PAGE FOUR LlOi Lion Jayvee Grid Squad To Meet Navy Nittany men To Play Four-Game Slate While the Lion varsity football machine entertains Nebraska on c i . . . c .__. its home ground, Beaver Field, TO atari the Nittany jayvee gridders meet *' Navy at Annapolis. • > ' - $ . A 32-man contigent of jayvee fIHHHgt gridmen entrained yesterday for ' ' the Naval Academy for their ' «hHH| opening encounter in 'their ab breviated four-game schedule. , TWEMmif Itiiiißii' 1 * The charges of Coach Bill Gut teron meet Lock Haven on Oc tober 22, and on the 28th they ■ ■ square off against Syracuse, both tussles being slated for the homg s . In another home encounter, on November 11, the Lion juniors |||WM conclude campaigning against ' Bucknell’s. jay.vees. , Gutteron has not yet decided on his starting eleven and plans HHF not to announce it until kickoff WSBBB time. &BSSB& JHHBB Three former Lion football spe- m&sß ■ cialists, Joe Colone, captain last HhhF season, John Potsklan, co-captain of the Cotton Bowl team, and Ray Ulinski, Nittany backfleld stand out, are Gutteron’s assistants. FRED FELBAUM Thinclads Open Season Today, NYU Visits Nittany Stronghold Captain Bob Parsons leads Penn State’s cross-country team into its initial meet of the season with New York University at 2:15 p.m. today. The meet will start at the Beaver Field flag pole, continue over the College golf course, and end in front of the west stands. Both the Lions and NYU plan to enter eight men in today’s contest. Last Clair (5), A 1 Porto (6), John year’s run ended in a 19-36 vie- McCall (7) and Bill Gordon (8) tory for Coach Chick Werner’s are slated for the five-mile trial thinclads. ) . . for the Wernermen. The host Nittanies wil field a NYU's' lineup includes Bill young but seasoned team against , Cunningham (number 21), Gor the Violets. All the Lion squad don McKenzie (22). Howard members running today are Jacobson (23). Lawrence Ellis juniors. (24), Joseph Meland (25), Louis Parson (number 1), Bill Ash- Remenlernia (26), Bob Grun enfeller (2), Don Ashenfeller inger (27). and Frank Brooks (3), Bob Freebairn (4), John St. (28). FOOTBALL LINEUP Penn State vs. Nebraska Game Time: 2 o'clock Penn Slate Nebraska : - 83—Slorer LE . Damkroger—2l 71—Norton LT Reese—47 66 J. Dravenovich LG . Salestrom—rlB 52—Hedderick C NdVaik—6o 67 Felbaum RG Hawkins—43 77—Hoover RT Toogood—4l 86—Hicks RE R. Schneider—36 22—C. Murray QB Nagle—2o 46—Luther LH Ferguson—33 14—Dougherty RH Mueller—23 33—Rogel FB ; Adduci—2B ‘ Officials: Referee—Albert J. Booth, Jr., Yale: Umpire—John Waldorf, Missouri; Linesman—Philip E. Genlhner, N.Y.U.; Field Judge—Ted O'Sullivan, Missouri;-Electric Clock- William C. Evans, Lebanon Valley. COLLEGIAN PREDICTS Once more taking the ole' crystal ball out from under its protec tive shroud, the Collegians' intrepid quartet of low-life Yogis face their fourth round of selecting various collegiate football victors. Six teen squads come under this week's scrutiny. r'zurr Krane I Kotzbauer Koehler Vadasz , (.517) I , (.621) (.655) (.690) | Ala-Tenn. Tenn. Ala. Ala. Tenn. Boston Col. Miss Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss. B’knell-Temple Temple Temple . Temple Temple ; • Cornell-Yale Cornell j Cornell Cornell j Yale ‘ | Duq'sne-H.Cross Duquesne H.Cross Duquesne j H.Cross i | 111.-Migsouri Missouri Illinois Illinois - ' Missouri i Indiana-lowa lowa lowa lowa lowa \% Kans.-Okla. Okla. Okla. Okla. Okla. Mich.-N*western Mich. ' Mich. Mich. • Mich. 1 ; ’me-N.D. Tulane N.Dame N.Dame | N.Dame Lions, Huskers Clash Today THE nut y r>or T,vr,T.AN STATE C.Of ,T PF.NNSYLV * NtA Record Crowd Expected Today For Homecoming Battle A Homecoming crowd expected to over-shadow any previous Beaver Field football audience will watch the Nittany Lions of Penn State tangle with their first intersectional rival, the Nabraska Gorn huskers, in a battle of ground manuevers this afternoon. Kickoff time is 2 o’clock. Pre-game sales indicate a crowd in excess of the 24,500 who over flowed the field a year ago to see State tie with Michigan State (14- 14), With moderate temperatures and partly cloudy weather fore cast, returning alumni and* their friends may fill Penn State’s eh larged-to-30,000 stadium for the first time. The Lions are favored to chalk up their second straight, victory, in this fourth game of the season. They lost their first two games to Villanova and' Army. Nebraska sports a 2-won, 1-lost record, boasting wins over South Dakota and Kansas State with a loss to powerful Minnesota injected be tween. AIR TRIP Nebraska set up camp in BeljLe fonte yesterday after their first air trip to, a football game landed them in Pittsburgh from Lincoln, Thursday. The Huskies completed the trip by bus. Both elevens are near top strength. Lion Head Coach Joe Bedenk, for the second straight weekend, will revamp the start ing right-side of the line with Fred Felbaum and sophomore Ed Hoover opening at. guard and tackle