PAGF FOUR Day-Student Rooms in Women's Building To Open On Friday The new Day-Student rooms in Woman's Building will be officially opened with an Open House from 2 to 5 p.m. on Friday. These rooms, essentially a pri vate suite in the south end of Woman's Building, are a project of the 1949 Cwens to be admin istered by succeeding groups of Cwens. Girls who do not live in the dormitories have long been in need of a campus "home", and Cwens is helping them to realize this goal. The rooms are being opened at this time because it is believed that the girls will need centrally located rooms in which to study or relax, drop packages or leave Messages for friends during exam week. The use of the rooms will be subject to dormitory regula tions and, therefore, will be' open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day. Members of the orientation crew and honoraries will be wel come to use these facilities when ever the need arises. Mrs. Kath erine Donor will serve as hostess. Take Penn State with you. Join the Penn State Alumni As sociation. News Briefs (Continued from page one) Greeters Club The executive committee of the Greeters Club will meet in 6 Home Economics at 7 o'clock to night to reinstate delinquent members. The regular club meet ing will be in 6 Home Economics at 8 o'clock tonight. Vet Book Refunds Veterans' checks representing amounts due for books and sup plies are now available in the Bursar's Office. These checks are for the third regular semester payment made on January 19, 1950. Economics Mixer An informal reception for , the graduating seniors in the depart ment of economics and for de partment faculty members and their wives will be' held in the TUB from 7 to 8 o'clock tonight. ISAI Soiree The International Society of Ancient Instruments will con duct its quarterly soiree at the usual time and place. Take Penn State with you. Join the Penn State Alumni As sociation. Take A Chance On Love? See page 3 YOUNG MEN'S, SHOP'S 1 WEEKLY SPECIALS Reg. 55c FANCY HOSE 3 pr. $l.lO Reg. $1.50 TIES 69c WHITE KERCHIEFS 2 for 25c Reg. $3.50 to $4.95 MUFFLERS $1.69 89c Fancy Broadcloth SHORTS 69c $6.95 Keystone SWEATERS $4.95 All Sleeveless SWEATERS $3.29 $3.65 Famous Make White SHIRTS $2.29 YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 127 S. Allen THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA eitgagesizeitio Pintar-Trumpeter The engagement of Barbara Trumpeter of Monessen and Law rence Pintar of Farrell has been announced. Miss Trumpeter, a sophomore in education, is •. a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. Mr. Pintar is a sophomore in chemical engineering. CLASSIFIEDS LOST WILL PERSON who picked up brown lerither wallet in Rec Hall Thursday by mistake, return same to Student Union desk, no money, cards irreplaceable. LOST BEAUTIFUL French scenic Scarf. Sentimental value. Reward. Phone 302 McElwain. Anita. INGERSOLL POCKET Watch, at Rec Hall on Wednesday night. Call Dorm 8, Rm. LOST—Parker "21" Pen on Friday, Jan uary 20th. Black barrel, silver top. Cull Meloy, 4902. LOST:TOPCOAT' in Chem. Eng. Jan. 24. Taken by mistake. I have yours. Charles Schultz. Phone 3308. MISCELLANEOUS STUDENTS—Get your thesis, term papers, mimeographing, and typing done! Sec retarial service. Hotel State College. Phone 4906. YOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State College. In many eases 24 hour service. Just Dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. TIRED OF looking at the same four walls? We have walls you've never seen: Stop at 320-B Windcrest or call MacMillan at 3970. That nickle may save you $5OO. GOING ON a Vacation? Take my special cookies, with you. Nice tin boxes: $1.50. $3.00, $5.00. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. Phone 4818, State College. TASH—ELECTION seems assured. Mice students get to meet and know you, they'll vote for Tash. Amos. WANTED WANTED—USED Baby Carriage in good condition. Write W. McMillan. Flem ing, Pa. Stating. condition and price. RIDE WANTED to Dover, N. J. or vici nity. Saturday, Feb. 4 after 5:30 p.m. Phone Jim, 2649. YOUNG PROTESTANT couple to shaie large furnished house, no children— rent s3s Inquire 176 E. Curtin St., Bellefonte, after 7 p.m. TWO MALE students desire room for spring semester, starting Feb. 7th. Call 5051. Ext. 270. Keith Orn. PHONOGRAPH — WITH Automatic Record Changer. Jesse Sharpiro, Dorm 2, Room 31. BOARD & ROOM • FOR MEN Inquire At MARILYN HALL 317 E. Beaver Ave. Telephone 3935 Ask For Mrs. Elleard NOW! , At Your Warner Theatre Cadman'? LLOYD BRIDGES BARBARA DAYTON "Trapped" Stale The International Film Club Presents W. Somerset Maugham's "Quartet" With 40 Famous Players e. any JOEL,McCREA VIRGINIA MAYO "Colorado Territory" dEPLACEMENT WANTED to take room HOUSE TRAILER-27 foot Palace, avail- SEE 808 IRVIN—for a good used car at Nittany Dorm for Spring Semester. . able immediately,—Extras—PUlced • for or a new Oldsmobile. State College Au- Please Call Tom McAvoy, Ext. 282. quick sale, $850.00. C. M. fancy, 107% tomobile Company, phone 3451. S. Allen. RIDE—WANTED to Newark, N. .1. any- time after 12 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1. 