i* \c, K Fm 'n Stickmen Draw Season Curtain; Trample Red Raiders, 14-2 Belfield Scoring Star As Lions Notch Triumphs Over Hobart, Colgate, for 5-4 Season Record Penn State’s lacrosse team closed its 1949 season with a bang Saturday, knocking a weak Colgate team 14-2 at Hamilton, N. Y., following a 13-12 upset triumph over Hobart, Friday. The victory over the Red Raiders, which made it a clean week-end sweep for Coach Nick Thiel’s stickmen, enabled State to hop over the .500 mark. The final readings show five wins against four losses. The Nittany Lions Jumped right off to a four-goal lead the first quarter and were never threat- ened, leading 7-2 at halftime and 9-2 at the start of the final aeriod. Showing evidence of their in experience, Colgate could coun ter only twice. State goahe John Nehoda was called on to make only 16 save s as against 24 in the Hobart scrimmage. LOUIS SCORES Bob Louis . paced the Pennsyl vania collegians with three swipes past the Red Raiders’ guard post. The trio of points gave the husky midfielder his 14th goal of the campaign. Scor ing two counters apiece were Ed Belfield, Bud Thomas, John Fin ley and Waldo Weaver. According to Coach Nick Thiel, his warriors put on their best ex hibition since their loss to Vir ginia on the Lions’ Southern tour early this Spring. Reviewing the Hobart game, in which his stick vvielders snapped their four game losing streak, Thiel ac cnowledged a defensive laxity. iVith this finally solved in the Inal period State went on to ;core four goals and cop the •ontest. With the score mounting to runaway proportions against Colgate, Thiel gave hi s regulars a rest and went along with the second-string most of the game. The summary: Penn State Pi»**. Score by periods Penn State Scoring: Penn State—Belfield 2. Lux Thomas 2, Finley 2. Worley, Baer. Louis 3. Weaver 2. Colgate—Fried, Kidd. Substitutions: Penn State Hughes Kaye, Fryburg, Inneltn, Worley, Baer, Long, Weaver. Kitv mo nd, Drazenovirh, Hagerman, Huyc*. Colgate—Ctorman, Van Huron, Cook, Lerncko Carrollson, Kidd. Sherr, Cann. Kuitz. GET READY FOR 1 IVIF I SUMMER DRIVING! LIT US CHICK AND SERVICE YOUR FORD’S Here’s What Wa Do: l • Flush radiator with Ford Cooling System Cleanser • Adjust Fan Belt • Check and tighten up aU hot* connections • Check Thermostats • Check Water Pump • Replace worn and unserviceable parts with- Antes Motor Sales ’/< Mile North of State College On Route 322 Phone 2505 Tennis Team Loses to Colgate; Points for Three Home Meets Colgate Robinson Lokkeberu Penn State’s tennis team is looking forward to three home matches this week after suffering an 8-1 lacing at the hands of Col gate on Friday at Hamilton. The State-Syracuse match, scheduled Motsch Houseman for Saturday at Syracuse, was ra: Sherm Fogg’s netmen battle engagement and take on Washingf Pitt’s Panthers invade State Col lege Saturday to exchange vol leys with the Nittany Lions. For the second time this sea son, the Red Raiders from Col gate proved to be too strong for Penn State as they chalked up their seventh win in nine starts. The New York Staters trimmed the Lions, 7-2, here a few weeks ago. Duvall Merwarth Colgate 4 3 2 3—M Owen “Sonny” Landon, the sophomore star who is rapidly becoming the mainstay of the Lion net crew, prevented a white washing Friday by defeating Bob Milgrim, 4-6, 6-2 and 6-4, in the singles. Captain Frank Warren of the Red Raiders started the victors off on the right foot in the first singles match by downing Jim Howells, 6-2 and 8-6. Bill Lust followed with a 6-2 and 6-1 win over Penn State Captain Herb Beckhard. ( After Landon edged Milgrim for the Lions’ only victory of the <£. V 5 FREE CLOTHING REPAIRS We sew on or tighten buttons, menu small pocket holes, tuck trouser cuffs uml repair brcken belt loops FREE wher you bring your cleaning or quick pressing to