange Dormitory lounge. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE DENNSYLVANT,a Re-elected president of Phi Sig ma Kappa is William Rohm, and newly re-elected treasurer is Jos eph Peden. Other officers are Jack Szafram, vice president; Thomas Lewis, secretary; James Mullen, inductor; John Showalter, senti nel; John Gilleland, house man ager; and William Weeder, chap lain. Pi Kappa Alpha Monday night elected Norman Dinner, president; Robert Fitzgerald, vice president; John Valentine, treasurer; John Mac Ewen, secretary; James Tate, pledgemaster; Richard Cheno with, rushing chairman; Ronald Martin, alumni secretary; Peter Voskamp, historian; Lloyd Hugh es, social chairman; and John Mc- Mekin, Interfraternity Council representative. Jerome Bozutz wa s recently elected treasurer of Beta Sigma Rho. New officers of Theta Xi are Andrew Nestor, president; Wil liam Straub, vice president; Lynn Baker, treasurer; Jack Heinze, ca terer; Michael Margerum, house manager; Donald Blouch, corre sponding secretary; Edward Hus ton, social chairman; Ray Bolze, Interfraternity Council represen tative. Alpha Chi Sigma recently eled ed William Child s, president; George Dunn, vice president; Ken neth Christiansen, assistant treas urer; Robert Knee, master of cere monies; Jack Bash, house manag er; Gerald Cooper, recorder; Don ald Fleck, professional chairman; Robert McCormick, social chair man; Robert Bishop, Caterer; Frederick Miller, historian; Fred Beers, alumni secretary; Robert Faith Gallagher Matrix Girl Co-Cilia Three to Participate In Reading Festival Three students will represent the University in the seventh an nual Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Reading Festival to be held to morrow and Friday at the University. The students are Elizabeth Jones, sixth semester arts and letters major; Helene Slaboski, sixth semester arts and letters major; and Ferne Stone, fourth semester arts and letters major. The festival will open tomor row with registration in the Het el Union Building. The first read ing hour will start at 2 p.m. in the reading room of the HUB. Miss Jones will represent the University in this division, read ing the poem "A Servant to Ser vants" by Robert Frost. Banquet to Be Held A banquet will be held tomor row night, at the Nittany Lion Inn. James Demcheck. ninth* se mester arts and letters major, will be master of ceremonies, and the guest of honor will be John Hen ry Frizzel, professor emeritus and former head of the speech depart ment. Dr. Robert T. Oliver, 1 pro fessor of speech, will address the group, and Phillip Wein, sixth se-' mester arts and letters major, will provide special entertainment. An evening reading hour will follow the banquet at 8 p.m. in the Mineral Science Auditorium. Miss Slaboski will read "Seren ade" by Walt Burnet.t Prose Section to Be Given se-ckm of reading, which will be the prose section, will be held at 10 a.m. Friday in the Mineral Science Auditor ium. The University will not be represented in this section. The final reading section, on drama, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the Mineral Science Auditorium. Miss Stone will givb "The Moon is Blue" by F. Hugh Herbert. Twelve colleges will be repre sented at the Reading Festival. The festival, which will be held for the seventh time this year, is under the direction of Harriet D. Nesbitt and William W. Hamil ton, assistant professors of speech, who originated the reading festi val at the University. The read ings will not be judged, but a time limit of 8 to 10 minutes will be set for each reading. Reidenbaugh Is IFC Office Head Donald Reidenbaugh, Sigma Chi, was appointed executive sec retary of the new fraternity af fairs office, at a meeting of Inter fraternity Council Monday night. The fraternity affairs office was set up under the new constitution to coordinate fraternity affairs. Also appointed were Leßoy Toddes, Phi Kappa Sigma, junior secretary; and James Richardson, Kappa Delta Rho, sophomore sec retary. George L. Smith, Tau Kappa I Epsilon, was named projects com mittee chairman; Robert Dankan yin, Kappa Delta Rho, was named editor of "Toga Tales"; Samuel Wolcott, Delta Upsilon, was named workshop committee chair man; and John Russell, Phi Gam ma Delta, was named to the joint town relations committee. Ralph R. Ricker, special assis tant to Ernest B. McCoy, dean of the College of Physical Education and Athletics, explained the plan for housing athletes in fraternity houses. Panhel to Sponsor Annual Frosh Tea Plans for the annual freshman tea were discussed by Panhellenic Council at its meeting Monday night. The tea will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday afternoon to acquaint freshman women with the sorority system and what sor ority life may offer them. The council also gave final ap proval to the rushing schedule for the fall season, and made changes in the constitution to eliminate references to -2 grades. Bishop, Interfraternity Council representative; Robert Oakley, Robert Merinan, and Robert Nagy, executive board members. New initiates of Alpha Chi Sig ma are Robert Knee, Robert Bish op, James Benson, James Brown, Arch Miller, Robert Nagy, Jack Bash, Joseph Nock, Donald Kauff man, Kenneth Christiansen, Glenn Fiscus, Donald Olexa, Raymond Carpter, Gerald Cooper, and Fred erick Miller. New Staff Will Edit 'Engineer' Peter Graybash, fifth semester industrial engineering major, and Robert Hennessy, eighth semester chemical engineering major, will co-edit the Penn State Engineer next year. Business manager will be Da vid Shoop, eighth semester aero nautical engineering maj o r. Charles Brooks, sixth semester industrial engineering major, will be managing editor. Rdnald Duty, fourth semester engineering science major, has been named feature editor, and John Redmond, sixth semester electrical engineering major, na tional advertising major. Photograph editor will be For ney Miller, fourth semester chem ical engineering major. Donald Calvert, sixth semester mechan ical engineering major, will be circulation manager. George Seiders, fourth semes ter civil engineering Major, has been named illustrations editor. Kenneth Hower, sixth semester mechanical engineering major, promotions, and Charles Cairns, fourth semester aeronautical en gineering major; business ac countant. Joseph Steuer has been named office manager, and local adver tising manager will be Gilbert Friedman. Polka Party ' at Simon's 00000 Seriously now, what with W.D. incidents, having to gath er together a date for senior weekend, and many more nor mal Spring activities, the girls are going to have to put on their running shoes. Simon's has 'em!! A word about senior ball— all females hating imports can stop at room 34 'Atherton and pick up a bomb or two. We will all meet in mass to greet the bus from Lewistown with drum rolls, cymbol crashes, cheering crowds, and several A-bombs. You still need run ning shoes— Simon's has 'em!! "What has Simon's got?" Town and Country's new flatie, 'the Polka. Fabulous se lection of colors and sizes. Just listen to this:—light pink and blue, white, red, navy, and black calf; also black suede. Even straw gets into the act this season with the straw weave in natural, white and black. It is a great selection; too bad we don't have such a selection when it comes to men at P.S.U. ("Brundie's Bitter" or "Who writes these ads any hoo?") 109 S. Alien ft. PAGE FIV'E 00000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers