PAGE EIGHT Meeting Postponed The next regular meeting of Leonides scheduled to be held on Monday has been postponed to Monday, April 11 because of the Matrix Dinner. Correction The first spring houseparty for Independent men and their dates will be observed in the University Club on Saturday instead of Friday as stated in yesterday's issue of the Col legian. Queen Elections Continued from page one from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on April 5 and final elections will be held at the same hours April 7. Ballot ing will go on during lunch hour. Any senior woman interested in participating in the Hemlock Chain should sign up at the place provided at the polls. The first 65 senior girls to sign will be sel ected. Pictures of the candidates for May Queen and Sophomore At tendant will be displayed in Mac Hall, March 31, Atherton, April 1 and 2, and Simmons, April 3 and 4. DEPENDABLE TAXI SERVIcE TAXI Dial 7272 Keep oar telephone number handy. We're ready to serve yon any hour of the day, and in any kind of weather. "We Take Yon Anywhere" L Dean McClellan S. C. Hodel Ent. ilk \it . Ikit t t s\ Its i 1 , f it „fx. , I 1 i ike 1 4 . 49 ~ .. ~,, ~/ , ~ -t-,,, to hear Ike new RCA Victor 45 RPM Reco: ';! DOME IN AND PLAY THEM YOURSELF! 1. Mit completely distortion-free records bring you total clarity and brilliance with- out a whisper of surface noise . . . true "live talent" quality on records! 2. World's fastest record changer changes records silently with split-second speed. 3. New "surface-saver" shoulders prevent scraping of record on record. 4. Bookcase storage-150 of the new records fir on just one foot of a small bookshelf. S. All one size—all selections, popular and classical, on the same size record. 4. New colors—Records in seven different colors identify each type of music: popular, classical, children's, country music, etc. New law prices—non-breakable vinyl rec ords now cost less than shellac! The Music America Loves lest—Choose from our wealth of all-time favorites ... and latest releases, tool ..Is'e tool All RCA Vickie' releases on the new 7.inds records will also be available an the standard 10- and 12-Inch discs. The MUSIC ROOM Glennland Bldg. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Delia Della Della Delta Delta Delta recently pledged the following girls Patri cia Ann Kready, Mary Ellen Newton, and Barbara Senior. New officers for the coming year will be Eva Owings Davies, president; Joan Bergdoll, vice president; Betsi Conaway, re cording secretary, Marjorie Woodring's Floral Gardens . A BIG WEEKEND SPECIAL TREAT! FOR Take your date to Centre Stage to see 1.F.C.-PANHEL BALL "THIS SIDE OF BEDLAM" An original play written by Warren Smith— ORCHIDS from $1.50 up especially for an arena showing. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Tickets on sale at Student Union box office. $1.25 including tax and refreshments. For Your Dancing Pleasure 111 Jones. corresponding secretary: Adelaide Bailey, treasurer; Lois Dickson, rushing chairman; Janet Reed, social chairman, Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta entertained Chi Phi at the Chi Phi house on Sun day. The entertainment theme was "The Chapter Eternal." IFC - PANHEL BALL Tickets on Sale Friday at Student Union. $4.00 per Couple. Semi-Formal 9 to 12 . Recreation Han AND HIS ORCHESTRA AT THE Zeta Beta Tau The following men were re cently initiated into Zeta Beta Tau Harold Borck, Larry Dunn, Robert Freedman, Myles Horo witz, Steven Kline. George Kline, Carl Liachowitz, Arthur Lorber, Leroy Sattler, Arthur Schneider, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1949 Murray Seaman, and Harold Wollin.
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