FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 ASTP Unit Plans Formal Featuring Campus Owls ' The Army Specialized Training Unit will hold a formal dance in the Armory from 8 to 12 p.m. allay 19, The dance will be open only to army men stationed at the Col lege. . _ . Music will be provided by the Campus Owls. A queen will be Selected from nominees entered . by ASTP barracks, and the winner Will 'be escorted. by a guard of Donor to a throne erected for her. The throne and large posters of Arum -bearing soldiers will be the Main decorations for the dance. V-I 2 Officer transferred '• Is. Joel Taxman, Medical Of= lacer, USN - 4, who had been in `charge, of the Navy V-12 unit health service, was transferred to Columbia, .S. C.; Saturday. Dr. Ritenoiar now assumes Charge in his place. Saturday Night open House and Fireside Session 7:10 p.m. Guest Leader, Dr. W. P. Lem on, Ann Arbor, Mich. Chapel- Speaker. Student Department . 9:30 a.m. Worship service and discussion groups. Westminster Fellowship 6:20 p. in. Guest Speaker, Rev. Stan ton . Lautenschlager, .M. A.. Chengtu, China. He will also speak at 8 p. m. in the Pres byterian Church. • Thursday Morning Matins 7:00 a. m. Only Six More Sundays Before CommenceMent. Use Them, Wisely; „ t k_4' ofr - ' t, .s . ,MWOX VELVA LEG FILM for really exquisite ..":4,.,:;>" • legs Sun Beige nom Sun Bronze medium Sun Copper dark 4(..g• .400:401goi .17 . • You idea of how , lovely your legs can look until you try•Velva leg Film . deliciously smooth in texture, easy to use, • dependably fast color. It comes in three shades, to suit every occasion, complement every costume . goes on in a jiffy. Wbter resistant, stays on until you wash it off, wins compli ments from every beholder: Approximately 20 pairs in the soz. bottle,l.oo Almost 50 pairs In the .7 ‘. 12 oz. economy size, 2.00 SLEEK . the fragrant cream '; that removes hair and leaves the legs satin smooth,l.oo Prices plus foxes McLanaha►n's S. Allen St. Mortar Board meeting, WSGA room, White Hall, 6:30 p. m.. Owens meeting, Dean of Wo men's office, Old Main, 7 p. m.. Sabbath ve Services, Hillel FOundation, 7:30 p. m. • • •.' Treble Singtrs Concert, .Schwab Auditorium, .8:30 p, m. "Anchor 4 Aweigh",. V-12 dahoe, Armory, 8-12 p. m. ..Chapel SerVice.% Sewab Audi torium, 11 a. m. . Evangelical Youth Fellowship meeting, Evangelical Church,. 6:15 p. m.- • Netvman Club meeting, 110 Home Ec 2 p .m, , • MONDAY Phys. Ed. Student Council meet ing, White Hell, 5 p. m. Orchestra rehearsal, 117 Car negie Hall, 7 p .m. Penn State Engineer meeting, 2 Aimory, 7:30 p.'rri. WRA Executive Board meeting, WRA lounge, White Hall, 6:45 p • Penn State Treble Singers re hearsal; 117 Carnegie', 7 p. m. Collegian candidates for, adver tising staff, Ad office, Carnegie, 7 n. m. Collegian candidates for edlior ial staff, Collegian office, Carneg ie, first. semester 7 n. m., second semester, 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY . Intramural Board meeting, WRA-lounge, 4:30 p. m. Junior Service Board meeting, Dean of Women's office, Old IVrain,, 5:10 n. m.' Newman Club Discussion Club, Our Lady of Victory Rectory, 7 p. m. Ag Sttident • Council meeting, 109 Ag Building, 7:30 p. m. Blue Band rehearsal, 147 Car negie, 7 p. rn. WSGA Meeting; WSGA.' room, White Hall, 7 p. m. WRA. Club Presidents' meeting, WRA . lounge,. White Hall, 5 p. m. House of Representatives meet- - ing, 305 Old Main, 5:15 p. m. Lakonides meeting, WRA lounge, White Hall . , 6:45 p. m. Choir rehearsal, 117 Carnegie, 7 p. m. Radical Clique meeting, 405 Old Main, 7:30 p. m. Red Cross Control Board and Committee Chairman meeting, 405 Old Main, 8:30 p. m. Philip Groggins Delivers Annual Priestley Series Philip H., Grogigins of the War Food Administration will deliv er the nineteenth annual series of Priestley Lectures in 119 New Physics next week, Monday through Friday. The lectures will be held at 6:00 p. m. Thursday, and at 7:30 on the other evenings. Monday's talk will include an introduction explaining the importance of chemicals in the production and processing of foods, and the first topic, "Fertilizer ChemiCals and