PAGE EIGHT Address Changes Address changes of all stu dents should be reported to the recorder’s office, 4 .Willard Hall, where mail insufficiently addressed may be picked up. Fraternities- (Continued from page five) William Banfield, Frank Piehon, William Wallis, Robert Klub, Ger ald Miller, Edward Harnett, Peter Schoderbek, Kenneth Lawley, John Williard, Carl Nugent, Vic tor Hajjar, Ralph Hoffmann, Bruce Rothfon, Herbert Fergu son, Charles Putman, Floyd Rhodes, Ronald Walker, Carl Cross, Victor Hajjar, Ralph Hoff mann, Bruce Rothfon, Herbert Ferguson, Charles Putnam, Floyd Rhodes, Ronald Walker, Carl Cross. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Silvio Cer chie, John Eichelberger, Fioren tino Feracko, Gerald Gillispie, John Jenkins, David Jones, Gene Laughlin, Willis Lynn, Robert Schoellkopf, John Smith, Rich ard Snyder, Donald Taylor, Fred rick Tupbohl, Nelson Wolcock, (transfer from Bucknell). Tau Phi Delta, James Barthole mew, John Blood, Edward Koc jancic, Frederick Umholtz, Clark Sell, Thomas Peters, Peter Loucks, Lawrence Miller, An thony Procopio, Joseph Strauser. Theta Kappa Phi, Anton Brence, Norman Kennedy, James Planu tis, Joseph Tolito, Donald Siegle, Charles Signoriro, Anthony War akomski, Thomps Ward, William Wagoner, John Yackshaw. • Theta Chi, George Eyrich, Rich ard Fronko," Warren Hommas, Charles Meassick, Richard Osier, Joseph Parker, Eugene Raup, John Richards, George Walz, Wayne Sexauer, Harold Wells, Robert Will. Theta XL Ralph Skomsky, John Chemsak, Lloyd Eddings, Rich ard Smedley, William Collins, Robert .Brust, Duane Drew, Rob ert Graybill, George Steinhauser, Clarence Davis, Arthur Brown, Paul Gery, James Shaw, Lael Mixsell, Winfield Scott, Joseph Knepper, Joseph Piorkowski.^ Triangle, Richard Dorshimer, Paul Brobst, Robert Rapp, Rod ney Beck, James Babb, John Bricklmyer, Donald Schleye, Don ald Platerer, Gifford Albright. . Zeta Beta Tau, Robert Abelove, Joe Berger, Arthur Brauer, Don BriH, Lewis Cohen, Jay Epstein, Seymour Goldstein, Joe Goleman, Irvin Hohnstein, Teddy Harris, Gerald ’Katz, Robert Klein, Ar nold Rosenberg, Edward Sher vin, Harvey Stone, Bin O’Malley. CLASSIFIEDS WANTED PHILADELPHIA VOTERS would you .like to vote in the November election? Free transportation and lunch will be provided for the first 50 students to make their reservations. For more information ca]l Lorraine Dalphine, Room 137 Mc- Elwain. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE UNFURNISHED- home on Route 545 between Bellefonte—State College. Wiring, oil furnace, bathroom, kitchen all new. Newly papered through out. Electric water heater, laundry, elec tric range outlet. Large living . room. Small family with no pre-school children preferred. Rent ceiling $5B per month, including fuel oil. Dial State College 4108 between 9-5. TWO REPLACEMENTS for Nittasj Dorms. Call 3938. FOR_SALE ONE 28 inch bicycle. Good condition $l5. Inquire Nittany No, 23 Room 4 after 5:00 p.m. GRAY -TOPCOAT, .size 40 short. Been ' worn one winter. Call 7165. MODEL A Ford, in excellent condition. $125 —• for quick sale. Phone 3255 be tween 5 & 7 p.m. KAY BASS Violin 3 years old $175.00. Call Sterling 2881. LOST LOU: I left my glasses in your Ford Station Wagon last Friday. Please call Norman Cypers Ext. 1190. BLUE GRAY Jacket, Size 40, in Nittany Dining Room Thursday evening. Please call Jack Moore Ext. 298. RED SUEDE Jacket in Willard Hall. Please return to Barbara Woodward, Pine Cottage. Phone 5051-183. IMITATION RUBY Ring m E.E. men's room 2nd floor: 5 p.m. Sept. 28. Call 4151 Risty. MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs, just call 2492 or bring machine to 633, W. College Ave. Mr. Beatties* 28 years ex perience is at your service. * HO MODEL Railroad Kits, accessories. Special 100 excellent freight cars with H.D.C. couplers, below cost. 136 S. Ath erton, after 4, Mondays thru Thursdays. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN,'STATE COLLEGE'. PENNSYLVANIA'. income— (Continued from page two) and 'other factoi's being equal, upperclassmen are given prece dence. The three largest loan funds are the Andrew Carnegie Bene ficiary Loan Fund with a prin cipal of $lOO,OOO, James A. Bea ver Loan Fund with a $50,000 principal, and the Mary Beaver White Loan Fund with a prin cipal of $64,000. Income not loaned on the latter two must be reinvested until the principal is raised to $lOO,OOO. Herbert 'H. Kinley, administra tive assistant, said that' although it is impossible~to predict the conditions - 15 years, from now, the income from loSh funds will be more than adequate for the next five years. Should cabinet decide to set up a student scholarship fund instead of the loan fund which was recommended, it would be the' first student sponsored schol arship with the exception of the scholarships set up and admin istered by the Panhellenic • As sociation, Cwens, and Mortar Board. Kinley pointed out that if cab inet decides in favor of a scholar ship fund, it should, be made per petual with a means of increas ing the principal. This, he sug gested, might be carried on by so delegating the profits from the spring carnival each year. He also suggested that a clause requesting, but not demanding, that the recipient repay the schol arship when aqd if possible, would be of help in increasing the amount of the principal for the fund. Ralph Egolf is chairman of the' cabinet committee. TODAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY SALE t, p h' tiXii-. Substitute Psych Test All freshmen- who missed the psychology tests during orientation week should re port to 121. Sparks tonight and tomorrow night. The test con sists of two parts. Part one will be administered at 7, to night and part two at 7 p.m. tomorrow. West Dorms— (Continued from page one) Each district will elect a presi dent, vice-president, and secretary treasurer. The district president will automatically be a member of. the council. The vice president of each district having 105 or more voters will also sit on the council. Election" districts having both president and vice president on the council will be Watts Hall, Jordan Hall, and the first, sec ond, and third and fourth floors of--Hamilton Hall; Additional Elections Later Districts having representation only through their president will be Irvin Hall, level A and level B, Hamilton Hall, and level B, first, second, and third and fourth floors McKee Hall. In addition to the elected dis trict representatives, representa tives at large will be elected, to the council by the West. Dorm area later this month. Tomorrow’s voters will elect their representatives on printed ballots by writing in the names of candidates who have- submit ted petitions to their district ad viser with ten signatures. Haf Council to Meet Hat Society Council will meet at 7 tonight in 204 Old Main. THE STORY: THIS IS A SPECIAL EVENT—AN UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE A WONDERFUL BUY ON A REALLY FINE SUIT. BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED BY HART SCHAFFNER & MARX, VAR SITY-TOWN and CLIPPER CRAFT. SIZES: REGULARS—SHORTS and LONGS. , WRA, WSGA— (Continued from page one) the close of each semester she will present to senate a report of the receipts-and expenditures of the association. She will be an ex-officio member of all com mittees of the association which may entail the expenditure of money. WSGA freshman senator will be chairman of the- Big-Little Sister Tea, be an' ex-officio mem ber of freshmaii council, and at tend all meetings of WSGA sen ate. > PSCA Forum Displaced persons now living and working in State College will participate in a panel discussion at the Penn State Christian As sociation forum at 7 tonight in 304 Old Main. ALL SALES FINAL ALTERATIONS AT COST The Prices: Regular Price 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 55.00 75.00 STAT/E COLLEGE -TUESDAY,- OCTOBER' % 1' STARLITI DRIVE-IN "Winchester 73' JAMES STEWART SHELLEY WINTERS DAN DURYEA OF 167 MEN'S SUITS 33.75 36.75 41.75 44.75 48.75 „ 54.75 on BELLEFONTE ROAD SHOW TIME f- DUSK TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Also Selected Short Subject:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers