WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1942 BETWEEN THE LIONS ChenoWelh 'Sparkles : blows punctured Hawrylak's awk- For - lhakiiiien ' Carers : ward defepse and Jack was the Like the horsey who failed to Characteristic r what may be victor. vi Hensch, Company . keep his tail up and suffered sun= D's inexperi seen at Rec Hall in the future . nO ,stroke, our School of Physical Edu_enced boater, gave way to the that Army reserves will soon be w cation, is now' beginning to stew called into service, the first Army-blows by his opponent, Brown. Al_ in the welter .of : heated lampooning though Ilensch was shook by one Navy Night in the College's history o f Brown's wallops, he stood up by - students who • are disgusted saw , the i N t av3 , five e . 2. ,6. , . With its "do nothing" policy in the topple the Army until the bell for the fin cilierst. e as . .n , g• . .. - sounded matter of !building muscles on frailiah. Brown was awarded the de matches,the. mple frames about to answer the ri • bjng.• , cisinn... -. . independent Champs were able to Bugle's call, , ,•• Peterson of Company D was - win,one More ,bout then their fra- Company 7 *: . .IVI3/ curiosity 'Was aroused . last' ternity * OpPohenti and:take honors cramped by .the .crowding of his .week when the editor'of this Nei,. for the night with 4.4-3 tally-. _ - overweight.opponent, Dodson. •Pe ter-inquired of •thd . state and fate' Companies C and D both won terson was able to get in several. of -the 45000 which was presum- good body blows to take the bout. . two Matches in -: their 'tussles to ably • "earmarked" for the .9Stab" Share Victy • :,- ' . • Blows were very light in the lisimierit of an intensified physical • After' - Aaith - d - .the offensive llaassina-Murphy bout, but Ram . fitness program. sina edged .out his Company D • • • • throughout thefirst half of the tilt, • , opponent with several good Reviving the subject at this the: Army - was tied up by the de . late date *AY Saw as-futile fensiye playingirtf the "Blues" and Ru . kavina, Company D, who was as hiding the coffee cup after ' was unable to score . more then' the grounds are stolen, but eight points in the, second period. very fast on his feet, claimed vic tory when he was able to get wi,h just why wasn't, our $5OOO . The halftime score stood at 18-11 in the reach of Carothers, his lanky 'physical fitness program ever with the "Ithakimen" ahead, but ~ .opponent. The match went slowly, delivered? . • • soon after the first seven minutes ' although Rukavina did liven it un of the secorrd,"Pediod_had passed For months the Phys Ed School with several fast punches. with neither - team scoring, the has 'been. harping on the same Navy boys began to roll. Excellent string with the locker blues ex- . shots by Schemerhorn and Roelfs case. It is claimed that a shortage nut the "Gobs" out in front until of lockers and shower lieads makes - -- , the final whistle sounded. Mass .conditioning impossible . YOU • ChenoWeth;7 - tallying 6 . points, laugh, but that's a fact. - •• - was top player-for the Army five. Why I've seen fellows sit hours He was a stendout. on defensiVe on end vainly trying to solve those_ and offensive play, and his "off doohickie locks 'on the lockers they . _ e board" 'Wilt contributed. to the . ' do have, only to ,give up and hang . . - .. emessiveness of .the Army.' cag..'• • ; their -clothes on , a nail.' 'And yet • arra----- •- • • - . .rny - we ; have, to have more of . these - . e, . .: fanci.4rigies built before vire' can . The' bouts were not impressiv even begin a physical fitness pro-. although . several. boys . : brought,' . •. .- grata! ' -: - forth yells from:the crowd 'by their • aggressiveness - on' several occa:... Certain pal • seem to ,forget , ... . .- - : shine: 'COtione and Chavooshiari, that °each - week -more, and more . , 121.: . and ,165,-pohnd belters•reSp'ee-. Penn , . State males_ • ake 1 '' fol -'' *.'.tiVeiv` Won' hv .default.frOrri, 'their study lamp for the training camp, . -'. .-., . ~ .. • muscles or no muscles.. Who fraternity opponents. • cares'?- won' j • • nthe judges' decision over his . • - It'.sa standing olce.i ..n somelt . . opponent, oven, -AlPlia . Sigma . areas that you can tell a Penn phi: Both boys tired - early in. the State- man in ;camp • beCaUse second round , after slugging each • . lie. Army. provides .him With .• other-all..oyer the'ring.i..The final • a. potato 'peeling.; Machine for. 'round found Grim ';up against the .... KP. ause my duty. That . frightens me ropes on several occasions, butKe bec own case is typi . - ven did not .have the "punch" to • . ~ c al. • ._., gain the judges' nod. . , • Once - I tried to sneak in a few .Seragos left kept Shoemaker, puSh-ups, and.bad to have a fresh -• Alpha' Zeta, a safe distance away man hold my arms the next day as and then.put •the 135-pound frater- I lay down at the 'typewriter to pity -champ on the ropes in the' tap out a .itory.' I also sleep in a second stanza where he threw a rower bunk now, too. ; . few body blows that shook Shoe- Such incidents are discouraging maker. A cut over Serago's eye , .. as well as unnecessary; but I'll bet forced the judges to stop the bat ..there are scores of other students tle, but the independent champ 'in the same boat. A little initiative was awarded the decision ,for be lay-those in the position to do So ing in . the lead up to the finish. ' 'would work wonders for those of A left. that almost floored Cata us'who "never quite get around tonoso in the third round Sewed :up ' • exe . nising." • •--- the 'fight, for Ifarry, Kappa Sig . • I know the athletic instructors southpaw champion. The action • would only be too glad to 'help out. 