PAGE FOUR BWOC's To Attend Dinner Because of their contributions to campus activities, approXimately 375 coeds are invited to Theta Sigma Phi's formal. Matrix Dinner at the Hotel State College 6:30 p. m. May 17, Nancy Carastro, president of the national journalism honorary announced. Stressing the fact that invitation to attend the affair is reecogni tion of leadership, Miss Carastro stated that coeds who are to attend will receive formal announcements early next week. Other guests will include Mrs. Ralph D. Hetzel, Dean of Women Charlotte E. Ray, and other nrominent Faculty women. As in former years, the honorary will present as guest speaker a women renowned in journalistic circles. This year's guest is Mrs. Flo rence Fisher Parry, columnist, for the Pittsburgh Press. Other entertainment, will be Theta Sigma Phi, and the awar ding of the honorary titles Quill Girl, Matrix Girl and Cap Girls to three coeds. Matrix Girl is chosen by the chapter on the basis of outstand iii6 rantribution to the College; Cap Girl, also picked by Theta Sigs, for versatility; and Quill Girl, voted upon by coeds as the most popular woman on campus. Nominees for Quill Girl have been submitted by Independent Women's Association, •Girls' Ser vice Organization, Cwens, Junior Service Board, and Mortar Boasd. Committees for the dinner are: Lucille Rosenbloom and Jeanne Thompson, Invitations; Audrey Ryback and Patricia Turk, ar rangements; Jean Bosch and Gert rude Lawatsch, entertainment; Phyllis Wolfgang, decorations. Who ran to help me when I fell And would some pretty story tell. Or kiss the place to make it well? My Mother. Ann Taylor Flowers from WOODRINGS Floral Gardens are a fitting compliment Phone 2045 Beaver Ave. Charles Kullman Amer . ica's Greatest Romantic Tenor Nan Merriman Protege of Toscanini Presented By The Pennsylvania State College Artists' Course Saturday, May 12, 8 P.M. 300 TICKETS will go on sale MONDAY, MAY 7 at the A. A. Office, Old Main. Price: $3, including tax. Richard Crooks tickets will also be honored at this concert a skit, presented by members of Coed Debate Slates Out-of-To‘iin Contests Women's debate team will par ticipate in four out-of-town con tests today and next week, accord ing to Clayton H. Schug, coach of the squad. An affirmative team composed of Roseann Wilson, constructive speaker, and Betsy Marshall, cross examiner, and a negative squad Which includes Jean Dalton, con structive speaker; and Ann. Stoltz, cross examiner, will debate- a Get tysburg coed team Friday. Jeanne Barinott, Betty Coplan, and Jean Gedeon will leave Mon day on ,a debate trip which will include three contests. Mrs. Paul Selsam will accompany the team. THE COLLEGIAN Women in —Cporto A Penn State coed swimming team tied for third place with New Jersey College for Women in the Intercollegiate telegraphic swimming meet for the Eastern region. Skidmore College placed first; University of Pennsylvania, second; Temple University, fourth; and Vassar College, fifth. -Ruth Black came in first in the 40-yard back crawl in. 28 seconds and in the 100-:yard back crawl in 1:21:1. In the 40-yard breast stroke Marilyn Glubisch placed first in 28:2 seconds. Gloria Woodward took fifth place in the 100-yard breast stroke in 1:44:2, and Black, Glo bisch, and Woodward took fifth in the 75-yard medley relay in 50:1 , seconds. Third and fourth places in the 75-yard individual Medley were taken in 58:7 and 58:9 seconds by Gldbisch and Black respectively. • Swimmers Place Third In' the National Telegraphic swimming meet the Lions took third place with Skidmore College placing first; DePaww University, second; New Jersey College for Women, 'fourth; and University of Pennsylvania, fifth. Black capped first hon.6 - rs in the 100-yard back crawl and second 'place in the 40-yard back crawl. Glabisch placed third in the 40- yard breast stroke. She came in fourth in the 75-yard individual medley' while Black tied for fifth place.. The team: Mickey Barnett, Ruth Black, Jean Eble, Catherine Garrett, Marilyn Globisch, Nan James, Lyndall Molthan, Betsy Ross, Gloria Woodward, and Lois Wy man. Intramural Softball Opens Atherton coeds copped the opening tilt of intramural . soft ball by defeating Mac Hall, 21-4. Women's Buildinl, won by de fault from Tri-Dorms and AOPi stopped the KD's, 16-10. All-College table tennis started this week. All games are played by single elimination. Mary Failor defeated Lois Turner, 2-1; Anita Geiger won over Julia Moore,. 2-1; and I. G. Cramer topped . Trinia Boocook, 2-0. Aim Re bowed to Connie Miceli, 2-0; Betty Mum ma blanked Betty Shenk, 2-0; and Claire Parks won over Kit Mendum, 2-0. In the bowling tourney Chi Omega keglers topped AChiO, 635-505. Frosh Customs Off Freshmen customs will be of ficially off at 5:30 p.m. today, according to Joan Schearrer, Judicial chairman. This includes ribbons and namecards for first semester freshmen, but does not mean move=up day for first or . second semester freshmen. M!!=ffi Senate Approves Changes Mary Margaret Dunlap, WSGA president, reviewed before Sen ate the proposed changes in the constitution of All-College Cabinet. After a discussion of the revisions, Senate unanimously approved them. The issue of selection of Judicial memlbers was thoroughly dis bursed. Judicial members are now chosen by WISGA with nominations from the floor requiring Senate's approval. These appointees remain in ofifice for the rest of their college careers. Jeanne Weaver, Panhel president, formulated a plan which calls for a Judicial nominating com mittee to be composed of repre sentatives of Cabinet, Miss , Char lotte E. Ray and Dean Arthur Warnock. Judicial members would hold office for only two semesters and would be elected in alternate semesters. However, a member could succeed herself. In an attempt to coordinate Ju dicial and Tribunal, a Senior Board will be set up composed of Judicial and Tribunal chairmen and the deans of men and women. The proposed board will draw up rules affecting both men and wo men. A suggestion presented to Cabi net, that a nominating committee which has the right of rejecting a nominee from the floor is consti tittionalV undemocratic, was con sidered. WSGA felt that the com mittee Was not fundamentally un democratic, and that another plan. might be dangerous. Sighbig for Shcintung? f • ,• •‘ ••:;giv , ... p , l4 d,' '7t z ' 'OIRI 6/w , . . . Who isn't? Hei•e's a honey of real silk att& rayon combined. A joy from the cap sleeves to the specially nice full peplum and big, shiny butteyplate buttons. MITCH ELLS' DRESS SHOP ~124 E. Colleg FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Three-Year Day Course Four-Year Evening Course CO-EDUCATIONAL Member Assn. of American Law Schools Under Accelerated Plan, Day Course may be completed in two years; Evening Course in two years and eight months. DAY and EVENING CLASSES FIRST YEAR CLASSES BEGIN - On June 11th and Sept., 24th, 1945, and February 4th, 1946. For further information address Registrar, Fordham University School of Law 302 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. , " ..,.I?.'. P Itiil V: 4, : ; Ave., E== NEW YORK =MS
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