~ ;~_rey.~i:n:c6:~~i Outstanding Independent DAVID PELLNITZ, (right) retired Collegian editor, receives a plaque symbolic of the outstanding independent man on campus award from Walter Kowalik, president of the Penn Stale Club. Pellnitz was selected for the award by a committee headed by Dean of Men Frank J. Simes. DIR Gives Students Special Counseling On a campus where organization initials are thrown around at random, DIR generally evokes wider recognition and emotion than most of the alphabetical jumble. The specific functions of the Division of Intermediate Registration, however, are not so well known. DIR was originally established to help students with low aver ages, and those who aren't sure what they want to study. It offers special training, exploration work and counseling to help students find a place for themselves in the College. It is a helpful, not de grading, organization dedicated to the service of the school. A student whose grade point average is below .5 at the end of his second or third semester is accepted into the division or dis missed from school. With the ap proval of the dean, he may remain there for two semesters. If not accepted by a dean of a school at that time, he is dismissed. A stu dent transferring from one school to another may be referred through the division. 450 Now Enrolled Nearly 200 freshmen sought voluntary admission into DIR at the end of the past semester be cause they realized DIR was the one place that might help them. Last semester, 504 students were enrolled in the division, and about 450 enrolled this semester. Dr. Harold K. Wilson, director of DIR, listed inadequate develop ment of study habits, lack of satisfactory reading speed and accuracy, and improper choice of Campus capers call for Coke Commencement's a big day Pause for a frosty bottle of delicious Coca-Cola "Co'ke" n o registered trade-mark By AL MUNN curriculum as main reasons for poor scholastic standing. Forestry and engineering have the highest ratio of students en tering DIR. DIR can be very useful, as shown• by the following ex amples,. Several years ago a young man entered DIR with a grade average of .05. At the end of the next semester, he left the division with a 2.75 in a technical cur riculum. The same young man is, now doing graduate work at the College. Three on Dean's List A girl entered the division with a 2 average. She was not satisfied with her curriculum and wanted special testing and guidance to help her determine what she wanted to obtain from college. Three students left DIR last se ines-ter on the dean's 3ist. Sixty three former DIR students grad uated in January. The Division of Intermediate Registration is essentially a serv-. ice organization designed to help students who are experiencing academic difficulties. It has en abled many students to be grad uated and enter professional fields. . so get off to the right start. —and be refreshed. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY The Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Altoona TRE , DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENItSniyANIA Pellnitz Wins Plaque Award Dayid-Pellnitz, former Collegian editor, yesterday received the Penn State Club award for out standing independent. man on campus. Pellnitz was chosen for the hon or by a special committee consist ing of Dean of. Men Frank J Simes, George . Donovan, and Ar thur Rosfeld An inscribed plaque was pre sented to Pellnitz by -Walter Ko walik, president of the Penn State Club. The club had previously selected names from "Who's in the News at Penn State." Pellnitz said, "I'm very sur prised and deeply appreciate the honor. I would like to thank the members of the committee and the Penn State Club for selecting me." The award has been presented annually for the past ten years. Last year's winner was David Mutehler. LA Poll to Decide Evaluation Fate Opinion of the liberal arts in structors concerning faculty eval uation forms distributed recently by the Liberal Arts School Coun cil will detertnine whether these forms will be given out again next year, Richard Kirschner, president of LA council, has an nounced: The faculty will be polled next year to discover whether they thought the forms were of value. According to Ben Euwema, dean of the School of Liberal Arts, forms of this type have re ceived favorable comments from the faculty in previous years. Housing Rules-- (Continued