respectively. - Jack Storer, who dragged down two touch down passes against Boston Col lege last week, will start at left end in place of John Smidansky, and Charley Murray will replace the still-ailing Chuck Drazenovich at the starting quairter-back slot. Bill Glassford, Nebraska coach, has chosen Nick “Bull” Adduqi to open at fullback. Francis Nagle, who does, the passing and ball handling from the Cornhusker “T,” is slated for a starting berth despite a rumored injury incurred in the Kansas State game. Guard Art'Bauer, one of the pillars in a light but hard-charging Husker line, is not listed as starting but the front wall will be bolstered •by outstanding center,' Tom No vak,""ahd offensive 1 end Ralph Damkroger. SCATBACKS Featuring an attack that relies on the speed of scatbacks. Bill (Rocky) Mueller, Gerry Ferguson' and (Don Bloom, plus the passing of. quarterback Nagle, the under estimated Cornhuskers have sur prised the Big-Seven Conference with their ability to move' and score. In three games they' out scored their opponents, 52 to '4O, with- 28 of the opposition points chalked up by Minnesota; ■ . Glassford, in his first year at the helm of the Scarlet and Crearp, is short on reserve strength although he has 22 returning let-’ termen and he is forced to call on much, freshman and sophomore talent. But the sophomores.vHave been comiiig through in fine style for him, many of them, winning starting roles. Reserve- strength has also been Bedenk’s big weak ness; however, the Lion sopho mores are rounding into shape and should be ready for heavier duty in this contest. The Big White worked up some new plays and stressed ground attack and defense in the week’s •. wakni n NITTANY MONDAY - TUESDAY OCTOBER • 17 and 18 Tit THEJTRE GUILD pmnu . Laurence OLIVIER la WlUum SkaknpMrt*! "Henry Y” IN IECIMCIIH * Mmi lin MM Artkta CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES, i NO RESERVED SEATS i IL. ALL STUDENTS .75 Jr DOORS OPEN AT 1:15 P. M. | tuns from Tailback BILL LUTHER workouts. Vince . O’Bara, Bill Luther \ and Fran Rogel showed better than average passing ability in the BC fray and will be at tempting to duplicate their achievements, but the Lion single wing offense still rests on the plunging shoulders of Rogel, with reverses by wingback Owen Dougherty calculated to roll up additional yardage; . ■ STRONG LINE State’s big asset, its line, which will slightly outweigh Nebraska’s frontwall, is seasoned material, all the way. The line is all-senior; with the exception of Ed Hoover, tackle', but Don Murray, a senior, will, probably play, most, of the game at that position. Negley Norton, Ray Hedderick, Felbaum, Bobby Hicks and'. Joe Drazeno vich. are veteran performers. Dra zenovich last weekwas nominated for “lineman-of-the-week” .honors although -Clayton Toiinemaker .Of Minnesota won the distinction. Today’s game is the first of four meetings,, hom e - a rid -ho me,. ar-< rangemeht.' between, ~'the";r'twb‘ schols. ' 1 . ■ - NEED A GOOD DEPENDABLE USED CAR ? , • PRICED TO SUIT YOUR MEANS • VARIED SELECTION Yob Can Always Depend On ANTES Far Dollar-For-Dollar 'Value'; . . Our Aim Is To Satisfy You , . We Can Also Supply You Take A Up - - - With All Genuine FORD Experience the New Parts FORD “FEEL.” i ANTES MOTOR SALES Route 322 FORD DEALER Pho*ie 2*05 ■ One-Fourth Mile North of State Colfege. ■ ' ’ ■ '• ■■■ W<,\ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1949 Soccer Unit Eyes 3rd Win, Meets Orange Coach Jeffrey Plans To Start Same Team Hoping to run their current season win streak to three, and their unbeaten skein to ten elver the past two campaigns, the Lion soccermen square off against the Orange at Syracuse this after noon. Coach Bill Jeffrey will,- once again, depend on his trio of high scoring forwards—Harry. Little, Joe Lane and Ron turn the tide of the battle. ; ' Coleman operates on the'tight side of the line next to -lanky Ted Lieb while Lane holds down the operating spot in- the center of v the line, Clarence Buss and-Eiittle " pro vide the scoring punch ironi .the right side with L'awrbski and Spence Boyer ready- tb'spell the starters. 11 ~..i Behind the speedy fotwards, Dick Hannah, Ralph Hpsterman and Will Kraybill line up. Han nah and Hostermbn .were named to the 1948 all-American, soccer team ••si «h> r ■ . DEFENSE,, , ; In the defensive, department, Jeffrey will send big ; Chuck Mar golf, and Bill Yerkes into the "fra cas against the Hillmeru Ready for relief, duty ,in.. the fullback department wifi’be Nel son Spurling while Red, Emig will see action as d, re liefer. , ' 'v.y.ji At goalie. Jeffrey plans to.staxt George. Lawther with Ron Coder ready for substitute duty. ; WELCOME ALUMNI! GIBS PHOTO FINISHING , 212 E. College Ave. : ~ State College, Pa. hurrying back because they forgot to-order their NN STATE Class ftings '<—at— • BALFOUR CO. Branch Office - Athletic Store
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