PAGE EIGHT Four Panhellenic Officers To Be installed At Tea White Succeeds Keller As Panhel President Four new Panhellenic .officers ancl a new advisor will be in nialled at the Panhellenic instal lation tea in Atherton southwest lounge at 7:15 tonight, accord ing to Pauline E. Keller '43, re tiring president. Following the rotation system, Beatrice M. White *44. Phi Mu, will be next president, with Mar tha E. James '45, Delta Gamma, acting as vice-president and rush ing chairman. Miss James will succeed Miss White, according to Thanhel code. Dorothy J. Jennings '44 and Sally L. Hirshberg '44 will be Mstalled. as secretary and treasur urer respectively. Mrs. H. W. Loman, Kappa Del ta, who was also elected with Misses Jennings and Hirshberg at the last Panhel meeting, will be installed as' new Panhellenic ad visor succeeding Mrs. A. K. An- Gerson, Alpha Omicron Pi. Town alumni are elected advisors for two-year terms. According to Miss Keller, the tea will be closed to all except Panhel representatives or their alternates, members of the dean of women's staff, and advisors. Each sorority is allowed two re presentatives. The usual semi-monthly Pan -liel meeting will follow the tea. MCA Freshman Forum Cancels Today's Meeting Because of the International Stueent Day program in Schwab Auditorium tonight. PSCA Fresh man Forum will not meet as pre viously scheduled. Miss Agnes P. Highsmith, associate secretary of PSCA, announced yesterday. Election of officers, originally planned for tonight, will take place at the meeting next week. in the Hugh Beaver Room, 304 Old Main at 7 p. m. Miss Laura E. Drummond, di rector of home economics, was en tertained at dinner last night at enedict home economics practice Oiouse. The Daily Collegian.forsa Senlett& foOtilif.s.Bs With the addition of only $.85 to your fees, the Collegian will remain a student organization run by students for the students of Penn State. You need every bit of information possible in these uncertain times: THINK and VOTE YES for the check-off. Retires Today Pauline E. Keller '43 will relin quish her position as Panhellenic Council president to Beatrice M. White '44 at the Panhel installa tion tea tonight. WRA Board Names Party Committees Six committees for W R A Christmas Party, Friday, Decem ber .11, were appointed at WRA Club,. according to Elizabeth J. McKinley '45 WRA activities chairman. All coeds named to committees are • presiCents of WRA Activities Clubs. Martha J. Heverstick bowl ing, will be in charge of buying and distribution of refreshments, while Helen D. McKee '44. rifle. will handle decoration of White Hall lounge. Cooperating on entertainment and checking will be Beatrice M. White '44, badminton. and Pris cilla J. Cobb '45, outing. Joan K. Miller '45, swimming. was named invitations chairman. Special guests and school child ren will be invited. Mary Alice Carswell '44, arch ery, was appointed to buy and wrap gifts for school children. (UNDER THE CHECK-OFF): .. it All-College Cabinet Approves th a Epected Class Dues Reduction $.85 Added to your fees will T E 1-__A ILY COLLEGIAN • GIVE EVERY STUDENT A DAILY PAPER • GIVE BETTER COVERAGE OF LOCAL AND NATIONAL NEWS • ASSURE CONTINUED DAILY COVERAGE OF VITAL RESERVE NEWS AND WAR FLASHES THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Dormitory Plans Dessert Party A Student Faculty dessert party has been planned for Grange lounge at 7 p. m., tomorrow, Elea nor M. Freedman '44, domitory president, announced last night. Entertainment for the evening includes Leon Flook '43 and Rob er Herrmann '44 who will give two readings under the supervi sion of Mrs. Harriet Nesbit, in structor in speech. Edith Dobnoff '43 will sing, and Mary Doris Moyer will play a piano solo. Mrs. Neva M. Morris is dormitory hos tess, while Barbara E. Whitbred '43 is chairman, and Eleanor Freedman will act as Master of ceremonies. CLASSIFIED SECTION LOST—Pair shell-rimmed glasses in black leather case, between Electrical Engineering and Jordan Hall. Reward! Call Roz, 2nd floor 'Jordan. 