from page two) women students may be present in the house from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m,. and from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Other regulations are similar to those in operation dur ing the regular school year. If any violations of these regu lations occur, the fraternity or group concerned shall be notified by the Dean of Men that its social privileges are suspended until the case can be heard and proper ac tion taken. Last summer 28 fraternities were open during the summer. Sixteen of these were open to non members. Persona a Possessions WM Not Be Stored All possessions must be removed from rooms, closets, and storage rooms when students leave cam pus for the summer, according •to Allen C. St. Clair, acting -director of housing. Formerly possessions could be stored at the College during sum mer months, but due to a change in College policy, belongings will no longer be stored. © 1953, T7IE . COCA-COLA COMPANY New Coal Scuttle Goes on Display After Engraving the coal scuttle, emblem of vic tory in the annual Penn State- Pitt football game, has been en graved and returned to the Col lege for display. It has tempor arily been placed in the Dean of Men's office. The exchange of the brass scut tle was originated during the last football season by the ,Interfra terniy Councils of the two schools. The score of each Pitt-Penn State game since 1893 has been engrav ed around the edges of .the scut tle. State won the last game 17-0. Arthur Rosfeld, for m e r IFC president said he hopes the ex change will become an annual tradition similar to the "Little Brown Jug" exchanged by the Universities of Michigan and Minnesota. The scuttle is similar to the one found in front of many fireplaces_ A scuttle was chosen to symbolize the soft coal school, Pitt, and the hard coal school, Penn State. Librarian Reports Reference Missing One of the library's most val uable books, Winchell's "Guide to Reference - Books," is still miss ing from the library, according to Mildred A. Allman, reference librarian. This book, which is a reference book for reference books, al though inexpensive, is very val uable to the library because it contains records and call num bers of library . books not recorded. in any other volume, she said. Its return would save numerous hours of renumbering the books. Miss Allman said that the book is priceless to the library staff, and she hoped it will be returned. promptly. Squadron Initiates Four The Harry Armstrong Squad ron of Arnold Air Society Tues day night 'initiated senior pled ges Gerald E. Garman, Jeffrey D. Bennett, Edgar C. Berger and. Harold N. Wells. CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment begin ning July 1 for married couple. Call 8441 ext. 2646 or State College 2714._ Ask for Sampat. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. Two blocks from campus. Married couple only. No children., no pets. Phone. 2600- 1 1 A ROOM efficiency apartment. Ideal location 3 4 block from campus. Modern furnishings. Call 4141. APARTMENT—bedroom, kitchen, living room and private bath. 3 /•_. block from campus. Summer months only. $5O per month. Al Bertani 6084' after 10:15. • APARTMENT FOR occupancy Sept. to 'June; married couple. Furnished or un furnished. Call D.. Harris 4332. ONE - SET Sam Snead registered irons Golf Shop, campus. FRATERNITY ANNEX. Also rooms for fall and summer sessions at 512 S. Pugh. Phone 6443 Mrs. _Patton. PERSON TO share apartment until Sept Ist. cal 7263- between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. ROOMS FOR summer and fall across from Old Main at 14G E. College Ave. Kitchen Privileges. Call 6123 or come up to 2nd floor. ROOMS FOR summer and fall, across from Old Main at 140 E. College Ave. Kitchen privileges. Call 6Ua or come up to 2nd floor. DOUBLE ROOMS for folks that go home weekends. Close to campus. Private en trance and shower room. Phone 2877. ROOM •AND Board for inner, main, and post sessions of summer school. Contact Don Hawke, Delta Tau Delta 4979. LARGE DOUBLE ROOM, mester for men. Individual furnishings, separate bath.. Private borne in College Heights, 70 N. Allen. Phone 2079. SINGLE AND double rooms for summer sessions. Men and married couples. Call College Co-op 3844. SELECT ROOMS, private bath or running water for summer . and fall ' sessions, Colonial Hotel, 128 Nittany Ave. Call 4850 or 7792. Ask for C.H. ROOM AND 'BOARD ROOMS FOR menlnter-session and main session. • Board main-session Monday through Friday (five 5-days) Alpha Zeta. Call or see Mrs. Snowberger or Mrs. Crandall. Phone 7621.' ROOMS FOR men and board for men and women at Theta CM for all summer sessions. Call 4702 or 3915. - LOST TAN TRENCH coat, plaid lining—West Dorm area Friday 15th. Call Dick, 261 Hamilton ext. 1190. GREY TRENCHCOLT at Kappa Sig Sat urday. I have yours. Call Bob 3464. PENN STATE class ring between first and second hole on. 