PAGE FOUR Campus IRS (Continued from page one) assistant; Jane Fouracre, parlia mentarian; Patricia Botkin, sec retary. Round table chairmen, Rose mary Maloney, Ned Armsby, Sally Searight, Phyllis Kistler Vice - chairmen, Christine Al and Mary Soprano. tenburger, Anne Allan, Jan For tune, Sandy Marks and Dale Hetrick. Secretaries, Barbara Gillett. A lvino Bartos, Lynn Lapp, Flor ence Drummond and Eleanor Reception Committee Reception committee, Shirley Peet, Diva Petrucci, Dottie Buck ius, Frank McNelis and John S'daco. Physical arrangements commit tee, Rosemary Maloney, chair man; Christine Altenburger and Jean Israel. Correspondence commit t ee, Salley Robertson, chairman; Jo- CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be .n by 12:00 p.m. day preezeding issua Prices are' 400 one insertion. $l.OO, three insertions: 17 words or less. MI word* over 17 three for be toe each insertion. Call Collegian 6711. LOST GREY topcoat at Sigma PI Saturday night. Hager Broe. label Name tag in side left pocket. Call Brown 4382. PERSON who picked up wrong topcoat in Sparks Saturday morning call Fleming. DU or 2011. I have yours. GOLD GERARD Peraguay watch, Sat. night between Atherton and Tub. Call 5(151, Ext. 290. Harvey Bean. PAIR of brown framed glasses in AGE House Saturday night. Call Harold Lan dis, 2401. WOULD PERSON who took wrong grey topcoat from Theta Xi call Frank Pokor ny, 5051-277. LOST Saturday night, red velvet even— ing bag containing Elgin watch. Please call Pat, 407 Simmons. MY TOPCOAT exchanged Saturday at Pt Lambla Phi; Shedar Clothcraft label. "Hellman" inside. Have your coat. Call Mike Hellman, 3204. 1949 BEER MUG, A.T,O. crest and name "Hungry" on sides. Sentimental val ue. Please call Bearer, 2582. BLUE ZIPPER wallet containing cash and valuable papers between Bursar's office and Hort building. Call Reggie, 6340. BLACK FELT BAG. Glasses inside need ed badly. Return immediately Stu dent Union. PALS; GLASSES, rainbow-colored rims in a black ease. Call 162 Atherton. FRENCH RECORDS, complete language course on twenty double-faced records also dictionary and, conversational manu al. Call Scheidemantil 851. WANTED HIDE to and from Boston, for Thanks giving vacation. Call Hal 2526. RIDE TO BOSTON for Thanksgiving. Will share driving and expenses. Call Dave Orrell, Nittany Dorm 284. Phone 5051, Ex. 288. K. and E. log log decitrig aliderule. Call 5051 between 6 and 9. Room 234, Sim mens. A RIDE to Pittsburgh after 6:00 p.m Thursday. 4959 Omar Lerhman Wednesday and Thursday. DRIVER WANTED: to Pittsburgh in time for game. Return Sunday, 6 to 8 p.m. Call 4116. FOR PART-TIME employment. Men stu dents, with car, to represent national corporation in State College-Bellefonte area. There is also excellent opportunity for summer employment and full time work after graduation. Earnings limited only by ability. Write—stating qualifica tions including: Age, marital status, cur riculum to Classified, care of Daily Col legial*, Box 261, State College. FOR SALE C.F.NUINE Erush Keiurieh Roth Violin. Double violin case, one bow. one Cre- Now is the time to buy • • • • SPORT COATS 10% Off A large selection of Sport Coats now on sale, includ ing cardigans, and 2 or 3 button styles. I=M:3 ANOTHER BIG OFFER by the Young Men's Shop 127 SOUTH ALLEN THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Pi Kappa Phi At its "Dogpatch Drag" over the weekend, Pi Kappa Phi show ed the joys of Penn State college life to its guests from out-of town, including Norma Abram son, Marge Arron, Kay Boyer, Dot Corocan, Katherine Daniel, Doris Finlay, Joan Fuller, Gerry Gorum, Beverly Herr, Kathryn Hoffman, Nancy Jones, Mary Kane. Joyce Keller, Frances Kessel, Dorothy McClimans, Betty Miller, Evelyn Miller, Mary Lou Moll, Rose Naeger, Donna Phillips, Marion Reed, Betty Simon, Lois Sprow, Jean Wampler, Kitty Woj ciehoski, and Miriam Zellner. seph James, Isobel Level and Helen Stakowski. Financial committee, Diva Pe trucci. Transportation committee, Mi chael Deckman and Rich ar d Leeper. Housing committee, Ann Manzcek, chairman; Ruth Lopin, C. Morey and Al Hanevick. mona copy German violin. Separately or together. Contact S. K. Knies, 5051-288. AIR CORPS Jackets—waterproof, wind proof, fur collar, wool lined. Swell for all winter. Only $l4. Call Wilker. 2941. 1998 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. radio heater, seat covers. 310 W. Nittany. 1934 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. $145 Joe Lohman .. 