miettihe'r Scattered showers 'and cooler. VOL 224-4gb. 12: Late AP News Coitriesy Radio Station WMAJ GERMANY Nuernberg• re mains.lhe focal point of interne 'Hone" interest. The stories build ing- up in the ancient Bavarian. - city; are beginig •to take, on the characteristics of .dime novel .Mystery fiction.... • :Chief* among the questions. of 'coUrse,: is Herman Goering's .sui cide.just• before he was to hive hanged on The gallows of interne - tional . justice. One popular ,theerY'is.that Gebring carried his .vial!. of potassium cyanide ever since. his 'capture one. and a half . years ago.. -The minor mystery— whrch few but diehard Nazis will care= to solve—is where the bod leS'pf all ten arch war criminals were-buried. The bodies of the' -Hitler henchmen were spirited Aftviiy and- plaCed in unmaykod grair es. •• ---WASHINGTON-- , The first Mia jor:'fstep :to follow In lhe wake - of President Truman's' action in lift 'contirols. on meat' and live „Stock has been.taken by ,the The' price agency announced late yesterday that - brice . ceilings be• removed. to;cl3.y:.frOrn end •oil's; soybeans and' flax :seeit and ell by-product and mix-- I . ed ;feeds. OP.A. explained its .plointing . out•that the de .control of "liA • restoole 'Riad and feed products would otherwise 'throw .feed .peces out of -line. _ At the same time; the price:de-. - Control board decided to keep- hut ' ter other_dairy products free • of. control. „ PARIS, Fiance State Secre tary -Blotnes took his leave of P.ariS - filter in' 11-Week confer ence.. . Byrnes gave newsmen a prediction that Yugcailvia will sign its peace treaty. He 'added he swill broadcast to this nation . '.(Continued -on page .three)., • Call,for eandidates •• There will be a meeting for :Collegian candidates in 8 • '••Ctarnegie-Eall at 7 o'clock to ' 4 - Flight. . ' • Fee Payment Due Tomorrow '"iPayment •of fees for the first ."sm" 'ester of .1 . 904941, :will' take . 1 312 :9e in :Ftecreatio - n Hall, 9 a. m. pon. continuously, tomorrow, -announced . Bursar' - Russell E. . , `!Fees . .be. paid. in the. same manner as •in -preceecling years,". Easles will be (Posted. liSikle the door listing the students ..:naniestaccording to matriculation ,'inn ber- and-the amount• due from • • - • • floorn • , and board' .chargeis resida.nts of Pollock. Circle will not be collected'at Recre- C:-.alfon. - Hall. They may be paid • ..zitthe . -.Bursar's Office. .Old *sin, October 23: t-[ - .Ten: windows have been pro for- the, actual payment. .Th6se - ,windows are also number :;taecOrding Matriculation ' rnb• xitter.. "It is important that stu dents present their checks or fees •their mariculatibri number at ;the' correct 'window," the Bur ' Sat:added. The College accepts personal ellepks• for payment. There i s a livb dollar fine for late payment. Hal Toddy Men, Women To March In Pep Rally - •::EAU hat men and hat warnien will march in the Pep Rally Parade lainorrow• night, Robert Foote' an -- flounced • after a mass meeting 'of hat societies Tuesday night. 'Foote; repreienting the Hat lociety Council. stated that Owens 7 W• 4 411d be : lncluded' in the .nlans for the parade. Another mass meeting of ell hat .•rclein 'an' campus; ;whether active -or: not, will be held .in .495 Old ,Maint, 9 o'clock tonight. All Owens also - be invited, Foote added. Plans for the ' Michigan' State ,game, will be discussed.. • . . ... , . .. ..- , . • , ::: .....- . ~: -.... ~.. ~. : T , :.. . . -. : 11 - 1 , ... THURSDAY tMOMIIING, bC . I . OEiR 17, 1446—STAT. COLtE6E, I')ENNA IMA Winners To Get Steaks Free steak dinners will be giv en to the winning Independent team entered in the Intramural touch football league, and white shirts will be awarded to the winning. team in the Independent Men' s Bowling league, by the FMA as a means of fostering mor e in terest- in intramural sports cora petirtion,' according •to an an nouncement today by Eugene Fulmer,. president of EVIA.