'golf course. Phone Russ ext. S&L THURSDAY; MAY 211-1953 11 Titlists -- (Continued from. page one) designated Spoon, Barrel, Cane and .Donor. Similar honors for outstanding senior women were created eight years after the men began their tradition. Bow Girl, Slipper Girl, Fan Girl, Class Poet and Class Donor were titles selected in or der of votes received or else most appropriate for the senior's per sonality. The title of MirrOr Girl was created after the other_ Initialed charms are awarded to those students who have. best exemplified personal honor, integ rity, sincerity, versatility of ac tivities, scholarship—and, of course, a sense of humor. • • Garrett to Lecture Tonight and Friday Dr. A. R Garrett of Ohio State University will speak tonight and Friday in 119 Osmond at lectures sponsored by the Department of Chemistry. Garrett will speak at 7:30 to night and at 2:10 p.m. Friday. Tomorrow's lecture will cover research on the constitution -of grignard reagent and fri e d el - systems. Friday's lecture will cover the mechanism of dis solution of metals in acid solu tions from a temperature of -65 degrees centrigrade to room temperature. Leese Named Temporary Lion Clique Head Watson Leese, fourth semester commerce major, has been ap pointed temporary o 11 e g e clique chairman of Lion Party to replace Richard Kirschner wh o resigned yesterday. Kirschner said Leese will or ganize the party for fall elections. A permanent chairman will be se lected after the party has been organized, Kirschner said. Time Tables Available Time table schedules for the fall semester are still available at the Scheduling office, base ment of Willard Hall. ROOM FOR attachment to house trailer B'xlo'. Will help move. Phone Gerry 2421 evenings. 1937 CHRYSLER 4-door, 1946 motor, beater, etc. Must sell. Cali 4034. Bill Tucker, 425 S. Allen. FAIRLY NEW Woodsman .22 Automatic. Call 7683, ask for Maurice. . MARLIN .39.:A 22-rifle. Price reasonable. Phone 3181, ask for John. TRAlLER—completely furnished for mar ried couple $475. Call Sam Braverman at 2568 or 2003. CAMPING TRAILER. Travel this sum mer or • camp this fall with an eight foot trailer. Sleeps two. Has mattress, ice box, stove, shelves, and clothes rack. George Alleman 4428. DeMOLAYS TO attend meeting of DeMolay Club 'in 214 Willard at '7:00 p.m. Thurs day. Movies. ANYONE LEAVING apartment-over sum mer? We're getting married soon and have no place to live in September. Will pay $5O month. Call Al Bertani 64284. TYPIST TO type 12 page (approx.) term paper Thurs. night. Call Don Fields, Phi Sigma Kappa, 4939. GRADUATE GIRL to share 3-room apart-• went beginning with summer. Phone 6269 after 6:30, ask for Vivian., 3-ROOM July apartment begin ning , 1 for graduate assistant. Call 8441 ext. 2646 or State College 2714. Ask for Satapat. . suthmer se- RIDE TO Washington, D.C. after May 30. Call Judy, 348 McElwain. - REALSILK HOSIERY MILLS has open ings in live central Pennsylvania coun ties for men' or women, either full or part time. Managerial candidates needed. Ad dress : P.O. Box 205, State College, -Pa. MISCELLANEOUS TENNIS FANS: It's Hassinger for racket striping the No-Awl way. Prompt serv ice. Guaranteed work. Longer life to string and racket. R. T. Hassinger, White Hall or 514 E. Beaver Ave. after 5:00 p.m. IF YOUR typewriter needs repairing, dust dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave:—but call first. SENIORS, take Penn State with you after graduation. Join the Alumni Association now for special $2.00 fee. Alumni Office, 104 Old Main. THE USED Book Agency of BX will be open every afternoon .during finals to - receive books for sale next year. ' RENT A TRUCK—Move it yourself. An3r 'time Any place. Hertz Drive-Ur-Self[ System, . Lic., 1020 Green Ave:, ' Altoona * •Wesana.. Phone .24260. FOR SALE WANTED RIDE WIWTED HELP WANTED
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