TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1949 Grube, Williams Attend WRA Athletic Federation Mary Ellen Grube and Regina Williams attended the Pennsyl vania Division of the Athletic Federation of College Women as rep resentatives of WRA this past weekend. Miss Grube, publicity chairman, and Miss Williams, assistant intramural chairman, lead a discussion on “Your Athletic Associa tion Now” for groups from large colleges and universities at the three day conference which was held at Wilson College. Plunge Hours Swimming in the Whiite Hall pool will be open this week to all coeds for the first time this semes ter. Plunge hours for coed relaxa tion will be held on Monday, and Wednesday from 8 to 9 p.m. and on Friday and Saturday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. The WRA Swiming Club for be ginners and \intermediates will meet for its organizational meet ing on Wednesday night from 7:30 to 9. Instruction will be given for the first half hour and then fol lowed by a general program. This class is sponsored by the Advanced Swimming Club to give freshmen coeds a chance to swim since it is not a requirement for their first year. Swim Club . The regular Swimming Club which la open to swimmers who may wish to learn more advanced strokes will meet from 7:30 to 0 on Thursday evening. Flay Night, also sponsored for all coeds at the College by WRA is held every Saturday evening. A full program consisting of bad* minton, bowling, ping pong, and swiihthing is offered and refresh* meats are served. WSGA, WRA Hold Nominations Tonite Open nominations for officers of the Women’s Student Govern ment Association and Women’s Recreation Association will be held in 316 Sparks, 7 o’clock to night. These nominations will be added to the official slate already compiled by WSGA and WRA.. Qualifications of the nominees on'the slate Will be read at this time and anyone desiring to nominate a candidate should also be prepared to list the qualifca tions of her nominee. Candidates proposed by WSGA Tfor freshman Senator are Mar garet Fahringer, Poris Heister, and Margaret. Schultz:; sopho more senator, . Barbara Klopp, Annabelle Russell and Sally Shoeirtaker; and treasurer, Lois Jakob, Eleanor Miller and Jane Stieber. - All WSGA candidates must be a member of the spohomore class to be nominated for sophomore senator and treasurer, and a member of the freshmen class to be nominated for freshman sena tor. All nominees must have a 1.5 all-college average. Nominees on the WRA slate are Margaret Betts, Barbara COchran, 1 and Margaret Rouse, sophomore representative,' Helen Neusbaum, Jghe Sttitger, and marilyn Williams,. secre t a r y treasurer; and Patricia Frank, Janet Herd 1 and Mabel Markle, freshman senator. - Freshman women students who live in town are also asked to at tend the meeting in order to nom inate candidates for a town rep resentative to Freshman Council. V Alpha Chi. Omega Marilyn Jones. Marybert Kincaid, Ruth Kloskey, Vir ginia Laudano, Joan Miller, Annabell Russell, and Deborah Smedley were pledged by Alpha Chi Omega during formal rush ing. Mardi Christensen, Susan Min gins ahd Anne Sweger were inr iiiated into Kappa Alpha Theta sorority oh Sunday morning. STUDENTS . * OBTAIN YOUR PRIVATE FLYING LICENSE • C.A.A. APPROVED TRAINING SCHOOL and CURRiqUtUM • DUAL FLIGHT INSTRUCTION .• / 2 PAYMENTS ONLY $42.60 Each DIAL 6615 STATE COLLEGE AIR DEPOT ONE MILE WEST ON COLLEGE AVENUE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Sororities Begin Informal Rushing Informal rushing-which began yesterday morning at 8 o’clock will continue for the remainder of the semester, according to Dolores Jelacic, Panhel presi dent. During this period there will be no planned parties and all re freshments will.be dutch treat. Freshmen women or any stu dent who has a deferred grade at the end of the fourth week of the semester is ineligible for rushing. Any student who has a 1 all-college average or who is a first semester transfer student is eligible for bidding. All bids musf be a written, for mal invitation with the official Panhellenic stamp on it. During this period following the extend ing of a bid, a'two-weeks silent period win be observed unless a reply is received from the rushee before the expiration of . that time. All pledges during open bid ding must be reported to the Dean of Woman’s Office. Mortar Board Gives Annual Mardi Gras Final plans are being made this week to present the annual Mor tar Board Mardi Grasjn Rec Hall from 7 t 0.9 p.m. Friday Ruth Lehman, president of the honor ary, announced. . A display of the kings nomi nated by women’s groups on the campus will be held in the Ath letic Store window beginning to day, Shirley Gauger, chairman of the committee in charge of se lecting a king, stated. ~ In voting for the king one pen ny will count as one vote ahd no limit will be set on the number of votes one person may have. Thus the. candidate who receives the most pennies in his name will be the Mardi . Gras King. A new custom will be begun this year as Mortar Board awards a bronze cup to the women’s group which earns the most money for the festival. Elizabeth Taylor, in charge of the entertain ment booths stressed again the rule of Mortar Board that no gambling be allowed. Basketball Meeting Planned Tomorrow A meeting for all girls- who wish to learn to officate at bas ketball games or prepare fot the National Officiating Examination Will be held in 3 White Hall at 8:15 tomorrow evening. All who are interested are re quested . to be present at this initial Meeting or, if unable to do so; to contact Miss Leonard at White Hall pool before meeting time. Eshlamafr—Land ■ The' engagement of Marjorie Land to Robert Eshleman was announced during the summer* Miss Land, a senior in -horticul ture and a member of Beta Sigma Omicron Is from Bedford, Her fiahce is also a .senior in horticulture and • a member of Chi Phi. He is from Bloomsburg. , Many Older Men "Father is a freshman” is the case of many Altoona Center stu dents this fall. Older men, experiencing fre FOOTBALL A 1 * What Scores Do You Predict? PENN STATE vs. WEST VIRGINIA ARMY vs. FORDHAM PENNSYLVANIA vs. VIRGINIA mm and everybody wins in smoking pleosu REAS DERICK MARK’S PERO 121 8. ALLEN 101 W. NITTANY GRAHAM & SOM THE OORHER ROOM 103 S. ALLEN . 100 W. COLLEGE TEDDY’S 135 E. BEAVER IHM fl w PHILIP MORRIS For toniplete contest de falls—plats weekly pest* legt of iwfifMeel winners cowed these contest bead* fritter points! nroll At Colleges quent layoffs today, want to se cure positions which offer more security such as in the teaching field. These positions often call for Everybody can wbt In the BIG Annual PHILIP MORRIS given in Americans Finest Cigqreffel crfdmhal De Luxe Con* Table Model Radio-Phonograph Prizes—to be given away at your Col* lege—to Fraternities, Sororities, Clubs or Living Groups at close of 9 Week Contest I To ovoid delay in processing and in prize awards, please submit ballots weekly. more educational background ths the men have. Consequently, many of the) have enrolled as freshmen an sophomores at the center to fui ther their education in an attem] to stabilize their futures. CONTEST! PAGE SE'
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