Primtgrotx, moot tit it= No ! Not Yet . ry:Y'^ o ~~:uy~N;•'sr~c « ,e, , .::xn!~ "c'`~¢" ,<ce .',~'y 'ir :xF' R`.,'~%`,fr. Aps jump crown in the - finals of last night's field events on Beaver Field. All three of Don's jumps were - over 19 feet, as he easily ,outclassed the field. Don will be favored in tonight's independent 100 yard dash finals. He won his trial beat in 10.8. Kappa Psi's Take IM Track Lead Kappa Alpha Psi, after two day's competition, is' far out front in the intramural track and field tournament. Last night the Kappa Psi's captured first place in the high jump, tied for first in the broad jump, and placed second in the shot put. The finals in the running events will Begin at 6:45 tonight. The fraternities will compete in the 100 - yard dash, 440 run, and 880 relay, while only one independent final in the 100 yard dash will be run off. Blackwell rails at Record In tonight's finals, the Kappa Psi's will have men qualified to run in all events The highlight of the evening was supplied by John Blackwell of - Kappa Alpha Psi. With firSt place assured in the high jump, Blackwell was given three chan ces at a height, of 5 ft, 10 1 / 2 in. and a new intramural record, John's first try at this height :was close but his left foot uplifte.itthe; bar as he came down. His next two leaps were futile. Blackwell was' officially cred ited with 5 ft. 7 1 / 2 in. Second place was sMred by-Ditit4-ICep pie, Delta Sigma Phi, and Dick Meek, Sigma Nu, with - 5 ft. 4 1 / 2 in. There was a six way tie for third place. - - Broad Jump Tie ' - Action was close in the frat ernity shot put as 35 men com peted. John Milsom, Alpha Zeta, finally -came out on top, with a put of 38 ft. 0/4' in. - His nearest opponent . was Gene -Chapman, Kappa Alpha Psi, with 36 ft. 10 1 / 4 in. Sam Pennebacker, Sigma Phi Sigma, was third. • The final fraternity event . saw Dick. Jones, Sigma Nu, and John Bowser, Kappa -Alpha Psi, tie in the broad jump with 19 ft. 7% in. Hill, Delta Chi, took third 'with 19 ft. 6 1 / 4 in. _ Don Brown, competing in. the independent, division, had the best broad jump of the night, leaping 19 ft. 11 1 / 2 in. Brown was consistent as all of his jumps ex-_ celled 19 feet. Dave' (Miceli a distant second with ft; VA, in. Charley Schrey was third. Ron Hedberg, won the high jump crown with 5 ft.- 1 1 / 2 in: Ron took three tries at 5 ft. 4% in. but failed. - Second place saw Al Tomb and. Joe Comfort jump to a deadlock. . The independent shot 'Ptit went to Jim Pitzer. Jim was credited with 38. ft. 5 in. Al Tomb was second and Dave O'Brien took third. E3TRINGIN6. i• 1 COMING TO SUMMER SCHOOL e a 9 4t. R by ROBINSON ... Save Time ... The BEST meals on campus by I ' 1 , .t tN 4 r.. . . :. Tennis Rackets PICKED UP The BEST cook on campus at 4 and DELIVERED , -4i ' P: 1 I - . . . Save Money . . The BEST rates on campus _ . , : Absolute Guarantee ... Meals $lO.OO for 5 days—Room $4.00 per week Experienced VlorlFmanship • . . GLO W y Service .. . PRICES Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity House Hatter Haberdasher Tailor . ;.Dick R obinson . R Theta Xi 417 E. Prospect Ave. Ph. 6928 or 2161 002250—ask for Torn Two NCAA Chomps This year was the first time Penn State came up with two NCAA champs. Tops. in their fields w e r e the wrestlers and gymnasts. Jasper Track Team Headed by Remigino "The world's fastest human," Lindy Remigino, will lead the attack of trackmen who will represent Manhattan in. Saturday's meet aeaeaVer Field with the Lions. Remigino earned his title when he won the 100-meter dash in the 1952 Olympics, and will maintain it until he is dethroned in- this event- at some future Olympic Games. The 100-meter race is 109 yards and a few odd inchei. Remigino ran the event at Hel sinki in 0:10.3 and a little while later tied the world's record by hitting/ 0:10.2 But Remigino isn't the only at traction . that Manhattan has to offer. The Jaspers can • boast ten IC4A Gold Medal winners. Be sides• Remigino there are Bill Schatzle, John O'Connell, Ron Ferraro,•Lou Jones, Cahrlie Pratt, Vern- Dixon, Steve Dillon, Pina and Lucas. • (XConnell, National AAU 100- yard 'champ, has defeated Rerni gino at times and - Schatzle has beaten both O'Connell and Remi gino. That just goes to substan tiate the claim that the Jaspers have 'three of the finest sprinters assembled anywhere at any time. - - There are three IC4A champs on ;the Nittany team—Jim Herb, high jurn p; Dan Lorch, pole vault; and 011ie Sax, 660-yard dash. _ The meet will pit the IC4A champs (Manhattan) against the IC4A runnerup (Penn State). Nit tany coach Chick Werner said yesterday that the Lions are the underdogs, but that he is defin itely not counting his boys, out. