PAGE Fault kepresenlafives, Council Members Elect IMagargel To lAA Presidency tndependent Group Plans Social Events tWA representatives and coun cil mrsTabers elected Marjorie A. 11Vr. , agargel '44 president, and Har riette Block '44, vice-president of lcidependeut Women's Association ut a meeting last night, according Hazel E. Gassman '43, retiring president. Other officers include recording 4 . ' , i.cretary, Mildred Cookerly '44; corresponding secretary, Norma )3.. Stern '44; treasurer, Mary L. Casanave '45; social chairman, June R. White '45; and athletic manager, Martha J. Haverstick '43. • • Freshman representatives who were recently elected. at dormi tory meetings are Watts Hall— Elizabeth Frasco, Elizabeth Luch ermeyer, and Lillian Wein, al ternate; Jordan Hall Helen SA:ha:idle, Norma Schwab, and Joan Newman, alternate. Irvin Hall—Ruth Huck, Sally Pollard. and Marian,, Horner, al ternate; Grange—Ann Sheffield; McAllister Hall—Marjorie Black wood and Florence Porter; Miles P.tree Dormitory Sara Etter; )Frazier Hall Martha J. Peach ;lad Phyllis Wolfgang; Davy Dor ) n itory—Dorothy Yackle. Martha Tobias is town repre .‘:entative. CHANGES SUGGESTED P. new plan was proposed whereby nominations will be 4nade by IWA representatives, rid elections will be open to all Independent coeds. According to Miss Gassmann, the plan, if ap proved by Dean of Women Char .3otte E. Ray and WSGA, will pro vide for popular vote in the selec tion of IWA officers. June R. White '45 is in charge of a committee to write a change Sri the constitution. This amend went will give the Independent ;:enator a vote in IWA nomina tions, Previously, the senator was an ex-ofricia member of The representative body. SOCIAL EVENTS PLANNED An informal victrola dance for those not attending the Perin game will be held in Grange playroom :from 8 p. m. until midnight Satur day. Admission will be 10 cents per person. Couples and stags will be admitted. A party for council members ond alternates will be held in Grange playroom from 7:30 until 9:30 p. m. Monday. Barbara E. Whitbred '43 and Norma R. Stern '44 are co-chairmen. A new series of dancing classes, open only to Independent women. will begin in Grange playroom from 6:30 until 8 p. m. Monday. :rice of admission to this class is 50 cents for four lessons. Inter ested coeds may contact Barbara . . If & 4i) ‘. Stag-Line ( • •• , . -'.< ) • z i, " s , 6 . 11 3trategy g?:,,,' • . . • , -?l:2,'; ‘ , Id:?- Adorable is the only I' ' SW, description for our selec- tio4 of popular priced (a S ''._. ,'. ',>,' evening gowns. Come in cit l i. zAnd find that dress for N. c ) , 1 .1# ~, \. t :cr, V '.t' Senior Ball. ,)f x. Yegal Find It Wise to .P.atronize the C I omartS 1 nop WRA Sponsors Soccer, Badminton Practice, Basketball, Playnight Although WRA intramural bas ketball team lists were due yes terday, coeds interested ma}• still register with Grace L. Judge '44, WRA intramural manager. Regu lar game series will begin next week. Rain caused cancellation of the scheduled junior - sophomore soc cer game on Holmes Field last night. The game will be played on Holmes Field at 4 o'clock today. WRA Badminton Club's new practice system includes practice periods Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4 p. m. and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 6:30. Instruction will be provided. Regu lar business meetings of the Club have not vet been scheduled. White Hall's weekly Playnight will be sponsored from 7 to 10 p. m. Saturday by WRA Golf Club, according to Elizabeth J. McKin ley '45, WRA activities chairman. Mortar Board Clears $302.30 In Stamp Sales Mortar Board, senior women's national honor society, collected a total of $302.30 for the month of October in Defense Stamp sales, according to Pauline Crossman '43, president. Almost 75 per cent of the entire amount was solicited in the form of defense-stamp corsages for Mili tary Ball, when Mortar Board members sold stamps nett in g $205.35. Student Union stamp dances held in the armory by Cwens, sophomore women's honorary, and Mortar Board, cleared $59.40, Miss Crossman state d. The stamp dances, previously held Monday and Wednesday from 4 until 5 p. in., were recently cancelled be 7 cause of rifle practice in the Ar mory. Stamps totaling $35.65 were sold Pledges recently elected the fol for the WRA football formal, while lowing officers: G. Rosen, presi at the Colgate game, $1.90 was dent; Rhea Silverstone, vice-pres cleared, Miss Grossman concluded. ident; Jacqueline Bader, secre tary; Joyce Greenberg, treasurer; and Florence Levinson, editor of the pledge paper. Sigma Dolts Hold Party Sigma Delta Tau will entertain Beta Sigma Rho at a party in first floor lounge, Atherton Hall, from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. E. S.Vhitbred '43, it was announced. Next IWA meeting will be held in 412 Old Main at 7 p. m. Novem ber 24. Miss Magargel and the newly-elected officers will pre side. TE{E DAILY COLLEGIAN PRA freshman Forum To Discuss Leadership Leadership will be the topic for discussion at the PSCA Cabinet of Freshman Women's Forum, in its first meeting in 304 Old Main at 6:30 tonight. Jean E. Hershberger '43, Harriet G. Van Riper '44, Claire L. Weaver '45, and Louise Ritter '46, will speak. The new Forum Cabinet mem bers include officers fr o m all Freshman Forum committees. Vera Owens, chairman, and Ruth Clark are in charge of the program. Pub