FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1950 Sororities End Rushing Today Nancy George Formal sorority rushing will end with coffee hours , tonight, and ribboning of women will take place Sunday night announced Nancy George, president of the panhellenic council. Each sorority will entertain at two formal coffee hours, one from 6 to 7:30 and another from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Rushees may sign preference cards at the Dean of Women's Office from 9:30 to 10:30 tonight and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. Sorority bids must be turned in to the dean's office by 10:30 p.m. today. Lists of prospective pledges will be issued to each sorority at 4 p.m. Sunday. A written invita tion for each woman on the list must be turned in by the group and will be distributed by mem bers of the panhellenic post of fice. At '7 p.m. one member of the sorority may call for each ribbonee. A strict silent period between sorority members and non-soror ity women will be enforced from Monday at 8 a.m. until Monday, October 16 at 8 a.m. when open bidding will begin. STAJLITE DRIVE-IN On Bellefonte Road Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Tonight If Happens Every Spring RAY MILLAND JEAN PETERS Also Selected Short Subjects "Take Your Date to Starlite" Doors Open at 11:30 P. M. Seats 55c Touching, whimsical yarn of a nice old guy who PLUS BUGS BUNNY in "EIGHT BALL BUNNY" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA 3 Informal, All-College Dances Scheduled AIM To Give Football Hop The Association of Independent Men will sponsor the "Touchdown Hop" in Recreation Hall from 8:30 to 12 midnight this Saturday after the first football game of the season. Admission will be free. The forming of an indepen dent orchestra was long the goal of the independent governing body and was finally realized when the present aggregation was formed and played at two of AlM's dances last Spring. This year, the band has been enlarged to 19 pieces, including three vio lins. Nine members of the fresh man and sophomore classes are now playing with the band. Inaugural Ball To Be Informal An informal Inaugural ball in honor of President Eisenhower will be held in Recreation hall Thursday night to conclude in auguration celebrations on cam pus, announced Curtis Wessner, co-chairman of inauguration pro ceedings. NOW! At Your Warner Theatre Cathaum John Garfield Patricia Neal "Breaking Point" Diana Lynn John' Lund "My Friend Irma Goes West" any Jane Powell Ann Southern "Nancy Goes To Rio" -MIDNITE SHOW TONIGHT! Cwens To Hold Dungaree Drag Recreation Hall will wear its oldest clothes on Oct. 14, when the annual Dungaree Drag is held. The "Drag", sponsored by Cwens, sophomore women's hon orary, is a girl-ask-boy affair. There will be dancing from 9 to 12 p.m. to the music of Gene Ma gill's orchestra. Dungarees and slaCks will be height of fashion that night, and all the girls are asked to make corsages for their dates. Any thing from vegetables to tissue paper and tin foil may be used for the corsage. Prizes will be awarded. There will be entertainment and refreshments during inter mission. Tickets are $1.50 per couple. use by knitting now the things you and your friends will need to keep them warm this winter. You can choose from our wide variety of pattern hooks. Then select the yarn you'll need from our complete line of exciting, new colors. Or select one of the many yarn packs, already to knit, complete with pattern and yarn for socks, sweaters, mittens, and ties. makes his ,11.,1 li7 , r, .x, t ' s.., ' `1„ :' " 4, ,i . ~ ~,9 • We carry Bernat, Beehive, Columbia, and Botany' yarns in wool and nylon . . . and many other new and different knitting materials. We also - have a wide selection of knitting books, needles, and knitting bags. When You Think of Knitting . . . Think of MARGARET'S SHOP 129 S. Frazier Street "Headquarters for Yarn" ~ -.>- .... :, . .----- , - . \ c. Up to 9 Lbs. Washed and Dried 60c Shirts Laundered 2 for 35c DRY CLEANING SERVICE Cash and Carry Suits and Dresses Slacks, Skirts, Sweaters Sport Jackets . Evening Gowns (hand finished) Waterproofing . . Any Raincoat Overcoats and Topcoats No Better Cleaning Available OPEN—Mon. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Tues. Thru Sat. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Co-editi Phi Kappa Leroy Guccini, William Heinz and Francis Pramuk were formal ly initiated into Phi Kappa fra ternity on Sunday. Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Omicron Pi sorority in itiated the following women Sun day morning: Julie Crisman, Joyce Flora, Kitty Hoy, Joan Kronenwetter, Eleanor Morisuye, Nancy Nelson, Melissa Wark, Jet Webber, Peggy Jane White and Eleanor Yeckinevich. Marriage 3 Sicklesmith-Kriner The marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Kriner, of Waynesboro, See Us For: YARN (All Colors) STATIONERY Nittany Card & Gift Shop Opposite Atherton Hall It's fun to knit It's fun to knit your own socks, sweater, or mittens. And it's so easy and economical, too. So, put your spare time to good iA:lll~If~~l~~ 'I~ Automatic * * * * * * * * 20% 69c ( 1 1. /7 39c„..,..., „ . rt • 68 ',... 7 .. \--:_,...„, 49c - - / \ •-, $1.50 up, ci it % 4 L , .'". 89c $l.OO (trade mark) Laundry 210 W. College Ave. OFF DELIVERED PRICES PAGE SEVEN and Mr. James Sicklesmith, of Mt. Morris, Pa. took place Sept. 2. Mrs. Sicklesmith, who is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, is a member of the class of 1950. Mr. Sicklesmith also graduatPd in June and is a mem, ber of Deltta Chi fraternity. Bunnell-Keller The marriage of Miss Betty Le titia Keller of State College and Mr. T. Robort Bunnell. also of State College ; was solemnized Sent. 3. Mrs. Bunnell is a senior at the College and a member of Aloha Gamma Delta sorority. Mr. Bun nell, also a senior, is president a Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. ... - 78 ~.... • 1 %0 •. i e 1,, I , perfume fashioned for ir . ~ intrigue... 0 11 . a dreamy scent with the 1 0 k concealed power of a sheathed 31 stiletto, for that always-to- II h i be-remembered evening. For ii women of impeccable taste. iiAt our perfume counter: $2.75 0 0 to $lB.OO. The same rare GRIGGS & KREAMERd 1111 Opposite Old Main r Service
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