FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1943 . Conger, .New Lion Track NYU. Downs State .fagers; First to Beat Lo. , • Nurmi in 1928 Olympics fi . .:I,lis Lion . 1.5-Game Streak Ray Conger, recently elected to . . serve as cross-country and track ' By . DON WEBB -------,..---,-.---------'------ coach during the absence of Chick • Led by Sophomore Jerry Werner who joined the Navy, is ,Fleishman, an undefeated New 1.1011 CO'c.aptain getting his indoor track squad in 'YO-rk University quintet dropped to shape for the coming spring lienn State from the unbeaten ----- - -. . ' 'rgriks as They whipped the' Lions .competition. „by-a .49 to 40 count before aca A member of the American :pacitY•ei-Owd of 18,000 at Madison Olympic team in 1928 and the first ,Square 'Garden, .New :York City, runner to beat the great Finn, :.W'edifesdaY 'evening.',, '. ,• • '. '' . ' Pimlico • Nurmi, in the mile run, ,- In winning, - the Violets.. Conger will assume head coaching .. . .ped a-15-game Lion victory streak duties, "for the duration." ' ,wiiich had extended. since mid- Graduating from the lowa State ... . way through last Season: The .New College in 1927 where he starred -.Yorkers also stretched their own for three years on the track team, ... . .. • winning . streak to seven thus far Ray* went on to further Conipeti . this winter. . tion when he joined the Illinois With Co-captain . Johnny . . Egli A. C. squad, and competed in the out of the contest with a sprained one-half mile and mile runs util ankle and Bob Beck and Dave 1932. Hornstein banished from . the. tilt In 1936 he came to the College - . . L . •on fouls, theawthermen . 'found as an instructor in the School of ,• • themselveswithout the regulai- Physical Education and Athletics, Jdefensive back line, which spell- and now holds the rank of assis 'ed doom for any ray of hope that tant professor, besides his coach •the Penn State fans held in the -final period. • Although opponents for the Early in the .game Hornstein Lion track team have not been put the , Lions mit in front - by selected, the runners are getting dropping two fouls through the into shape by use of the upstairs • net. After NYU had scored three, track in Rec Hall. :•Whitey VonNieda 'scored- the find The Lion squad will laek the 'of his six. field. goali and put the services of Mac Smith until Febru . visitors out in front by a 4 to 3 ary as a result of an appendicitis count. ' • • '•• • HERK „BALTIMORE operation, while Jerry Karver,. ' :With 'l2' minutes • remaining in . - . -.-, ~ .: .• • --, another one of Conger's varsity the half, Fleishman and' his team- : ~. well as - ace otinerng fOr, eleven . trackine . n,' is back at the helm af- . mates . garnered: . thgee - ".field 'gitials • Nittany points, ,and Whitey voh.: ter a tonsillectomy operation. ... '...:an21.-' were iievei . 7 headed through- Nieda, Who - 1 beWildered.7`the:,:ori- Norm', Gordon,: a member .of , Out 'the rest: Of- the laine..The -half `PoightS - .'with n'is' . iiiee'Cl• aid ine:: e . t4m:•=Statels . '42 ,phamPion track ' • - enilea' . 4ilfftiie:.hie'ai-th . :iffiiiiit ..Ce . et al"'shOts; , - • - -.• • • .'• ~,.. squad,. is back' in College taking ' •;:t) . .: 4.'2. , :.ti=i-:#.l•scbie;. , ' • .-..: ' • 1., : ,plik`Cjefeat' :lints the' LiOn's sea- • gradute' • wOrk. ' ' Gordon ' has' re-: '. • ;The.- ,. goCond. :''half'' was .'"'elyenty . 'son's record'. at . three .:gaines Won ceived an invitation to eompete,, . - matched; laft,•Fleishri*e six field '.. - aiiaa - ii - igte . ..cpnfe4: : :lot - . :. .: : in ',the one_half or . two-Mila . .;run' of ': "goals. ,on ' , niaryelous- trie . kiirove'd -. ......-::Oer; "a'. shOte.,:'kilniinage,', 'fast'' , the ` ' Mitrose :. Meet ..' in '.iVladisan ,. Id '. 1?e ;the' _Winning inargin, - ..: -7' night; the • L'ions - -Wind - up'p'factlce : 'fSoaj'e..Parden . February . ::, The ", 6 titgAildiiig •.'. players" ..for Y . the'seSiiinis - ' lei - the' 'SattirdaY'' night - Lio . n , •sg4d has aio 'iieeri inVifed - ? 'Lions Were ;-Dave - H*stein, Who :tilt with Temple ` . 'at'- 'Convention to enter a team in the 'One or'tWo- 'yilaY - ed 'a'.firi.e. ;aeferisive*.garrie 'as Hall, Philadelphia. mile relay competition. • ' . ...... ENGINEERING STOPENTS7-- DRAWING SETS-4 & . • SLIDE RULE-44 E Ilc. l :;99lP.M.f.ltfilri , . .. . • , .. .. . . . . -- - . - . ... • . . , • - - • I : ~.,. ~.... .. • .. . . . :. • i . . - - . • ' 'ti , '- . r. ,„, , • . t ; • . • ..„, . t . . .\ . „,,,...,., j..,. - ,..- .... . _,, ... I , t •• ~.,.,. •.. . 1 . • •, ' ' illP • . PI ONIE 2I 8 • OPPOSITE IAIN GATE - OPEN EVENINGS T., ' ~ .! .. ) / . \ . • . . , .. ...,. , .... ' Y i • • HAND BOOKS $90,41049,4,A 1 0. : - .0411410.4*Awit.5. ' 'Poems gfik;!E.T : B44.lggpleMplr B.P.POP . P),UIP,M4ir ew ,and Use" oFFlct,AlLGvAksiuln,r; THE DAILY COLLEGIAN PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY STUDENTS— HANDBOOK DRAWING NIT LAB APRON SLIDE RULE STENCILS BETWEEN THE LIONS You know, folks, this college could use a lot more fellows like Coach John Lawther around here in these troubled times. Only last week Lawther enter tained very high hopes of sending his basketball team into Madison Square Garden to wallop high-fly ing NYU. But Monday night he lost ,ColcEg)fain John Egli, who pOed,up with a bad Iprqiii . at ppiCtice. AruL to fop git, Egli's replacement, Bob Beck, fouled himse l f out of the }4Y1.1 . game before he was in long enough to become acquOnted with the ball. Another third. of his defensive TODAY SAT.- MON. STATIONERY PEN-PENCILS- By BEN BAILEY, Sports Editor line, Dave Hornstein, followed closely on Beck's heels. With his sliding zone almost completely stalled, Lawther switched Larry Gent and Jim Lawther to the guard spots. Despite these terrific odds, the boys made a fight of it all the way; finally losing by a 49-40 score. 'Tis . said that some coaches have gone off the deep end with less provo cation than that, but not Lawther. Last night I finally tiptoed into Rec Hall after casing the place fOr 15 minutes, and found LaWther not only smiling, but occasionally laughing—he still believes 1943 has great possibilities. ' 'r • LAUNDRY CASES- AL ARM CLOCKS- PAGE THREE Shows At 1:30, 3:00, 6:54. 8:45. DESK PADS--
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