W_GE roun "Autriliss-Virlight Accepls 3 Coeds Training Other interviews S;(ell for January woMen who applied for Curtiss-Wright Aircraft Cor tp,.:ation engineering training ~ o urse were accepted, according to Mar; ; - McLeod, the company's : . !Tresentative who was on campus Yriday and. Saturday interviewing applicants. Coeds who passed the test are flimiors Ruth F. Cromer and Louise A. Wilski; and Sophomores Mary 1). Moyer, Elizabeth J. Quiggle, 'Norma A. Schweizer, 'Marian E. Smith, Betty Ann Speer and Gail 'l:w ichell. Miss MCLeod may interview other women on campus in Janu ary, and those wishing to see her maiKe arrangements 'now through the dean of -women's of- Alumni ant specially urged by ?41iss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, to take advantage of the training which the course offers. Coeds and alumni who desire in_ torl,iews during Christmas vaca tion may write Miss McLeod at Curtiss-WL igh t Aircraft Corpora -1 Passaic, N. J. Women taking the courses will stationed at eight universities throughout the country, -and will ) . t. , ceive tuition, room and. board free, and a salary of $lO per week from the corporation. The course, which begins Feb )nary 1, will be divided into two fivo,..montim semesters. Training during the first period will involve ilckground. material, including Inathernatics, elementary engineer ing, physics, chemistry, applied mechanical drafting, slide rule and ::hop practice. The second semei:4ler will deal with . 'specialized work in either air-trame or propeller divisions. Advanced, curricula will stress subjects such as production engi wering,, design (electrical, struc tural and mechanical), electrical currents and systems, orientation and product terminology, aero-dy »arnics, and stress analysis. ffonorary /Awards Sichotardiips to fomr Cwens, sophomore women's ac tivities honorary, has awarded $5O wliolarships to four sophomore women for outstanding scholarship :n Id extra -curricular activities, Mary Grace Longenecker '45, Cwens president, announced. •Coeds receiving' scholarships are );lien A. Byers, Alice E. Drumm, lloberta B. Nicholls and Mary T. Pickering. Flinds for the scholarships which ;•re awarded. annually are derived frorn proceeds-of the Cwens dance. ~~ ~?-~ ~T~t~~ Merry Christmas Penn State Students and Best of Luck to the Graduating Seniors Christmas and Commencement Gifts Can Re Purchased at— • BEA - a DERICK, Inc. • YI.K ,(3'T • Melville Succeeds Zang As Assistant To Dean We,, 540 VlJoinnen That Old Wish is Here Again . William Henry Harrison once advised, "Forget the false, forgive the foe . . . for who may say that Christmas Day may ever come to host or guest again." Charles Dickens said, "My best wishes for . . . your long liveS and your true prosperities. Worth twenty pounds good if they are delivered as I send them." . . . Here's a final preScription added, "To be taken for Life." Eugene Field set an example by saying that "Jest 'fore Christmas I'm as good as I kin be." A traditional old English carol says, "God rest ye merry, gentle men." The angel proclaimed, "Peace on earth, good will toward men." A popular song says, "May all your Christmases be white." Colonel Stoopnagle would prob ably say, "Christmas is stuff which when you meet someone on the street on or before it you wish him a merry." "God bless ,us, everyone," said Tiny Tim. - So the best has been said. May we merely add our sincerest "Merry Christmas." Delta Alpha Delta, local wo men's debate honorary, initiated four pledges Sunday. Initiates include Ruth M. Clyde '43 and Sophomores Mary L. Cas anave, C. GraCe Goodlin and Rosa lind B. Schnitzer. _4g ..