PAGE EIGHT CLASSIFIEDS I FOR SALE Kodak Monitor 610, cam, .sunshade. railin' Imder. Impure 502 W. Braver. third flom. after •"> WE HA VI/ TWO line apple ok hards for -ale. Buffalo Valley and Trout Run hell Agency, Williamsport. Pa. 27 FT. TRAILER, three rooms, sleeps I OXOOIIOIII. condition. Must sacrifice. Real hniguin at $1!.">0. Phone 7217. 10 FT. VAGABOND trailer, all steel body now S-ply tires; excellent condition, very reasonable. Pecora, 013 W. College nvenue. Phone 2616. TRAILER. THE SUN, 29 ft., electric re. frigerntor, gas stove, good condition. If interested write Daily Collegian. I FOOT TRAILER available in June, (iood condition. Weatherproof storage jrch. Many extra furnishings included. , W. Cottrell, 330 B. Windcrcst. FLUORESCENT DESK LAMP. Call Tom mie 4363. TRF RECEIVER, circuit A modification of 14-3, RCA Tube Manual. 201 Watts Hall, phone 5051-786 evening. 27 FT. TRAILER, excellent condition available immediately, reasonably priced, 10 minute walk from campus. Rudy’s Park, behind Smith’s Dodge Gar age. 1934 PLYMOUTH four-door sedan, $95. Twenty watt public address system com plete. Also ten watt phonograph ampli fier. Joe Lohman. 201 Irvin. 1949 LA VIE. Call 2863. 1947 BLUE CHEVROLET convertible, ex cellent condition, fully lequipped, rea sonable. on display at 402 E. College ave nue. Coll Bill 4672. TRF RECEIVER, circuit A modification of 14-3, RCA Tube Manual. 201 Watts Hall, phone 5051-7 SB evening. MISCELLANEOUS MAKE APPOINTMENTS now for really distinctive Cap and Gown portraits at the Lion Studio, 136 East College. 4454. DOUBLE ROOM available for weekends and during the summer. Call at 219 South Gill street. CAR OWNERS ATTENTION. Join AAA now for only $6.00 for Ist year. State College Hotel office 20,5. Phone 4006. Critique— Continued from page one at the College, before being granted a charter, Lewis said. Pour issues were published last year, and one this year, and the debt was being slowly reduced. “The future of Critique is rath er uncertain,” Lewis stated, but it win probably be some sort of a pictorial magazine.” The staff plans to continue with its publication, however. If the next issue can be published as planned, the rest of the debt can probably be liquidated. Time and place of subscrip tion refunds will be printed in the Daily Collegian. NOW BUY TO SAVE With Prices That Are within everyone’s reach 16.95 CORD COATS 50.00 All Wool 2Q.50 Gabardine SUITS 2.45 to 2.95 Long sleeves Pastel shades FANCY SOX Per pair All JEWELRY & WALLETS 10°o OFF 6 White Handkerchiefs Border 2.95 & 3.50 PAJAMAS I uiik' In Today To See The Finest Selection Of Men’s attire in the College at — The Young Men's Shop i 17 S. Allen WILL PERSON WHO took wrong eve ning bag from Dell Hou-e Saturday idght rail 64 Ath. I have yours. DOUBLE ROOM available for weekends ami fluring the summer. Call at 219 Smith (Jill street. ROOM AND BOARD MEN INTER-SESSION, him! 0 week-; pusl session. Alpha Zela fraternity. <ampus. Call John MeCool 4272 for vt -ervatinns. BROWN WALLET Friday, Rec Hall or Carnival. Finder keep money, return wallet to Collegian office. Name, Orslni. OVAL CAMEO RING setting between Sparks and Simmons. Reward. Senti mental value. Call Jeanette, 15 Simmons. LOG SLIDE RULE, without case, in 10 Spark* ut 11:00 Monday morning. Find er please call Whitic 3976, K AND E RLiDE RULE tun case. Name on flap ; Bob Loffert. Finder pleuse call 3485. Reward. PARKER 51, silver top. black bottom, May 6th in or around vicinity of Library. Finder call Abe 2340. PARKER “51”, grey and silver, ladies' size, near Osmund. Finder please call JoAnne, 170. Atherton. RAINFARE RAINCOAT at KDR House. Finder please call Harry Rhodes, Dorm 31. Room 16. TUXEDO SIZE 39 regular. Must be in RONSON LIGHTER, engraved "TEB”. good condition. Call John Gaut, 4255 Call 6189, ask for Mrs. G. A. Kelley. 'anytime. 13 95 2-19 39c *i* ittcfar ycxtfs ££V££ Luckies’ fine tobacco picks you up when you’re —mild, ripe, fight tobacco. No wonder more independ low... cairns you down when you’re tense—puts ent tobacco experts—auctioneers, buyers and ware you on the Lucky level! That’s why it’s so important housemen—smoke Luckies regularly than the next two to remember that Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco leading brands combined! Get a carton of Luckies today! 1.5./Af.F.T —lucky Sttike Afectnc Rue 75 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA LOST So round, so firm, so fully packed so free and easy on Hie draw FOR RENT ROOMS FOR MALE students for this Hummer. Rhone 314 D or call at 117 E. Fairmount avenue. RELAX ! HAVE FUN. Rent a new bike. Ride day or night. Call Harry 4200, 623 W. College. REAVER HOUSE IS offering room and hoard all summer sessions, board $ll. Room $3. One block from campus. Cali 7H51. SINGLE ROOM IN faculty home avail able June 6 for summer and fall occu pancy. Comfortable room. Call 4279. DO YOU WANT to get married and have no place to live? AG Hill Dining Room has board and room beginning with sum mer session. Dial 2877. ROOM AND BOARD for married couples for summer sessions at Marilyn Hall, 317 East Beaver avenue, State College. Make your reservations now. Ask for Mrs. Elleard or Mrs. Peterson. WANTED WOULD YOU LIKE to try for oil industry job, either foreign or domestic? Drop card Box 2603, Tulsa, Oklahoma. ROOM FOR graduate student, summer and full. Call Herb, Dorm 32. INFORMATION LEADING TO jobs for two during summer involving travel anywhere at reasonable pay. Call Willie 4272. ! RIDKHS TO FLORIDA for 2 week trip starting about June Ist. Call McAllis ter 4**23 any mealtime. 1950 Graduates From the School of Agri. and Chem. Phys. You can have your picture for the 1950 La Vie taken at the Penn State Photo Shop from Tuesday, May 17 to Friday, May 20, inclusive TUESDAY, MAY 17, t TYPING DONE QUICKLY and R‘ SONABLY. Also editing, rewriti Call 6347.
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