TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1949 Coed Chosen Rifle Queen Patricia R. Kinkead, of Phila delphia, a senior in arts and let ters at the College, has been named Sweetheart of the Na tional Rifle Matches. Miss Kinkead was chosen as Queen of the Pershing Rifles by the Fifth Regimental Headquart ters at the College and was en tered for the title of national queen. Her picture was published in the current issue of the Pershing Rifleman with the explanation that the photograph is “so re markably outstanding as a sym bol of Pershing Rifles that it vwns decided to make Miss Kinkead Sweetheart of the National Rifle Matches.” Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta initiated Lydia Barraclough, Dorothy Lawley and Patricia Moffit into the sorority last night. • This is a senior. Just in gown ' for a few days. Spends four years wool-gathering—winds up with sheepskin. Graduated to "Manhattan” shirts years ago. «/• This is a " Manhattan" Vericool. Open-weave fabric just invites a breeze. Long and short sleeves. In while and solid colors. Size-Fixt (fabric residual shrinkage 1% or less). It’s the coolest thing over an undergraduate. V\ THE MANHATTAN SHIRT COMPANY yVlanlialtan Products are Exclusive with JSt& l|g|p§t Tail®* Hatter OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Alpha Lambda Delta Presents Awards Alpha Lambda Delta, national freshmen women’s honorary, will award certificates to 12 girls. These girls, former members of the organization, will be awarded certificates on the basis of scholarship. They have main tained a minimum average of 2,5 during their four years at the College. Those to receive certificates will be Evelyn Armstrong, Susan Bissey, Sarah Anne Curry, Jean Le Bar,. Betty Jean Rickey Mil ler, Gloria Moulton, Dorothy Park, Joanne Pepper Brown, Lu cille Thomas, Frances Welker, and Betty Jane Williams. Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Kappa Gamma held ini tiation services for Dorothy Jones last night. The sorority held its Senior Initiate Banquet in the State Col lege Hotel Sunday night. Miss Mildred Lucey, physical educa tion instructor, presented the sorority with the intramural cup for this year. CAMPUS FAVORITE Copr. 1949, The Manhattan Shirt Componv Haberdasher THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Sigma Delta Tau Sorel Davidson and Harriet Silverman were initiated into Sigma Delta Tau last night. A senior party was held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Kalin last week. HOCHIi HAM when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS! YOU SMOKED PHILIP MORRIS TODAY I I CAIi <JOR Phi Sigma Sigma Recently initiated into Phi Sigma Sigma sorority were Joan Blacker, Betty Cleff, Regina Friedman, Shirley Siegal and Arlene Sutland. PHILIP MO RR IS PAG® SEVEN Delta Gamma Members of Delta Gamma sorority and their dates were en tertained at a Smorgasbord din ner at the home of Audrey Wald in Huntingdon Sunday evening.
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