PAGE EIGHT ARC Workers Study Nutrition More than 100 Red Cross work ers are attending the second an nual Nutrition Workshop that opened Monday. It will continue through July 23. The workshop is sponsored by the Eastern area of the American National Red Cross and the department of home eco nomics. Among the speakers on the pro gram are Dr. Charles G. King, sci entific director of the Nutrition Foundation; Pauline Murrah, na tional director, Nutrition Service; Dr. Esther Phipard, food econo mist, U.S. Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D.C.; and many other persons prominent in Red Cross and nutrition work. Special Course During the morning sessions, faculty members will conduct a special course in nutrition. Among those who will teach sessions are Ina Padgett, professor of home economics; Dr. N. B. Guerrant, professor of biological chemistry; Dr. Gordon H. Pritham, associate professor of physiological chemis try; Dr. Cyrus E. French, associate professor of animal nutrition; Dr. R. Adams Dutcher, professor and head of the department of agri cultural and biological chemistry; Dr. Russell C. Miller, professor of agricultural and biological chem istry; and Dr. Mary Dodds, pro fessor of home economics. Other Members Other Penn State faculty mem bers on the program are Dr. M. Nelson McGeary, professor and head of the department of politi cal science; Dr. Grace M. Hender son, director of home economics; Dr. Helen R. Leßaron, assistant director of home economics; Amy G. Gardner, professor of home eco. nomics; Dr. Paul R. Beall, asso "iate professor of speech; Delpha E. Wiesendanger, assistant direc tor of home economics; and Sara Warren, assistant professor of nu trition extension. Doctors Publish Experiences in the tropical use cf pyribenzamine by the College Health Service are reported in an article in the June issue of the Journal-Lancet, magazine pub lished for the medical profession of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. The article was prepared by Church Calendar -dey Foundation A Mid-Summer Mixer will be Id in the Methodist church gym it 8:30 p.m. Friday for all Meth'- iist students and their friends. The church school service for ;tudents will be conducted by Jo me Freestone in the Upper Room Sunday morning at 9:30. The ■uest speaker will be Dr. Robert ' r . Stone. 'enn State Bibl e Fellowship A Hymn-Sing followed by Bible discussion will be held in 117 'arnegie this Friday from 7 to 9 ).m. by the Fellowship. Everyone s invited. Hillel A weenie roast has been sched. uled by Hillel for Fair-mount Park this Saturday at 8 p.m. The picnic FOOD at its best GOOD ? ... make the test Open 24 Hours Daily For Your Eating Pleasure The Penn State Diner THE SUMMER COLLEGTAW STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA New Buildings Partially Done Construction of the new Min eral Sciences building, Willard Hall and the Plant Industries building on the campus are on the average more than 10 per cent completed according to Harry O. Meyner, representative of the Pennsylvania Department of Property and Supplies on the projects. . The Plant Industries builduig on Ag hill is 14.6 per cent com pleted, Mr. Meyner, says. Founda tion borings have been completed and poured, he said. Willard Hall beside the Arm ory is nine per cent completed, Mr. Meyner estimates. A portion of the concrete matting which forms the construction base for the building has been poured. The construction crew has set piers in this portion and work men are now setting pans form ing the floor base at the first story level. Work on the Mineral Science building at the corner of Pollock road and Burroughs street is still in the excavation stage due to un foreseen formations which de layed the crew slightly. Mr. Meyner said that the an nounced completion date of May. 1949, for all three buildings is being maintained. At present there are 33 men and two pieces of equipment working on the Plant Industries building, 17 men and five pieces of equipment on the Mineral Sci ences building and 22 men on Willard Hall. There are, in addi tion, eight plumbers working on the contract for the three build ings, Mr. Meyner says. Equipment in the College power plant has recently been augment ed by the installation of a $152,- 000 boiler, Mr. Meyner said. Further improvements at the power plant coming under the cognizance of the Department of Property and Supplies are $650,- 000 worth of equipment to be in stalled next year, starting about the first of the year, Mr. Meyner said. This includes a 4,000 kilo watt turbine generator, a cooling tower and related piping. Dr. Herbert R. Glenn, D-. Ralph E. Carrier, and Dr. Edgar S. Krug, all of the College Health Service. will b e followed by Palestinian singing and dancing. Westminster Foundation Thursday morning Matins led by John K, oc halka wil be h- Id in the Fireside Room at 7:30 a m. Dr. Rustum Roy will lead the Sunday discussion group. A Hymn. Sing and reeular meet ing will be held by Fellowship group in th e Fireside Room Sun day at 6::2'0 p.m. University Baptist A discussion group of the Uni versity Baptist students will con tinue their study of the B'ble th'r weekby taking up the Book of Revelations. The meeting will b" held in the church rooms Sunday evening at 6:30. CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements mast be placed before 3 p.m. on Mondays pre ceding issue. Hates are 50c per inser tion of 17 words or less. 3c per additional word. Call Collegian 6711. WANTED TYPING OF TERM papers, reports and theses done promptly. Secretarial serv ice. Rm. 205 State College Hotel. Phone 4006. RIDERS —WANTED To Williamsport. Leave Saturday 1 p.m., return Sunday evening Call Wentzler 4332 after 0 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS PICNIC LUNCH boxes punch, birthday cakes, and other cakes, sandwiches. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. State Col lege 4813. PIANO INSTRUCTION—to begin July 7. Call State College 6446 for appoint ments. LOST SMALL GOLD BRACELET at Whip ple’s Dam. Finder please return to Nicki tt T’ lm because [ NATION-WIDE SURVEY] STUDENTS SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS THAN ANY OTHER BRAND X marks the spot that you know well Delicious Steaks Spaghetti Dinners The CROSSROADS BOALSBURG Posner, Ath Hall, Rm. 422. Sentimental value. Reward. GOLD CHAINED BRACELET —4 large red atones. Between Schwab, Grange and TUB, June 29. Sentimental value. Return 105 Old Main. Reward. GREEN AND SILVER PARKER “51” PEN —Around Burrowcs building. Call 2695. FOR SALE BE SURE TO VISIT Schlow’s Saks for special values. WINCHESTER MODEL 69 .22 rifle—6-shot clip, $lO. .20 gauge shotgun. 4-flhot, $lO. Call Jones 6786. 6 MONTHS CORONET for $1 ; new sub- scribers only. Offer expires July 15. Also complete subscription service on all maga zines published in U.S.A. Mrs. Earl Sallack, 257 E. Beaver avenue. Phone 4749. ELCAR TRAILER Sleeps 4. Shbwer, toilet, electric refrigerator, hot water heater. $2500. Call Anderson 3991 tonight 6-8. ALL SUMMER DRESSES REDUCED at Schlow’s Summer Clearance. NOT A RED CENT more than $2OO will I take f" diamond engagement ring. Lew, 6711, e> . '4BO. BARGAINS at Sohlow's Summer Clearance —Opens today. ROOM AND BOARD SUMMER STUDENTS—Room and board or strnght board, $11; room, $3. Beaver House. Call 851 now. LADIES' SHOES at bargain prices ai Schlow’s Sale. Cigarettes Cl QQ per cin., plus 19c P osla 9e All Popular Brands 5 Cartons Minimum Order Send Checks or Money Order Clearview Sales Agency Dept. P-3 17 Clearview Avenue Wilmington 278, Delaware * ' </-4 < : : ' * { SHOWS THAT MORE COLLEGE Y\ JULY w, *•« FOUND # **' # \
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