Hall’s Dry Cleaning Shop. Entrance on Allen St. underneath the Corner Room Open daily from B—6.8 —6. U ring your clothing in today for free repairs' SENIORS, DON'T FORGET YOUR ALMA MATER Keep In Touch With Campus Activities And The Success of the Nittany Lions! SUBSCRIBE TODAY $2.00 SEMESTER $ 4.00 YEAR Name All The Address DAILY COLLEGIAN Enclosed: C o n ?i pu * $2.00 Sem ( ) $4.00 Year ( ) stßle College ' Pa ’ THE n.MI.Y rnt,l.Er;iAN fill,) TPf; I’ENNSYI.V A MIA By Ray Koehler ined out. Bucknell tomorrow in a return ;on & Jefferson the following day. day, Colgate’s Stew Bicknell de feated Bill Aiken, 6-4 and 6-4. Bob Barker won over Bob Ogden in a hotly contested match, 4-6, 6-4 and 8-6. Ed Nelson rounded out the singles action by taking over Bill Gray, 7-5 and 6-3. LOSE DOUBLES In the doubles, it was pretty much the same story. The Red Raiders’ first doubles team of Warren and Lust clipped Beck hard and Landon, 6-2 and 6-2. Milgrim and Bob Prewitt rallied to defeat Aiken and Howells, 7-8, 6-2 and 6-0. Nelson and Bob Ful lem tripped Gray and Jerry Gear hart, 6-3 and 6-3. The Summary: Singles: Frank Warren. Colgate, de fen ted Jim Howells, Penn State, 6-2 and 8-6. Pill Lust, Colgate, defeated Herb Beck hard, Penn State 6-2 and 6-1. Sonny Landon, Penn State, defeated Bob Milgrim, 4-6, 6-2 and 6.4. Stew Hicknell, Colgate, defeated Bill \iken, Penn State, 6-4 and 6-4. Bob Barker, Colgate, defeated Bob Og den, Penn State 4-6, 6-4 and 8-6. Ed Nelson, Colgate, defeated Bill Gray, Penn State, 7-5 and 6-3. Doubles: Warren and Lust, Colgate, defeated Beckhard and Landon, Penn State, 6-2 and 6.2. Milgrim and Prewitt. Colgate, defeat ed Aiken ami Howells, Penn State 7-9, 6-2 and 6-0. Nelson and Fullem, Colgate, defeated Gray and Gearhart, Penn State, 6-3 and 6-3. IM Sports Phi Delts Earn Track Spots In All Events Chalk Fastest Times In Century, IM Relay Phi Delta Theta came off with the most marbles in the time trials of the intramural track meet at New Beaver field last night by grabbing qualifying spots in all three events: the 100- yard dash, the 440-yard dash, and the 880-yard relay. Sweeping over the century in just .1 of a second short of the 9.9 intramural record, Bill Hickey of the Phi Delts earned the num ber one spot in that event. WILSON Vince O’Bara and Don Reyn olds chalked up times of 56.3 and 57.6 to qualify for the 440-yard dash finals, although Charlie Wil son, Alpha Gamma Rho, chalked up the best time, 54:7, for once around the track. The Phi Delts were first in the relay as Vince O’Bara, Don Reyn olds, Bill Hickey and John Reese did the half-mile in 1:39.7. Sigma Nu and Beta Theta Pi qualified in both the relay and the 100-yard dash. Delta Upsilon and Alpha Tau Omega earned qualifying times in the relay and 440-yard dash. Alpha Gamma Rho qualified in the 100 and 440-yard dashes, and Kappa Sigma, Kappa Delta Rho, and Sigma Phi Ep silon qualified in the 100-yard dash. SOGGY TRACK On a soggy track covered in spots by puddles of water, the trackmen turned out times that nearly matched the all-time in tramural records. Hickey was only .1 of a second short of the mark set by Larry Joe, Sigma Nu, in 1947, 9.9 for the century. Wilson’s time in the 440 was 1.4 seconds off the record, and the winning relay time set by Phi Delta Theta was 1.2 seconds off the mark set last year by Sigma Nu. The following men qualified for the finals to be held at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow: 100-yard dash—-Bill Hickey, Phi Delta Theta, 10 seconds; Charley Wilson, Alpha Ciiimma Kho, 10.1 ; Chuck Beatty, Kappa Si?ma, 10.2; Larry Joe Sigma Nu, 10.3; Lloyd Amprim, Kappa Delta Rho, 10.4; Joe Cook, Beta Theta Pi, 10:5; Tony Or •sini, Sigma Phi Epsilon, 10.5. 440-yard ash- Charlie Wilson, Alpha Gumma Rho, 54.7 ; Don Ashenfelter, Delta Upsilon, 55.5; Vince Cavanaugh, Delta Upsilon 55.0 ; Vince O’Bara, Phi Delta Theta, 50.3 ; Bob Hetrick, Alpha Tuu Omega, 56.7 ; Don Reynolds, Phi Delta Theta, 57.6. 