'Army Special' To Make Trip To West. Point Ask 350 Quota To Guarantee Train A special student.train to West Point for the Army-Penn State football game October I was an nounced yesterday by Bellefonte Central Railroad officials. The train will originate in State Col 4lege. To be known as "The Blue and White College Special," the train will require 350 reservations be fore the railroad will guarantee it: Students will given from Monday until Thursday of next week to znake reservations. Fare Is $15.15 • The railroad set the round trip fare at $15.15, guaranteed air-con ditioned coaches, and offered as a bonus a ticket to a radio broad cast program in a New York studio. Officials also announced that coach lunch service would be available from Harrisburg to West Point. ' Pending receipt of the required number of reservations, the start ing time of the trip was set for 11 p. m. Friday, September 30, arriving in West Point at 9:20 a, m. Saturday. The train :will leave West Point after the game at 5' p. m., arrive in Weehauken at -6:20 p. in., leave the Pennsyl vania Station in New YOrk at 3 a. -m. Sunday, October 2, and arrive in State College at 11 a. /11, Sale Monday.. , • The sale which will determine whether the special will be run will begin Monday,from 8:30 a. m. to 12 noon,. and again from 1:30 to 4:30' p. ,m., at, the ,ticket windows of the Athletic. Associa tion, first floor, Old Main.' Tbe train will be guaranteed as: soon as the 350-parson quota is reached. Hatmen Coach Flash-Card Men Fifteen hatmen will control Penn State's flash'-card section at home football games this year. Now in its second year, the flash card section is designed' to • add color to the Nittany football spec tacle, and will. be composed' en tirely of sophomore 'men, accord ing to present plans. "We want , to see all sophomores take an active part in support of the' team," declared Dick head cheerleader:. He explained that, this year's flash-card section will be "NF" in the curve of the U,-shaped stands. • • • "The privilege of taking. part in the ilish-card_system will go to the first 660-odd sophoniore men who 'fill section 'NF' this Saturday," 'Clair,. said. "They should be in their seats by. 12:;10 There to greet - the sophomore men in section "NP" will be 16 row • captains chdsen from ranks of three Nittany.' hat • organiza tions, Parmi Nu, Skull and Bones and Blue Key. Bach captain will have charge 'of two . rows of card flashers.. Sponsoring: the .flash-card. yen- . ' (Continued on page 17) Today . The NittamiLiOn Roars FOR, each and every one of The WIVE'HUNDRED"—mean- . ing, of course, our, new frosh women, as distinguished ,from any MYTHICAL social group. The LION hopes to meet and get acquainted with you girls —and vice-versa—while you're in his den. • He's rooting -for you in all your endeavors at State and 'is glad to salute ,yciu at a good and respected 'college—YOUß OWN PENN. STATE. It. 1 . 10 , 4 til ag . ( „?„. ..._;,,, „ . 4 " O r The Weather Fair mad .. 1 Cooler "POR A BETTER PENN STATE" VOLUME 50 'NUMBER 1 STATE COLLEGE, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS 500 VVomen Herald Frosh Return; Intensive Orientation Planned Thirty-five hundred new students, including 500 freshmen women, are being introduced to life at Penn State in what promises to be the most intensive 'Orientation Week, program the College has Beginning with a meeting with the Dean of Women Sunday night for the freshman group and convocation in Rec Hall last night for, all new students, the activities planned by the College and student groups will make the transition into a full, active collegiate life a§- quicklY :and 'detailed as possible: ,Following the mass Meeting last night, at which the students were welcomed to the College by Acting President James Milholland; and at-which the_Deans of the College were •introduced„all students this morning are meeting in School groups. • • Hems for this meeting and all others throughout Orientation Week are listed in detail in the mimeographed program which - 'was distributed at the convocation. • With a week of activities filled with counseling and scheduling conferences, scholastic ,aptitude, and psychological tests, health. ex * * * . - 1 , aminations, mixers, informational programs, and registration, stu- Fros. . Soph II 7 lNew Students dents will meet