PAGE EIGHT Freshmen --- (Continued from page one) courtyard and built a bonfire to burn their dinks and name cards. Then the freshmen went to senior walk where several speakers tried to get the attention of the crowd. The freshmen dispersed shortly after Gene Kolber, an officer of Druids, had urged them to do so. A sign was noticed on the bal cony of Thompson hall this morn ing urging all fr.osh to march in mass to the pep rally to be held tonight in front of Old Main. The sign was removed shortly before noon yesterday. PSCA Work Party The Penn State Christian As sociation will hold a work party tomorrow afternoon. The purpose of the party will be to paint a schoolhouse in a neighboring community. All stu dents wishing to join the party should sign up in the PSCA of fice, third floor Old Main by 5 p.m. today. The car taking the students to the neighboring town will leave Old Main at 1:15 p.m. tomorrow. =r.%'34'==l'r,l'="d.'"%.`"M m medael The Westminster Foundation Cordially Welcomes PENN STATE STUDENTS New and Old SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 9:30 A.M.—Student Department Westminster Hall. Worship Service—Three Courses in Religion. Special Freshman Group will discuss "Why Do You Exist?" Leader Miss Phoebe E. Forrest 10:45 A.M.—World Wide Communion Observed 7:30 P.M.—Presbyterian Church 6:20 P.M.—Westminster Fellowship—Fireside Room Theme "Summer Experiences." MONDAY, OCT. 2-8 P. M. Monday Night WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4 Westminster Foundation Student Supper with Guests. Tickets 75c. Sign reservation list at Foundation. "It is Better to Light a Candle Than to Curse the Darkness" VIC'S Open Until Midnight Daily Hoyas Hit--- (Continued from page five) completed 67 out of 148 attempts, Mattingly will probably see plen ty of game time before the after noon is over. Hardirnan, a senior, and Mat tingly, a junior, will be working with a flock of sophoriiores headed by scatback Jim ThompSon, 165- pound left halfback; right half back Clem Riegers, and hard-hit ting Gino Paglucia, fullback. Backfield reserves include Jack O'Mahoney and Ralph Charney, sophomores, and Bob Versperille, a senior. - - Despite the transfer of Noppin ger to tackle the Hoyas will field two smooth pass catchers in Gus Fornaciara and Dick Losh. A 6- foot, 3-inch giant, Noppinger was an all-East end last year but has been playing like a veteran at his new post. CLASSIFIEDS REPLACEMENT FOR Nittany Dorms will pay $25. Call Dorm 35 Room 11. HAVE A DATE? Need a car? Drive it yourself Phone 7509. • 7- =- coup—Fireside Room HAKES ANDWICHES UNDAES NACKS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA WANTED MUSICIANS WANTED for organized band playing all special arrangements. Call 2280. NEEDED a good paid (2) of Army game tickets. Will pay bonus. Call Rudy, 2938. MISCELLANEOUS BILL'S MODEL SHOP is the complete model airplane and supply headquarters in town. 202 West Prospect-6:30-9:00 QUICK ItADIO SERVICE, pick up and delivery. Complete service equipment for •radio, television, recorders and phono eraphs. Call 2450. MEALS BY the week for students. Mrs Miley. 622 S. Allen. Phone 4137: LOST BRAND NEW Army Officer's raincoat, size 42, outside 217 Willard Hall, Sept. 22. Call 2643. RAINCOAT TAKEN from Willard Hall outside Rm. 220 Fri. afternoon, glasses and cigarette lighter in pocket. Please return to Student Union. Need glasses. P&E SLIDE RULE in or about Carnegie Hall auditorium Monday. Please call Dick Brewer 2376. EVERY SAT. NITE AT 8 Square Dancing at the BOALSBURG IRE HALL Music by "Allegheny Coon Hunters" SORORITY OF SERVICE The girls who belong are calm, competent, considerate. Tl . r job is to get your call through quickly and accu rately, wherever you want to go day or night, any day of .ifte week. _And courtesy is their creed. They are the 220,000 telephone er-rators of the Bell System: BLACK PARKER 51 with gold cap prob ably in Carnegie. Finder please call Norma Waters 330 Simmons. HAVE YOUR grey raincoat left at Tri- Delt Suite. You have mine. Call 292, Simmons, Betty Lou. RAIN-COAT Military style zipper lining noon Sept. 22, 107 M. Eng. I have yours. Call Danny 2708. FOR SALE OFFICER'S Regulation Green Blouse. Size 3511. Never worn. First $lO or highest offer. 116 Hamilton Hall. WHIZZER MOTOR Bike, excellent con dition, reasonable. Phone State College 2192. TRAILERS. New—Used. Travelite, Over land, Smoker. Ark • Trailer Sales, 2'4 miles west on 322. Student operated. ! BREAKING FOR A HIT I SKIP .EIDER AND HIS ORCHESTRA • ORIGINAL ARRANGEMENTS • THE BEST MUSICIANS ON CAMPUS • SMOOTH, EASY, DANCEABLE Can Skip 4908 Don 2337 BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 29. 1950 M=EMIMIME $250 original cost. Will sell for $lOO cash. Delaney, Hoover's Trailer Park 3505. AUTO RADlO—New—Never installed— Silvertone deluxe—pushbuttons-100 inch aerial—s4o. Inquire Box 114, Lance, Pa. TRAILER-22 ft.—hot water, built-on room and Porch ; refrigerator. APPLY Hoover's Trailer Camp. Mrs. Lowry. 1942 BUICK Special 4-door sedan. Good condition. Call 7391 after 5 p.m. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOMS with hot and cold running water. Faculty and gradu ate students. Central.—quiet. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave. State College. Phone 4850. ROOM FOR married couple or graduate students. Laundry privileges. Call State College 3388.
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