PAGE TWO Score At Half-Time With only five weeks left in the semester, All- College Cabinet has little time to accomplish all the points that were set out in the party platforms o.)efore elections. Running through the Nittanv-Independent plat form, the score to date looks like this: CONTINUATION OF THE BOOK EXCHANGE: This was successful through the efforts of a Cab inet committee and Common Sense, and plans have been made to carry the exchange on next year. ' ALL-CCYLLEGE DANCE: The Les Brown dance scheduled for next week-end will be spon sored by Cabinet. SUNDAY ACTIVITIES: Although a committee f. or this purpose was appointed in Cabinet, the various Sunday programs now scheduled were not brought about by the Cabinet committee. DAILY COLLEGIAN: This is a problem to be bandied within the organization of the Collegian itself. 'RESTORATION OF DRY DOCK: The "Fun Night" now held regularly in White Hall was brought about by last semester's Cabinet. The support that Cabinet has given the Student Union committee might also come under this category. SPORTS PROGRAM: To be specific, Cabinet gave the Chess Team $4OO to make two inter-col 9egiate trips. COLLF,GE SPIRIT, including the annual Cir cus, May Day festivities, Class Day, and male Chorus: WSGA handled May Day, the senior class i s planning a Class Day, the music depart ment sponsors the glee club, but what happened to.the annual circus? Credit should also be given here to the Hello campaign, which failed becaus l p of the lack of student support, and not because Cabinet slipped up. IMA-IWA-IFC-PAN HELLENIC COOPERATE ION, through the formation of a council: This has i not been mentioned in Cabinet. COLLEGE PUBLICITY: Louis H. Bell and the Public Information office have handled this suc cessfully as in the past, without any aid from Cab . inet. • PROPORTIONATE REIPRESENTATION, in that all students be ,given an equal voice: Cabinet's doors are open to the entire student body, if that is what this plank means. To mention only a few of the other activities in Cabinet this semester, there i s the "Keep Off the Grass" campaign, cooperation with the State Col lege Commerce Club, support of the drive to 'get the OPA into State College, and the re-writing of the Constitution. ust a glance over this score sheet shows that Cabinet has been on the job this semester, but there is still a lot to be done . . . and all in five weeks. TM COLLEGIAN t Established 1940. Successor to the Penn State Colleg ; lan, established 1904, and the Free Lance, established War A Batter Penn State Published every Tuesday and Friday morning dur ' mg the regular College year by the staff of the Daily Collegian of the Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second class matter July 5, 193, at the State College, Pa. ' Post Office under the act of March 8. 1879. Subscriptions by mail at $1 a semester. Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Woodene Bell Mary Louise Davey Co-Managing Editors -____-_Audrey Rybach. George Sample Advertising Manager Rosemary Ghantous News Editor—Barbara Ingraham; Feature Editor—Jane Welbarst; Photo Editor—Gwynneth Timmis; Sports Editor— Jack Reid ; Women'a Editor Doris Stowe: Circulation i Manager—John Neel : Assistant Advertising Manager-- Phyllis Deal. Senior Board—Kay Krell Lois Marks. Member Pssociated GolfeEsl.ate Pres GAleksiate Di6est Junior Board—Michael Blatz, Lawrence Foster, Marilyn Jacobson, Leo Kornfeld, Lynette Lundquist, Suzanne McCauley, Kathryn McCormick, Lucy Seifing. REPRESENTED ROR NATIONAL ADVERTISING b. National Advertising Service, Ine. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVM 4 e NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO • BOATON • Los togooLoa • ' W,N Reporters-- Jean Alderfor, Kay Bad°Bet, Allan Baskin, Frank Davis, Eloanor Pehnel Ben French, Popsy lander, Elsie Harwitz, Roberta Hutchinson, Shirley Lyon, ;Leonard Malinowski, Betsy Marshall, Marty Mosley, Elaine Mittelman, Gloria Parks, Joan Peters, Helen Reed, Dick cargo, Lewis Stone, Jerry Tramper, Selma Zasofsky. Advertising Assiatanta—Claire Harvey, Sally Holstrum, Dor othy Leihovita, June Ito Jen, Selma Sabel, Jeanne Thompson. STAFF THIS ISSUE Managing. Editor Copy Editors __ News Editor __. Sports Editor ___„ Advertising Malinger Friday, May 17, 194 G Distributor of -Kay McCorrnicik Lewin Stone, Kay Krell Joan Peters Sei,fing : ..e. , ..,, !..'.',../.....:, . „ .. .. .4ii.x! Wild ovations greeted the first company's dramatic efforts when. they entertained the rest of the Unit at the smoker• last Friday. John: Boykin, whose splendid interpretation of the feminine lead had the trainees on. their feet cheering, looked particularly well in a modish ensemble evidently designed by a mildly mad tent maker. Noteworthy among the funny men were Szyiler, Adams, Reid, and Thompson, Among the lesser contributions was that of P. F. Mastersbn. There was a slight shortage in the smoke-coke-cigar depart /lent but there were plenty of potato chips. Lovely Whites The last trainee( namely my self) has been issued his summer uniforms, so as soon as the wea ther warms up you'll be seeing them on liberty. The ROTC Pistol Team brought a cup !home as a result of Its ef forts in Philly last weekend; the bang bang boys beat U. of P. and ViLLanova and, inciden'tly, scoffed the Pennsylvania ROTC cham pionship. Softball i s well underway and, although the lop-sided scores in dicate a rather wide range of abil ity, it's still good experience. The Admirals and the Cyclones are the current power teams of the league. Old Mania If the current campus trend continues, it will soon be out of style for a . fraternity man to be wearing his own, pin. Because the list of pinned couples keeps getting longer and longer. Two AlChLO's received pins recently. Sigma Pi Bill Kerr gave his pin to Betty Moran,. and Jean Foust is wearing a Sigma Nu pin from Gus Everhart ... Beta Sammy Kaye and Betsy Fleming are pinned Pins and More Pins Floyd Lang gave his Theta IChl jewelry to June Cunningham.... Peggy MaKnight, of the Nittany Co-op is wearing an Alpha Sigma Phi pin from Hank Weymer.... Mary D'Adamo has an Alpha Phi Delt pin from Jim Frame. ChiO pledge Jean Rile and Phi Sigma Kappa Tom Davis are re pinned....Phi O.VIu Bobbee lock er is wearing a pin from D'art mouth Chi Phi Tim Luchenlbach ....AEPhi Ruthie Rosenbaum. is pinned to Newt Greenblatt. Turning to new entries on the engaged list, Maniac finds that Becky Fuller is engaged to James Conniff, a Vermont t0y....J0y Baldwin is making June wedding plans following her recent en gagement to a West Point Cadet. Spoudeka.stor Suzanne Braude has an Annapolis miniature from Midshipman Ned Cook. ...Carl MoKee married Louise Neff Tuesday morning. Teke Orchid Dance The Teke Orchid Dance, sched uled for tomorrow night, is prob . ably the only affair of the, sea son where coeds will have to se lect their gowns Ito match the flowers. Some of the couples who will be dancing to the music of the Pink Elephants are (Don 'Alley- TEE COLLEGIAN • ---- )', .., . ~..i.:4'-'.i:. ~ .- . - • • ' - - -,..„,,,,.,--^--->-' •••'" .., (,)iAb • .", ... ,, `" v*. ~... . ~ . - . NROTC News Bock to the Stars Lt. Ford; formerly Of the Navi gation Department's teaching staff, has returned to civilian star gazing. Mr. Ford is an astronomer, in case you couldn't figure out that last crack. The second issue of the Nittany Sea Lion, looking much better and with a fancy mast head, ap peared last Friday. A third issue with perhaps even more startling improvement will appear shortly. Trainees whose lives are al ready cluttered up withoptions, were faced with another last week, .when due to the icy rains, uniform of the day was optional ly blue or white. Well, we're going out to check OPA violations now so farewell for the nonce. (Information as to the length of a nonce will be ap preciated.) By BARBARA INGRAHAM ers and New Jersey import Thel ma Anderson.... Pete Houtz and Claire Clapper.... Jess Hobday and Pittsburgh import Ruth Hathaway.... Dick Serge and Pat Kinkead.. —Ralph Lewis an d Theta Polly Schmitt .... Jack Fore and Theta JOyce Parker.... Bob ( IVlarsh and. Chi° Kay Bad ollet. Theta Phi Alpha alum (Rita Bel'font, now la wAvrE, treked back this weekend....Spoude kastor Jeanne Thompson jour neyed to VPI et Black. burg, Va., last weekend. As usual, fellows treked up to see coeds. Donald Ault visited Gamma Phi Peggy Wasson.... Bill Le•hrian, BLicknell Lambda Chi Alpha, came to see Phi Mu Bobby Canter .... Robert Ochs came from Lehigh to see Alpha Xi Deft Lois Lipsky. KD and Escorts The KR) White Rose dance will be held at the Sigma Pi house tomorrow. Among those attend ing are Peggy Martin and Sigma Pi Fred Caccese....Betsy Mar shall and Lt. j.g. Art Clarke.... Jean +Kincaid and former earn-, pus AST Cliff ,Hepper... ,Norma Lee Hoover and RICA IBob Gru ver. ile ) ,,,,lxf''''. =II .. .....