PAGE POUR Waring- (Continued from page one) re the band left for Kansas City. Today everything was settled. J )r. Brunner was ❑ssua'ed the cart would be ready by Thurs day night, and he would have ,inusic to hand his musicians on their 'arrival Saturday in Kansas City. "It's a good tune ; a nice catchy cumber," commented Pisliburn as 1)e mopped Ills 'brow. Along with the new Waling plumber a imareh composed by C. Lt.. Taggart, Washington County b . ,vestock Weeder Ihcitirotriblg the Pennsylvania I'FA band, will be irrtrodttced. This was written a few years ago but during the war no band was assembled and them fore, it's debut. was delayed mi:il this yenr. News Briefs (Continued from. page one) and Elizabeth Hutchinson are the »omktating committee. . Dram Honorary • • Theta Alpha Phi, national dramatics honorary, elected Jos coh,Vispi president. Jane Staus was named secretary-treasurer. The names of Violet Grubin and , Marion Schein will be placed oyi.- a placque honoring, those stud. eats, who during their years 'in college, contributed- most to the Penn Stat e Players. Norma Teit 01batun has been awarded: the 'Theta. Alpha• Phi scholarship for `the semester. Minsquereffes aVkasquerettes, sister organiza tion of Thespians, elected Carol . flieCkman president at a meeting Sunday night, Frances Glass was e c ted. vviceipresident, anld ",I;aakie" Coogan, secretary-trea.. ,surer. Mrs. "Sock" Kennedy, wife of the Thespian director, is spon_ goring. the women's organization. J LL 'j !f; lry 4i. Stop ,Signs Erected For Driving Safety A t Crossing Stop signs have been inserted at the corner of Pollock and Shortlidge roads in an effort to prevent accidents there, accord ing to Captain Philip Mark of the Campus Patrol. Pointing out that serious injur ies could be avoided if drivers would simply "bother" to stop at these signs, the Captain added that no accidents have been re ported at the corner of Pollock and Burroughs roads since stop signs were placed there on De cember 2, 1945. Previous to that date, accidents took place on the average of once each thirty days at that intersection. Student officers selected by the Campus patrol at its first meeting Wednesday are: Edward Nelson, lieutenant; John Powers and Ed mond Koval, sergeants; John Stewart and Frank Lerew cor porals. ' Russian Club Initiates; Names Dance Committee The Russian Club initiated 14 members recently. Dr. and Mrs. Carl. Hasek, Dr. and Mrs. Haskell Curry, and Father and Mrs. Auro roff were present for the initia tion. At their last meeting a dance committee was named for their All College dance. They are Pearl Biller, chairman, Theodore Bacha, Ann Buganich, John Cook, Mic hael Fatula, Michael Fedak, Helen Gumrot, George Latzo, Edward Lucas, George. Lychkoff, Tim Petrott, Steve Sinichak, Peter Totuih, and Leo Yankosky. As an undergraduate. of the Un iversity of, Wisconsin, President Hetzel was editor of the student newspaper, the Daily Cardinal, and rowed on the freshman crew. In 1929, the old Old Main was torn down and - construction on its successor started. 115 EAR STUDENTS: SALLY'S is still in business e sublet our retail store which is now known as "Howards". Our wholesale CATERING an d business (appreciate your Jarionage and will try to give YOU the same service as in the past —COURTEOUS BOYS and HARD-TO-GET vIS, suci as ice cream, candy, ilk, etc. illiE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA. Four Students, Suspended For 'Material Thetis " Four College students who were invelved in the theft of building materials and 'fraternity property 'recently have been sus pended for one semester, College officials announced yesterday. 'The students are John! N. Cros ble, Robert R. Gehrett, 'Robert R. Ruth, and Stanley J. Weglendow sk i. Arrested and charged with the theft 'by State College police the quartet pleaded guilty and was held for Centre County Court where Judge Ivan Walker issued suspended sentences, placed the four on probation. .and ordered them 'to make restitution. Judge Walker admonished the four al ter character witnesses pointed out that it was a "college prank" which had backfired. 'The meni were suspended from the College by the College Dis ciplinary Committee which said it 'was "entirely in aiccord with the 'court's disposition of the cases." Nametoucher Chairman To Prepare Feed. Report . Dr. Robert V. Boucher, of the School of Agriculture, has been tamed chairman of a committee of national scientists to prepare a de tailed an on all feeds used in the United States. The service on feed composition, similar to a de_ tailed analysis on human food compositions, i s under the Na tional Research Council. The committee of ten scientists will study the composition of all feeds used fo r livestock and poul try. Administered through the Di_ vision in Biology and Agriculture, the new service is being set up by the Agricultural Board of the Na tional Research Council. In 1928, required attendance at chapel and churCh worship was superceded by a policy of volun tary participation in religious ac tivities. The offic e of College News Edi tor was created in 1914. located on PUGH STREET in the rear. CLASSIFIEDS WANTED Ride to Lehighton or vicinity for all weekends. Leave Fridays or Saturdays. Contact R. Mellon 2207. VETERAN'S WIFE with A.B. de gree in sociology desires ful or part time work. No secretaria work. Call Mrs. Asen, 39.60. - - --- BOARD for two men. $4O per month. Coll 4949. WOULD someone trade my lower class AA book for upper class. one. Call room 1115 Watts. WILL SWAP: one peacoat F. S. IManibeck for Filippone coat. Key ring, gloves in pockets. 107 Ath. LOST: Gold ring, blue stone, no name or _initials. Call Paul, 2800 LOST: one envelope containing GI book card on Oct. 14th in vicinity of Old Main. Call Henry Hechert, 3938. PARKER pencil: found Mon. ME parking lot, owner may have same (by identifying Clarence Kerstatter. ROOM: Pollock circle deducted rate available October 21. Pres ent occupant and wife moving to apartment. Contact Bill, Bldg. 3, room 18 - , or office of Collegian. NEEI3 a baby sitter? Weekends, especially? Cali Helen, In Ath Hall. Bridle Club Elects Marshal, Ag Councilmen The Block and Bridle Club elected Ross E. Christian, marshal, and Sam W. Laub, Robert Pen nington, and Carolyn Y. Graham. representatives to . th e Agriculture Student Council October 7. The organization of 22 members is planning the initiation of new members OCtober 28. Other plan s include a livestock judging contest in the Stock Pa vilion January 25 and the annual Little International Show in the spring. Both of these events are open to all student s and prizes will be awarded. S A L LY'S DEAN PROBST State College, :Pi; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16,1046 In 1924 compulsory daily chapel was abandoned Phi Beta Kappa was establis4d on campus in December ; 1937. 1. INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC DOTY and ELDER 108 S. Allen St. Y 7 p.m. ' e MEE
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