IT, MAY 91, 1047 Registrar Lists Fall Term 111-College, Group Averages Mi-C 011 eg e and individual **> werages have 'been re «ed by toe Office ot toe Regis ff Dor the fell semester <rf AU-Fraterwilr Women .. 1.75 Windcrest 1.06 Aii-Oollege Women .... 1.59 Ak-Fraiernity 1.54 Non-Fraternity Women.. 1.49 Pollock Circle 1.48 All-Fraternity Men ..... 1,45 All-College 1.42 All-College Men 1.37 ■Ton-Fraternity Men .... 1.84 ternities: -.lpha Gamma Rfao 1.83 ■ dangle 1.82 lipha Sigma Phi 1.75 ' hta Sigma Rho 1.75 'an Phi Delta 1.74 -Telia Tau Sigma .; 1.70 Alpha Zeta ............ 1.69 Beaver House 1.67 Kappa Delia Rho 1.67 Phi Sigma Delta 1.03 Alpha Chi Sigma 1.58 Alpha Kappa Pi 1.55 'Delta Ohi 1.55 Sigma Chi 1.55 vcacia 1.04 hi Epsilon Pi . 1.54 . eta Theta Pi ... .' 1.52' j . Kappa'. Alpha 1.52 ri Sigma Kdppa 1.50 rmibda Chi Alpha ..... 1.4® beta Chi 1.48 .a,pp.a Sigma . 1.43 d Lambda Phi 1.43 [Delta Upsilon 1.42 Phi Gamma Delta 1.4)2 | Pi Kappa Phi 1.42 j Sigma. Pi; 1.41 j Phl-P.elta.Theta ........ 1.46 Delta Tau Della ....... 1.30: Sigma Nu 1.36 Sigma Phi Sigma ....... 1.39 Zeta Beta Tau 1.39 Sigma Phi Alpha ...... 1.36 Tau Kappa Epsilon .... 1.38 Alpha Chi Rho ..... 1.32 Alpha Phi Delta ) 1.32 Phi Kappa 1 - .-... '.,vr.'v.. .“1;30 Delta Sigma Phi i 1.29 - Theta Xi .............. 1.29 hgma Phi Epsilon 1.24 Phi Kappa Sigma ...... 1.20 Alpha Tau Omega 1.18 . Phi Kappa Tau ........ 1.17 Chi Phi 1.12 Sorority averages can be bound . page 3. JCA Installs Cabinet Cabinet .members of the PSCA ill be inr‘. ■ ■ led .in ' the Hugh eaver'Roo.' ;-.t 7. o’clock tonight, he p-iecuti . corrimittee for 1947- omposed of Patricia Woods, ' ;, j ! : eiit; Emory Brown, vice uent; Ralph Harris, treasurer, nd Barbara Keefer, correspond ig secretary. In order to be adequately train i for her job as president, Patri ia Woods will' attend Presidents’ chool at Union Seminary, New brk, for six weeks this summer. HECLA PARK 15 Miles East of State College on Route 64 THURSDAY KITE, MAY 29—DANCING 9—l ADMISSION—SI.2S plus tax For Table Reservations Phone Zion 2321 Officials Approve Flag for College College officials have approved the construction of a College flag, to b A used exclusively at athletic events, it was announced at the recent joint session of old and new All-College Cabinets. Other business transacted in cluded the donation of approxi mately $7,500. the estimated bal ance of tee treasury (dependent on Senior Ball receipts), toward the futuro construction of a Stu dent Union building. $5OO was voted the WSSF. A proposal by the Liberal Arts Student Council that keys be given two personq who contrib uted to "improved student-faculty relations" was defeated. It was ob jected to on grounds that it would set. a precedent that would lead to 'complications in making simi lar awards in the future. Senior class president Charles Pfleegor requested $l6O, to te used, to finance, a class picnic. His request was approved, as were similar ones by Eugene Fulmer and Richard Sarge. junior and sophomore class presidents, re spectively. Cabinet then approved Fred Keeker’s list of 16 men and 16 women students for All-College Cabinet Awards as outstanding seniors. •, Daniel DeMiarino, Assistant Dean of Men. then complimented the- retiring Cabinet on its ; “fine cooperation and accomplishment." E(e especially commended presi dent Robert Foote for a job “very well done.” In conclusion, Thomas Lannen. WIN Vgkjb THRILLinG DAYS IN NEW YORK All GXPGNSES PAID EXCITING MUSICAL QUIZ * Xisten! rHE TREASURE HOUR OF SONG ...Stars of the Metropolitan Opera, Radio's Outstanding Program of Fine Music - Presented by CONTI CASTILE SHAMPOO Every Thursday Night 9:30 STATION WMAJ State College, Pa. TOE DAILY OOtUBGXAN, STAVE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA 12 ROTC Students Receive Awards Twelve R. O. T. C. students at the College will receive awards at the annual Spring -parade and review to be held at 4:36 p. m. in the area west of Carnegie Hall, Bernard H. Rudnick and Irwin Sagenkah will receive awards as the outstanding advanced cadets whil e Donald B. Tuttle will be cited as to most improved ad vanced cadet. The outstanding elementary cadet will be deter mined this afternoon through a “knock-out" drill. The two R. O. T. C. varsity intercollegiate rifle awards will go to George W. Cleveland and James R. Norris while John W. Bornholdt will receive the R. O. T.C, varsity rifle team award. Five R. O. T. C. rifle team awards will go to John R. Con nelly, Robert N. Shipe, Norman D. Phillips, Harry H. Breneman, Jr., and Charles H. Seaton.. newly-elected Cabinet president, was sworn into office by John Branigan, Ejections Committee chairman. Here's your .opportunity to purchase tine men's clothing and fine haberdashery at AMAZINGLY LOW PRICES. We're ctxtting down our inventory—which is, frankly, very large—and offering Spring Clothing and accessories'Bt prices'yOU cannot af ford to'overlook. Nationally famous merchandise. Hart, Schaffner 8c Marx Suits, Varsity-Town Sports Jackets, and Knox Hats—will all be reduced during this Clearance. Many other items not included. Leisure Jackets The outstanding values of our Clearance are these casual jackets. Shetlands, suede and Flannels, some two-tone and some cardigans. $14.50 — now $ 8.75 18.50 now 10.75 22.50 now 13.75 25.00 now 14.75 Raincoats Wide range of styles and sizes. Cotton gabardines and poplins. All guaranteed water-repellant. $ 9.75 now $ 7.75 13.95 now 10.75 16.50* nod 12.75 18.50 now 13.75 21.50 now 15.75 Shoes By the foremost shoe manufac turers . . . NETTLETON, NUNN-BUSH and JARMAN. Also our entire stock of men’s LOAFERS. And our stock of LADY NETTLETON shoes. • $ 6.95 now $ 4.75 7.50 now 5.75 8.85 now 6.75 10.50 now €.45 12.50 now 9.75 14.50 now 10.75 16.95 now 11.75 Sport Shirts Washable long-sleeved . sport shirts . . . Cotton and Rayons in. both solid colors and patterns. $ 3.95 now $ 2.45 ‘ 5,00 — now 3.95 1 4.50 now 3.15 5.95 now . 4.15 6.95 now 4.75 7.95 now 5.25 8.95 now 5.9i5 10.00— now 7.95 Pajamas Cotton Broadcloth and Wash able Rayons . , , Both conserv ative and bold patterns. Sizes A to D. $ 4.95 now $ 3.75 5.95 noW 4.75 6.95 . now 5.25 7.96 now -5.75 Kalin's Now Going On Open Evenings Until 9 ASME Installs Officers Ray Bland was installed as presi dent of the American Society ot Mechanical Engineers at cm an nual banquet held recently. Guest erf honor at the banquet was Professor Jesse S. Doolittle, retiring faculty advisor. Professor Semi-Annual RANGE Slacks Flannels, Shetlands, Coverts, Doeskins and Gabardines, Many shades and all sizes. $ 7.95 now $ 6.45 9.95 r.ow 7.75 11.95 now 8.75 12.95 now 9.75 13.95 now 10.75 15.95 now 12.75 Sport Jackets Handsomely tailored Sport Coats Ideal tor campus or cas ual wear. Fine shetlands, camel hair and corduroys. $18.50 now $14.75 25.00—. now 18.75 29.50 now 22.75 35.00 now 28.75 S TATE COLUEG.E Robert E. Galbraith, veterai counselor, was the speaker of evening. Other officers of the ASME stalled at the banquet were Erne; Ratz, vice-president; Mary Ilgei secretary; and Albert Baker, treai urar. Professor M. S. Gjesdahl wa named as the new faculty advisoi Sweaters Sleeveless, ooat-style and long sleeve pullovers. A large selec tion of patterns and colors. $ 3.95 now $ 2.45 5.00 now 3.95 5.55 now 4.25 6.95 now 4.75 8.95 now 6.45 10.00— now 6.95 12.50 now 8.45 Suits Worsteds, flannels, gabardines and shetlands, tailored for us by Hart, Schaifner & Marx, Varsity-Town and Campus Togs. $35.00 — now $28.75 39.50 now 31.75 45.00 now 33.75 50.00 ’ now 38.75 55.00 now 41.75 60.00 now 43.75 Hats Many shades and sizes. By Knox, Lee and Stylepark. $ 7.50 now $ 5.45 now 6.45 10.00— now 7.95 -12.50 now 8.95 15.00 now 11.95 Rain Jackets Water repellant, light weight jackets ideal for go. >r j, fishing or loafing by White .Stag and Bantamac. $ 7.50 now $ 5.75 B.fts now 6.75 10.95 now 7.75 11.95 now 8.75 Neckwear Large selection of beautiful neckwear, including all silk stripes and foulards, wool knits and bow ties. $ I.oo now $ .79 1.50 now 1.10 2.00 now 1.45 2.50 now 1.65 3.50 now 2.15
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