PAdxE SIX Alumnus Receives Acclaim For Book on Pacific 'Peace' By FRANCES KEENEY “The Leftovers,” a forthcoming hard-hitting, witty report on the Pacilic AFTER the war and on the men who have been waging the peace, by Larry Chervenak, class of ’43, has received wide acclaim among newspaper columnists and writers, reported Marion Publica tions, publishers of the book. Eleanor Roosevelt said of the book, “I think Mr. Chervenak has done a very interesting piece of writing. He has portrayed his characters we 11... .1 feel it should have a wide appeal.” “The Leftovers,” said the pub lishers, is a dynamic report on the first year and a half of “peace” in the Pacific. The book includes 40 stories in which the scene shifts from lonely Tubabao Island to the drunken honky-tonk towns of the Philippines, from a Cavite religi ous festival to an army hospital in Okinawa to the headquarters of the French Indo-Chinese revolu tionists. Chervenak, a former Daily Col legian news editor, refers to the College and its students through out his book. A former Penn State student is the central figure in three yarns written from a Shang hai night club. An article written aboard a destroyer tells the story of a Navy doctor whose decision to practice medicine came while attending the College. The au thor’s “Weekend in Honkytonk CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in by 4:30 pm. day preceding Issue. Prices are: 40c for one insertion. $l.OO. three insertions, 17 words or leas. Call Collegian, 711. ANYONE interested in working for meals during Fall semester, call 4969 any evening. LOST—Light raincoat at Alpha Chi Sigma Wednesday evening. Summer. registration cards in pocket. Call Mclntyre 4937. WANTED—Riders to Meadville. Leave Friday 3:15. Eetum Sun day. Call Gesin, Room 13, Dorm PHI LAMBDA PHI fraternity will toe open this summer. Lav ing quarters can be arranged by calling Wolf Swimmer at 3204 between 6 and 7 p.m. FOR SALE Large size 9 blue satin formal. It’s yours at your price. 330 A, Winderest. FOR SALE—White formal, never worn, nylon marquisette, with two extra tops; red and silver. Oan be used without tops. Size 14. Atherton 126. DRIVING to California? need someone to help drive? Leaving soon after June 3rd? Call Don Kcagy 4444. XT’S A SPRING theme at the Senior Ball with Charlie Spivak, May 23, $3.60 per couple. REMEMBER May 23 when 1500 Senior Ball tickets go on sale at AA window. $3.60 couple. WANTED—Waiters for Senior Ball weekend. Call House man ager PhiSigm a Kappa 4939. SHE’S married now, has three kids, lost all hope, so will sell ring. Lew 2687, HIS ARMY air force sunglasses for sale. Limited supply $4.00 per pair, 200 Windcrest Wed. after noon after 3 p. m. . WANTED—Responsible couple to chaperone All-College Cabin Party Miay 23. Call Bdbbie Keefer, 4th N. McAllister, Wednesday noon. FOR SALE—Lanvin Scandal Per fume. Reasonably priced. Call Bob 3210. 3 Sport jackets also size 35, 36. FOR SALE—one matched set Kroydon golf clulbs with bag, call Winter after 6:00 p. m. phone 3938. FOR SALE—I 936 Ford, two door sedan, reasonable, call Leo 4291. FOR SALE—At fantastic reduc- tion, Hope violin, present own er totally incompetent. Call 3909 Jim Aurand. WANTED —to rent man’s white formal jacket 40. Reg. NOT for Senior Ball. Call Shislee, 153 Ath. TH* DAILY GCLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Town” tells of a sailor in a Fili pino “dive” trying to make the pianist play “Onward State.” Penn Staters form the complete cast of characters in a hilarious Army-Navy poker, match aboard a troop transport. Even the Penn State reunion in Manila finds its way into Mr. Chervenak’s book. Chervenak, who served as a supply officer on a destroyer dur ing the war, has written a series of articles for U.S. Navy Maga zine, Army Times and Our Navy. He is also author of some free lance articles which have appear ed in several publications, among them the Philadelphia Record and This Week Magazine. Chervenak graduated from the College in October, 1943. In addi tion to being News Editor of the Collegian, he served as managing editor during the summer of 1943. He was also president of Sigma Delta Chi, journalism honorary, and was a national semi-finalist in an all-college radio debate con test. He was a member of Penn State Players, Thespians, Liberal Arts School Student Council, Per shing Rifles, Interfraternity Coun- CALL Dll for rn cil, Phi Eta Sigma, freshman men’s Jau Kappa Epsilon honorary, and was active in cam- rr r pus politics. He belonged to the James Russell is the new presi- Theta Xi fraternity, serving as dent of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Other president. officers include James Seitzer, \ Glick s , A COED can't go wrong! J with her best loot forward. So—to help you be your nicest ! we ordered these ... £ • BROWN & WHITE SPECTATORS • PLAY SHOES 1 • BAREFOOT SANDALS (all colors) O BLACK & WHITE SPECTATORS THEY’RE IN STOCK NOW! i t j ALWAYS BETTER-BETTER ALL WAYS The grandest smoke you’ve ever enjoyed! It’s true, if every smoker knew what PHILIP MORRIS smokers know . . . they’d ALL chance to PHILIP MORRIS. ( Yes, the PHILIP MORRIS smoker really gets what other smokers only hone to get... PERFECT SMOKING PLEASURE. So for perfect smokine pleasure ... try » pack todayl ORRIS WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, I<M , vice - president; Jaines Mitchei secretary; Robert Jacobus,i treas urer; Frank Mank, pledge master Richard Sarge, historian;.and Jess< Hobday, social chairman.
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