together in sev . / eral sessions. Coeds to Hear WSGA Address Otientation of. all new coeds had its officjal send-oft last night as all new students attended . the Convocation in . Recreation Hall. A continuation of the orientation program .with_ a special slant for women will last until next 'rues ' 'Freshman women," who arrived Sunday; attended . a welcome meeting ,Schwab -Auditorium to' begin their orientation and were greeted at this time by Ray V. Watkins, College Scheduling Officer, Pearl O Weston, dean cf women, and by, other members of the dean of women's office. • , At. 7, p..m. tonight both fresh man and sophomore women will attend a meeting- in Schwab Auditorium to hear about the Women's Student Government Association. - Chimes and Cwens, women's •activity and scholarship himoraries; will piesent the - es sential facts about - WSGA, part ' - (Continued on page 17,) , Preiident'i Message Welcome to'Perin State •of you.' have been Penn State'students" for a year •and are merely'-transferring to the , main camphs: linwever, 500 of you are, freshman: women , —the first on the campus since the War. We are especially . happy, to have' you with us. • We' know all of you will find problems of. adjustment, whether you.have had a year of college or riot. There will be new ways of doing 'things,' rieW living condi tions, new study requirements, and new recreational and social activities..l3ecause of the size and complexity of the College you will find a greater need than ever before, to carefully plan the use of your time and .energies. We urge you to , do this planning on the.basis of sound values. The opportunities. are here, and we pledge our efforts to help you use them to the, best possible ad vantage. The rest is up to you. I am . confident that you will do yoUr beat, too, and that togethor we will haye a good year. :JAMES , MILHOLLAND, / Acting• President All-College Mixer An All-College mixer to •which all students are invited is slated for Osmond Lab park ing lot beginning at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday.,Sponsored by All- College Cabinet, it will fea ture the'music of Jack Huber's orchestra. In case . of rain, the mixer will . be held in the Tub. The affair is the second and final mixer of Orientation Week, the mixer sponsored by the Penn State Christian As sociation scheduled for. Thugs daynight. Harry McMahon, All-Col lege Vice-President and chair man of the Cabinet Orientation Committee, reminds students of the - change in time and place of the mixer from those stated on the Orientation Program forms distributed at last night's convocation. Pep Rally Set For Friday Eve Sophomores and freshmen new to the campus will experience their first Nittany pep rally Fri day. The event is slated from 9 to 9:45 p. m. at the Lion Shrine and will feature• songs and icheers, musit by a makeshift Penn Stale Blue Band, introduction of sev eral campus notables, and a per sonable appeTarance by. the Nit tany Lion. Scheduled for 7 .p. m. in the 'Orientati9n Week pro gram,, the pep' rally has been moved back 'to 9 p. m. because it was impossible for the Blue Band to organize by the, earlier hour. Hour Conflicted 'Having the rally at 8 p. m. was out too," , declared. Richard Clair. head 'cheerleader, "because the. Women's :Recreation Associa tion open' house .in White Hall will will be at . that hour." The 7 p. m: time for, the pep . rplly, also conflicted with.a meet ink of yollock Dormitory ,meri•at the PUB. Daniel A. DeMarino, assistant dean of .men, has an nounced :that the Pollock .gather ing.has been setback a half hour to '7:30 p. m.. Friday. , Tentative Program I Morton Snitzer, Skull and Bones president, and Clair are planning the rally, program which tentatively includes introduction of James Milholland, acting president of the College; Joe Be denk, head football coach; Frank Patrick, assistant football coach; Sever Toretti, assistant football coach; Negley Norton, ' football. co-captain, Bob Hicks, football • (Continued On page 17) Orientation issue Today's 24 : page Daily Col legian is a special Orientation Weelc issue mainly, aimed ,to ward helping new sophomores and freshmen-and 'a few new. juniors -- to' , becorne settled olidly •on Nittany soil. • A, pre-Villanova 'game issue will' appear Friday. It will' b.e available at Student Union in Old 