PAGE TWO Revision Needed 'Rushing, is over and sorority girls have re turned once more to the normal life. Although it' s a thing of the past, none of the 18 houses on campus have forgotten this last rushing period and it's likely that they won't forget it for a long time. Not a day went by that floods of "dirty rushing" complaints didn't flow over dinner tables and within the confines of the sorority houses. Yet, not one specific complaint was lodged before the Panhellenic Council. Running rampant were such outright offenses as use of the telephone for making dates before the hour specified by the. Council, housing rushees over night, talking to them after hours, and ob taining dates for prospective pledges. Sorority girls saw their competitors in other houses com mitting these flagrant violations but did nothing about it. Some went so far as to warn the-offend ers that they'd better watch out or else . . . but no complaint was brought before" Panhellenic Council. Why does this situation exist? Why do some houses get by with shady methods while others . follow rules, sometimes losing out as a conse quence? The answer is an obvious 'one: Pan hellenic Council is organized in a mariner that discourages reporting and punishment of sorori ties which violate its rules. Panhellenic Council has• sensed the .situation and is doing something about it. At its Tuesday meeting, sorority representatives were asked to submit criticism of the present system with view to reconstruoting the old rushing code, which certainly could stand a thorough 'house-cleaning. The most glaring objection to the present sys tem is the method of bringing an offense before the Council. As it stands, a representative of the sorority making an accusation must appear before the Judicial Committee of Panhellenic . ;Council, composed of four student sorority mem !hers, one "stray Greek," and three graduate ad- visors - Here she must state her complaint and liack it with definite proof. Although this session is supposed to be absolutely confidential, the name of the sorority making the mistake has, in the. past, frequently leaked out. Fear of this, and the unfavorable reputation and ill-will that would be showered on the accusing sorority, as 4 well as the difficulty encountered in finding def inite proof for an offense such as a before-hour telephone call, has kept sororities from making complaints to the Council. The second outstanding objection to the present system is the strenuousness of an intensive ten day period of rushing, causing lag in class at tendance, lack of preparation, and•dangerous loss of sleep. Sorority girls might just as well sub tract ten days from their program of getting edu cated. These two objections to the present Panhellenic Council must be corrected before the next rush ing .pe - riod. f not, there will be even more "dirty rushing" for gradually the sororities that have been "playing it square" will find themselves losing out and get on the band wagon out of necessity. THE COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Established 1940. Successor to the Penn State Colleg ian, established 1904, and the Free Lance, established 1877. Publisned every Tuesday and Friday morning dur ing the regular College year by the staff of the Daily Collegian of the Pennsylvania State College.. Entered as second class matter July 5, 195, at the State College, Pa Post Office under the act of March 8. 1879. Subscriptions 'by mail at $1 . a semester. Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Woodene Bell Mary Louise Davey Co-Managing Editors Advertising Manager News Editor—Barbara Ingraham; Feature Editor—Jane Wolbarst; Photo Editor—Gwynneth Timmis ; Sports Editor— .7ark Reid: Women's Editor—Doris Stowe; CircUlation Manager—John Neel ; Assistant Advertising :Manager— Pnyins Dent. Senior Board—Kay Krell Lois Marks. Junior Board—Michael Blatz, Lawrence Foster, 'Marilynn Jacobson, Leo Kornfeld, Lynette Lundquist, Suzanne McCauley, Kathryn McCormick, Lucy Seifing, and Ruth • Tisherumn. Reporters-- Jean Alitarter, Kay Badollet, Allan Buskin. Frank Ibivis, Elc:tnor Feline] Ben French, Popsy Fried lander, Elsie Hurwitz, Roberta ;Hutchinson, Shirley Lyon, Leonard Malinowski, Betsy Marshall, Marty Mosley, Elaine Mittelman, Gloria Parks, Joan Peters, Helen Reed, Dick Surge, Lewis Stone, Jerry Tramper, Selnia Zasofsky. Advertising Assistants—Claire Harvey, Sally Holstrum, Dor othy Leibovitz, June Rosen, Selma Sabel, Jeanne Thompson. .STAFF THIS ISSUE blanaging Editor _ Copy Editons - NCWB Eritor Advertising Aesistunt • ,Barham Ingraham Woodene.Bell Blaiwe 'Mittelman Marvilte Idgbovitz • • • Friday, April 5, 40)46 __Audrey Rybach, George .Sample Rosemary . Ghantous Old Mania The have formed a Happy Bachelor's Club complete with a list of properly elected officers. The officers are Frank Sipe, presi dent; Phil Zoeller, vice president; Tom Botsford, secretary; and Fred Ewertz, treasurer. The fellows neglected to send Maniac any informa tion about the purpose or the cause for the forMaition of the club so our only clue has been the fact that last week we printed the news of secretary's depinning. Back at Sigma Pi Eleven 'Sigma Pi's ;have return ed to the campus this semester after serving in the armed forces., They are 'Les Fell, Art Gilbert, Pat .Golightly, Bill Tiollenbitch, Bi;11. Junk, Dick Keller, Ted Kruk, Horace Kurtz, Jack Laney, 'Bert Sessler, .and 'Whitey Van Neida. Among those glimpsed; at the. Theta Chi dance were'Bill ;Green end Mary White,. Jack Williams: and his import, Bill 'Benton and +Chi() Barb Smith, 1 03431) Valten-' beam and his fiance - Who !came up I'm. the -affair, Vaughn Stapleton and Chi() Margaret Ann Cook,( Virgil Wall and AOPI pledge Jean Matta - way. In the spring The list of •pinnings seems to be 4espettially .king this weekend. Phi Kappa Sig alum Jim "Drylie gave his pin to Jean Niesley.... Phi Nappa :Big Pat Brennan and Becky Burke are 'pinned.. "..Dor:- is Roeder weaning an SPA pin from Haley ' Walker. .. Helen Ward is''wearing Gene Sclunieder'is SPE jewelry.:... Theta , Chli Jack Bnannigan wave his phi to Megi Hussey ..... Theta pledge Bea 'Os mond is pinned to ATO Bill Cully. .more to come. Alpha Xi Delt sMaidgelidhabaugh is wearing The awarding of the Unit Commendation medal' to' Walter Jones served to relieve the monotony of the usual Wednesday• afternoon command performance at Beaver. Field. The award was In -token of Jones' efforts while serving as quartermaster aboard the 'USS ZCI (L) 461.' 'The 461, converted to a rocket -ship, took part in various ni4ht raids on Saipan, The Marshalls and Tinian. . Co-Starred with Alice Ehren feld in the - largest love affair of the past several years, "Huge Harvey" Anderson has severed diplomatic connections with Eat land and the Skeller. The sep= aration was quite a blow to Mr. Eatland, who regarded Harvey as a• son and a pillar of his . estab7 lishment. Doctor and the ladies Speaking of love and similar sentimental subjects, H a T.° 1 4 '"Dcoc" Bilpon has perfected , a new device designed to 'supplant the "Eternal Triangle." The in novation is the Perpetual quad rangle with the' dactoa' odetipying one corner, the other three being, held down by a trio of damsels living in one of the houses down- Letters to the Editor All letters should - be addres Carnegie Hell. and must be sign request. Orchids • Dear Editor, Jusb a note to let you and you: crew know that You deserve five bushels lull of congratulations. The April 1 edition really thlt the spot. helped to bring .Penn State out 4Df the winter mood, and helped sallow us that .spring - is here, and anore dhould be had by all. What hit 'me .as "tops" was the fact that Collegian covered hum orously .everything an , .dampus from Proxy's . discarded . "Lang John's" to the notice of free beef at 'the Skelger. ice goin', here's .hopin' that tihe tCollegian will be more light hearted iu the future. Fltn Cramer, USINTR In Explanation Dear Dcilitor, Me Penn State Greeters' Cluib wishes to clarify the purpose. of its organization for the benefit of the readers of the "Collegian." The mslin Objectives otf the or ganization are as follows: 'l. 'to %unite in , e idcall ottani :zation those !cr,rho are enroll:Led in the course , of Hotel AdrniniStra ^tiinn ~ a t 'The Pennsylvania •State 'College. . 2. to•-'anake 'both ..soetial -and: buSiness -contaCts .with-lhotechnen. - • 4. to tic:create tolosetriitherrrivi THE COLLEGIAN By BARBARA INGRAHAM a Theba Chii pin from Jack SeP• mour.....Kappa Bunny Meitsger is weaning (Flip Elbert's Theta Chi pin....IYU Walker Cleelland ..gave Berta Sig Bab Berg and Prissy .Seigel, a 'coed at CedarcreSt Col lis pin to 'Kappa :Nancy ErrauCk lege, are pinned. •Batbs 'Vixens is engaged . rto Pvt. Charles . W. Im miler, 'former AST on campus. 'Seen on Campus Chi chi's 'Walt 'Robinson and Frank Hunniger were 'bank this weekend....Bdb Harbison, recent ly !discharged from the Air Corps, was up Ito see •8.,.A...C0ntdr0n....... Hewer, tforaier AST on .cam ;.pus, was up to see KID jean Kin caid. :..T.PA PeggylPiwsel rowski is back 3n •Stbate 'College with, her husband, Wthd.rte,Y ;Kuraw ski. .AChio Marge Thomas Journey ed to New York to =see - Capt. Joan Larkin.... Phi Delt Torn •Sandaga was ~u p to see .AChlO *Maxiilyn 'Globisch....DG alum Paittty-Turk was up. . ditto DG . .alinim Betty Steele :‘viho' ;came to .see 'SPE .Jim MeClowerY... :Wayne Wood came up from Texas to, see ..AOPi _Jean Aideifer. Fruzell treked .up from Florida to see .ffluth 'Lam bert ....Phi Kappa Sig• Bud Wedge was back. .. . NROTC News By TOM KELLY Barracks Parties The three remaining Navy. bar racks will rotate in :playing -host at the Sunday evening .open house initiated last tern. Barracks 13 opened the spring social - whirl with • a brilliant ,a fair ,Sunday evening. The music was by. sev .eral name bands. Nick Gettzi, who has' recently. been suffering from . infected fangs, has recovered sufficiently . to leave the sack; which incident , ,ally is one of Nick's favorite places.: • ."Boots" Steller, one of the mainstays df ,the .baseball team,. is out for the season with a I broken ankle. ed .to The Editor, The Collegian, •d. Names will be withheld upon - 1 " tionaa work being performed in the Hotel Administration . course at the College With the. Work which is .performed . -in hotels. The Penn :State id.reeters' Club is •affiliated with "The - Hotel Greeters" as national organization made up of hotel ;•executives and front office :workers. The name "Greeters" is derived from those people who greet the guest as he comes into the hotl, .and it is not , connected in any I.May . With sight seeing tours_ such as those men tioned in the Collegian. We are heartily in favor Of the idea set •lonth by Collegian, -but we do not think the job is for the Penn State Greeters. How ever, we shall Abe willing to coop erate with any organization un dertaking type of servtice by giving them any information that they may desire concerning our hotel course. . :Flying Course . . - vidll'be 93ifferd •carngus dteinpugh . 4tudents.artix4ereYteti., :Staderktiare-tagked-to •dip - Arp..itt . - Student Fthrivn *eon 4is Sincerely, :Rabeit Wetherilv, President Bullosopher BY FERDINIWD That well-known feline dramatic critic and poet, ,f Solvency Dingleberry, dropped in to see the . Players' murder Macbeth, while Macbeth took the liberty of murdering his lines as well as doing leway with Duncan, on Satwday night. Before taking his cue for a hasty exit at the end of the second act, Dingy cursed himself roundly for not giving up Ham for Lent. The following little poem, While still incomplete, was written between yawns by Dingleberry. The 'fourth line will be written as soon as he can think of a word that rhymes with sphinx. Neu§baum, Neusbaum Ho-hum, ho-hum, act arbeth, Macbeth . , • Impressed by the acting of Henry Glass as the Porter and the three gravel-throated witches, Dinglelberry felt that the director should have taken a 'few more liberties with the ;Play and given these ;roles more importance. What did he have to lose? As for the •portrayal -of Lady Macbeth, J. Sol vency would make use an old nautical term and say, '"Avast, Sevast!" Real -credit, though, for a first rate perform ance, goes 'to the :hundreds of people who Friday might show and were able 'to turn 'up at Sena and Relenls for an after-theatre .snack,;with perfectly straight faces, telling -each , other how good the show was. Players might 'do b well to hide a few - talent scouts in such places. Stogie Fresco George, "Jiist call •me Student Union" Donovan might be interested in this piece of Incidental in telligence. J. Solvency, whiling away some time in the lobby of •Old Main, saw a student come with the expressed purpose of admiring the Var num Poor mural. , Knowing that , Ddnovan would .be skeptical, Dingy got the student's name. We hereby record it for porterity and the Mural -ComMittee in -case any doubting Thomas asks "Who in the hell ever, looks at this mural thing?" The student's name is James Brewer, a junior in the School of .Agri-; culture. . . . J. Solvency, , no: connoisseur.• of murals, does feel that the campaign committee might do . little promotion work and advertising ;by smoking ; 'Muriel cigars. There a . Close similarity in the words, and.'the 'matter of, 'taste does enter.. • Not wanting to- offend those Who , feel that Student Union -is more important, DingleberrY . suggest's": a sop for them. They .Can counter-act .this pro motional schemer by commenting on the smell of even good cigars. Collegiate -Review A green little • chemist. on a green summer day Mixed some green little chemicals in a green ' little way, Now th n F green little grasses. tenderly. wave ' Over 410 . green little chemist's green little grave. --The Santa- Clara . A divinity student names Fiddle. Refused to accept his degree, • For he said, 'Us enough: to -be Fiddle Without being Fiddle, D.D. • Censor cracks down on burlesque. Pretty soon - the airport will be 'the only place to. watch a-takeoff. . . Two -cyclists pulled up• for the night at a hotel. "I think," said the 'host, 'that you'll have a comfortable night. It's a feather bed." At two o'clock in the morning one of the cyclists roused his companion. "Change places .with me, Pick," he ~groaned, it's my turn to lie on the feather." —West Catholic News a‘lly ambition: To be a dentist on an ocean lin er and work oh the Captain's Bridge. Signed Jack Hampus, Ejaculator of the Third Molar. Temple University News * • A patrolman found- a man - asleep in a tele phone booth.. The doors were-jammed shut and he couldn't awaken the sleeper. Finally, after forcing ammonia ,gas Into the booth, he ,aroused the ,roan and *lit. ;great: dificplty got 'him fout.. 'Are you druns7.-tthe tHoliteman - asked. ' !"Vci,"'Terale4-Ithe'/rian - 444:14nalitlY;' I s ro I-4 1 I-14 s' ri fl.TFFlPP*l42li,:iffOrMi*: FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1946 —The:Tatler =NMI —The St. Bona Venture ER=9
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