PAGE TWO A Press for All In spite of "professional" rivalry, staff members of all campus publications, from candidates to editors, are in ac cord on an issue of major concern to them—immediate ac quisition of a student press. The positions of power occupied by the editors may cause non-publication students to suspect ulterior motives of personal gain in their efforts to sponsor a project which would actually benefit the student body as a whole. Publishing a college newspaper is big business, about $20,000 worth annually, for the Daily Collegian. Those closely associated with it realize the financial savings, in creased efficiency and convenience, and improved service that would accrue from a student plant. Job-printing requirements of other student organiza tions are legion. Players and Thespians programs and tick ets, chapel schedules, election ballots and dance tickets are but a random sampling of the type of work which could be done quicker and cheaper with a student press. Thus it can be seen that publications staffs are not solely interested in their own personal welfare, but that the realization of their aims would be a distinct boon to the entire student body. —Lew Stone Placement Service Arrangements for interviews should be made in 2Q4 Old Main immediately. Berkshire Life Insurance Com pany. May 6. eighth semester men in C&F. • Equitable Life Assurance Com pany, May 6. eighth semester men in C&F. A&L. Radio Corporation of America, May 6. eighth semester men in E.E. ME. Physics. American Brid g e Company, May 6. eighth semester men in Architectural, Civil, and Indus trial Engineering. Cal ve r t Distilling Company, May 7. eighth semester men in lE. ME, Physics, Chem. Chem Eng, Commercial Chem. Hamilton Watch Company. May 7, eighth semester men in ME. .IE, Physics. Supplee-Wills-Jones Milk Com pany. eighth semester men in Dairy Husbandry, Pre-veterinary. Also summer employment. American Brake Shoe Com pany and American Brakeblok Company. May 3, eighth semes ter men in Metallurgy, ME. Northern Pennsylvania Power Company of Towanda, May 5, -ighth semester men from EE... Atlantic Refining Company, 'llay 4 and 5, eighth semester men rom Chem Eng, Chem. International Harvester Com >any, May 4 and 5, eighth semes a,r men from lE, ME, Metaliurgy, ‘g Eng. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Corn .any, May 3 and 4, eighth semes iir men from Chcm Eng, ME, EE, E. H. J. Heinz Company, May 2 TOMORROW SATURDAY RED TAG DAY Full of Liveliness PRICES CUT IN HALF AT THE Charles Shop THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA and 3, summer work, students from Home Ec, Med Tech, Bac teriology, Botany, Chem., Zoo ology, Entomology, Pre - Med. Commercial Chem, Science, Ag. Bio Chem. American Brake Shoe Corn pany, May 3, eighth semester men from Metallurgy. Chemical Plants Division of Maw-Knox Company, May 4. eighth semester men and gradu ate students from Architecture. Civil Eng, EE. ME, Chem Eng. E. I .du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc., May 3, summer employment, men from Chem and Chem Eng who will receive BS, MS, PhD degrees in 1949. Armstrong Cork Company. April 30 and May 1, eighth se mester me, from lE, ME, Chem, Business Administration, Chem Eng. Physics, Journalism. Talon, Incorporated, April 30, eighth semester me n from EE, lE, ME, Chem Eng. Atlas Power Company, April 30, eighth semester men with 8.5., M.S., or Ph.D. from Chem, Chem Eng, Commercial Eng. Also Civil and Mining Engineering. The wire's down, Let's keep it so, By giving, the grass A chance to grow. Mother' s Day Album br Phil Spitalny's All-Girl Orchestra and Choir at The Harmony Shop 135 S. Frazier GRIN AND BEAR IT "If there's a draft I'll g o into some outfit like the infantry— none of this Atom bomb combat duty for mei" CAMPUS CALENDAR All calendar items must be in the newsroom in 8 CH by 4 P. m. on the day preceding publication. Friday, April 30 PENN State Bible Fellowship, 200 CH. 7 p.m. At the Movies CATH,A I UM—T a r z a n and the Mermaids. NITTANY—The Captain from Castile. STATE—Sitting Pretty. Colleqe Hospital Admitted Wednesday: David Phildin. Catharine Savige. Admitted Thursday: Edward Paulishak. Discharged Thursday: Robert OH, MR. MOON . We'll be 1)` watching you soon VIII ....... -.1 , 11&*- , ... at tha • • "Ex WSGA CORONATION BALL MAY 7 9-12 $1.50 White Hall—Paul Grove "GIRL ASK BOY" NOW AT YOUR WARNER THEATER Breaovic. Toe Drazenovich. Mar cus Elcan. John Fawkes. Sherrie Fogg. Mary Goodwin. Isabelle Light. Made by the famous Rich Guild tailors to fit smoothly and wear forever. Just feel the light soft fabric and look at the workmanship. We don't have to sell these shirts—they sell themselves. but we want you to know that they're here. two and four From $5.95 at • MEN'S OPPOSITE MAIN CAMPUS E. College Ave.. State College . to remind you that tonight /4 the TREBLE SINGERS' Spring Concert 8:00 - SCHWAB OVER A HUNDRED VOICES, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF GUY WOODS ADMISSION FREE FRIDAY. APRIL 30. 1948 Sy Uckty Major League Results AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results New York 5, Wash. 4 (10 inning*) Boston 11, Phila. 5 Chicago 5, Detroit 4 Cleveland 5, St. Louis 2 Standings SK .O " Team W L Pet GB Cleveland 6 0 1.000 New York 6 8 .625 2 Washington ______ 5 4 .555 2 1 ,ii St. Louis 4 4 .500 3 Philadelphia —__- 4 5 .444 3% Detroit 4 6 .400 4 Boston ___ 3 5 .875 4 Chicago 2 6 .260 5 NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn 17, New *, Philadelphia 4, Boston 2 Cincinnati 5, St. Louis 4 (14 in.) Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 2 Standings Team New York Pittsburgh ------ Cincinnati Phila. 5 5 .500 2 Brooklyn _______ 4 5 .444 23G Chicago- __-----_ 4 5 .444 24 St. Louis ___ 3 4 .428 2 1 / 2 Boston 4 7 .1183 31/2 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Successor to the rree Lance. est 1877 Pub Sallee Tuesday through Saturday mornings during the College year by the staff of the Daily Collegian of the State College. Entered as second class matter July 5, 1934, at the State College, Pa., Post Office under the act of March 3, 1879. 52.50 a semester: 54.25 the school year. &Loin W. Ostar Donald W Ellis Man Ed., Ben 1. French, Jr. ; News Ed., Roberta Hutchison ; Sports Ted Rubin Ass't- Sports Ed., Dave Adelman; Feature Ed.. Eleanor Fennel; Woman's Ed.. Marjorie Mousley. STAFF THIS ISSUE Managing Editor _ Assistant News Editor Assistant Sy Barash Copy Editor Selma Zasofaky Assistant _____ Barbara Brown 0 , ,k. uk• R'S SHOP W L Pet GB 7 3 .700 MEME - Editoa Bus. Mgr. _ Betty Ruth Gibbons Elaine Katz Ray Beater -46 6 ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers