' SATURDAY, OCTUBffiR 15, 1949 Army,Nebr. Grid Movies Slated Wed. Movies of the Penn State-Ne braska and Penn State-Army football games will be shown next Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Schwab. . Ray M. Conger, in charge of student recreation for the School df Physical Education and Athle tics, yesterday announced 1 the student showing... The event will be sponsored by the Penh State Camera Club. Football movies in the past two years ) have attracted over flow crowds to Schwab. Coaches will give a running account of the movies. Tentative speakers are , Frank Patrick, as sistant coach, for the Nebraska contest, and James O’Hora, . as sistant coach, for the Army game. < ' Plans' call for showing other football movies in the following weeks. Bishop Wicke To Address Alumni, Chapel 1 As part 1 of .the -"Alumni Home coming celebration on campus this, weekend, the College Chapel will hear Dr. Lloyd C. Wicke, resident >bishop of the Methodist Church in the Pittsburgh area. Special music for the occasion will be presented by. the chapel chbir under • the direction of Willa Taylor, associate professor of mtisic education. The anthem for the service is 1 entitled “Sanc tus” .and is part of the Requiem Mass by' Mozart., • A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Doctor Wicke spent his under graduate years at Baldwin-Wal ,'lace and later procured his B.D. degree from Drew Theological ■Seminary) Madison, New Jersey. The Ph. D. degree was conferred upon him at Drew and later in his. career his Alma Mater honor ed him with the Doctor of Divin ity .degree. This year Allegheny ' College presented him. with the LL. D. degree, at its commencement ex ercises. In addition to his gradu ate work at Drew Seminary, Doctor Wicke has pursued post graduate study at New York Uni versity, Yale, Syracuse ' an d Union Seminary. > As a member of the Newark Conference of the,,. Methodist Church, Dr. Wicke served pastor ates in New Jersey before his call to Mount Lebanon Methodist Church in Pittsburgh In 1948 he was further honored .by his denomination through his elect ion as Bishop' of the Methodist Church assigned to the' Pitts burgh area. ' New Date Set For Ml Opening Opening of the Mineral Science' building, originally to have taken place today, has been, tentatively' set for November 1, according,ta a School of Mineral Industries spokesman. _ State inspectors are still scru tinizing the building,' seeking to eliminate . all flaws before the state turns the edifice Over to the College. After the official presentation, aU M.I. research and M.I. exten-. sion offices will be transferred to the new building. , Money for the new Equipment, totaling' $5,000, according to a preliminary estimate, has hot been appropiated as y ejt. No equipment from the Mineral In dustry building will be used, but records and perhaps 20 per cent of the faculty will be/transferred. /After, the State releases the building to the care of College, it will be 'open for inspection; in atohing the museum. The museum will have five built-in, selft-lighted wall cases. Three in the lobby will depict the three functions of the Min eral Industry School, namely, (1) resident instruction, (2) exten sron and correspondence in struction, apd (3) M.L research. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA _! Forest Fugitive . . . Squirrel Comfy In Waste Basket Things were more' “squirrely” than usual in Sparks yesterday af ternoon. , , . A baby squirrel was found on campus by Charles King who was on his way to his afternoon class es. Since King - had a. lab which lasted all afternoon, he left the tiny :animal in 1 a wastebasket in 119 Sparks. Miss Julia McNutt, a sociology secretary, and Miss Jdan Dunlap, a political sciences secretary, fed the “cute little thing" apples -all afternoon. They were kept busy showing off ' their temporary guest to the many people who stopped in to see him. - King, a third semester chemi Fee Payments Will Continue A large.number of students'un able to pay. college fees yesterday can make payment this morning from 8:30 to ,11:30, Bursar David ;C- Hogan, Jr,, announced last night. Hogan - reported that ..“about half of the / students” were ac comodated ’yesterday in the new Willard Hall office. • Nine receiv ing points were in use, but a line of students extended out of the building- and along Pollock- Road. The bursar attributed the heavy lpad to the fact that, al though • veteran enrollment is dropping, the number of students paying fees has increased at the College. , • A ss‘late payment fee is assess able but returns this morning will govern the . decision ,as to whether the fee will be enforced Monday, Hogan stated. 1 - Extra Car Area Planned For* Game Parking facilities for those driving to the football game to day will be provided behind the beef barn. Phillip Mark, cap lain', of the Campus Patrol,- an nounced yesterday. The -barn is located at Park ayenue and Shorllidg9 road in the northeast corner of the cam pus. Following the game, only south-bound traffic will'be per mitted on Burrowes road. 1 "The purpose of this regula-1 lion," Capt. Mark explained, "is to avoid traffic jams such as de veloped after past games." To lessen the burden on cam pus traffic and to provide more parking facilities for alumni, students are requested to walk to the game. cgl engineering student, plans to keep the little fellow for a pet. PENN STATE COLLEGIAN L. K. Mfctzger 1915 .L. K. Metzger^ The Fastest Growing Store in State College ' m : /_ : ® Hunting Equipment of All Kinds - Pill jjj Alumni — i NOW, as in the past-36 years, METZGERS continues-to serve the students of Penn State with, faithful support, characterized by fine quality merchandise and courteous service. A WARM WELCOME to all our old* friends to come in and see us, and view the vast improvements whiph have been added to our store. SHOW YOUR, COLORS WITH SOUVENIRS FROM METZGERS Banners Pennants Seals Stuffed Animals Book Ends Glasses A Common Expression In Town and On Campus "You Can Get It at METZGER'S" --METZGERS Student Patrol Names Officers Student patrol, which works in conjunction with campus patrol at all student functions, last week named five new officers. t*aul' Glenn Harr was elected lieutenant, Tony Corrozza and .. - . • ffi Guns. Ammunition. Clothing, Famous Dux-bak Coats ’l^ and Faints. Knives, Axes, Oil, Grease. Cleaning Rods, Etc. 1 'J Welcome Back io Your Alma Mater. You who have not been here lor. a number of years will see some changes both in the College and Town. Visit our store and see the remarkable growth since ’rl 1915 or even WM. iSti Student Supplies of All Kinds VISIT OUR TOY AND GUN DEPARTMENT PENN STATE Today's Weather: Cool, Partly Cloudy Fred Brown, sergeants, and Gor don Hartzell and Walter Gable, corporals. ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 Coat Sweaters fAGE THREE Skull Caps Sweat Shirts Footballs Mugs Jackets Ph. 7803
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