TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1040 Spartans Top Trackmen; Smith, Johnson Excel! Ashenfelter, Gehrdes Fail to Win As Visitors Triumph 83 Vi -47 Vi Penn State’s track team turned in its best performance of (ln season Saturday on New Beaver Field. But it was all to no avail, as the powerful Michigan State thinclads did even better and downed Coach Chick Werner’s Nittany Lions by an 83% to 47% 'count. ) The Spartans, led by Horace Smith and Fred Johnson, won 11 of 15 events and after overcom ing an early Penn State lead drew steadily away. Smith and* Johnson each chalk ed up double victories for the Michigan State squad while Wil Lancaster led the Lions with nine points. Smith bettered the meet mark in winning the 120-yard high hurdles in 14 seconds and the 220-yard low hurdles, in 22.5 tieing me world record In the latter event. However, in both cases the wind velocity was over minimum allowance. Penn State’s Jim Gehrdes was second in both races. 100-YARD DASH Johnson was victorious in the 100-yard dash and the broad jump. He won the century in 8.7 seconds and the broad jump with a leap of 24 feet. He finish ed third in the 220-yard low hurdles. Lancaster’s nine points came on a first place in the 220-yard dash, a second in the 100-yard sprint and third place in the broad jump. Wil won the 220- yard dash in 20.9 seconds, only one-tenth of a second off the meet mark, and was pulling away from the field at the end. Horace Ashenfelter attempted a double win in running both the mile and the two mile runs but was successful in only the first half. Ash took an early lead in the mile and was never head ed, covering the distance in 4:18 flat. ASK TRAILS In the two mile race Ash was forced into third place, trailing home the Spartan’s Warren Druetzler, who, making his only start of the day a successful one, and Tom Irmen. Penn State’s other wins came in the high jump and the javelin. In the high jump, Vic Fritts turn ed in his best performance of the year in winning the event with a jump of six feet four inches. Larry Gerwig, javelin tosser, won his third dual meet victory of the season with a toss of 179 feet 10% inches. Wilson Bertrum of Penn State was third. ■yhe only sweep of the day oc cured in the discus where the Spartans’ Carl Miller, Jim Zito and John Mueller finished in that order. Other outstanding perform ances turned in by Penn State cindermen were those of Ron Coder in the pole vault and Jim Gehrdes in the hurdles. Coder was runner-up to Michigan State’s Mike Bowerman but did his best job of the season with a jump of 12 feet 6 inches. JUMPIN' JIM Although Gehrdes ran second to Smith in both hurdle events, jumpin’ Jim was only a few yards behind the Spartan speed star in both cases and he forced Smith to cover the distance in record time in both events. Coach Werner said after the meet that the Penn State boys performed up to expectations but that they simply met a bet ter team. The Nittany Lions now turn their attention to preparing for the meet with Notre Dame to be held on New Beaver Field Satur day. The Fighting Irish lost to FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Four-Year Evening Course Three-Year Day Course CO-EDUCATIONAL 4mb«r Aren. of American Law Schoola Matriculants must be College graduates sad present full transcript of College re card. ClastM Begin Sept. 26th, 1949 For further information address Registrar Fordham University School of Law, 302 Broadway. New York 7, By Joe Breu Sigma Pi Bats Smash Acacia Sigma Pi power exploded in the first three innings Thursday night to blast Acacia out of the IM softball running, 15-6, as the fraternity teams began to battle for quarter-final seats. Bob Herstine, Alpha Tau Ome ga’s shutout