880-yard relay—Phi Delta Theta, 1:39.7; Alpha Tau Omega, 1:41.8; Delta Upsilon. 1:11.8; Delta Si«rna Phi, 1:42; Bela Theta Pi, 1 :42 ; Sigma Nu, 1 :42.G. Jayvee Lacrossemen Triumph Over Swarthmore Stickmen, 7-4 Penn State’s jayvee lacrosse squad followed in the footsteps of their big brothers Saturday, closing their quickie schedule on the winning side with a 7-4 triumph over Swarthmore Center. Attackman Paul Raffensperger and goalie Phil Benedetti com bined their talents to bring the State junior varsity its second win against a single loss. Raffensperger again highlighted his team’s attack with three goa's, two of which came in the final canto to ice the decision for the Lion fledglings. Benedetti sparkled as usual or. the defense at his goal station, stopping all but one Swarthmore attempt at a score in the third and fourth periods. “Silent - ’ George Weber initiat ed the scoring for Pen n State in Machine. With You. Laundry in Less Than an Hour. MARSHALL’S Automatic Laundry 454 E. Cotlogo Avtnao—Rear TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1949 Lion Golfers Place Third InEIGA Tilt Smith Shoots Low 72 For Medalist Honors Penn State met defeat in its bid to win the E.I.G.A. title at Rivervale Saturday. Coach Bob Rutherford’s Lion golfers took third spot in the elimination tournament staged at the Coun try Club of New Jersey by top ping Brown 5-2 in the consola tion match played in the after noon. Yale, ultimate winner of the play-offs, downed the Nittany Lions in the first match by a 5-2 score. An oddity of the tourna ment was the fact that all final scores were 5-2. Navy downed Brown 5-2 to drop them from the running and Yale won the E.I.G.A. crown by sinking Navy 5-2. Tommy Smith lived up to his advanced notices by winning honors as tournament medalist with a 72 in the Yale match and one over par on the fifteenth hole in the Brown contest. LINEUP The lineup for the matches for the Lions showed Tom Smith, Joe Boyle, Jim Yerk e s, Bob Kunkle, Ray Artz, Joe Durniak, andn Marvin Goldenberg play ing in both matches. In the initial match, Smith and Goldenberg were the only Lion winners. In the second contest only Boyle and Goldenberg lost their rounds. NEXT MEET Penn State plays its next dual meet against Bucknell whom they have previously beaten this year. Dual meet competition so far this year accounted for four wins and one loss for the Lions. I. G. A. SUMMARY Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Yale 5, Penn State 2 Navy 5, Brown 2 1:30 p.m. Yale 5, Navy 2 Penn State 5, Brown 2 to Meet Stiff Competition Penn State’s Jim Gehrdes, a candidate for IC-4A timber top ping in a few weeks, will face one of the nation’s ace hurdlers Saturday when Bill Fleming leads the Notre Dame track team into Pennsylvania for a dual meet with the Lions. Fleming is highly regarded in the mid-West and since early Spring has been prepping for this opportunity to compete against the Altoona Express. The Irish star plans to run in both hurdle laces, and may also compete in the high jump. the first period when he whipped in a shot at 6:48. With Swarthmore holding a three - two lead, Raffensperger scored just before half-time to tie the game at 3-3. State outscored its guests four to one the final half. Steve Meisel gave the Lion cubs their tie breaking counter shortly after the opening of the third session with a shot down the middle. Reed, of Swarthmore again tied the count at 4-4 with a slice from the *eft side. However, Raffensperger again took things in hand with two point-scoring shots and the Lions breezed in. NAME CARDS For GridoftUoß Annoßoetmits Commercialprinting me. Glonnland Bldg., Stito Collego
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