201 Irvin Hall. 1933 FOUR DOOR CHEVROLET. 428 Windcrest. SALE-1947-27 foot Zimmer house trail- er, used 6 months, equipped for house keeping, drapes, silver, dishes, etc. Duo therm heater, bottle-gas stove. Displayed rear 231 S. Atherton St. Call Ted 868 for appointment to insp:►.. $1950. 1947 BLACK CHEVROLET convertible Excellent shape with all accessories 12,000 miles, $1950 Call 2082. 1942 DODGE SEDAN fluid drive. Good condition. Good rubber. J. D. Nagar gee, 223 Windcrest. 1940 BUICK SEDAN with 1946 engine Excellent condition. Phone 2419. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING and expert typing done REASONABLE—term papers, thes is. manuscripts. Secretarial Service, Room 205, State College Hotel. Above the Corner. Phone 9906. HEY GANG—Charity Bazaar at the Kap. pa Tlpha Theta House. Dee. 4, 2 p.m.- 5 pm. LASTING CURLS for any hair. Safe, quick, easy—Curly—Head Capsules, 4 for 25c, Counter 3, MURPHY'S Heard Tell? The HARVEST BALL is going to be swell!! C t ' /'"- I K • T December 4 Rec Hall 8-12 Swell Music Allen Snair • (Tax included) Harvest Ball SEMI-FORMAL WSGA Opens Christmas Drive, Plans Three Worthy Projects The twentieth annual Christmas Drive sponsored by the WSGA House of Representatives begins today and will close December 3, according to Shirley Gauger, vice-president of WSGA. Each girl on campus will be asked to contribute a minimum of 30 cents to the goal of $420, established by the House as necessary in carrying out the projects planned. This money will be collected by a member of the House of Representatives living in each dormitory unit. Beginning in 1926, WSGA has helped several institutions and groups with t heir Christmas gifts. This year contributions will be made to three main projects, the Mifflin County Children's Aid Society, the American Women's Hospitals, and the Emergency Fund established by Mrs. Ralph Dorn Hetzel, wife of the College's late president. The Mifflin County Children's Aid Society, located at Lewis town, assists children who have been adopted into families un able to provide for more than the bare necessities of life. The So ciety uses the money contributed by WSGA to buy toys, clothing. and provide a little spending money for these adopted chil dren. Lacking endowment, the Amer ican Women's Hospitals organiza tion depends from year to year upon the generosity of groups like WSGA to aid them in their relief work among the civilian population of Europe. The third part of the campus contributions will be given to the Emergency Fund established by Mrs. Hetzel to help College students to meet emergencies by loans from •the Fund for hospital care, books. and fees. Anyone else wishing to con tribute may put his money in Berman Replaces Heyd Birdie Berman will act as chair man of the judicial committee of WSGA for the remainder of the -emester while Lois Heyd, chair s'an, is in York as a student teach er. lIIVN AT YOUR WARNER TIEATE t0_04111611160.0e0 Stormy Weather? Now you can look your best, come rain or shine. These smartly styled boots will give you all the protec tion you need against rain . or snow and they'll keep you nice and warm. Priced at just $2.99 Glick's boxes which are placed at the Student Union, Corner Room, and at the main desks in Ather ton and Simmons dormitories. the bold look sh. CREATIVE SHIRTMAK ER In Nine Glowing Colors AQUA * WINE * MAIZE * WHITE BAMBOO * PINK* BLUE *TAN * GRAY Best innovation in men's shirts since the days of the celluloid collar. Note the iide "command" collar, top-rated by Esquire Magazine. Note the half-inch border on collar, center seam, French cuffs. Sanforized (1% shrinkage) broadcloth. $3.95 CA C c 3 ? 4 () % trn Mho 4 STAN COLLEGE'S REIM MI ALLEN AT BEAVER PHONE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1948 Panhel Meeting Panhellenic Council members are asked to meet in the Zeta Tau Alpha suite lounge, 271 Simmons Hall, at 7 p.m. Tuesday instead of in Old Main, according to Ade laide Finkelston, president. Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Omicron Pi entertained their National vice-president, Mary Lindrooth, at a dessert party last Tuesday evening. The party was held at the sorority house where representatives from all sororities and sorority advisors were present. Monday evening, Nancy Neus baum was pledged to the sorority. R~~~ , , . . . you need this change of pace—
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