licity was handled by Betty Shenk, chairman, and Patricia McClure. Margaret Claridge, chairman, and Dorothy Hake are in charge of worship. Recreation chairman was Thelma Lager, assisted by Joanne Nye. Lois McCoal, chair man, and Norma Milech composed the committee for WSCF, and Rosemary Carroll. chairman, and Mary T. Dairy, the committee for service. Sororities Gamma Phi Beta Gives Founders' Day Banquet A Founders' Day banquet cele brating the 68th anniversary of the founding of Gamma Phi Beta will be held in the Maple Room of Home Economics building at 7 o'- clock tonight. The banquet is in honor of pledges. Ruth E. Thomas '44 is general chairman, Margaret K. Ramaley '44 assistant chairman, and Shir ley R. Mason '43, publicity chair man. Mrs. George Leffler, Gamma Phi Beta province director, will be the guest speaker. AlumnA and rep resentatives from seven active chanters will be present. Gamma Phi Beta was founded at Syracuse University in 1874. • President Visits Phi Mu Phi Mu will entertain Mrs. F. H Hazelhurst, district 'president, at a tea from 4 to 5:30 this afternoon. Mrs. Hazelhurst is visiting the LOST—K&E log log decitrig slide sorority until Friday. rule. Sparks or New Physics Fri day, Nov. 6. Reward. Call Ennis RIA 7 (2)—Penn game. Leave Friday 2581. ' 3tpdlO,ll,l2PPM 4p. m. Return Sunday. Call Paul 4431. 2tpd AEPhi Holds Dance Alpha Epsilon Phi held an in formal dance attended by 60 cou ples in Grange playroom Friday night. BUY WAR BONDS• RW—To Phila. or Trenton. Leave RW—Warren or vicinity. Leave AND STAMPS Friday. Round trip. ;Call Stine or Saturday noon. Return Sunday. Ivory, 3141. 3tchlo,ll,l2SS Call 3439, ask for Ray. 2tcompß Calling 7%\ 11 Froshm THL -EETING For all those interested in experience in newspaper advertising and business. The Collegian .ffice earmegie Ha,l Departments Offer Courses Directed To Aid War Effort Putting more emphasis on courses related to the war, the Liberal Arts School will offer new courses next semester to help stu dents understand our Allies. The department of economics will offer courses in trade relations with Canada, Latin American trade, and wartime economy. His tory subjects scheduled are the history of Canada, historical back ground of World War 11, and his tory of Latin Europe. A course in the literature of the British dominions and one in the language and literature of Mexico and Argentina will be given by the department of English literature. A study of government in the Western Hemisphere will be added to the political science depart ment's course of study. • For those who are mathematic ally inclined, there will be a course in mathematical introduction to navigation. Problems of morale is a new contribution to the sociology department. A course with imme diate practical application is on the schedule of the commerce depart ment—office methods. CLASSIFIED SECTION WANTED- = arass, reed, and bass men for new campus dance band. Tryouts Thursday, Nov. 12, 8:30 p. m. 117 Carnegie Hall. • LOST—Black Parker pen. White squares. Call Cynthia, Ist floor Jordan Hall. ItpdßEiM LOST—CM Omega pn. F i n d i e r please call Marion 438. ltchAF FOR SALE—LaSalle Bicycle. Ex cellent condition. Good tires. $2O. Call 2571. Ask for Ed. 3tcompß CATHAUM: WANTED—Brass, reed. and bass "The Glass Key" men for new campus dance band. Try outs Thursday, NoVember 12, 8:30 p.m. Carnegie Hall Rides Wanted— RW—To Philly Friday afternoon. Call Kimmel 3332. 3tcompK RlV—Phila. to Penn game. Leave RW—To Scranton or vicinity. Lv. any time Friday, return Sunday. Sat. Return Sunday: Call 855 Call Dave 4636 2tpdlo,llß after 6 p.m. 4tpd,11,12,13,14REM RW—Shenandoah, Hazleton, or RW—To. Wilkes-Barre or virhllty. vicinity. Leave Friday. Call Leave Friday night. Return Sun. Marty Kutler, 4933 or 4862. 2t Call 3251. Ask for Duke.• 2tpdJM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1942 Storer Appoints HE Committees Committees appointed to nomin ate new representatives for the Home Economics Advisory Coun cil and to propose revisions of the constitution were appointed by Ruth M. Storer '44, acting' presi dent of the Home Economics Coun cil, at a meeting Thursday night. The nominations committee in cludes Dorothy Magor Kemper '43, Ruth E. Kocher '43, Ruth Hanni gan '44, and Ruth M. Storer '44. Margaret K. Ramaley '44 and Kathryn K. Metzger '45 are on the committee to revise the constitu tion. Election of officers will take place at the December meeting -of the council. Ruth M. Saylor '43 was com mittee chairman for the Home Economics birthday tea Friday.. Zeta Elects Officers; Initiates New Members At Zeta Tau Alpha elections yesterday, Constance M. Rea'dig '43 was chosen president; Ayelien C. Wolf '43, vice-president; June E. Conrad '44, treasurer; Lois J. Yost '44, secretary; Marcia H. Berg '44, historian; Elizabeth Senft '44, guard; Betty Louise - Mock '45, rushing chairman. . New members initiated recently are Katherine Woolever '43, Le nore M. Reeder •'44, Kathleen A. Hays '45, Jane N. Magee '45, Pa tricia A. Smith '45, .Ann Moor house '46, and Margaret. Stahl necker '46. 3tpd10,11,12 .JIB Mattig.l NITTANY: "Somewhere I'll Find You" STATE: RW—To Scranton or vicinity. Lv. Friday noon. Return anytime. Call Milt, 3446, or Collegian office. 3tc,10,11,12M8D 3tpd10,11,12 PW (3)—To Phila. Lv. Fai. 1-p.m. Return Sunday. Call 4125. itpdREM Monday, Nov. 16, 440 "Big Street"
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