artist, blanked Phi Kappa Tau, 6-0, Alpha Sigma Phi bounced Delta Tau Delta, 8-2, and Phi Sigma Kappa bumped ofT Pi Kappa Phi, 8-1. in the other scheduled contests. Blasting out four runs in the op ening session, three in the sec ond and a terrific six in the third, the Sigma Pi’s coasted to the win as Jack Riordan tossed easily the distance. Riordan weakened to allow the Acacians a trio of runs in the seventh, but was in no trouble. Picking up its runs in pairs in the first, third, and sixth frames, Alpha Tau Omega rode the tight pitching of Bob Herstine to a 6-0 win. Herstine has now tossed 15 straight scoreless innings, start- Continued on page six Michigan State earlier in the season by 30 points. The summary: Mile run—Won by Ashenfelter, Penn State; second, Mack, Michigan State; third. Parsons, Penn State. Time—4:lB. 440-yard dash —Won by Skokos, Michigan State; second, McCall, Penn State; third, Lockhart, Penn State. Time—49.7. 100-yard dash—Won by Johnson, Michi gan State; second, Lancaster, Penn State; third, Schepers, Michigan State. Time— :o9.7. 120-yard high hurdles—Won by Smith, Michigan State; second, (ichrdes, Penn State; third, Christiansen, Michigan State. Time— :14. 880-yard run—Won by Dianetti, Michi gan State; second, Williams, Penn State; third, Peppard. Michigan State. Time — 1:54.6. 220-yard dash—Won by Lancaster, Penn State; second, Schepers, Michigan State: third, Thomas, Penn State. Time —:20.9. Two-mile run—Won by 'Druetzier, Michi gan State; second, lrmen. Michigun State; third, Ashenfelter, Penn State. Time — 9:21.5. 220-yard low hurdles —Won by Smith, Michigan State; second, Gehrdes, Penn State; third, Johnson, Michigan State. Time—22.s. Mile-relay Won by Michigan State CDianetti, Mack, Fraser, Skokos) ; second. Penn State. Time —3:24. Pole vault —Won by Bowerman, Michi gan State: second. Coder, Penn State and McGowan, Michigan State. Distance —13 feet. Shot put—Won by Mueller, Michigan State; second. Shearer, Penn State; third, Drazenovich, Penn State. Distance —49 feet, 2 5-8 inches. High jump—Won by Fritts. Penn State: second, Osborn, Michigan State: third. Reynolds, Penn State. Height—G feet, 4 inches. Broad jump—Won by Johnson, Michigan State; second, Thomas, Michigan State; third, Lancaster, Penn State. Distance - 24 feet. Discus —Won by Miller, Michigan Stute ; second, Zito, Michigan State ; third, Muel ler, Michigan State. Distance —141 feet, 11 2.5 inches. Javelin—Won by Gerwig. Penn State second, Thomas, Michigan Stnte: third, Bertram, Penn State. Distance —179 feet KHm inches. An Amazing Offer by HOLIDAY Pipe Mixture rhe pipe (bat every smoker waocs-DANA, the modera pipe, wich brightly polished alumi-i and genuine imported briar bowl.. 50* with inside wrappers from 12 pocket tins of NOHOW PIPE MIXTURE Stud to UUMI. Best. Cl. HcJtueMltiMi O/for limited to ÜBA Kxytrw Juno 30. 1349 ~C COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Major League Results AMIOKICA N I.HMiI V. , Sunday’s Results Philadelphia 8 New York 7. M Philadelphia 7, Now York 6. 2nd rhicfip.o 10, Cleveland 0, Ist riiii'iifo 2. Cleveland ft, 2ml In ii. il 9, St. Louis fl, I i Si. I.oni.i 12, .’r,,) ID. ion Wa-hine ton ft Yesterday’s Results \V:t hin.-lnn P.nslnn 2 Standings W LjPrt N. V. n; 9 .«to Wn^h'tnn Del roit I 1 I I . *.r.(» Cleveland 10 < ’ lnr-i '_'o 1 l U» 538 Hd'tmi 10 1 IMlilil. 1 I 13 .">lO SI. LooL 8 I Today's Schedule C’hleujfo nt Boston Clevolund of Now York (Ni St. Louis nt Philndelphin (N» Hetroit nt Washington IN* NATIONAL LEAGVK Now York 7 Philadelphia 3 Bratton 4, Brooklyn 0 Cincinnati f>. Chi'-atfo 5, Ist MOi Chirr-jjo 8. Cincinnati 5, 2nd St. Louis 4. Pittsburgh 3 Yesterday’s Result- 1 No enmos scheduled Standing's W L Pet. W L Pet. N. Y. Hi 9 .040 St. Louis 10 12 .457 Boston 16 9.640 Pbila. 