'Main. Beginning next Tuesday, the Daily Collegian will be pub lished regularly five times weekly, Tuesday • through Saturday, with distribution to various living units. ,ever seen Hear Leaders In Rec Hall Student leaders representing major fields •of activity .'n campus will •explain those activi ties to new students at a meeting sponsored by All-College Cabinet in Rec Hall at 8 p. in. today. Originally set for Beaver Field, the event has been, moved be cause of the unavailability of the stands. Ted Allen, All-College Presi dent, will open the meeting, and will be succeeded by Joel Flem ing who will serve as master of ceremonies. Speakers include James Ge hrdes, president of the Athletic Association; Peter Geisey and Dolores Jelacic, respective presi dents of Interfraternity and Pan hellenic Councils; James Linde (Continued on page 17) Ted Allen Student Welcome On -b ehalf -of the student body and .'its student government I welcome you, the classes '52 and '53, to - the Main Campus. .'lt's a new school year and a new campus for you new Penn Staters.. I imagine the campus and school operation appear huge and vast—and so it is, compared with schools you've previously attended. Likewise you'll find many more and a greater variety of activities in which to take part. Don't let size and volume bother you. Take steps immediately to participate in the activity or ac tivities of your choice. Without doubt I know each of you had a place in some phase of school life in the schools from which you came, and we hope you'll readily find and establish your place here at State. The upperclassmen, I'm sure, will help you get started because we're anxious to have your tal ents • and abilities included in our continuous drive to responsibility of making• a bigger and better Penn State.. This is your school and your campus. To fully enjoy your college life, be a real Penn Stater. , TED ALLEN. Att•Cotlege President Cabinet Program A program sponsored by All- College Cabinet in Rec Hall at 8 p. m. today will introduce stu dents to campus leaders who will explain the organizations and ac tivities open to all students. Two mixers, one in front of Old Main tomorrow at 8 p. m., sponsored by. the Penn State Christian Association, and an All- College mixer set for the Osmond Lab parking lot beginning at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, will provide students with dancing opportuni ties and a chance for freshman women to become acquainted with the male element on campus be fore customs go into effect next Wednesday. Students Rally A pep rally slated for 9 to 9:45 p. m., Friday will expose newcomers to their first real dis play of Penn. State spirit, and further acquaint them with school songs and cheers. After a hectic Saturday root ing for their new Alma Mater in Beaver Field, where the Nit tany Lion will meet the - Villa:. nova Wildcat in a football tussle, the accent shifts to orientation along 'spiritual lines. All students are invited to at tend the first chapel service of I.the fall semester in Schwab Auditorium, beginning at 11 a. m. Sunday. James T. Smith, act ing chaplain, will preside, and. Dr. Raymon Kistler, president of Beaver College, will deliver the address. Religious Program An interdenominational relig, low program will be held in Schwab Auditorium at 8 p. Sunday, when professional relig, ious leaders in town and on cam pus will be introduced. Last Flights On Air Route End Sunday ;, All American Airways has announced that starting Sunday the last east and west-bound flights between Pittsburgh and New York stopping at the State College Air Depot will be discon, tinued. Darkness and time changei were given as the reason for dropping the two flights. Airline officials said they would not be resumed until the days become longer next Spring or until light ing facilities are installed at the airport. The airline now, serves the County with six daily stops. After (Continued on page 17) You're New Here For info on what's Nittany wise turn to: Registration Page 3 Tickets for Army game ....3 Late AP News 5 Health Service •5 AIM and Penn State C1ub...6 Publications Sports ....8, 9, 10, 11 Society 12, 13, 14, 15 Parking Regulations 20 Hat Societies 14, 20 Campus Politics 20 NSA 22 IFC 23 Pan-Hel and Women's Inde pendents .14
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