• Today is the last day that teams may enter -their rosters for tOudh. • fbOtball at • 213 Re creation • Hall. All men must first take a 'physical examination at the Dispensary in Old Main. Teams may be entered from or ganized :houses,,, and single men who sign. rip at Student Union will 'be organized into teams by IMA and entered on the roster. Deadline for signing up for the MA Bowling .League is Saturday nOon at Student Union. Teams will 'b e composed of s even men, and as with. the. football teams, may be composed.. either .of men from one house, or single men who sign up at Student -Union. Bowling will be don e on Wed nesday nights at 7 o'clock, and all teams should b e present •at the Pu:gh Street Bowling Alleys at 7 p. m. next . Wednesday. .12/1A encourage s all independent Men to enter this league, whether they live in town, at Windcrest, or in Pollock Circle. Discussion at . the, last IMA meeting centered on plans fo r 'ob taining a dating code similar to that of . IFC for all. organized in_ dependent houses. Large, unor ganized houses' should organize and obtai n owner' s consent before 'code can be •effected. News Stith-- Ex-Gl. Tea Atlissffeanne. Stiles; new assist ant • to. the deah cif .women. and former lieutenant i the WAVES, Will be guest of honor , at a tea for ex-servicewomen on omnpus, announced Betty Jane '.Hain, in . ~iiinarge: of the tea.: . • Tll.e. tea. will be held in the .S.:.•tuthwel9t . laurAge , .df Atherton Hall Ha:fret - 4 '!to 1 ,5: , 39. under the 43.1uspces of the Northwest unit, and. hostesses in the dormitories In :Which ex:service women live swill alSo be guests. ' Du Pont to Interview . . • A' -representative of. D. • 1.. Du .Pont.Pont'lDq Co:;NeinioursMr... W. liturhain, will InterVidw' etkidents next....Mendia - y.;.and Tuesday who wilk•receive .13achelco... and Master degrees-an Januany.:.3' . l.....He .has. asked...to, :see.. chemists, engineers, 2., chemicals .engineers, 'endineers and physi cists Preference' for . interview times' far .the. mechanical engineers will be , given to the uriper . ,,half of the elaso and to the upper third for electrical engineers and physi cists: Artangementg far inter views should be made as .eaon as pssssble in the College Placement Service, 204 Old Main. Police Warning !SW.nits _awe twthiried agatst burning leaves in the streets se m:dints to the Chielf of Police. The heat injures the tar and .when the frost comes it leaves holes in tha road. Donovan PS Club Speaker George (Donovan, Student Un ion head, .Eipoke to members of kie Penn State Club at their meeting Tuesday night, when pol icies for the .coming year were set up: Plans were made for, atallet!c and socilal . eVents, and la two-week membership drive for non-fra ternity men was .inaugurated. It was. •announced that the Penn Sl:late Clubroom is DOW open at all times for members. AVC Meets • The Charter meeting of the Aanerican Veterans Committee (AVG') will tatke (Continued on page three) Carrots, Radishes Garnish Dates At Drag Carrots, lettuce, radishes, and even onions will be featured in the corsages Which coeds buy their dates for the Owens' Dun garee. Drag in •Recreation Hall tomorrow night, announced Betty Worrell, chairman of the inter missidn committee, today. Arrangements .have- been made with local florists who will make up the corsages, or coeds may buy own Meg:stables and make them, she added. Tickets are on sale at Student Union at $1.50, and may be pur chased today and tomorrow or at Rec Hall tomorrow night. The date on the tickets was incor-• trectly printed as October 2 1 8, and student's are asked to ignore the date as the dance twill' be held! to rolon.ow, October 118, Sally Henry, chairman of the dance, said. The preferred . clothing to be worn at the dance is dungarees and plaid shirts. This is strictly am informal girl-ask-boy affair, the chairman stressed. . The Three Stooges, Pfleeger, Mitchel, and Melott, twill enter- Jain during intermission, annotta -1 ced Ellity Worrell, cl).Artma of the intermission committee. Windcrest Burgess, Pollock Circle Reps To Attend 'Cabinet Louis Fiedorek, . newly. elected, buigeos of. Windenest.