'throughout the first two rounds, 'Phys Ed.niajors have alio Offered with - the exception Of loody,lblows . their : service's. . And we've. got ".by_ Barry, .was . , slow.: The -.winner's. acres . and acres of God's Country aggressiveneSs added to his gain in -'which to stretch out. ing the judges' nod. .. . , A right to the head of Mattern, Phi Delt,. by Wright,. 155 -pounder, floored the fraternity champ in the initial frame, but Mattern, slugged it out in the later rounds to. claim. victory. Most of the' bloWs landed on Wright's shoulder. "Rabbit . punches" by indepen dent heavyweight champ Hawry .lak 'on Banbury, Phi Delt, brought bdoes from the crowd during the • match. - Hdwever, Banbury's. body By BEN BAILEY Sports Editor The ROTC department is Aping wonderful job in toughening up its students, but that only takes. Ore . ef fresh Men and sophomor es. What ',shout the arlperclaii men7-the fellows who leave for camp' each week? Back in Octo'ber the students of Colgate Univelity petitioned for a compulsory ten hour a week "toughening up" program and got it. 'ickness is almost non-existent now at Colgate and theY're about ready, to - close up their infirmary. Pitt University has .two .oh stscle ,courses and requires all technical students as well: as those in the Reserires to , sched- ule A "toughening up" pro gyam. Penn, - Cornell. and Syracuse, to mention just a few, are far ahead of us in Their physical fitness pro grams.' If somebody. would .Only do the organizing, and ask all bleacher . athletes to don some old clothes to work out on the golf course thre,e.or • four times a . week, I'll :wager the response would be Well 'worth the effort. Time is groWing too short for most 'of us to pass up the opportunity., Navy five Sinks Army Squad, 31-16; IM, Ensign Fights Unimpressive COLLEGE SEAL JEWEi y Crabt THE DAILY COLLEGIAN —and we ' re glad your Holiday schedule •is arranged to permit travel before . and after the heavy rush • . - your trip home for the Holidays fortunately needn't coincide with the last minute pre-Christmas rush. You can be out of your last class , and on your way before the crowds are heaviest and return to college after the big rush. You'll be saying a bus, seat for a soldier on leave or a war worker at the only time he can go -- ind•you'll have a less crowded trip yourself. It's :important this . year to get tickets and information in advance and to leave as far ahead of Christmas as possible. Greyhound will make every effort to serve students on Holiday trips but you can . help by taking less baggage than usual, by going in mid-week if possible, and by taking unavoidable incon veniences or delay with . a smile. PENNSYLVANIA GREYHOUND LINES GREYHOUND POST HOUSES, Inc. St 1.110 1 '" ATER 146 North Atherton Street Phone 4181 4 44,10 es it 0 0 t • c yo u • E y UN 1. revs 6;-..v4:04 ; Er 5 Juniors Win Interclass Wrestling Tournament Winning by a two point margin, the class of '44 captured the In terclass Wrestling Tournament championship last Saturday after noon in Rec Hall before an esti mated crowd of 175 people. The juniors lead in team scor ing with 29 points; the seniors sec ond with 27; sophomores third with 14 and the freshman class last with a total of 13 points. For the juniors, Harry, Conrad, and Morgan each earned six points; Fanucci, Emmons, and Valenti eared three apiece; and two defaults, one to Harry and one to Morgan, provided the re mained of the junior's score. The leading scorers for the se niors were Ridenour, Lindsey, and Crabtree. Ridenour and Lindsey each scored five point's while Crabtree accounted for six. MOSCOW—A Russian commu nique announced last night that two mire villages in the Rosev , sector have been taken. On other fronts strong Axis counter-attacks have stormed the Russian advance. '14 1W . 1 ,,. ,: s•g' - , *A g.z.. ;iu EititS NO PLAGE LIKE 1100 ~'i~;lis(~t,A p. r;M . Zi , a PAGE THREE Phi Dells, PS Club Win Swim Prizes Phi Delta Theta, runners-up for the Fraternity swimming cham pionship for the past four years, finally came through last night with a rousing 33-17 victory over Alpha Chi Sigma, while the (Penn State Club, getting even for a loss in intramural football earlier this fall, defeated the Lions Club 30-20 for the Independent title. The Phi Delts got off to a flying start with Pomerene and Fife, beating out Alpha Chi Sig's Hor lok in the 660-yard free style, I)ut Alpha Chi Sigs Dipner and Wills took first and a third in the 60- yard breast stroke with Phi Delt Steidle second. After the fratern ity took the relay, Moriarta, Phi Delt, outdived Alpha Chi Sigs Dawson and Dipner to clinch the championship. For the Independents, the 660_ yard free style was won by Wright with Reifsynder and George trail ing. Lions Club's Ullman took the 60-yard breatstroke away from Reishard and George. . , .11‘'
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