`24.. STATt— "One of Our Aircraft Is Missing." NITTANY— "Pardon My Sarong." CATHAUM— "Varsity Show." To All NEXT TO THE BANX CLCCX Becomes Freshman Dean Succeeding Ruth H. Zang who leaves campus December 17, Edith J. Melville will become assistant to the dean in charge of freshman women, in January. Miss Melville has .been secretary to the dean of women since September 1. Formerly of Swarthmore, .the new assistant • dean attended Swarthmore College, where she re ceived a bachelor of arts degree in English and psychology. She is also a graduate of Pierce Business School, Philadelphia. "I have already become very much interested in freshman wo men at Penn State, and am looking forward to knowing them - better," Miss Melville said. "I have been much impressed with the friendly and 'cooperative spirit of the coeds among — their class mates and with the dean's staff," she continued. Before coming to the College, Miss. Melville worked in the sales personnel department of the At lantic Refining Company in Phila delphia. She is the daughter of Andrew H. Melville, associate professor of economics. Miss Zang, who has been dean of freshman women since 1941 and a member of the dean's staff since 1939, has accepted a position in personnel work in the engineering department of Brewster Aeronau tics Corporation. She stated that she expects to be stationed in Philadelphia for about three months. Senior coeds living in Benedict House, home economics manage- Ruth L. Bonde, assistant professor ment house, will entertain Miss of home economics, at a Christmas party at .6 o'clock tonight. Read Daily► Collegian Classifieds HELP WANTED—Mature, experi- FOR SALE—One LOG tog duplex enced student to fire furnace for decitrig slide rule. Never been room. Private home after holt:. used. Reasonable. Also one 6x9 days. Phone 2137 at mealtime. loose-leaf notebook. Call Ralph, 4324. 2tpd5R.15,16. FOOM FOR RENT—Nice room for woman graduate student or ma ture clerical worker. Excellent lo- Rides Want ed-- cation. Phone 2137 at mealtime. RW—To Meadville or vicinity Dec. 19. Leave noon: Call Don at 2900. 2t pd 11,12,15,16 EAal'l START OUT—The New Year with the KNOCK OUT. Jan. 15, All- College Informal Dance. Jive by Collegians. ltchgleßAM. FOR RENT Several double and single rooms. Double, $2.50; sin.. RW—(2)--,--To Franklin, Meadville. gle, $3.00 per week. Mrs. Noll, 352 or vicinity. Leave December 19, E. College Ave. - ltchg-16-MKH afternbon. Call Wayne, 4859. 2tc0mp15,16-S. TOR RENT—Single and double room. Shower and single beds. College Heights section.• Phone R l ,VPittsburgh or near vicinity 2174. Adams Ave. ltpßls. Leave Friday after 3p' m, Call Harry, 4163. . .2t-15-16 FOR RENT—Single and double rooms, Warm. Close to campus. IA To Little Rock, St. Louis, or Call 3332. Ask for .Kimmel. Ad pouts enroute. Leave Saturday dress, 243 South Pugh. noon. Phone 3216. 4t comp 11, 12, 16, 17 RMB FOR RENT—Large front room. RW—T< Franklin, Sharon, Mead- Twin beds, steam heat. One-half Ville or vicinity. Leave Friday pi block from campus. $2.50. Call afternoon 01 Saturday, Call Tom. 2783. , 3t pd Ll, 12, 16 BF 4003. It ohg WR THE DAILY: COLLEGIAN Edith J. Melville, secretary to the dean of women, will become assistant dean in charge of freshman women, succeeding Miss Ruth H. Zang. 'Miss Zang has accepted a position in per sonnel work in the engineering department of Brewster Aero nautics Corporation and will leave campus December 17. Miss Melville is a graduate of Swarthmore College, where she received a bachelor of arts de gree in 'English and psychology, and of Pierce Business College Philadelphia. The new assistant dean will assume her duties in January. IM:=11 Swarthmore Graduate 'interested in Frost)" Frosh May Attend Sing Freshman women may attend the Christmas carol sing in front of Old Main at 8 o'clock tonight but• may not date for the affair, Marion C. Dougherty '44, Judicial chairman, stated last night. Un derclass coeds must attend and re turn from the sing in groups, ac.. cording to Miss Dougherty. Christmas Drive Lacks $173 for WSGA's Goal WSGA Christmas drive has not yet reached its goal which was set for $4OO. All coeds who have not contrib uted to the drive can still do so until noon today, Patricia Diener '45, speaker of WSGA House of Representatives, announced last night. Contributions may be taken to the 'dean of women's office, ac