1115.423 Cinc'nnti 13 12.. 520 Pittsh’prh 1115.423 Brooklyn 12 13 .480 Chicnfro 10 14 .417 Today's Schedule Brooklyn nt Chirnizo Plrlndelphin nt St. Louis (N» Huston at Cincinnati (N) New York nt Pittsburgh iN> IM Sports AGR, Phi Kappa In Peg Finals Alpha Gamma Rho and Phi Kappa climbed into the finals of the IM horseshoe tournament last night, and will meet at 6:30 p.m. today for the championship. Jack Hanby and Pen Hal lowell, of the AGR’s, cruised to an easy two-game win, 21-9, 21-16, over Jim Yetter and Olin Simpson of Alpha Zeta. Bob Burden and A 1 Porto swept past Triangle’s Chet Kidell and Gordon Davis, 21-17, 21-18. for the other finalist berth. Grid Season Ticket Applications Mailed Application blanks for 1949 football season tickets were mail ed yesterday for faculty and em ployees of the College. They may 1 - returned at any time through August 15, H. R. Gilbert, grad uate manager of athletics, an nounced. The tickets cost $9.60 and en title, the holder to a reserved seat to the following games: Vil lanova, September 24; Boston College, October 8; Nebraska, October 15; Syracuse, October 29. Fourth Grid Season The Drazenovich brothers, Joe and Charles, .of Brownsville, Pa., will play their fourth season of college football in 1949. If At Your Warner Theater NOW! —atliauni MYRNA LOY ROBERT MITCHUM The Red Pony" In Technicolor 1 State ji JUNE ALLYSON ' PETER LAWFORD Little Women" In Technicolor 'Yjittany LBERT 8t SULLIVAN’S The MIKADO" With KENNY BAKER In Technicolor Extra Base Knocks Spark Win Over Pitt Unloading a barrage of extra base hits which included a double, triple and two home luns, Penn State's baseball Lions walked off the New Beaver Field diamond with their tenth victory Saturday. Pittsburgh, loser by a 0-0 count, was the victim for the second straight day. Tomorrow. Conch .Joe Bcdenk’s basebaHcrs travel to Lewisburg in search ol their ninth consecu tive triumph, where they will cross bats with Bucknell. Slim Cy Miller, who nabbed his fifth win of the season, held the Pittsburgers to three hits in gaining his second straight shut out. Last Tuesday, he was on the sth Victory Cy Miller .y.v.v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.v. 1 I Attention \Sm l Worshippers ™ ar sh ARROW SHIRTS and TIES ■I UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS f. Exclusive With ARROW PRODUCTS in STATE COLLEGE THE YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 127 S. Allen S«. mound when the Nittanies spilled Villanova by the same score. Blue and White opponents have failed to cross the plate for the last twenty-nine innings, since A 1 Tkac copped a 5-0 verdict from the Panthers Friday. Hen Albright opened the scor ing in the initial frame when he slapped the ball in the left centerfield pocket for a homerun, his first of the year. The Lions added another run in the third on one hit. Joe Tocci tripled to deep right-center and tallied shortly afterwards when George Matich, Pitt backstop, was charg ed with an error. In the fourth inning, Tegtmeyer struck out, but got to second base when Matich dropped the ball. Miller iced the decision when he singled Tegtmeyer home. Hits by Tocci and Kurty, and a walk to Captain Hal Hackman shoved two more runs home in the fifth, while Tocci’s third hit, Dick Wertz’s single and a double by Owen Dougherty helped the Lions chalk up three additional scores in the seventh. Hackman notched the final (Continued on page six) '■'fef ROW BASQ I RTS *1.50 SHUTOUT THREE MORE u u Give your torso a big break this summer with a few Arrow basque shirts. Perfect for golf. tennis, or basquing in the sun. See your Arrow dealer today!
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