Crop production," . CHARLS SHOP LAST TWO DAYS • • - CLEARANCE SALE! , • FRIDAY •Ift SATURDAY . SPRING COATS . • .were 527.50-4-NOl4 $20:50 DRESSES- 7 - 1 / 2 PRICE cHARLEs, SHOP , ., • State Canada Calendar - TODAY TOMORROW SUNDAY, TUESDAY THURSDAY THE COLLEGIAN 278 Freshmen Enroll For Summer Semester liwo hundred seventy - eight freshmen have been admitted for the summer semester, 'Registrar William S. Hoffman announced today. Of this number 193 are men and 85, women. This group includes 65 (men and 48 women who relic in the highest one fifth of their graduating !class. Nine men and eight women have WILLIAM S. HOFFMAN Schug Announces Dates For Speaking Contest Entrants in the All-College Speaking Contest scheduled for May 18 must register in 121 Sparks 7:30 p.m. Thursday, according to Clayton H. Schug, chairman of the committee in charge. Each student planning to par ticipate in the contest will select his topic at the Thursday meeting and will be assigned to one of ten elimination sections. Topics may be- selected from lists provided or may be of the entrant's own choos ing, if approved by the committee. All undergraduates, except previ ous prize winners, are eligible. The College will award the $5O first prize and Forensic Council $25 as second prize. Each -contestant will speak for five minutes on his topic 7:30 p.m. May 14. Participants will meet in assigned rooms. One person will be ckisen from each group to speak in the semi-finals in 12:1 Sparks at S p.m. the same night. Alumni Casualties More alumni .casualties were re ported in April than in any other month since Pearl Harbor,, accor ding to Hugh R. Riley, assistant executive secretary of the Alum ni 'Association. In this period 18 were killed and 7 were reported missing. This brings the total known to 226 killed, 51 missing, and 40 prisoners of war. Dispensary Treats 2866 The dispensary treated 233 ASTP's, 204 sailors, and 2,429 ci vilian students, or a total of 2,866 for March. In the .same time, 34 ASTP's, 7 sailors, and 43 civilian students were hospitalized at the infirmary for an average of three days each. been accepted from other states. For the Tall semester, 50 men and 324 women have already been admitted making a total of 374. Two ' hundred twenty-eight of these rank in the highest fifth, and 21 are from out of state. • The. majority of men •admitted for the summer semester are 17- year olds, anxious to begin their :education before • entering mili tary service, „Registrar Hoffman Pointed: out. Applicants admitted to the var ious' schools are as follows: Agri , - culture--17. men, 2 women; Chem istry and Physics-49 men, 10 Women; Lower Division-33 men, 48 women; Mineral Industries-8 men; Engineeringso men; Edu cation-4 men, 13 women; Phys ical Educationi men, 8 women. Twenty-eight men and four wom en have not yet been accepted in a particular course. Penn State Engineer Offers $5O Scholarship Juniors who are in the upper iten percent of their clasp in the School of Engineering or Mineral Industries or in the curriculum 'of chemical engineering may still apply for the $5O award being offered by the Penn State En gineer. Applications may be obtained at Student Union or the Engineer office, 2 Aniuory. All applica tions must be returned on or be !fore May 14. FRATERNITY JEWELRY LOCATED IN THE ATHLETIC STORE no stain 'no spjal method hair eraser If .you 'd like' glamorous l leg s an fi hd 'de sn't .-:h A e'dithe fr sti,"mustr v ßuo 1 A i r dainty disc Wonderstoen7gentlyerer7 TourAskin Compictely haiitfreelygd a rE2yours for the u s ing., Nothing to pietEiV - It's easy, sai; pleasant`; leaves no stubble. One )IV4WFSMarails a whole] season_! McLariahads , S.Allen St. Registrar Announces The Registrar's Office announceB that many students, including those who enrolled in 1944, haves not come for their matriculation cards. Students who have not informec the Registrar's Office of a new oz !changed College address are urge( to do so. „toot at 'THE HASTY HEART' Coyninf soon L. G. BALFOUR , • *7. %ic-A•44-,(•N. their les! PAGE THREE ', State College
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