Y ij-LoLA Y, Permanent SU Opens at Dußois The first permanent student union building on any Pennsyl vania State Collage campus has just been opened at the Dußois Undergraduate Center, Dr. David B. Pugh, superintendent of un dergraduate centers, said. Built through the combined efforts of the community and the faculty who donated both money and labor, the building is a con crete block structure. Its main- feature is a lounge room 45 feet square with a huge fireplace around which students gather during sandwich hours and in the evenings. There is also a recreation room as well as of fices for exara-curricular activi ties. The “Field House” is located right on the Dußois campus, making it readily accessible to the 385 students at the Center. Regional NSA (Continued from page one) arrangements for the academic exchange of students, planning study tours, work camps, and hosteling, orienting and aiding foreign students who are study ing on American campuses, spon soring WSSF fund drives for re lief, and sending official dele gates representing U. S. students to various international confer ences. NSA, which was recognized as the only official organization re presenting the U. S. student bodies, recently was granted a seat on UNESCO. Controversial Issue The most controversial issue at the Wisconsin convention was discussion over affiliation of the NSA with the International Union of Students (lUS). After much debate it was decided to affiliate providing that lUS was willing to make a few changes in its procedure and constitution. A large majority of delegates present favored affiliation for two reasons: 1. The great and urgent need for specific and large -scale means of contact and familiariza tion of the students of countries whose present mutual differen ces, suspicions, and lack of infor mation may well lead to contin uing and increasing unrest and even war throughout the world. 2. The more immediately prac tical advantage of affiliation with lUS the many international projects and activities in which American students and colleges can profitably take part as a member-organization of lUS. In considering affiliation the convention recognized that the majority of the present leader ship of lUS are far to the left of American students, and that lUS has tended to lay greater stress upon political activity and ex pressions of opinions than is cus tomary or desirable in student organizations in the U. S. NSA May Remain Minority It was realized that NSA may for some time remain in a minor ity position on many major is sues within lUS, but that with the conditions for affiliation adopted by the convention NSA will be protected from possible abuse as the representative of the U. S. students. The convention came to the conclusion that mutual under standing and acquaintanceship with other counties can be deci sive in helping to avert more in tensified friction which may lead to an atomic world war. NSA’s position in lUS offers an opportunity for extensive and significant modifications in the extreme policy of the organiza tion lUS is at present the largest international association of na tional student organizations, and includes countries such as the Soviet Union. Asiatic and colon ial lands with whom far-reaching cooperation and joint activities for students are difficult outside of lUS today. The convention felt that affi liation with lUS must be based on a sincere and whole-hearted intention to work with member countries in friendship and with out hidden purposes. The Critics Soy CATHAUM “Unfinished Dance,” Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday. New York Herald Tribune: “It is regrettable that there is so ilt tle drama to fill up the running time whenever the dancers pause for breath.” ' Time Magazine: “How Margar et (O'Brien) suffers!” Variety: “Production factors back the picture with outstand physical values.” “Treasure of Sierra Madre,” Friday. Saturday. Monday, Tues day. Variety: “A distinguished work that will take its place in the Repertory of Hollywood’s jjreat and enduring achievements.” STATE - “Christmas Eve.” Wednesday. Thursday. Time: “Dead Rat.” Variety: “Disjointed picture that will have to depend almost entirely on cast names to lure.” “Fun and Pancy Free." Friday. Saturday. Monday. Time. “Inconsequential as its title.” Variety: “Uninspired, belabor ed andcomoletely unlike Disney.” s PHUP MORRIS DAibi v. -iU-UlAb, i> IAI E COGEECrE, PEiNWE iE VAN 1A Polio Fund (Continued from page one) Physical Education; Mrs. Huth Richer, Old Main; Miss Tobytha Patterson, Central Extension; Miss Ruth Grubb, Home Econom ics; and Miss Mary Truhan, Ord nance Research laboratory. The campus campaign will end Saturday night when a final col lection will be made at the wres tling and boxing matches at Rec Hall. Of the money that will be col lected, 50 per cent will remain in the contributing area, and the rest will go to national headquarters for use in research, education, and epidemic aid programs. Banner Completes Irip . Professor Franklin Banner, head of the journalism depart ment. recently returned from an inspection trip of the School of Journalism of the University of Syracuse in New York. The pro fessor is a member of the Accred iting Committee of American Council on Education for Jour nalism. The student co-operative as sociation at U. of Washington re cently purchased two houses which will house 45 students. TRY A PACK... TODAY , Alpha Delta Sigma wafti Griscavage. secretary, an At a recent meeting of Alpha John KeUey - treasurcr> Delta Sterna, advertising honor- A farewell party was held a ary. Baylen Smith was elected the SAE house after the meettiif president Other officers are Ed- for the graduating seniors. Important Transportation Notice Penn State students using Greyhound Service during the mid-year recess are requested to make advance refervations during the period Jan. 23rd through Jan. 31st. Reservations will be made with the purchase of your ticket 10 HOURS in advance of your intended departure time. WEST NORTH EAST 1:08 A.M. 1:04 A.M. 1:10 A.M. 6:38 AM. 6:44 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 1:38 PM. 12:48 P.M. 1:25 PJM. 6:48 PM. 6:24 PJM. 6:30 P.M. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND TICKETS CALL AT THE GREYHOUND POST HOUSE PHONE 4181 PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an extra benefit found in no other cigarette. For Philip Morris is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Less irritation means smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what Morris smokers know, they’d all change to PHILIP MORRIS. PAGE '.'HKEE more Phiiip
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