3tch12,13,145R WANTED—Tuxedo, size 40, for Senior Ball. Call 4146: Ask for Henry. 3tpd13,14,16 LOST: A light brown covert ov ercoat taken from hanger, first floor Main Eng. Bldg. Please re turn• it, it's the only one I have. Put it back on the hanger, or call Leslie Paul, Ingleside Club. 2tpd. 17, 18RM LOST: Two books, "Ph:ys. Chem." (by Noyes and Sherrill) and "Thermo Dynamics"! (by Ever ett);'and a brown notebook. Ur gent, call Dick 2571. ltchßM LOST—Camosheen overcoat, third floor, Chem Physics Bldg. last Friday. Reward if returned. Call Fred Shaw 789. ltpdß LOST—Gas cap • and keys, some where in borough. Finder please call 2459. Ask for Marty or Cyril. apdl7,lBD LOST—Blue Ever Sharp pen on campus or town. Reward. Call 4953, Devlin. LOST—K & E slide rune. Name— Si Newman. Call Sid Swartz, 4991. 2tpdl7,lBSß WANTED—To buy—Tux or tails, size 37 long. Call 3188 anytime. Leave message. ltpdl7DW LOST—Pair of women's tan cape, skin gloves. Return to Student Union. ltpdl7Sß WOMEN IN SPORTS 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f IM basketball practice periods been scheduled tentatively foi are scheduled for this week, ac- last week cording to Mary Grace Longe necker '45, WRA Intramural man- '43 will sing, and Mary Doris Moy er '45 will play a piano solo. Mrs. ager. Yesterday, tomorrow and Thursday at 4 p. m. and today, to mororw, and Thursday at 7 p. m. were set as regular game periods. Play in the IM double elminina tions basketball tournament will begin Monday, November 23. Co eds desiring to play must register at least one practice period by Friday. Teams need not practice to gether; required periods can be fulfilled at any of• the hours list ed above. • Medical permits from the Col lege Health Service are needed for each player, Miss Longenecker stated. Members - of - downtown 'dormitories may play 'with any Campus dormitory . team.' Mary Alice Carswell. '44, will serve as WRA ArcherY Club pres ident while Florence Rothman. '44, is student-teaching. Other Arch ery Club officers recently elected are Nancy. Shrum, secretary, and Jean B. Ogden '45, treasurer. I==3 WRA Golf and Tennis Clubs have discontinued meetings until Spring, F. Doris Stevenson '44, WRA. publicity chairman, stated. WRA Outing Club will meet every other Thursday beginning Novem ber 19. Interclass soccer plans were cancelled because of bad weather and too few players. Games had LOST—Alligator Gold Seal Top coat in Sparks near Room 125, Monday, Nov. 9. Call Al 3142 or 4751. • 3tchLW Rides Wanted— R44—To Scranton or vicinity. Lv. Sat. Return Sunday. Call 855 after 6p. m. 4tpd,11,12,13,14REM RW—To Phila. or New York. Lv. Wed. or Thurs. Ret. Sun. Call Babs, 416 Watts Hall. 2.td117,18G RW—Detroit, Mich. Lv. anytime. Ret. anytime. Call Quigley 3155. stpdl7-21SR RAG —From Lewistown, meeting 3:49 p. m. westbound train on Friday, for three people. Call Saul 4163, leave mesage. • - ltchREM TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 17, 1942'..., White Hall will open for its weekly Playniglht from 7 to 10 p.m; Saturday. Members of WRA Golf Club are scheduled as hostesses and will serve Tefresihments. Usual facilities will be available to coeds. Greeks Entertain, Pledge, Elect Semester Heads, Sorority activities and elections boomed last night as Chi Omega pledges entertained actives at a. party and Alpha Omicron Pi pledg ed Margaret Wolfram '46. New officers elected last night by Sigma Delta Tau include C. Betty Friedman '44, president; Betty Aaron '44, vice-president; Rae • Weinstein '44, treasurer; Margaret Acker '44, recording se= cretarjr; • Ruth Posner '45, corres ponding secretary; , Myra Jacob son '46,, social - chairman; and Yvette Bermack '46, rushing' chairman.
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