TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1947 Lions Remain Untested As . ... Iligginsmen Score In Every Period to Squash Bisons 54-0 Taking the opening kickoff and streaking straight ,down the middle of the field for 95 yards, Larry Joe scored the first touchdown of the 54-0 rout by the Nittany Lions over Bucknell Saturday before a crowd of 14,000. Piling up 20 points in the first five minutes of play, the Lions repeated the all-time high score ever to be made by either team during the long series. The first game between the two schools was played in 1887 and ended in a H-0 victory for Penn State. Coach Bob Higgins, whose power-laden team is rated a defi nite threat for eastern football supremacy, cleared his bench as 40 players had a hand in the tri- Wn_ph over the outclassed Bisons. Following blocking back Chuck Drazenovich's recovery of a blocked punt soon after Joe's score, Larry carried the ball for a five-yard gain, and Wally Trip lett on a reverse around end went for five more and a first down. On the same play Triplett again took the ball and went into the end zone for the second score. Cze kers conversion was good. Trying to gain on the ground and getting no place, the Bisons tried the air. A pass by Seaman was intercepted on the 34 by co captain and tackle Johnny Nolan who raced to pay dirt. In the second period the Nittany Lions took to the air with Elwood Petchel completing three out of five aerials. One pass of 42 yards was snatched by Dennis Hoggard on the nine from where he raced over for six points. The conver sion was good, The versatile little Petchel is fast becoming one of the best passers in the East. He completed four out of four during the Wash ington State game. Sustaining a 68-yard drive early in the third quarter with Joe, Triplett and Colone smashing through for five and ten yards each time, the fifth touchdown was carried over from the seven by Joe. Fullback Bob Weitzel banged his way through the middle of the line and with three Bucknell players hanging on, fell across the goal-line for his first touchdown of the year. Czekaj's kick was good. In the fourth quarter. the Lions rolled down to the Bucknell 14 with Clarence Hummel carrying the ball behind beautiful inter ference. Gorinski carried through the middle to the five from where Hummel wont into the end zone standing up. The play was called back, how ever, Penn State in motion. Put ting the ball in play again on the ten-yard line, Hummel on the same play scored. Czekaj booted good. The last score was made when wingback Jeff Durkota intercept ed a Bucknell pass on the 14 and went over without a man near him. Ed Czekaj kicked his sixth successful extra point in his eighth attempt. NOW AT YOUR WARNER THEATER CAsosSetto Colbol, .. 1 Ito& VolsetAosisq r%, 10 . "Ito 1,0 soti 1" S 3 Oa lAllls 1 sletio ttobsoo . :+ "Citieit '6l.9* ctot . %Dos ' C 00000•••••• I Harriers Open With New York U. Meeting one of the strongest cross-country teams in the coun try, Coach Chick Werner's Col lege harriers are striving to be in top form for the home meet against NYU, the defending IC-4A champs this Saturday. "Although practice has already started," Coach Werner said, "it is not too late for students to Join the squad." "We still have a long way to go," he added. "and it's doubtful if we'll reach top form. for at least two weeks." Showing exceptional improve ment during the summer, Fred Lennox, Don "Peppy" Longe necker, Al Vigilante, Johnny Bates and Bob Auman, were praised by the Lion mentor for their results in the initial time trial. In the first time trials held last THE PHONE 2311 ..m 203 g BEAVER AVE. STATE COLLEGE HAS "Near You " FRANCIS CRAIG "You Do " VAUGHN MONROE "I Have But One Heart" ALL THE NEWEST RECORDS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Collegian salutes its second "Player of the Week," Larry Joe, for his fine play in the 54-0 vic tory over Bucknell. Joe amazed the crowd of 14,000 with his bril liant 95-yard run for a touch down on the opening kickoff. His end runs and off tackle slants, in which he carried the ball six times, also netted him 43 yards. Thursday the team produced re sults that highly pleased Coach Werner. Congratulations! LARRY JOE Defense, Offense Impressive As.. Jeffrey Unveils Soccer Team In 3-0 Victory Over Bucknell Predictions In the first of regular weekly football predictions by the Col legian sports staff, the writers guessed correctly in 20 of the 40 contests, a mark of 85 percent. Pete Worker, staff soccer writer, led the other predictors by pick ing the winner in 10 of the 12 contests. Opponents' Scores Washington State 7, Idaho 0 Georgetown 40, Fordham 7 Dartmouth 28, Syracuse 7 West Virginia 35, Washington & Lee Colgate 29, Kings Point 0 Holy Cross 19, Temple 13 corambia 13, Navy 8 Noire Dame 40, Pitt 8 !"\ \1 e :J: \ \\\\l\\\\\ 2)intter .\\\ If you enjoy (fining in a pleas itht atmosphere y, , tl')l like C'uluniul tea room Miele the luod is even better thim you dieained ut ainazin:;ly /- 1111111 E 11,t,00%11 PAGE THREW, Scintillating midfield play by halfbacks Ralph Hosterman, Dean Hartman and Jack Camp bell enabled Bill Jeffrey's 1947 soccer team to register a debut victory over the Bucknell Bisons by a 3-0 score Saturday. Copping possession of the ball after a brief Bison threat early in the first period, the Lion booters swept across the midfield stripe into Bitcknell territory. A crisp exchange of passes between center forward Ken Hosterman and brother Ralph at center half worked the pellet close to pay dirt where speedy inside right (Continued on page four) PAUL L. GROVE AND HIS ORCHESTRA No Change in Personnel PHONE 4048 OR DU HOUSE
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