cording to Miss Nina M. Bentley, assistant to the dean of women. Receipts from the drive will be divided among the Mifflin County 'Children's Aid Fund, Mrs. Hetzel's Emergency Loan /Fund, and the American Women's HoSpital Corps. Checks for these organizations will be sent out before Christmas. PHA Will Sponsor Christmas Music Hour A special Christmas Music Hour of recorded music will be spon= sored by PSCA in the Hugh Bea. ver Room, 304 Old Main, at .4:15 today. The room will be decorated with two Christmas trees and re freshments will be served, Galen Alexander, chairman, announced. "Tristan , and Isolde" by Wagner and Christmas carols recorded by Madame Schumann-Heink will . be played. Dean Asks information Dean of Women Charlotte-E. Ray lest night requested that women graduating this semester inform the staff of the dean's office as soon as possible of their new addresses, positions, and change in name if they marry after graduation. .. Miss Ray stressed that it is particularly important for co eds to send this information if they have not obtained posi tions since it may be possible for the dean's staff to place them. Miss Ray said that this action will relieve the office of much correspondence work and pre vent extra strain on government mail service. The dean reminded coeds that Lieut. R. Alden Richardson. recruiting Officer from the Har risburg recruiting. and induction center, will sneak in Room 3 White Hall at 4:15 this after noon. W.—To Cleveland, leave Sat urday. Call Nick, 3332. 2tcomp. RTK. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBR 16, 19,!2`;,' Independents Plan Informal Dance "Knock-out Round" is the theme of the informal dance planned •by, four independent men's and. wo men's organizations for (Recreation. Hall Friday, January 15. Sonny Roye's Collegians will play from 9 to 12 midnight,. Penn State' Club,. Philotes, IWA, and IMA are cooperating in spon.. scring the All-College Dance, and" the proceeds will be divided among the four c'rganizations and used fbr a: second dance. Admission will be $l.lO a couple. Ray A. Zaroda '44, Penn . State Club, is general chairman for the dance. He will be assisted by Her. nard A. Koval '44, Penn State, Club, publicity . chairman; Jane E. Booth '43, Philotes, theme chair man; (Marjorie A. Magargel '44, IWA, orchestra chairman; and Robert .D. Rath, '44; IMA, ticket,. chairman. College 'To Offer Undergra.duateCoeds Course hi. Maps To comply : with an urgent need for women map-makers, the :United States Office of Education will offer next semester a. course in cartography, Geography 100, which will qualify seniors and un-. dergraduates completing it. fcir work in this , branch of national de.: fense. Prof. 'Raymond E. (Murphy, as sociate professor of geography, stated that this work includes reading information on published maps or aerial photographs, draft ing maps for final publication, and plotting mosaics of aerial photo graphs. • • This plan has, proved successful at University of Wisconsin, Ohio State, and Syracuse University,. • Those interested in registering for this- course may gain 'further information from Miss Julia G. Brill, • associate professor ':of Eng r ' ; lish, composition, 240 Sparks Build irig, and Prof; Murphy,,lo9 Mineral IndustrieS Building. • Four Coeds Elected To Collegian Board Four sophomore coeds were eleced to the Collegian junior edi torial board yesterday. The new members are Margaret L. Good, Lee H. Learner,.M. Jane IVI9Ch6- ney, and Serene F. ROseriberg. _ These selected' were named. in addition to • the three sophomore coeds chosen earlier in the fall, They were Rita M. Belfonti, Alice R. Fox,..and Joan E. Piollet. • State, Coleg., Night -December . 26 - al frank Dailey ' s„ • MeadoWbroti Newark - Pompton Turnpike. Route No. 23, Cedar Grove; N. .1. CAB CALLOWAY and hit: • ORCHESTRA See Posters on Bulletin Bdards, for. name of chairman "hand 1,144. :. reservations Oewrite directly. MeadoWbrook: . . „
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