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Jith Herb . . . State Record Holder Began at Botto Jumping four feet over a horizontal pole raised to that height is probably the pro achievement of most. boys above the age of ten. Jim Herb, Penn State's dean of 11: jumpers, however, admitted not having been able to achieve that height during his fi year in high school. Laughing over his failure tributes his spectacular rise, (he holds the school indoor record at 6'7"), to good coaching and train ing. The ability- to jump over what State's tallest basketball player can walk under, is indica tive, however, of more than out aide pressures such as instruction and knowing how to breathe cor rectly. Proof of Jim's natural ability in the high jump can be found in any book making men tion of that event. Coming from a freshman high school jump of five feet, Jim went on to become PIAA champion .in 1949 with a hop measuring 5 ft. 10 1 / 2 in. after having set a 'record height of 6 ft. 3% in. in his dis trict meet. After coming to the Nittany Vale in 1950, Herb promptly earn ed a place on the track team and during his sophomore yea r, in 1951, be became in do or ICIA. champ with a leap measuring 6 ft. 5 1 / 4 in. To prove that he was no flash in the pan, Jim took the same trophy two years later as a senior putting 6 ft. 5% in. between him and the cinders. Another medal came with his third place effort in the NAAU with a 6 ft. 5 3 / 4 in. result. His most recent accomplishment occurred in the just past Penn Relays. With the winning height set at 6 ft. 6 in., Jim had to con sole himself with second place honors at 6ft 4 in. . • Jim contends that his greatest thrill came when the Lion track men copped second place in the indoor IC4A's this past year, his winning high jump contributing greatly. The man who has been unde feated in two and one half years of dual meet competition will leave a gap not too easily filled. By HERM WEISKOPF After last week's showing at Pitt; the Lions are a 'definite threat to the supposedly over powering Jaspers. The Lions dis played scrappiness throughout the meet, and. nearly upset the Pan thers. Once again the Nittanies improved their marks when they tangled with Pitt, and in this, the final dual meet of the campaign, they should be at their peak. Rosey Grier will be facing some tough opponents, but may once again be able to pull firsts in the shot, 'discus and javelin. Besides being one of the top track meets ever slated at the College, it will help decide who will represent the. Lions at the IC4A championships May 29 and 30 in New York and who will compete in the national champion ships June 12-13 at Lincoln, Neb., Werner said. At 10 a.m. Saturday the PIAA track and field championships will start. Any record set in the high school events or in the dual meet will be official because the Beaver Field track will be measured by a surveyor. The surveyor will, mark the start and finish lines with hairline stripes, rather than the two-inch lines that are com mon for other meets. By TOM WERNER to make what he now regards as a low hurdle, Jim For the latest styles SHIRTS stop 135 S. Allen St. New "convertible" styled to warm up COOL dolls I .4 1 4 ift. At *.ti? is; • 1 - 44, 1 If your smi improve yl in a Manhi This full: equally handsome with or without , a tie. And smooth Manhattan styl- I ing means it's loaded with pick-up power. Choice of fabrics in white or colors . . . regular DRESS-N -PLAY or spread DRESS-N-PLAY collar. Stop in at your Manhattan men's shop—see many more mopt for-your-money values in distinc- '"" :(j ' 4. 'i 4- tive menswear. i1:ey.441.17,1" ate' ER= SIMN PAGE in at State College, Pa. • ff:??,r'cz. Oit s elg (e/iR f ;fl4`
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