TLMSDA,Y, NOV)MBEll 17;-. •3942 Nlttany .:-.Hattiers-lapture Second Place In, I (4-A Contest Lion Cagers December 5 18 Players Report for Daily Practice Fitted - against the • best teams-of tlie,..past -in • a 3 l r game schedule, tionxx state'§• baske;tqers , open. their winter campaign at Rec Hall De cember 5 , with the. .Ww.-aYS•sfOrmid , able Washington and - -Jefferson cazers. • T..,,a,unching. his seventh, seas.on, as head mentor of .Perin State's bas ketball. Saes, Coach lohix.l 4 awither wilt have almost, the. same team: .that won 17 - and lost two last sea son. Three of 'last year's District Two championship cagers have. been lost—co-captains Dick Grimes arid Elmer Gross—by graduation arid Bob Ramin to Uncle Sam's Navy.. 'These three men will not be so easy to replace, however. Elmer Gross was a ranking forward and high scorer for the Lions-on 'sev eral occasions Dick Grimes guard ed like a demon. and, was strong on, the defense. 13ob.Rannin!*. arnaZing long, shots will long be. r.emernber ecirhy Rec Hall fans. Letterman 'Dave 'H o rn,s. t e i n,. rapgy guard .and, center, NvUl; fo'r 0f..: the . departed.: guards white rnen like Whitey Von Nleda, Jim• La..:Ayther, anot.sid:Cdnen„h<ild oysers,fyiln Ja,.O.Are.les.varsity.. and, frkshnaii kit,4ls l :: for: Elie *,sivapienf. _ VPitc*PtaiPs ;li`f:47lV- Baltimore, and~. JOhnale:•Xelapok. atre-starters: alorr ',;,with' Ghent, •r star of, , lßenncStales' , Zl,wt .o*learis • win • over -11.1inOis. in.a.last k • -NCA4 teisketl,Wa,' 'o. l 4'nfY; ' , e41:04-red, tl arct.pla9e. iin awl aterndtvisiQn arid . Whi-ta, onintet.. espegially tunntng..fOr. cox-moll and I . keit Virginia,...t.he two ;teams, they droßed .decisions, to in the regullAr-schodulad season, laotn. of: thes, contests , w,ere away, ftoii horne t , so that the *Pena S r ta.te , five has, not_ Lost~ a home. tilt_ since the 1940-41 season—a streak Of 13 , straight home wins. • Additions to this year's schedule is : a pair of games with. Colgate and a contest with the North Carolina Pre4Flight Naval- Cadets. After a year's absence from Penn State's cage. card, Georgetown returns with two' frays scheduled. The only team that the Lions are dropping from their schedule is American Ilniversity. of Washing ton, D. C. The Nittanymen swamp ed- the, southern team in last Y'ear's Jr. Prom- "THE STARDUSTERS" NOVEMBER 20 s4moo Tax Included] DANCING 9.1 Open With Basketball Schedule. For 19x42'=431 son Cards ; = 2LTilts Dec. s—Wash. •and Jeff. Dec. 9:—Sustigehanna Dee. 12- 7 8.ucknelki 4a ., Jan. El r -Nev York. ; ll. Jan. 9—TerripLe...i.:-.0- Jan: 13—,5irractise Jan. 15—.. Carnegie Tech Jan. 16r—Pitt Jan. 23—Colgate Jan. 30—West 'Vieginia Feb. 4—Georgotowff4 Feb. s—North Carolina Pre-Flight't adets Feb. 6--. Navy Feb. 10—West Virginia Feb. 11—Army Feb. 20—Fitt Feb. 21.—Texpple Mar. 3,.-Cartiegie.7_Tech Mar. 13--Georgetown • Mar. 12—Colgate . Mar. 13—Syracuse""- Syracuse Films Shown In 111 Sparks-bnight Motion pictures . of the 18-13,vic . -4 tory of • the Nittany , Lion, over, the Big; grange• of syr a:ewe,. two.'Sat,- -urda lag°, will; be"ShoN,m,. tonight - in 121, Sparks. • • "••starthig• forTf.tbe, piax esUrne • og. the T:On-•.lrigtor3i, will either-. be.',1:30,...0r Q i elook.,. Herbert, &raybill' '44, .Chairman the , nrogram,, annolu'ieed,' • Earl :Edwards, Mlle- and - White. • end coach, will - naifate "the' silo* iu - PlaPe lieact - Ma - eh Bob, 73ig gins.,.who usually - tescribes plays • for the audience,,, Pictures of.the 1-7 upset of the Un, liter s.i t, y. of . 7:ennsylvania's' Quakers will, be shown next Tues day. -meeting-by a' top-heavy 53-26 tally. Fifteen players are fighting for starting assignments,in the Wash ington and Jefferson"' opener. Re turning lettermen , are Co-captains .John Egli and- Heim :Baltimore, Larry Ghent and Dave Hornstein. Others who have•,a good chance to edge these veterans from the first five are Bill Parkhill, Jim Lawther, Red Zelitdh, Lee Rein heimer, Bob Beck, Sid Cohen, Bob Miller, Whitey Von r- Neida, Jack .Biery, Don Carruthers, and "Perk" Stabley. Less Than a Week Left to Get Your Dale for leaturitig Charlie Spivak (The Sweetest Trumpet ,in the World) - JUNE MITTEN - 6ARQY STEVENS :Season w&.J Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Horne Away Away Sr. gall THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Rhode Island State Regains Team Title By DON WEBB Special to the Collegian NEW YORK CITY, N. Y., Nov. a valiant effort• to regain the IC-I-A cross-country cham pionship it lost eleven years ago, Penn State's veteran harrier team finished an excellent second to the • defending champions, Rhode Island. - State, in today's varsity meet on the Van Cortlandt