- ,and- two representatives of Pollock Circle, Franklin Maguire and Thomas Reisomann. have been invited to attend the All College Cabinet meeting in 1614 Old 'Main at 8 'clock -tonight. This was announced 15Frr.,,Ohles • 'Sliee . ban; actirng presi dent. the general student body is al- SO !invited to attend. Items of business on the agenda include the. pessibllity of admitting serv icemen to football gardes .at a re duced price, of having smoking in the second floor lounge of Old Main and of obtaining a paid sec retary to take accurate and com plete minutes of Cabinet meet ings.. There , also be "a report en the progress made toward an ad dition to the Ski lodge and the pt blication of .a temporary telt:a phone directory to; ineltude fra ternity and independent houses. 'Froth Editor RetitleOs Attendance at Meeting All member s of the Froth tonal staff are urged .to attend an important meeting •in 9 Carnegie Hall at 1:20 p, m. today,; Ben I. Trench, editor, announced. • .T'rencli Stressed that 'all inem hers •of the staff should arrange to attend, as • plans and policy for forthcoming issues will be the main topic of discussion. Coeds'Beef Menu To Continue, Expect No Quick Change Food for thought: the meals for tables i n th e dining halls since som e 1200 coeds on campus will' the beginning of the semester. not . chang e for at least a week.! "It will probably be several They will go on with the same sole week s before meat is again on the beef: There may be fewer French market in any quantity. I can fries these day, but the SWiSS only guess at the prices, but they steak *ill be . around. ' will be high," added Mrs. John " The recent lifting of OPA•r6gu- son.' . lation s on meat prices. will have A small amount of meat comes little immediate effect on the. from the College farms. This stock, menus served in th e College Din- slaughtered in connection with irrg Cctmmons," said Mrs. Edith the animal husbandry classes, is 'M. Janson, supervisor of the used in the Old Main Sandwich Dining Commons, when inter- Shop, but cannot supply - the de viewed yesterday.. mand. Fortunately, when price control went off late : this summer, large "We ar e fortunate on all of our stock s • of meat. Were purchased food," Mr. Harold W. Loman, Di_ and packed in the freezing ,units rector of Dining Commons, corn in Atherton and McAllister Halls. mented. "We take what_ we can This supply has kept Meat on the get and are lucky to get it." race this eve P~t~ttt Captains 'Red' Moore,. Curt Stone Nominated for New AA President CPC Conies, Judging Slated for Saturday; 14 Houses Competing Judging • for the DFC's annual decorating contest will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday morning, •chair man :Jame's. Sonei..announCed. The judging.. coninittee will consist of Wayne, Weaver; presi dent of the alumni. association, Daniel DellVlarinoi . assistant dean trnai,. and; .Professor Djarirti; Ross of the art departinent. Al though it had_. originally been scheduled for Friday bight, the judging has been changed because Mr. Weaver cannot be present at , The winning fratitinitiets Will by ,annatinced at the'Penn State- Michigan ••State• game. The house taking:lirStWize:wilr be erivirded a • trophy. F . Late entries in the contest are: Alph .aChi Sigma, Al ha Kappa Pi, Alpha- Sigma Phi, 'Alpha Delta—Tau Delta, -Delta' Upsilon, Kappa 'Sigma,' Phi Sigma Delta, Alpha Chi • Sigma; Alpha" Kappa and Tau Phi Delta. • Here's The Story Collegian Tells Hurry Up and Pen More" Yells Two b:ts Four bits Six bits IA dollar All fca• Penln State Stand up and holler— Yeaaaaaaa Team ,Sayyyyyyyyy Team Fight! Fight! Fight! This is one of the cheers that was received in response; to the contest for new cheers. The yells that have been turned in will. be judged this evening and present ed at the pep rally tomorrow night. A cheer received from a wife -living in the trailer camp which definitely expresses the housewifey motif goes . . ' Iron .them out..lran them out Smoonnooclonootn! A song-like cheer was turned in to the Student Union desc—it ins to be sung to the tune of Washing_ ton and, .Zee's "Swing:" .Well take the leg from same old - _lull buck We'll take the ,arm froin some . 