THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1949 Meyer-- Continued from page six of forest management and men suration. When Coach Krutter resigned his fencing job in 1941, Meyer was selected to fill the vacancy. He turned out fine teams in 1941 and 1942 before the sport was discontinued for the duration of the war. Meyer became a citizen of this country in 1943 and shortly akter wards secured a leave of absence from the College and took a posi tion in Venezuela, in which he helped conduct a survey of cin chona, source of quinine. After exploring the Andes for nearly a year ,he became a cinchona plan tation manager in Costa Rica. He returned to Penn State in 1945 and, with fencing's revival in 1946, again assumed his coaching duties. Returning veterans with previous fencing experience dot ted the roster that year and help ed State compile a fairly good rec ord. However, for the past three years, Meyer's teams have suf fered through lack of seasoned performers. RECORD State concluded the 1949 sched ule with a 2-4 record, defeating Lehigh and Temple and losing to Army, Philadelphia Fencing Club, NYU and Cornell in dual compe tition. In the recent Intercollegi ates the Lions placed 12th among the 12 schools entered. ae onv _ge a a fej aa ,a, aft k e t Try Camels aunt test them as you smoke them. if, ut any time, you am not convinced that Camels are the mildest cigarette you ever smoked, Morn the package wish the unused Camels and we will refund its full to - sage, (Signed) IL J. iLeynokis Tobacco Company, THE DAILY COLLECIVIIII, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be In by 12:00 p.m. day preceeding Issue Prices are 40e one insertion : $l.OO, three Insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17 three for 50 for Nub insertion. Call Collegian 6711. LOST FELLOW WHO took wrong sport jacket nt State Theatre Saturday nite contact Charles Brouse at 4105. WILL PERSON who took by mistake gray gabardine topcoat, gold label brand Sat urday night nt 'CDR call Jensen 2337. NOTEBOOK AND history 21 book at Cor ner Room, Mnrch 23. Call Nancy Floury, 208 Ath. FOR SALE FEC lAL OFFER in attractive hors d'oeuvres, p unch. Frida Stern, 122 Ir vin avenue, phone 9828 State College. FORTY TO FORTY-TWO good men's clothing. Suits, overcoats and jackets. Nothing over $lO. Box 261. ARGUS C-3 camera 35mm with meats. Call Lee 2882. FUR JACKET, skunk, dyed opposum, short black, excellent for formal or afternoon Mimeographing All Types of Printing Commercial Printing inc Glennland Bldg., State College wear. Very good condition. glb. Phone 6,15'7. TUX, 40 LONG. worn once and brown suit. 38 practically new. Call 7068, 104 East McCormick avenue. 17 FOOT NATIONAL trailer, good condi tion. occupancy about June 15, 1950. Inquire 723 Winderest, phone 3914. TUX—size 38 regular. Excellent condi tion. Call E. A. Safko. dorm 23. 8051-283. '35 FORD for sale. 2 door sedan, good shape. Call George Spanos 2251. REFRIGERATOR, washing machine, sew ing machine, kitchen set, household goods. 140 East College, call between 6-0. TUX, excellent condition, size 36 coat, trougers 30-30. Phone James Howells, 4437 after 7 p.m. LIVING ROOM, kitchen, bedroom, fur nishings immediately. Call 6711, exten sion 394 or visit 228 S. Allen street, apt. 7. FULL DRESS SUIT, little used, size 38 Made from pre-war goods. Phone 2596 Winner LAIIIIi OLIV' SEATS NOW AT BOXOFFICE IReserved E Seats Only 4 r Fik m SPOtio i CATHAUMENDS' TODAY 1940 OLDSMOBILE coupe, hydraniatic Radio and heater, excellent condition. Inquire 832 ''B" Windcrest after 6. RCA VICTOR portable radio, $ll. Call Joe Ridley, 11 Jordan. New batteries with radio. 1947 FORD 4-door Super Delu•.ce, radio, heater, seat covers, spot-light. Call Jones 2760. GABARDINE TOPCOAT taken by mis take Monday, March 28, 12 p.m. from rack outside room 3, Sparks. I have young. Please return mine. Call Steve Segal 4953. MISCELLANEOUS SQUARE DANCE, April 9 at TUB. Spon sored by Alpha Phi Omega. Tickets at Student Union. INDEPENDENTS—Bring your weekend dates to the Spring Frolic at University Club on Saturday at 9 p.m. TO TOP OFF the weekend nave a picture taken with that import. For portraits which personify—for application photos Performances at 2:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Student Rate $1 Hear Sam Donahue playing ,gfrif..dnjoy. It* CAPITOL RECORDING) • • • and you'll know! Sam Donahue's new waxing is a real something. Yes! Ifs smooth, it's swingy, it's something terrific for a fast Lindy—or what-do-you-do? In music, Sam knows that whether you dance it fast or slow—you'll want it smooth. And when it comes to cigarettes, Sam himself wants a cool, smooth-smoking cig arette. That's why Sam says, "Camels suit my 'T -Zone' to a 'T'. Camels are the mildest cigarette I've ever smoked—and they taste great, too!" 41owmiLD can a cisamik be/? Smoke CAMELS for 30 DAYS —and you'll know: In a recent coast-to-coast test of hundreds of men and women who smoked only Camels for 30 days—an average of one to two packs a day— noted throat specialists, after making weekly examinations, reported NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION DUE TO SMOKING 4gotek that click--come to The Lion Studio, 14M1 I.7,ast College, phone '7168. WILL PERSON that took wrong coat front second floor, Sparks Friday call Bob al 4449. I have yours. FRATERNITIES Sororities—have your newspaper mimeographed for IFC Week end. The charge is reasonable. Secretarial Service, Room 205, State College Hotel, Phone 4900. RIDE TO CINCINNATI or vicinity. C. 2651. HOUSE MAID to finish seineuter in fra ternity. Contact Box 502, State Coßerm I )ItTABLE RADIOS, mobile or station ary P.A. systems for rent. Perfect fur parties, picnics, play. Call Stan, 2084. MALE REPLACEMENT for downtowa room. 316 S. Allen. Reasonable rata Call 2159. ask for Jim. ROOM FOR ONE roomer and two board ers. Call 3832. TER RENTAL for houseparty weekend NI reasonable rates. The Young . Men's Shop, 127 S. Allen street. COOK'S LUNCHEON SPECIAL —TODAY— Frankfurters with Sauerkraut, Potatoes, Salad, Roll, Coffee 65c At Your Warner Theater NOW! _Nate JANE WYMAN LEW AYRES "JOHNNY BELINDA" nitiany RED SKELTON "A SOUTHERN YANKEE" Can 2 SWir6 Son 3 bew? PAGE SEVEN WANTED FOR RENT
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