WEDNESDAY, JTTLY 14. 1948 Players — (Continued from page one) displayed by his varying degrees of witness questioning, from so. licitous deference to Mrs. Faulk ner to cruel brutality towards the unfortunate clerk. Elmer Sweeney, the eager rook ie cop who had officiated when the body was found, is eagerly played by Omar Lerman, mean dering in his testimony, and brash in his self-importance and self satisfaction. A stolid and sanctimonious but ruthless “big” banker, John Whit, field, father of the widowed Mrs. Faulkner is well-characterized by Harry NatMchke whose impassive ness when all goes well is only slightly less impressive than his impassioned ire when thwarted. Cocky Gangster Poriman Paget, as the cocky gangster Larry Regan, is respon sible for several of the play’s ex. plosions of surprise. His finger nail-filing witness-stand bailing of D.A. Flint is a masterpiece.. Probably the most hilarious Portion of the play is Francine oil'* gum-chewing, leg-crossing, hip.and-eye rolling appearance as Roberta Vanßennselaer, self-styl ed "terpslchorine,” who was not related to “Lefty” O’Toole, but “only just his wife.” Various non.Town-and-Niners capably fill in as extras, contribu ting to the authenticity of the courtroom scene. They include townspeople as well a s graduates and students of the College. Two of them give particularly impres sive performances and are audi ence favorites. The Swedish accent spread on by Jean Franci* as the loyal and watchful housekeeper, Magda Svenson. is strongly reminiscent of Irene Dunn’s in the recent film “I Remember Mama.” Another genuine characteriza tion, of Swedish clerk Sigurd Jungquist, is expertly fashioned by Bill Preston, whose final emo tional eruption is disturbingly realistic. Col. Guy Mill*, a last-minute PICNIC SUPPLIES BAKED BEANS BAKED HAM FRESH POTATO SALAD Wednesdays - Saturdays - Sundays ONLY To Place Your Order Call THE NITTANY DELL 3947 322 E. College Avenue THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Friend Speaks To Workshop To combat misunderstandings that people abroad have of Amer icans, Jack Hollister, of the for eign service section, American Friends Committee, suggests that special envoys, selected from small business circles and small towns, be sent abroad to tell the story of America person-to-per son. “They would tell of many in dividual efforts and the little contributions made by our people for their relief instead of the bil lions spent by the government,” Hollister told teachers enrolled in the Pennsylvania Workshop yesterday. Hollister pointed out that Eu ropeans have a misunderstanding about what they term as “uncon trollable wealth of the United States and a general conceit of Americans about anything they possess.” Europeans also feel that Amer icans have little solid knowledge but are conversant on many things because their education is superficial, Hollister said. Having toured all four zones of occupied Germany, as well as other countries, last year, Hollis ter said Europe is “depleted and substitute as Judge Heath, is gen erally adequate, but his unjudi cious hand-waving when deliver ing decisions was slightly incon grous. Perfect Realism The realism is so perfect and the excitement so intense that one expects a stampede of reporters to th e phones each time court re cesses, be mobbed by shril ling newsboys peddling tabloids. Even the cast never knows how the play will end, because the de cision of the jury, chosen from the audience, determines the cur tain scene as well as Miss Andre’s fate. There are only five more chances for you to share the ex citement and entertainment of this trial. HOME IS NO PLACE FDR WASHING., A<3 SURELY you'll AGREE, WHY NOT COME HERE AND DO IT? nROPIW SOMETIME AMD SEE/ AA Tickets- (Continued from page one) The change was prompted by the fact that indoor events are no longer open to the public because of the limited seating capacity in Recreation Building. Gilbert said the Athletic Ad visory Board had ins*rur: f ed him to reserve one and ore-half sec tions of the West stand for this purpose, thereby enabling him to reserve the same Seat each game for every purchaser. Each rppli cant will be limited to two tickets Application blanks will be mailed to all persons now listed as employes of the College, there by eliminating the necessity of standing in line at the ticket office. Any full-time employe who does not receive an application blank within the next week, and who is interested, is advised to report that fact immediately to the Athletic Association office. exhausted, physically and men tally.” “Despite the misconception of our ways of life, people of Eu rope look toward the United States with high hopes, and we must cope wtih the problem and decide what our share will be,” Hollister said. More than 10 million World War II veterans who currently have no National Service Life Insurance in force are eligible for upwards of one hundred billion dollars worth of this low cost protection, VA added. "THAT SENTIMENTAL GENTLEMAN" HIS TROMBONE & HIS ORCHESTRA TUESDAY NITE, JULY 20 FOR TABLE RESERVATIONS PHONE ZION 2322 HECLA PARK News Briefs Trip to Penn's Cave Reservations for a bus trip to Penn’s Cave on Saturday, July 24, can be made at Student Union, Old Main. The trip, spon sored by the Summer Sessions office, will leave Rec Hall at 1:30 p.m. and return by 5 p.m. Dames Picnic A picnic for all graduate stu dents and their families, spon sored by the Summer Dames, will be held this afternoon. Tick ets may be purchased from any one of the members. Hals and Keys Members of Parmi Nous and Skull and Bones may pick up their hats at 102 Old Main. Also available are the keys for Blue Key members. • British Dramas Four British plays are being given this month for the benefit of Professor Arthur C. Cloetingh’s RECORDS PORTABLE RADIOS fl THE PHONE 2311 usic room~ V 303 E BEAVER AVE. 0 STATE COU.ZOK DANCING 9 'TIL 1 ADMISSION $2.00 PLUS TAX 7 MILES EAST OF BELLEFONTE ON ROUTE 64 page s&vnr class in British drama. The plants arc directed by Mr. R. D. Reif sneider and are put on by a group of students interested in dra matics. Admission is restricted to dramatics and literature majors. Faculty Dinner Reservations for the Summer Sessions faculty dinner, sched*' uled for the Centre Hills Coun try Club at 6 p.m. Saturday, must be made at the Summer Sessions office in Burrowes by today. PORTABLES Two Brand New Never Unpacked PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Remington Portable $74.00 Royal Portable $84.50 CALL K. BORISH 4409
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