'old half Then get the neck from . some door quarterback And from a guard we'll get some hair, get some hair . And when we put thenn all to , gether, With just the .akt of string and corue, • . . We'll have a better .inan all wound than (Michiaan State) ever (Continued on page three) ' lii' This. Issue . Mikral:,Cominittee Page 1 COniest -.-. - . Page 1 Voters • Poll .'...Page 2 FIVE CENTS A COPY William "Red" Moore, football captain, and Curt Stone, cross countu captain, 'have been , norm inated for the post of president of the Athletic .Association, Jack Branigan, Elections committee chairman, announced last night. Male students will choose be tween the two men When they go to the polls to vote in the polls next 'Tue:tdlay and Wednesday. Loger of the election will fill the post of vice president.. • • Also to he elected at• the polls be' a ria'zin to fill the. post of secretary. Dave 'Hornstein sand Bronco Kosanovich have been .norninated 'for secretary.- A special ballot • will be pre sented to male students as they register to vote on which they may cast their votes for the Ath letic Association • offices. Voting be condueteld at the polls to be set up in the. Armory from. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. next Tues , - thly and Wednesday. • In order that its readers , may !consider the candidates that they are to elect next Tuesday and 'Wednesday, the Daily Collegian is again printing the slates of each clique. CAMPUS-KEY All-College President ..Clifford St. Clair Vice-•president .. James Duff Sec.-Treas. Raymond ;Shibley Senior Class Preskient .. James Sheehan Yee-president Chas. Pfleagor Sec.-Treas. Barbara McCleary Junior Class President .... Pete Johnson Vice-president . H. Maxwell Sec.-Treas. Louis Grossman Sophomore Class President EVnory Brown' - Nrice-iirOsldrent' D. C a rolif trh ors) ..• Jane Fouraere NITTANY-INDEPENDENT All-College (Continued on sage three) Committee Meets To Discuss Mural First step towarcfs completion:, of the Henry Varnum•Poor mural in Old Main was taken yesterday afternoon when the ottielal Col lege committee, appointed by President . Ralph D. ffietzel, met to discuss the matter. It was decided ; at the meeting, to notify •Mr. Poor that student .claGs fund's in the Zdnounit of slly have been appropriated; for the specific NI - ix:lse of having him complete the fresco in Oldi Main. A letter will be sent 'to Mr. Poor," offering 'him this cornmis pion. If it is accented, the com mittee wal then. try to meet with Mr. POGT to counsel and consult him on completion of the propect: Members Of the committee are Prof. Milton Osborne, chairman; Harold E. Dickson, professol of fine arts; Warren Mack, professor of horticulture, and Michael A. Blatz, editor of the Daily Col- Leo Fiedorek Elected Windcrest Burgess Leo Fiedorek was elected bur gess of Windcrest in Tuesday's election, and' will serve through out the semester. Elected to serve on the borough council were Mrs. Ruth Livermore, zone ,117.berti`l. Bostian, zone 2; Willard R. Gilli land, ZO:11':: 3. Ilisiwrenee A. Doyle, zone 4; Jo seph T. Fromme, zone 5; Clifford F. Rocker, zone 6. and Carl F. Stokes, zone 7. 145 persons voted at the pas set up in the community center, said 'Stanley Gross, retiring bur gess and resident counsellor of Windcrest. There are 259 fcsmilies hiving in Winderest. Members of the election committee, Mr. Grose, Mrs. Livermore, and Mrs. Jean King, were on duty at the polls during voting hours.
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