-.. `..'''...!*:):';''. '.' . !.....::.i.:: .. ...........rf` - 1 4 i • . r Bullosopher J. Solvency Dingleberry, the Penn State Chris tian Association's only feline member, came bouncing into the office this morning . purring, "Temperance and moderation, boys!" While hardly a pollyanna,• Dingy was so car ried away by the May Day festivities and the Mother's Day program that he is a changed ani mal these days. ' • "Dingy Day" "Today," says Dingy, "shall be known as Din gy Day. I won't say one nasty thing in your col umn about anyone." Instead of a scathing criticism of the Players' latest farce, "Kiss and Tell," Dingy dismissed it with an airy "Oh, what the hell." Hi s opinion of Hum Fishburn's Sunday after noon concert in Schwab auditorium was favor able. It was just too bad that Hum's bums worked so hard for so little results. " Fairly dripping honey and sweetness, Dingy wanted to know why some faculty members got so huffy when one of the Trustees innocently com pared them with pickle producers last weekend. After all, if it were true, then the students would be the ones to . get huffy, for wouldn't they be the pickles in such an allegory? Dill Pickle 'Speaking of pickles though, reminded J. Sol vency of the real dily found in last weekend happenings. Penn State's most, enthu — slastic alum ni, a real go-getter named B. C. Jones, suggested that the Student Union building (which Mr.'Fos ter and company want to erect) might well be combined with a field house (which Mr, Jones evidently wants to erect). Before snickering in Mr. Jones' face, however, Dingy would like to have some questions answer ed. Mr. Jones, having the Penn State students' best interest at heart, will undoubtedly want to have a nice big field house built, won't he? If it's to be joined to the nice big Student Union build ing Mr. Foster wants, just where does Mr. Jones suggest erecting the Siamese twins? Up in Hort Woods, no doubt; a spot spacious enough but certainly closer to the Physical train ing plant than it is to the center of campus activi ties. A professor-friend of Dingy' s did sped - Ern favor of a 'Hort wood location for a student Union build ing. Says the good prof, "Students have been us ing Hort woods for years, why not put up: a SU there and let them come indoors?" What are the advantages of having them link ed? Dingy's concept of aSU is that it's a social center, a homey place for'students. A field house, on the other hand, is an eut-aized barn to allow year-round practice for varsity sports ' mainly, isn't it? Who's Agonno Pay? How would a field house be paid for? Would you have a financial drive? You couldn't very well expect afield house to pay for itself as a SU eventually would. And Mr. Jones, have you a pe tition showing that at least 4000 students want a fie'd house? The SU committee is being asked to submit such a petition. 'Since• joining ;the State College Temperance Committee, Dingy has become most tolerant. Per haps he is being unfair in thinking that the SU- Field House merger is just a shrewd way of get ting a field house since it is becoming apparent that we will get a Student Union building. Pen-Paf Notes Dingy would like to ask Mr. Jones to drop him a few lines explaining the idea briefly, but Mr. Jones is no 16-credit Liberal Artist with time to kill. Therefore, any students having opinions on the matter are invited to drop Dingy a line in care of the 'Bullosopher 'or the Editor-in-Chief. Speaking of letters, Dingy recal:s that any number of people have threatened to write Colle gian but somehow the letters are never written. Dingy is• sure that the Editor of Collegian would like to receive letters from the following: 1. Druids and Friars—Are these two hat so cieties still athletic honoraries or can anyone get in? 2. Parmi Nous,--Is it an upperclass ATHLETIC' hat society? '"" , , FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946 BY FERDINAND
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