PAGE TWO • ra e Limited 0 3 ivisions All student organizations who participate individually or in com bination with not more than one other organization in the Spring Week parade to be held at 6 p.m. May 10 must enter in one of three classes, the comic, artistic, or collegiate, according to William Brill and Horace Mitchell, parade directors. God in States Party Decision Remains Firm Lewis Goslin, Lion Party vice clioue chairman. said yesterday the party would stand firm in its defiance of the all-University elec tions committee's rejection of a plank in the party platform. The elections committee Thurs day ruled out the plank stating opposition to the chaperoned dat ing policy which will go into ef fect Sept. 1 and proposing reten tion of unchaperoned dating in fraternities. Goslin said he did not know how the party would effect its oppo sition to the committee ruling. That will be decided by the party, he said. When asked if the party would back down on its stand if its can didates were to be penalized votes in the spring elections, April 7 and 8, G-oslin said he did not know, but he believed the elections com mittee had no right to set up a penalty for an infraction of the elections code or refusal to abide by committee decisions before any infraction had been commit ted. Edwin Kohn, elections commit tee chairman, said violations of the elections code and decisions made by the committee will be punished as stated in the elections code and upon the authorization of All-University Cabinet. If the Lion Party chooses to re sist the code, Kohn said, it will be penalized accordingly. Arnold Air Society Elects New Heads The Arnold Air Society has elected John Connor squadron of ficer commander and David Hie stand Area C headquarters com mander for the coming year. Other officers elected to squad ron posts are William Matthews, executive; Norm Paul, operations; Bernard Carson, adjutant; Rob ert Broomfield, finance; and Hen ry Zeybel, public information. Members elected to Area C headquarters posts are Lorin Gardner, executive; James Buter baugh, operations; Ronald Ruth, adjutant; Donald Miller, finance; and Henry Zeybel, public infor mation. Changes in Orientation Week A re Recommended by Cabinet Proposals that men's hat so cieties take over Orientation Week and that a big-little sister program be adopted by Colleges not now having one were recommended to councils concerned Thursday night by AII-University Cabinet. The proposals were a fraction of an Orientation Week Evalua tion submitted by Robert Smoot, evaluation committee chairman. Smoot listed the main failings of the, program as pre-orientation week mailings, insufficient train ing of counselors, insufficient coverage of activities and student government by counselors, poor instructions on registration, poor information on fraternities, and unsuccessful campus tours. Major Recommendations Major recommendations from cabinet to various councils will be: 1. That men's hat societies as sume the responsibilities of Orien tation Week counseling. This would mean that hat society mem bers would meet with counselees three times during Orientation Week, would conduct campus tours, and counsel in all phases of student activities. 2. That college councils assume responsibility of curriculum coun VII t'n , ;ystem fresh man men would be divided ac- Each unit sponsored by one or two organizations will be expected to meet generally accepted stan dards of good taste in both theme and attire, Brill stated. Applica cations will be sent to organiza tions concerning the class in which they are entering, the general theme and description of the unit, and the proposed attire of the par ticipants. The applications must be turned into the Student Union desk in Old Main by April 7, when they will be reviewed by the Par ade Committee and a student screening committee representing All-University Cabinet. Only one application need be submitted if two organizations are sponsoring a unit. Must Adhere to 'nen In the case of non-approval by the committees, the group will be notified by April 14, and may then turn in a revised application on or before April 23, Brill said. All units are expected to adhere to the plans approved on-the initial application blank,. and will be ex pelled from the parade if they violate the set stipulations, he ex plained. Each unit in the parade must be preceded by a banner of at least 3x3 feet, in order to aid the judges in determining what organizations are in the unit. One car, station wagon, or jeep may be used to pull a float, and no more than $2O may be spent by any unit marching in the parade. Loudspeakers are pro hibited, Brill stated. To Follow Same Route The parade, which will follow the same route as last year, will form on Nittany and Fairmount Avenues, and will go down South Allen Street, turn right and pro ceed up College Avenue, and turn left on Shortlidge Road. At Pol lock Road, the parade will-turn left and go across campus, turning right on Burrowes and will then disband near Recreation Hall. Chances To Be Sold For IFC Ball Dates The Campus Chest commit tee will sell chance donations for Interfraternity-Panhellenic Council Ball dates with Joan Hunter„ Homecoming Queen, 1952, and Joseph Barnett, jun ior class president, beginning Wednesday. John Robinson, raffle chair man, announced sales will con tinue in Hamilton lounge and in front of Carnegie Ha 11 through March 31 when the drawing will be held. cording to curriculum and meet in these groups throughout the semester. The recommendation also includes adoption by women students of a big-little sister pro gram in all colleges. Personal Interviews 3. That all faculty advisors have a personal interview with their advisees at least once during their first semester. Cabinet will also recommend to councils a better ex planation of regulations on fire arms and automobiles in the oren tation booklet, establishing a com mittee of this year's freshmen to read orientation booklet material to insure that it will be suffi ciently clear to incoming fresh men, and allowing all students re turning to campus from student encampment to counsel to stay in the dormitories for one extra night. . Cabinet A.ccepts Report Cabinet