FRIDAY. MARCH 11, T 935 Buchanan Stresses Realistic Attitude Realism ill solving problems is, necessary before and after marriage, Helen E. Buhanfuft iold approximately': lfill. people who attended last night’s finalsof tfi£ three-dky Marriage Con ference. Mrs.- Buchanan, instfj|tfbssi'. family relations, defined love as mutual Mfljdeh two people meet each other. She described it SS a symbiotic relationship in'lj&lklfc two people work for each%.dftioft Deep love, she said, is. only S’ foundation. Marriages miiSt then be built oh this foundation. Court ship should give couples- time before marriage to determine that affection is really love, she said. Work Out Problems "'^"' Individuals should try tb/work out their problems during court ship and engagement and otiild their marriage on united bellbty, The first adjustment Mrs?.Bi£' .chanan described as “paired alinfe ty,” thinking as WE, pot;4." EabjX partner has to give up 1 sortie ;;o| the previous pleasures,- he-- eft joyed when single and .gdjuirf tos the new roles marriage "demShds of him. When questioned on a tyOthan’s having a career in addition to the role of housewife, Mrs. Bu chanan agreed with the woiYiah's right to put her years of college to use, but believes with the ar rival of children, the mother’s place is in the home. Problems in Background Other problems confronting people contemplating marriage are the differences in background, Mrs. Buchanan said. She stress.ed the differences in family cultures and the need for compromise. People tend to observe the pafc terns established in the home by their parents, she said. Personality differences must be taken into -consideration. In marir tal. relations, Mrs. Buchanan re ported, psychologists maintain that less .than 5 per cent of the sexudlly malajusted would have these, problems if they were psyc hologically compatible. The ability to give and receive affec tion, she said, is something one learns in early childhood. Mrs. Buchanan said couples should- litre apart from in-laws For more pure pleasure... SsIMTOfGE CAMELS I No other cigarette is so itch-tasting W No o,^sr brand b QS ®H«r been able fo match the pure pleasure in Camel's exclusive Ip IWII Id • blend of costly tobaccos one of the reasons why Camels are America's most popular cigarette I ft, j, fiajruoldj Tobacco Co,, Winitoo*Sakß, X, g» By GIN6SEH HAtfCB- Deadline Today For Queen Entries >, Five by Seven, photographs of candidates' for the Independent Sweetheart contest should be turned ' in "to the Student Union desk in Old Main by 5 p.m. today, according, to Loretta Hunter, pub licity chairman -pi Leonides. -Five faculty'member judges will choose the five fihalists to morrow." Voting will be held 'Tuesday .- in the Hetzel Union Building.! Ballots will be printed in "therJDaily - Collegian and will also'nffiWraliable at the HUB.' Pic itUtfes of the finalists will be placed at' the voting place. , The Independent Sweetheart wiH""be - crowned at the Spring Dance sponsored by . Leonides and the Association of Independent Men. The dance, which will be held March 18, will be the climax of Independent Week. It will be the first major student dance to be held in the HUB. Johnny Nicolosiand his orches tra will play for the dance. after marriage. .She said that the Bible says one should leave ones parents, one’s mate should come first in .one’s affection. .By estab lishing common goals and facing problems realistically, Mrs. Bu chanan feels couples provide a greater chance for . successful marriages. The rparriage conference was sponsofed by the University Christian Association, Women’s Student Government Association, Association of Independent Men, and Interfraternity Council. Members of Androcles, junior men’s hat society, and Chimes, junior women’s hat society, served as hosts and hostesses for the conference. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Party Line Delta Sigma Phi was recently entertained by Delta Delta Delta at the chapter house. The sorority .entertained; with a skit. The fra-, ternity also entertained Delta Zeta recently. Omega, a small brown puppy recently pledged by Theta Chi. was guest of honor at a South Sea Island party held Saturday night. The fraternity was h6St to over 400 students at a jam' ses sion by Mike Pedicin during the afternoon. Alpha Tau Omega recently en ;ertamed Delta Delta Delta. Alpha .Omicron Pi was recently entertained by Pi Kappa Phi, Eh tertainment was provided by both groups. The fraternity algo re cently entertained Pi Beta Phi. Pi Kappa Alpha recently enter tained Chi Omega and Sigma Sig ma Sigma. Bata Sigma . Rho entertained Kappa Kappa Gamma at the chap ter house recently. Phi ' Sigma Sigma entertained Zeta Tau Alpha with a pajama party in the suite. Alpha Sigma Phi entertained both- Kappa Kappa Gamma and Gamma Phi Beta at the chapter house recently. A skit by the Sigma Pi, pledges was presented as entertainment when the fraternity recently was host to Alpha Gamma Della; . Gamma Phi Beta entertained Delta Gamma with a “Come As You Are” party recently. The sorority also entertained Kappa Sigma in the Grange playroom. . Soctaf gazette Center Stage, "Children of. Darkness,” 8 tonight, Tempo-' rary Union Building. Then turns to you and whispers, "Will you help me after clasp?" Forty-nine fraternities have been approved by the dean of men’s office to hold social events tonight and tomorrow night. They are Acacia* Alpha Chi Rno, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Gam ma Rho, Alpha Phi Delta, Alpha Sigma Phi* Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Zeta, Bea ver House* Beta Sigma Rho, Beta Theta Pi. Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta «Slgma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Sigma, Delta Upsilon. . Ktfppa Delta Rho, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Omega Pel Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa, Phi Kappa Psl, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Mu Delta, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa. Pi Kappa Alpha, PI Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Alpha, Sigma Phi 'Epsilon, Sigma Pi, Tau Kappa Ep silon, Tau Phi Delta, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Kappa Phi, Theta Xi. Triangle, and Zeta Beta Tau. Approved for tomorrow night only are Kappa Alpha Psl and Delta Sigma Lambda. Marriages Enelow-Engel Mrs. Bertram Schwartz and Mr. Leon Engel of Atlantic City, N.J., announce the marriage of their daughter Betsy to Mr. Myron Erlelow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Enelow of Greensburg. - Mrs. Enelow was graduated from' the University in January. She was president of Alpha Ep silon Phi and a member of Scrolls. Mr. Enelow was graduated from the University last June and is a member of Phi Epsilon Pi and Lion’s Paw. Brunjes-W title Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wittle of Hollis, N.Y., announce' the mar riage of their daughter Doris to Mr. Roy Brunjes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brunjes, on Jan. 30. Mr. Brunjes is an eighth semes ter petroleum engineering major and a member of Sigma Chi. Church Groups Plan Services Services, discussions, and par ties have been planned by stu dent religious groups for tor : ;;'it. “Ask the Rabbi” is the to; ic for the Sabbath eve services at 8 p.m. tonight at Hillel Fou i iion. Informal questions from e congregation about Jewish .. ;- tory. community, religion, a.d customs may be submitted in rd vance or asked during the ses sion. Members of Phi Sigma Sig ma will be Hostesses. . Eunice Floyd, of Wesley Foun dation, will speak on the “Metho dist Denomination” at the Len'.;n discussion of the Lutheran Siu deni Association to be held at 7 tonight. Wesley Foundation will hold a pizza party at 8:30 tonight. Rec reation will include slides pre sented by the groups. The Rev. William Pontier, dep utation secretary of the Afv ea Inland Mission, will speak to Inter- Varsity Bible Fellowship at 7:30 tonight in 405 Old Main. A. social period will follow the meet ing. Newman Club will hold a St. Patrick’s day party tonight ir ie student center following the . a tions of the Cross service at 7 ;:.m. in Our Lady of Victory Church. Over 15 miles of pipe were laid to refrigerate the ice skating rink. Coming Soon *BtUu (btaham m Sr CORGIi Astoi that | inner IMM| JOII V! cuius •4 ' n«i warn HUM UflKt . OUllltfntU hmmmv hn ion rw«tuLM MM MUM i •iMMI PAGE FIVE
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