1932 FOUR DOOR Dodge Sedan—goes to Trailer with enclosed porch, permanent Call 6935. Ask for Jim Fortner. • highest bidder before Jan. 28th. ' Call bed, many extras. Occupancy immediately: 4618 after 5 p.m. Apply 330-B Windcrest after 5:30 p.M. FOR SALE ALL-ALUMINUM Spartan house trailer, WHITE ENAMEL Icebox; not refrigerator. with bottled gas stove, etc. Immediate Good condition. 12 ft. storage. $2 5 .0 0 . Corn 17, 60, 90. History 19. Econ 21, USED TEXTBOOKS, excellent condition. occupancy. Must sacrifice. See Jerry By- Call 9-6231. • rem, Typing T. Call 4437, Jimmy. . Hoover's Trailer Park. 1948 DELUXE Zimmer Aluminum House- MEN'SMUST SELL immediately-18' housetrail- Trailer, 27 ft., Frigidaire, Electric BICYCLE good condition, call er with addition. Good condition, bottled Water Heater, Bottled Gas, ventilating 7756, 1109 South Alien St,, State College. gas; will accept best offer. Call after 6:00 fans, venetian blinds. May be seen after 36 PONTIAC SEDAN, mechanically ex - p.m., 355 Windcrest. 5 p.m. Poorman's Service Station,• N. 'i. Atherton St. Priced for quick sale. J. G. eellent, body fair, inside exceptional. For LONG PLAYING records New stock 'Timmons. information call Dorm 36-5. available now. Large selection of Billy FOR SALE-1942 Chevrolet Club Coupe, Eckstine records ; • also Rag Mop. The • FOR RENT radio, heater, etc. $496. Call Rimer, 2887, Music Room, Glenniand Bldg. a between 6 and 8 p.m. HOUSE TRAILER 21' Covered Wagon. BEAUTIFUL 3 ROOM and bath, central 21-FOOT TRAILER with extra room at- Excellent condition. Available immediate. location, one furnished. One unfurnish tached. Permanent bed. Low cost. Close ly. Call 332-B Windcrest. Selling price ed. Occupancy Feb. Phone '7-9 p.m. to campus. Phone Barr, 2640. $775.00 Quick Sale. Bellefonte 3986. • • • .•••••• ••••• . I Mhipa • • • I 1 1 II• 11 I Graduating Seniors . . . . TAKE PENN STATE WITH YOU Join the Alumni-Association on or before February 7 While Your Membership Fee is At its September 23, 1949, meeting, the Executive. Board of the Penn State Alumni Association authorized the Association to solicit annual memberships from seniors for $2.00 providing that sum is paid on or before the day of Commencement. Join now and take advantage of this' special' rate. • Subscription to . the Penn State, Alumni News ,magazine, issued 7 times each year. Subicription to the Penn Stater, a quarterly newspaper. • First priority , on reserved football. tickets. • The Football. Letter, 'a : weekly printed account of each game during the season. • The 'Association sponsors 60 active Penn State District Clubs and pro vides programs (films •and speakers) for meetings all over the nation. These clubeof ten help , yOung alumi to become acquainted and acclimated to new cities and new environments. • The Association conducts class reunions in June and Homecoming in the fall. • The Alum6i Office maintains . the most complete biographical and occu pational records of the 40,000 alumni. • • Our addressograph plate file is the only active Penn State alumni Mail ing list in existence. , • Over 700,000 individual pieces of mail went.out last year to alumni frtim the Association mailing room. • • • Alumni (3 years after graduation) elect 9 members to the College Board of Trustees, and also 5 representatives to the Athletic Advisory Board. PENN STATE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LIFE. MEMBERSHIP 104 Old Main, State College, Pa. Paid in Full . . . . $50.00 Installments . . . $55.00 (Down payment of $ll.OO and 4 annual installments of $ll.OO each.) After Commencement! Only $2 for One Year (After Feb. 7 Your Fee Will be $3.00) Benefit from these Alumni Services:- r === 'mm - mmmmmm • mt a 1m ME I 'Enclosed is My Check for $ For ( ) Annual or ( ) Life Membership Name Class 1950 Street City THURSDAY, JANUARY 26,. 1950 State
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