accepted a, report rec ommending that members of cab inet meet with students on . April 12 to discuss the functions of stu dent government. These colloquies will replace the formal Student Government Day programs held in the past. The recommendation was -part zd a report sub•nit':ed by Thomas Kidd, chairman of the Student TI 4E . DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Senate Group OKs Decision Of Tribunal The decision of Tribunal to give two students deferred suspension for drinking in ,their dormitory room and illegally possessing a revolver in the dormitory was ap proved yesterday by the Senate committee on student affairs sub committee on discipline. A second' semester civil engi neering major was placed on of fice probation by the sub-commit tee Thursday for introducing ma terial that might have been used for cheating in an examination, according to Dean of Men Frank J. Simes. Simes said the Tribunal recom mendation was approved by the sub-committee since all disciplin ary cases involving the placing of the action in a student's perma nent record must be presented to a sub-committee. The students had appealed a de cision of the Association of Inde pendent Men's Judicial Board of Review which recommended that the students be brought before the sub-committee. Simes said the student was given office probation because his guilt could not 'absolutely be de termined. Office probation means the offense does not go on the student's permanent record un less there is another offense be fore the end of the probation per iod. Men to Apply For WD Rooms Men students who will be soph omores next year may apply for rooms in the West Dormitories for next year from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the room assignment office, Nittany dorm 20. The Department of Housing said applicants must have at least a 2.0 All-University average as of the end of the last fall semester. Upon payment of a $lO room and key deposit, those students ac cepted will be obligated to occu py the room during the next aca demic year, it was announced. Only 60 applicants will be ac cepted, officials said, and those wishing to room together should apply together. Emerson Places First In Color Slide Contest Winners of the State College Slide Club competition are Don ald Emerson, first place; Lora Pinder, second; and Dorothy Alf ko, thi r d. Honorable mention went to Robert Frank, V. Vond, and George Welkie. John Roy, assistant professor of fine arts; judged the 60 slides in competition. Government Day committee. Kidd asked that each cabinet member conduct a meeting "to tell people wb,at cabinet does and why it does it." He recommended that the meet ings be held in dormitory units, fraternities and sororities on April 12. Huston examine the cornerstone meant for the Student Union building now under construction. Walter H. Wiegand, director of the physical plant, has said that no date has yet been set for the formal laying of the stone. The reason for the date being 1953 is that it marks the year when the building was begun. Niebuhr to Speak At Chapel Service H. Richard Niebuhr, professor of theology and Christian Ethics at Yale Divinity School, will speak on "The Consoling Expectation of Divine Judgment" at the Chapel Service, 10:55 a.m. tomorrow in Schwab Auditorium. The Chapel choir, under the direction of Mrs. Willa Taylor, will sing as introit "Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now" (Bach), and as anthem "0 Heart Subdued with Grieving," (Brahms). George Ce iga, organist, will play as prelude "Andante Con Moto" (Boely), of fertory, "Hefzlich Tut Mich Er freuen" (Brahms) and postlude, "Fugue in G Major" (Bach). ,Dr. Niebuhr has taught at Yale since 1931. Prior to his position there, he was president of Elm hurst College, 111., and professor at Eden Theological Seminary, Webster Groves, Mo. He is an or dained minister in the Evangel ical and Reformed Church and has held pastorates at St. Louis, Mo., and Clinton, Conn: A graduate of Elmhurst and Eden, he received a - master of arts degree from Washington Univer sity, Bachelor of Divinity, and doctor of philosophy degree from Yale, Dr. Niebuhr reecived an honor ary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Eden and has studied at Union Theological Seminary, the University of Berlin, and the Uni versity of Tubingen. Dr. Niebuhr's books include "The Meaning of Revelation," "The Social Sources of Denomina tionalism," "The Kingdom of God in America," and "Christ and Cul ture." He and his brother, Reinhold, are creators of the Niebuhrian theology. Additions to Dean's List Additional students named to the dean's list in the College of Engineering and Architecture for last semester are David Overmier, 3; Allan McGee, 2.5; Glenn Cum- Midge, 3; and Paul DeHoff Jr., 2.58. SATURDAY. MARCH 20. 1954 SDX Banquet Will Parody McCarthyism "Joe McCarthy Comes to Penn State," will be the theme of the 21st annual Sigma Delta Chi Gridiron banquet March 30 at the Nittany Lion Inn. Skits and episodes satirizing stu dent leaders, professors, and ad ministration officials will be pre sented by undergraduate members of this professional men's journal ism honorary fraternity. Former year's skits have paro died President Milton S. Eisen hower, Pearl 0. Weston, dean of women; Philip A. Mark, head of the Campus Patrol; and Wilmer E. Kenworthy, director of stu dent affairs. Invitations will be sent to lead ers among the students, faculty, and administration. Tickets are $3 and may be picked up until Thursday at the Student Union desk in Old Main. The banquet is modeled after the annual Washington Press Writers' Gridiron Banquet, which features skits "ribbing" govern ment offiicals in Washington. . - The program is written and pro duced by undergraduate members of Sigma Delta Chi. Old Gold Lauds p 1 _ _ -- and as captain 'of Scabbard and Blade, congratulations and a car ton of Old Golds to David Lucas. More and more discriminating smokers are turning to that Old Gold Treat instead of a Treatment. Old Gold's fine and friendly to baccos are blended just right •to give you pure smoking enjoyment. King Size or Regular. Advertisement
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