Park Course. Trailing the Lions by four points was the favored New York University Violets squad. Man-. hattan and Yale followed far be, hind. • Once again it was the fifth man that stymied any Penn State hopes for the top, position. The Lion's "big four" all finished in the first twelve. Leading the Penn State contingent was steady CUrt Stone, junior letterman, who crossed the line in seventh place. In ninth place . vas another junior Lion harrier, Mac Smith. Captain Norm Gordon finished eleventh just ahead of Jerry Kar ver. Surprise of the meet from the Penn State viewpoint was Howard Horne, who finished fifth for the Wernermen and in forti eth position among 130 compe titors in the varsity race. Other Lions - to 'finish - were Mitchell Williams, freshmen ne gro_ star, in • seventieth place and. Joe .Beach, State- College runner, placing - number 78. Individual titliSt was freshman 'Prank Dixon, Jr., of new York University with a .time of .27:08.4. .This; does. -not compare favorab ly- . with. last; year's. 26:40.1 five little, winning effort of Leslie iljacMitchell: however, a strong wind .hindered runners - on the 'course today. . Runner-up for individual title was Leroy Schwarzkopf of Yale. Rhode Island's Ken Taylor fin ished third, seconds ahead of his teammate, Larry Barrett. The second place the Nittany men_ garnered is the best thdy have done on the "big town" classic since they won the meet in 1930. Several times the Lions have placed fourth; once they placed third, but that was the best they were able to do. In all, 29 teams competed in the varsity harrier test. Rhode Island State totaled 55 points: Penn State, 79 points; New York University, 83 points; and Man hattan, 135 points. Originally counted on to give the winners Breaks A Jinx Although Coach Chick Wer -ner's cross-country team did not win yesterday's IC4-A varsity run, they placed, an excellent second and thereby overcame an eleven, year jinx that had held Lion teams to thirds, fourths and lower ratings in the annual clas sic. some of its strongest competition was, Yale, who trailed miserably with 150 points. Michigan State, who had nev er finished• lower than second place in ten years of competition until last year when they . sunk to seventh, amassed: .a total of .168 - points for sixth. position. Mitchell Williams was a last minute' entry in the Lion's line up.- Oddly enough ; he replaced his: brother, .Rufus • Williams. In- making:: the change in the starting. seven, Coach Chick Wer ner said that he had been of)pos ed to using yearling runners over the longer five-mile course, but he thought that Mitchell, who was number one man on the now-a bandoned frosh team, would have YOU MAY USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN! ANNIVERSARY • .SCI le! STARTS. WEDNESDAY lES' and MEN'S WEAR • We 'are. celebrating our Men's Store's birthday but we are including the Ladies' Department LADIES • MEN Reg. to $14.95 Reg. to $35.00 Dresses $9,75 Suits . 126,95 Reg to $/0.95 Reg. to $29.50 Dresses. $5,95 Suits $17,95 $8.95 Odd Jackets . .$7,95 Reg. to Trousers $4,95 Reg. to $25.00 Reg. 55c Suits $ 18 .9$ Hosiery 3 for $1 Corduroy Coats $14.95 Odd Jackets . . 1195 PLEASE NOTE! • MERCHANDISE FROM OUR REGULAR FALL STOCK . . . NO EXCHANGES! ALL SALES FINAL . . TERMS CASH! s I ark Sho PAGE. SEI/W- IC4-A Statistics Team Scoring 1. Rhode Island State . 2. Penn State 3. New York University 4. Manhattan 5. Yale 6. Michigan State Individual Scoring 1. Dixon (NYU) time-27:08.4 2. Schwarzkopf (Y) 3. Taylor (RIS) 4. Barrett (RIS) s.•Zoellner (NYU) 6. Nichols (RIS) 7. Stone- (PS) 8. Castle (Y) 9. Smith (PS) 10. Welsh (Man) • 11. Gordon (PS) 12. Karver (PS) .40. Home (PS) 70. M. Williams (PS) 78. Beaoh (PS) Penn State 13, Penn 7 (Continued from page six) the most successful offenses of the afternoon. Ten minutes •after the game was over fans were seen leaving the stadium waving wood en souvenirs above their heads. The win sent Penn State's foot ball stock soaring to second place in the East behind untied, unde feated Boston College. With a vic tory over Pitt. next Saturday the Lions should plunge• right into the midst• of the present bowl specu lation. a better .chance of finishing high er in the standings than •would brother Rufe. Another team successfully de fended its _crown , when the Man hattan freshmen team .overwhel med all opponents in :taking thei title. The Jaspers gained 22 points in the --freshman meet while • the .runner-ups,, Syracuse,_ garnered 58 counters. Third place Cornell tailed with .82 points. Penn State did not enter a freshman team. VOTE YES FOR THE CHECK-OFF PLAN 83 135 150 168
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